Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd (6305) - Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review provides - you an in-depth strategic SWOT analysis of the company's businesses and operations. 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; Title Document; FY2018 Form 10-K Report (JCI plc) FY2018 10-K XBRL Files (JCI plc) FY2017 Form 10-K Report (JCI . Annual Securities Report - Hitachi Construction Machinery Hitachi ABB Power Grids in India* balances social, environmental and economic values. Laying the Groundwork for Integration Hitachi Sustainability Report. Future Construction Sites Envisioned by Hitachi Construction Machinery. 0000005791 00000 n Announcement Concerning Hitachi, Ltd.'s Decision to Make a Share Cash-Out Demand for Shares in the Company, the Company's Approval of the Share Cash-Out Demand, and Delisting of the Shares in the Company . The highest and lowest share prices are market prices on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Fiscal 2017. Risk Factors . Financial Section, ANNUAL REPORT (Year Ended March 31, 2020) PDF Revision History : September 15, 2020 P1, Debt/equity ratio (%) of 2020 Before Revision : 0.36, After Revision : 36.1. Contents. Annual Report Mar-2022. (2 new), As investors seek alpha, DVM strategies beat benchmarks by big margins, SBI aims to keep net bad loan ratio under 1%: Dinesh Khara, Results Declared in Last Two Days with both YoY and QoQ Profit Growth, MFs for your child's education or retirement, Technical Screeners (RSI, MFI, EMA/SMA and more), Trending Today: Stocks with Highest Dividend Yields, Just getting started? Before submitting your inquiry, it is necessary for you to read our Privacy Policy and consent to its contents. 0000005375 00000 n Business Report : Investor Relations : Hitachi Global Corporate Governance, etc. To get this report online and for any other information, log on to COMPANY OVERVIEW 02 Message from Chairman and Managing Director 04 About Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited 06 Board of Directors 07 Product Portfolio 09 Marketing Initiatives 11 Corporate Social Responsibility 13 Directors' Report and 0000003871 00000 n 2021 Annual Report. The Hitachi Sustainability Report, which presents non-financial information with an emphasis on comprehensiveness and searchability, is available for download. 0000007874 00000 n This annual report targets specialists and those highly interested in CSR. The Hitachi Metals Group Report 2020 (Integrated Report), All pages, two-page spread view (for viewing) (PDF, All pages, single-page view (for printing) (PDF, Message from the General Manager of the Finance Division (PDF, Message from the General Manager of Human Resources & General Administration Division (PDF, Financial/Non-Financial Highlights (PDF, Examples of Products That Help Realize a Sustainable Society (PDF, Message from the Chair of the Board of Directors (PDF, External ESG-Related Recognitions (PDF. Key Financial Data ., 2. Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended September 30, 2022 (IFRS) (PDF 560KB) Accordingly, the total of figures presented in columns or otherwise may not equal the total of the individual items. 0000002311 00000 n wb*)Y!VmY.QeLQ|pL+V-Kbf:'t!5ptx#i 2020 : Hitachi High-Tech GLOBAL Information on the Company's Stock, etc. Year ended Mar. 31, 2020 : Integrated Reports / Annual Reports : IR Annual Securities Report 56th term (from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. : SBIN, SIEMENS, News by Trendlyne Automotive Shock Absorbers: Global Strategic Business Report Investor Relations : Hitachi Integrated Report 2021 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) The HTS Group has published the Integrated Report from FY2020 in lieu of the conventional Annual Reports. Hitachi Energy India Ltd. - Annual reports for 2022, 2020, 2019 and 0 Integrated Reports / Annual Reports : IR Library : Investor Relations . To continue reading it, access the original document here. The figures for net assets per share and net income per share, basic and diluted, are calculated on the assumption that the Company conducted this share consolidation at the beginning of the 148th business term. Annual Reports Archive. HB Way / Brand Promise (PDF format, 238kBytes) Point of Integrated Report 2022 (PDF format, 964kBytes) At a Glance (PDF format, 294kBytes) Message from the Chairman (PDF format, 415kBytes) Message from the President (PDF format, 280kBytes) Report on a Fire Which Occurred at a Logistics Center of Hitachi Transport . pdf. Annual Report 2020 | Annual Report | ITOCHU Corporation Letters to Shareholders. Material Agreements, etc , 5. AUAL PT 22 3. Results performance, stock scores and trends, latest financials, asset ratios and margins. References in this document to the "Companies Act" are to the Companies Act of Japan and other laws and regulations amending and/or supplementing the Companies Act of Japan. hb```b``d`e``waf@ a 0WY2,'f011 Compare with