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Also to know is, how many bags of fertilizer do I need for an acre? Copy. Good morning, After processing, you should get about 35-55bags of refined rice or 60-110bags before milling commences, depending on what management practices were adopted during cultivation. Stored grain Actellic gold dust 25g/50kg bag (shelled grain) Mix well into grain . The amount of fertilizer required is best calculated by multiplying the target yield in tons per hectare, by 20-25 Kg. 1 bag of fertiliser = 50kg To convert kg/ha to bags per hectare, divide by 100 and multiply by 2. What is the spacing of maize? How many kg soya beans per hectare? Zambia - Maize yield (kg per hectare) - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the ='blank'>World Bank</a> on May of 2022. Evans Ooko said on January 5, 2012. . Brazilian yield challenge winners now routinely break 100 bags per hectare, a unit of measure close to 100 bushels per acre (100 bags per hectare equals about 91 to 92 bushels per acre). While many farmers struggle to get a ton (1000 kilograms) from an acre of maize, Maali gets over 3000 kilograms (over 30-100kg bags) per acre. A yield of 4 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) of maize at a price of R2 250 per tonne will result in a profit of 28.6 percent (assuming a production cost of R7 000 per hectare of maize). The amount of maize that can be harvested (per hectare) depends on the variety you planted, amount of rainfall, sunshine and the level of weed, pest and disease control management that was applied. What is the yield per acre? Per hectare of farmland; with this, you can yield 2,000-4,000 kilos of maize. The numbers on the 'bag' correspond to how many units you will get by putting on a 'bag'. Wiki User. A population of less than 65,000 . See answers (2) Best Answer. Posted by: ELDAD (2 . A hundredweight is 50 kilos or a 'bag'. The recommended rates for most of the varieties are around 80 to 100 kilogrammes of seed per hectare, that's approximately one seed every 4cm in the row when planted at 75cm between rows and approx. Approximately 14 x 15 litre knapsacks will cover 1 hectare and apply 200 litres of water Head office landline: 04-621570-9, website:, email: agricura . This information can be used to calculate the amount of This is plausible as the country managed to plant 1.9 . How many bags of maize should a farmer expect to harvest per acre after planting PAN variety of maize seed? Starter 15. is 14:12.7:0:11. The seed rate is about 90-100 kg per ha. Maize yield is closely related to plant population. This usage rate can vary depending on the type of lawn you have and your target weed. Crop yieldis the term for the amount ofharvested production perunit ofland. Maize yield (kg per hectare) in Zambia was reported at 2410 kg in 2011, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. Current Price of Maize Per Bag in Nigeria (Yellow Maize and White Maize) The cost of maize in Nigeria is heavily influenced by the market you're purchasing it from. August 11, 2014. How much fertilizer is too much? This answer is: planting depth - between 2 and 3 cm. The amount of fertilizer required is best calculated by multiplying the target yield in tons per hectare, by 20-25 Kg. Corn yields ranged from approximately 5 to 15 tons per hectare (80 to 239 bushels per acre). For the upcoming rain season, he is targeting over . PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR 1 HECTARE OF MAIZE Herbicides, Insecticides and Fungicides . Make sure no stones or heavy soil clods cover the seeds. A bag of yellow maize (100kg): N16,000- N18,000. early maturity maize that are both drought tolerant and disease resistant may produce about 4 to 6 bags of 90 kg per bag in a great harvest or just nothing! With 28.9 kg N2 O emitted per hectare, less than 2% of the study area presents the highest possible values and corresponds to ten years of monoculture of maize in the valley. Specific amounts of fertilizer will vary according to the specific density of the fertilizer used. Below are the average prices. The President H.E Edgar Chagwa Lungu recently, during a field day event challenged the Zambian farmers to produce five million tons of maize for the 2019/20 season! Maize FertilizerRequirements Per Acre The amount of fertilizerrequired is best calculated by multiplying the target yield in tons per hectare, by 20-25 Kg. Fertilizers are recommended in kilogram per hectare; One hectare equals 10,000sqm; 100kg of any fertilizer goes on one hectare. Malawi - Maize yield (kg per hectare) - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the ='blank'>World Bank</a> on May of 2022. The ratio of fertilizers, an example is NPK 15:15:15, is the composition of that nutrient element in every 100kg of that fertilizer. Pre-milling bags weigh about >80kg, while post milling bags weigh 50kg on the average. As a guide, the approximate fixed and variable costs to grow maize for grain are shown in this table. !- I say this is no pipe dream - it's Possible and can be done; roughly 1.4m hectares of land in Zambia is cultivated for maize production, with over 80% of production under small holders with an average national How many 50kg bags make a ton? Each bag or multiple thereof is just added up. Most favorable planting densities for high yield in the tropics are probably in the range of 65,000 to 75,000 plants per ha. !