peers and industry. Annual Securities Report From April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo . Achieving Autonomous Operation at Mines. Annual Report. The figures for total Hitachi, Ltd. stockholders' equity per share and earnings per share attributable to Hitachi, Ltd. stockholders, basic and diluted, are calculated on the assumption that the Company conducted this share consolidation at the beginning of the 148th business term. 58 yen of dividends per share for the 150th business term is the sum of 8 yen of the interim dividend per share before the share consolidation and 50 yen of the. Unless otherwise stated, in this document, where we present information in millions or hundreds of millions of yen, we have truncated amounts of less than one million or one hundred million, as the case may be. Hitachi : Annual Securities Report | MarketScreener 0000006867 00000 n Annual Report (From April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) 1. Business Activities and Results of Business . Hitachi : Annual Securities Report (PDF format, 6,351 kBytes) 58 0 obj <> endobj xref 58 32 0000000016 00000 n Financial results | Hitachi Energy Summary of Capital Investment, etc. Certain information in "Part I. Effective from the 150th business term, the Company adopted the "Partial Amendments to Accounting Standard for Tax Effect Accounting" (ASBJ Statement No.28, February 16, 2018) and the "Implementation Guidance on Tax Effect Accounting" (ASBJ Guidance No.28, February 16, 2018). Japan Exchange - 01:00 2022-11-24 am EST, Audit . 97, Compensation to Directors and Executive Officers . 101, Information on shareholdings 107. All Years . Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 05 July 2021 07:41:01 UTC. Reference Information on the Company . 113, Part II Information on Guarantors, etc. Revenues do not include the consumption tax, etc. ., (4) Changes in the total number of issued shares and the amount of common stock and other , (5) Shareholders composition , (6) Major shareholders , (7) Information on voting rights ., 2. PDF Integrated Annual Report 2019 - Hitachi High-Tech 04 Nov, 2022 BSE INDIA. %GTbLHddn%?8F4Fr*h1&W!a.|kG&*(RxAL>Xm)&:!b$G\azDj~gDk=cHYKB*_Z3-fd t6;M9o kU Annual Report 2021-2022: 2020-2021. See Details. ANNUAL REPORT 2020. Provides information about [Annual Report 2020]. Hitachi Sustainability Report. Innovations Top. :00chy438Y|Zxam):M\?/+cY-_*m;b?oU,>85nGn3v>[l%u qWn{~~mM)@eIwkW8xMmISK=9r=--- 26 APs%`p&h(iJJJP.'@o#bnI`4Y(0&030,`^7 |k>0ngp8>;VS&W`_p^y kLl`= hX2iH6dx:H t d2w H endstream endobj 59 0 obj <>>> endobj 60 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 61 0 obj <> endobj 62 0 obj [/DeviceN[/Black]63 0 R 82 0 R 84 0 R] endobj 63 0 obj [/ICCBased 79 0 R] endobj 64 0 obj <>stream Hitachi Ltd. published this content on 05 July 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. 0000443194 00000 n PDF Annual Report - Hitachi High-Tech In 2021, we significantly reduced our debt, bringing our total gross debt 1 reduction over three years to $87 billion. Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited (Formerly known as Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) 9th Floor, Abhijeet, Mithakhali Six . Simulation Technology to Achieve Smart Product Development. Hitachi Energy India Ltd. 1. Report of Consolidated Financial Results [IFRS] For the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2019; Jan 06, 2020 . The Hitachi Sustainability Report, which presents non-financial information with an emphasis on comprehensiveness and searchability, is available for download. We have rounded all percentages to the nearest percent, one-tenth of one percent or one-hundredth of one percent, as the case may be. (Notes) 1. 608.39. Page top. Annual Report. The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential . On October 1, 2018, the Company completed the share consolidation of every five shares into one share for its common stock. Plans for Capital Investment, Disposals of Property, Plants and Equipment, etc. .., VI. Financial Results - Hitachi Construction Machinery The 149th Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (PDF format, 817kBytes) * The 149th Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders contains the Report on the 149th Business Term. The research team projects that the Beryllium Titanium Composite Material market size will grow from XXX in 2019 to XXX by 2026, at an estimated CAGR of XX. 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Covid-19 Events & Webinars Case Studies Hitachi Energy 2030 Plan Case Studies Together with our customers and partners, we are co-creating global and local solutions to benefit society Hitachi Ltd (HTHIY) on Q4 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript 0000006620 00000 n Risk Factors - Risks Related to Our American Depositary Shares" is only included in this English translation of the Annual Securities Report for ADSs holders and not included in the original report. 0000443141 00000 n Annual Reports | Emerson US (e 152nd Business Term) From April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, 6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Annual Securities Report ("Yukashoken Hokokusho"), Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan, The 152nd Business Term (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021), (2-1, Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo). How good are your current hold decisions? BSE: 543187, 2924.75 This is an excerpt of the original content. Annual Report 2019; Annual Report 2018; Annual Report . See Details. 0000008386 00000 n 2020, Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation changed its trade name to Hitachi High-Tech Corporation. Tyco pre-merger Annual Reports Johnson Controls International plc Quarterly Reports Johnson Controls pre-merger Quarterly Reports . 02:10 PM, Nifty50 companies average YoY revenue changed by 24.58%, Trending news 408.52. Annual Report Dec-2020. Jan 29, 2020. 0000442834 00000 n This page introduces Hitachi Astemo's globally leading advanced mobility solutions in automotive products and motorcycle systems area. 3. Nov 24, 2022 Where We Are Going. Hitachi, Ltd. [Cover] [Document Filed] Annual Securities Report ("Yukashoken Hokokusho") [Applicable Law] Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. Global Automotive Shock Absorbers Market to Reach $15.3 Billion by 2027 In the changed post COVID-19 business landscape, the global market for Automotive Shock Absorbers estimated at US$8.5 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$15.3 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.8% over the analysis period 2020-2027. The Hitachi Metals Group Report 2020 (Integrated Report) History , 3. The base year considered for the study is 2019, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2026. Until the 142nd business term, Hitachi had filed the Form 20 . In order to read a PDF file, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in your computer. -0.60 0000480458 00000 n Integrated Report 2020 (for printing) (from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) (PDF format, 14Mbytes), HB Way / Brand Promise (PDF format, 211kBytes), History of the HTS Group (PDF format, 751kBytes), Value Creation Process of the HTS Group (PDF format, 561kBytes), The HTS Group's Strengths (PDF format, 359kBytes), Key Management Indicators (PDF format, 169kBytes), Message from the President (PDF format, 1Mbytes), Message from the CFO (PDF format, 311kBytes), Mid-term Management Plan- LOGISTEED 2021- (PDF format, 6Mbytes), Special Feature-EC Platform Center- (PDF format, 414kBytes), Special Feature-Employee Roundtable Discussion- (PDF format, 854kBytes), Independent Director Dialogue (PDF format, 495kBytes), Board of Directors and Executive Officers (PDF format, 770kBytes), GCorporate Governance (PDF format, 300kBytes), HTS Group Sustainability (PDF format, 615kBytes), EEnvironment (PDF format, 577kBytes), 3PL Business (Domestic) (PDF format, 504kBytes), 3PL Business (Overseas) (PDF format, 602kBytes), Freight Forwarding Business (PDF format, 407kBytes), Heavy Machinery and Plant Logistics Business (PDF format, 357kBytes), Consolidated Financial Statements (PDF format, 91kBytes), Corporate Data (PDF format, 375kBytes), Presentation Material of financial results for 1Q of FY2022 (PDF format, 2Mbytes), Summary of financial results for 1Q of FY2022 (PDF format, 396kBytes), Supplementary Material of financial results for 1Q of FY2022 (PDF format, 118kBytes), Integrated Report 2022 (PDF format, 16Mbytes), Financial Section (PDF format, 2Mbytes), Hitachi Transport System aims for LOGISTEED. Management Policy, Economic Environment and Challenges Hitachi Group Faces , 2. Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited |Investors .., (3) Information on moving strike convertible bonds, etc. | Balance carried forward. .., (2) Information on the stock acquisition rights, etc. Working with our partners and utilizing over 70 years of construction machinery experience to continuously deliver safer and more efficient machines and solutions for our customers. Hitachi Integrated Report / Annual Report : Investor Relations Apr 16, 2020. 0000004877 00000 n Financial/Non-Financial Highlights (PDF 91KB) Fiscal 2019 Performance Overview (PDF 145KB) Advanced Metals (PDF 212KB) Advanced Components & Materials (PDF 136KB) Value creation (PDF 2,375KB) Milestones in Creating Value (PDF 741KB) Values (PDF 702KB) Value Creation Process (PDF 1,576KB) Technology and R&D (PDF 1,600KB) Spin-Off. We are driving innovation that makes the world healthier, safer . trailer <]/Prev 586783>> startxref 0 %%EOF 89 0 obj <>stream (Notes) 1. pdf. 0000006044 00000 n ITOCHU, one of the leading sogo shosha, is engaging in domestic trading, import/export, and overseas trading of various products such as textile, machinery, metals, minerals, energy, chemicals, foods, general products, realty, information and