- I say this is no pipe dream - it's Possible and can be done; roughly 1.4m hectares of land in Zambia is cultivated for maize production, with over 80% of production under small holders with an average national The seed rate is about 90-100 kg per ha. Fourth, for good growth and development, maize should be planted at the right spacing . Bush beans grow to a height of 1 to 3 feet and a width of 1 to 2 feet. For a 30 bag per acre crop this is 160 Kg of nitrogen. Since maize benefits from the highest N input, higher N2 O emissions are estimated on fields where such a crop is cultivated. Cement is often purchased in tonnes and when converted, one tonne of cement is equal to 1000 killogrammes of the product. Locate bean rows 18 to 36 inches apart. How many bags of maize should a farmer expect to harvest per acre after planting PAN variety of maize seed? . The results showed that farmers used 16, six and two varieties for hybrid, Open-pollinated varieties (OPV) and local maize respectively. As a guide, the approximate fixed and variable costs to grow maize for grain are shown in this table. Maize Fertilizer Requirements Per Acre Maize can easily achieve 9 tons/ha (40 bags per acre ) with the right agronomy and adequate moisture, but it does require adequate nutrition to achieve this. PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR 1 HECTARE OF MAIZE Herbicides, Insecticides and Fungicides . Rural land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area) Cover the seeds using the soil heaped next to the hole to leave a level surface. How much maize can you harvest per hectare? Compared to last year, the price increased between 15 . Leave the mulch cover between the holes intact. A bag of white maize (100kg): N15,500-N18,000. IE in applying two bags of AN you will get 2 x 34.5 units = 69 units. A farmer who buys 10 kg of medium maturing maize seed at K260 may only produce 9.5 metric tonnes of maize per hectare which is 190 by 50 kg bags as compared to the farmer who . The higher the For the past five years the Brazilian yield challenge winners have been visiting Illinois and Illinois farms, including a half-day to stop at . Selemani Zumo said on March 16, 2012. Maize production, area and yield dynamics were assessed based on farmer perceptions and production data from 2004/05-2018/19 using 36 000 households in Salima, central Malawi. Officials said the world average of maize yield was 2,357 kg per acre although it was much higher in the United States of America (USA) at 4,262 kg per acre. A farmer who buys 10 kg of medium maturing maize seed at K260 may only produce 9.5 metric tonnes of maize per hectare which is 190 by 50 kg bags as compared to the farmer who plants 10 kg of late maturing seed at K760 with potential harvest of 14 metric tonnes or 280 bags of maize per hectare under good management. 1 bag of fertiliser= 50kg • To convert kg/ha to bags per hectare, divide by 100 and multiply by 2. This means that in 100 kg, there is 14 kg nitrogen, 12.7 kg P, 11 kg sulfur and no potassium. Answer: The average yield of maize per hectare of the local farmer in Nigeria is 1.5 - 2 tons per hectare. When should I fertilize my maize plant? Farmers sourced Hybrid and OPV maize seed from Private Agro dealers while local . 50 bags. There is no nitrogen or potassium. How many bags of maize can one hectare produce? What is yield per hectare? . He said research conducted on farms by his company using white and yellow hybrid maize seeds indicated that farmers could harvest as high as 42 mini-bags of maize per acre with good agricultural practices and that the highest yield achieved so far from the field survey was 60 mini bags of maize per acre. A 50 KG bag of Ghana kumasi rice (local) sold for 247.47 Ghanaian cedi in July 2021, down from a previous month's price of 250 Ghanaian cedi per 50 KG . early maturity maize that are both drought tolerant and disease resistant may produce about 4 to 6 bags of 90 kg per bag in a great harvest or just nothing! Trifluralin 1.1 - 1.6lt per ha Apply as a pre-plant incoperated herbicide about three weeks before planting Galant Super 0.6 - 2.4lt per ha Post emergent to annual and perrenial grasses Strongarm 30 grms per ha Pre-emergent, for grasses, B/L weeds & supression of sedges Agil 100 EC 0.5 - 2.0 lt per ha Postemergent against annual and perrenial . How many bags of fertilizer do you need per acre? 1 bag of fertiliser = 50kg • To convert kg/ha to bags per hectare, divide by 100 and multiply by 2. The President H.E Edgar Chagwa Lungu recently, during a field day event challenged the Zambian farmers to produce five million tons of maize for the 2019/20 season! Am about to start maize farming so how many 50kg bags can i get from 2.5 acres in okaka, oyo state, nigeria. A minimum plant population is 200 000 plants per ha, while a maximum is 550 000 plants per ha. one seed . In the U.S., crop yieldfor grain and oilseed crops is typically measured in bushels per acre. However, there are limitations to increasing plant population under humid, tropical conditions. 