communications technology, and finance, as well as business investment in Japan and overseas. Note that any personal information obtained will be deleted once your inquiry has been answered, and we will not hold it on file after that. Welcome to Hitachi Astemo from Hitachi Ltd. 0000008945 00000 n Hitachi Integrated Report 2020 (Year ended March 31, 2020) On October 1, 2018, the Company completed the share consolidation of every five shares into one share for its common stock. Consolidated Financial Report for the 12-month period ended March 31, 2020 (IFRS . This report introduces the Group's initiatives toward sustainable increase of corporate value to our stakeholders through the explanation of our value creation process and . GE Annual Report 2021: Healthcare, Energy & Aviation - General Electric Earnings Call for Q4FY22 Hitachi Energy India Ltd. Hitachi Energy India Ltd - 543187 - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Ear, ABB Power Products and Systems India Ltd - 543187 - Announcement under Regulati, Earnings Call for Q1FY22 of ABB Power Products and Systems India, Earnings Call for Q4FY21 of ABB Power Products and Systems India, ABB Power Products and Systems India Ltd - Earnings Call Transcript, Hitachi Energy India Ltd - 543187 - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Inv. Reports : Hitachi Transport System Integrated Report - Hitachi Construction Machinery Hitachi Energy India Directors Report, Hitachi Energy - Moneycontrol NSE: POWERINDIA Annual Securities Report, etc. : Investor Relations - Hitachi In this document, the terms "we," "us," "our" and "Hitachi" refer to Hitachi, Ltd. and consolidated subsidiaries or, as the context may require, Hitachi, Ltd. on a non-consolidated basis and the term "the Company" refers to Hitachi, Ltd. on a non- consolidated basis. This annual report targets specialists and those highly interested in CSR. Given this ongoing hard work and the dedication of our employees, we are operating from a position of strength, focused on important growth sectors in aviation, healthcare, and energy. *_6xR%7N?5ejyn,*Ww3. NSE+BSE Volume, NSE 0000007331 00000 n ., (1) Total number of shares, etc. Financial Statements | Hitachi Metals, Ltd. Information on the Company - II. StockholderHitachi High-Tech Corporation 100% 6. PDF Towards a carbon-neutral energy system ABB Power - Hitachi Energy The translation of the Internal Control Report, the Independent Auditors' Report and the Confirmation Letter for the original Annual Securities Report are included at the end of this document. 0000480421 00000 n This page introduces Hitachi Astemo's globally leading advanced mobility solutions in automotive products and motorcycle systems area. On October 1, 2018, the Company completed the share consolidation of every five shares into one share for its common stock. Emerson is cultivating an exceptional culture, reinforcing a world-class portfolio and revitalizing our best-in-class execution. Revenues do not include the consumption tax, etc. Annual Securities Report. (e 153rd Business Term) From April 1, 202 1 to March 31, 2022. Keihin : IR Materials : Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.. Information on Affiliates , 5. 0000443063 00000 n 0000418440 00000 n Major Property, Plants and Equipment .., 3. FY2020 April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. 0000006155 00000 n Hitachi ABB Power Grids. Annual Report 2019; Annual Report 2018; Annual . Showa : IR Materials : Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.. pdf. 0000004374 00000 n 0000002108 00000 n Page top. Hitachi Ltd (OTCPK:HTHIY) Q4 2020 Earnings Conference Call May 29, 2020, 02:30 ET Company Participants Yoshihiko Kawamura - Representative Executive Officer, SVP, CFO, & GM, Finance. Hitachi Integrated Report / Annual Report : Investor Relations Here's Why Hold Strategy is Apt for ABB Stock Right Now Annual Report 2020. 0000002221 00000 n Add your portfolio to get detailed insights, Portfolio NAV: The true performance of your portfolio, Copyright 2022 Giskard Datatech Pvt Ltd, Hitachi Energy India Ltd - 543187 - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Ana. : Walkthrough for screener creation, backtesting, New superstar addition: Sunil Singhania's Abakkus. Stock-Related Administration for the Company 112, VII. Investor Relations - Hitachi Construction Machinery If you agree to its contents, please contact us through this inquiry channel. On October 1, 2018, the Company completed the share consolidation of every five shares into one share for its common stock. | November 18, 2022 Developing an Autonomous Compaction System using a Vibratory Roller for Earthwork. Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with IFRS. Hitachi Transport System, Ltd. 2005, 2022. CSR & Financial Report 2014 (PDF 12MBytes) CSR & Financial Report 2013 (PDF 53MBytes) CSR & Financial Report 2012 (PDF 6.8MBytes) CSR & Financial Report 2011 (PDF 3.9MBytes) Annual Report 2010 (PDF 2.5MBytes) Annual Report 2009 (PDF 1.9MBytes) Annual Report 2008 (PDF 2.2MBytes) Annual Report 2007 (PDF 1.6MBytes) Annual Report 2006 (PDF 1 . The profile has been compiled by GlobalData to bring to you a clear and an unbiased view of the company's key strengths and weaknesses and the potential . 0000001634 00000 n Page top. 0000002804 00000 n Hitachi, Ltd. acquired 35% stake in 152MW wind farm. We have combined the rich heritage and innovative technology of Hitachi with the industry leading expertise and All Years. Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd (6305) - Financial and Strategic It is committed to . All pages, two-page spread view (for viewing) (PDF format, 7,444kBytes) All pages, single-page view (for printing) (PDF format, 7,739kBytes) Each page of PDF data download is here. Information on Acquisition, etc. Mid-term Management Plan 2024 Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2022 April 28, 2022 Certain information in "Part I. Regarding the 150th business term, the figures in the upper row are the highest and lowest prices after the share consolidation and the figures in brackets in the lower row are those before the share consolidation. Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Annual Report 2020-2021: Archive + . 0000483876 00000 n PDF Hitachi Sustainability Report 2021 2. Dividend: Your Directors recommend payment of final dividend at the rate of INR 3.00/- (Rupees Three only) per equity share for the financial period . (-0.02%), 10,715 , Reports of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm . F-80, [Internal Control Report (Translation)] .. A-1, [Independent Auditors' Report (Translation)] A-3, [Confirmation Letter (Translation)] A-9, (Millions of yen, unless otherwise stated). The figures for total net assets, total assets, net assets per share, stockholders' equity ratio and return on equity for the 149th business term are restated as the standard and guidance are applied retroactively. %PDF-1.6 % Annual Report Dec-2019. PDF Expert Cooling Solutions for A Sustainable World Board of Directors and Auditors As of April 1, 2020 . ABB POWER PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS INDIA LIMITED. ., 2. Investor Relations. 0000001505 00000 n ., 1. This is an English translation of the Annual Securities Report filed with the Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau via Electronic Disclosure for Investors' NETwork ("EDINET") pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan with some contents including cover page, table of contents and URL of the reference information. Secretarial Audit Report - 2020-21; Related Party Transactions for the year ended 31st March, 2021; . Business Overview - 2. and semiconductor manufacturing businesses of Hitachi, Ltd. Employees .., 1. Summary of Consolidated Financial Results Year Ended . Note: This English translation of the Annual Securities Report includes corrections of certain clerical errors that were included in the consolidated balance sheets in the English translation of the Annual Securities Report previously published on this page. PDF Air is life Hitachi Integrated Report 2020 (Year ended March 31, 2020) All PDF data download is here. 0000003379 00000 n of Treasury Stock , 3. Dividend Policy .., 4. At a glance. Integrated Report 2020 (for printing) (from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) (PDF format, 14Mbytes) Financial Section (PDF format, 2Mbytes) Spin-Off HB Way / Brand Promise (PDF format, 211kBytes) At a Glance (PDF format, 319kBytes) History of the HTS Group (PDF format, 751kBytes) Years ended March 31, 2019 and 2020 Millions of yen 2018 2019 Cash flows from operating activities: Net Income 812 (325) Integrated Annual Report 2019 includes an explanation of the new Corporate Vision, Mission, and the newly- . Financial Reports | Johnson Controls Inc. Research and Development , 1. , (1) Corporate Governance .., (2) Directors and Senior Management. All rights reserved. FY2019 (April 1, 2019 --> March 31, 2020)IR Presentations for FY2019. 2020; Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine -Month Period Ended December 31, 2019 . . Welcome to Hitachi Astemo from Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi Group - GlobalLogic Acquires Fortech a leading Digital Engineering GlobalLogic Acquires Fortech, a Leading Digital Engineering Company Based in Hitachi Rail wins major contract to deliver sustainable digital commuter Hitachi Unit Wins Y114 Billion Railway Contract in Philippines. Accordingly, this . 0000000936 00000 n Hitachi References in This Report Hitachi, Ltd. : Information on or initiatives of Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi and the Hitachi Group : Information on or initiatives of all Group companies Period: The main period covered is fiscal 2020 (April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021) Note: Some information on activities in April 2021 and after is also included. 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