52,000 cobs of maize could be harvested on one hectare of land, and the average price at the farm gate per cob is N10. How many bags of rice can be harvested on one hectare of land? Additionally, what is the spacing for beans? Figure 1 illustrates the average corn yield per hectare for each farm for the years data were available (between 1 to 6 years). He said this when speaking at the formal . Hybrid Maize Seed Available by glowdot4: 2:39pm On Feb 26, 2017. He said this when speaking at the formal . How many kg of seed is needed to plant a hectare of land with corn? The amount of fertilizer required is best calculated by multiplying the target yield in tons per hectare, by 20-25 Kg. Average corn yield for the farms in 2013 was 7.98 tons per hectare (127 bushels per acre). Maize yield (kg per hectare) in Malawi was reported at 2208 kg in 2011, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. The desirable plant population is around 350 000 plants per ha, but soyabean are capable of adapting to a wide range of plant populations. . Being a graduate, Maali is a smart farmer; he wears an ovral garment most of the times so much that 'villagers' hardly associate him with farming. Maize Seed . Maize yield (kg per hectare) in Malawi was reported at 2208 kg in 2011, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. The recommended rates for most of the varieties are around 80 to 100 kilogrammes of seed per hectare, that's approximately one seed every 4cm in the row when planted at 75cm between rows and approx. 1961 - 2017 Download. The government aims to encourage farmers to plant 1.5 million hectares of maize, which would be a 3% increase from the five-year average area. To convert kg/ha to kg per acre, divide by 2.5 (or multiply by 0.4). The standard size of a bag of fertilizer is fifty (50kg) Kilogram. Stored grain Actellic gold dust 25g/50kg bag (shelled grain) Mix well into grain . He said research conducted on farms by his company using white and yellow hybrid maize seeds indicated that farmers could harvest as high as 42 mini-bags of maize per acre with good agricultural practices and that the highest yield achieved so far from the field survey was 60 mini bags of maize per acre. For a 30 bagper acrecrop this is 160 Kg of nitrogen. However, most seed companies are using controlled . Approximately 14 x 15 litre knapsacks will cover 1 hectare and apply 200 litres of water Head office landline: 04-621570-9, website:, email: agricura . . More plants mean higher yield. The seed rate is about 90-100 kg per ha. Variety Days to maturity Yield (Mt/Ha) Medium Early Maturing Varieties: MM 502: 120-125: 8-9: ZMS 510: 120-125: 8-9 . First urea application: 2.5 bags for (220 kg N / ha) or 2 bags for (180 kg N / ha) Ensure fertilizer is buried beside the plants to prevent wastage. How many kg of seed is needed to plant a hectare of land with corn? . one seed every 3cm when planted on 90cm rows. However, farmers should not plant less than 60 kilogrammes per hectare if one wants to get near the yield potentials of most varieties. ∙ 2012-06-26 11:38:40. Posted by: ELDAD (2 . How many bags of maize should a farmer expect to harvest per acre after planting PAN variety of maize seed? How many Kg of maize seed used to plant hectare of land? Malawi - Maize yield (kg per hectare) - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the ='blank'>World Bank</a> on May of 2022. . in 100 kg, there is 8.8 kg phosphorus, 11 kg sulfur. . What is the yield per hectare of maize? However, yield can be up to 7 - 12 tons per hectare if hybrid seeds, drip . The minimum amount realizable from a well cultivated hectare of land is N520,000. We have two maize hybrids, white and yellow. The amount of fertilizer required is best calculated by multiplying the target yield in tons per hectare, by 20-25 Kg. Plant spacing its about ten kg of seed of corn. Former has a potential of 10 tons per ha and the latter has a potential of 12 tons per ha.The white is better in the savannas and the yellow has adaptation for the forest and savanna.Maturity period is100 days dry down but 75-80 days to . Calculating the amount of fertiliser required . Although Africa has some of the lowest maize yields in the world, it is not uncommon to expect between 2,000 to 4,000 kilograms per hectare. Maize can easily achieve 9 tons/ha (40 bags per acre) with the right agronomy and adequate moisture, but it does require adequate nutrition to achieve this. 125 hills per hectare. In the country, the average maize yield during 2019-20 was 1,973 kg per acre and in Telangana in the last five years yield of maize has been 2,600 kg per acre. However, most seed companies are using controlled . SECONDLY, WHAT COULD BE THE EXPECTED YIELD PER ANNUAL PER HECTARE FOR A OIL PALM PLANTATION. Answer: Each bag will cover up to 5,000 sq ft and if you have 1/4 acre (10,890 sq ft) you will need a total of 3 bags to get the correct coverage rate. Brazilian yield challenge winners now routinely break 100 bags per hectare, a unit of measure close to 100 bushels per acre (100 bags per hectare equals about 91 to 92 bushels per acre). How many kg of maize will 1 hectare of land? So basically, a tonne of cement will produce about 20 50kg bags of . Of seed is needed to plant hectare of land with corn N16,000-...., white and yellow rate is about 90-100 kg per ha, while a maximum is 550 000 plants ha... Get 2 x 34.5 units = 69 units the price increased between 15, oyo state, Nigeria heavy. Acre after planting PAN variety of maize can one hectare of fertilizer is. 2 feet ratio of fertilizers, an example is NPK 15:15:15, is the composition of fertilizer... 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