Catalonia's independence movement is back in the headlines after Spain's Supreme Court jailed nine separatist leaders, prompting days of protests. The charismatic and imprisoned Junqueras came top of the "Now" joint list, but a . With Franco's death and the transition to democracy the Catalans feared a new civil war and toned down their regional ambitions. The United Left, Catalan pro-independence factions and Basque nationalists all supported the motion. The Catalan language was long banned from most public or official use, though it survived in the homes of Catalans where it continued to be spoken. And of course they had the same official language: Spanish. . But if catalans want independence thats fine too. I became more politicised as I . Equally, some Catalans want independence but most of them don't. They might be ready to support it one day if necessary, but not yet, because they don't feel they need to be outside of Spain. Strategic interests, military alliances, ideological reasons? Indeed one finds hardly a word about Catalans, Basques, or Galicians in any of the four country reports. In other words, the concepts of (a) granting Catalonia more autonomy or (b) making Spain less . Catalans don't dance flamenco and they've banned bullfighting as cruel and barbaric. In order to understand why Catalans want to leave Spain, and become their own country, it is important to know their history. I had been in the Basque country and I had seen this vocal support between the Catalans and the Basques, but ETA seem quiet these days. Catalans, who like the Basques boast a distinct language and culture, are currently evenly divided over the independence issue, but support for the idea was not always that high. The Catalans want independence but the president of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, denied that a legal referendum on independence has been held in Catalonia. The 1978 Constitution granted the Basques and Catalans some autonomy. why does basque country want their independence from spain. All four reports heavily focus on the Roma and hardly discuss national minorities in Spain. In this research paper, I have applied Similarly, are Basque French or . The crisis first flared in October 2017, when a . Is the Basque country independent? The new charter ought to last for a couple of decades, at least. The Catalan language was long banned from most public or official use, though it survived in the homes of Catalans where it continued to be spoken. why does basque country want their independence from spain. The 1978 Constitution granted the Basques and Catalans some autonomy. FOR INDEPENDENCE FOR CATALONIA: AGAINST INDEPENDENCE FOR CATALONIA 1. The EU elections saw a new party list created in Spain called the "Now Republics" - a coalition between Galicians, Catalans and Basques centred on the socialist Junqueras in Catalonia rather than the managerial Puigdemont, (though he also became an MEP). The Catalans have a much weaker legal and historical case than the Basques, who wish to re-establish a sovereign state on the basis of the territory of their old Kingdom of Navarre, which was a viable and wealthy state between the 10th and the 16th centuries, and maintained many privileges marking its special status until the 19th century. Strained relations are nothing new between Barcelona and Madrid. the basque country a cultural history by paddy woodworth. The position could tip the scales in the separatists' favor in Catalonia. Probably, but there's still a glimmer of hope for dialogue. Polls show 70% of Catalans want to be able to vote in a referendum but they are more evenly divided when it comes to independence. CATALONIA IS NOT SPAIN. After over 40 years of separatist violence, many Basques want a . Gasol brothers are catalan and they dont want to see an independent catalonia. On a per capita basis, the Basque are the richest region in Spain. The Catalan authorities went through with the vote, leading to violence inside and around polling stations as Spanish security forces seized ballot boxes and attempted to close down the vote. A referendum is to be held on November 9. Buoyed by Scotland's upcoming independence vote, Catalans by the hundreds of thousands surged into the streets of northeast Spain on Thursday, using their national day to rally for their own . Experts say the biggest driver of independence is recent thwarted attempts for Catalonia to get more autonomy from Spain. Catalans reject outright any suggestion their struggle can be compared to that of the Basques. Pro-independence flags hang from an apartment block in Barcelona. The Catalans had sided with the British and the Austrians during the war and declared independence, but had been forced to become part of a centralised Spain based on a similar model of government . Basque people have managed to preserve their own identifying characteristics such as their own culture and language throughout the centuries and today a large part of the population shares a collective consciousness and a desire to be self-governed, either with further political autonomy or full independence. study 82 terms t Unlike Catalans, Basques do not pay more in taxes than is spent on their region - a rule that is enshrined in law. This is our inner strength. More Autonomy or Independence for the Basques : Yes or No Karlos Apeztegia, a former ETA member, said "As a kid I saw or culture was forbidden and I thought we couldn 't accept this. More informative are the posters, which ask in Chinese only: Why do Catalonians want independence? Catalans don't dance flamenco and they've banned bullfighting as cruel and barbaric. The Basque people were targeted harshly. Catalonia is the richest and most dynamic region of Spain — along with the Basque country — and makes up a fifth of the economy. Borrell-Porta said: "Now, many Catalans who weren't for independence and didn't think there should be a referendum are seeing how Madrid is seizing the Catalan finances and police; they are . It would also have ripple effects on other regions, including the Basque country which has only . More than 70 per cent of Catalans, including many opposed to independence, support a referendum - although only around 40 per cent actually want Catalonia to secede from Spain. Answer (1 of 23): Catalonia is one of Spain's wealthiest and most productive regions and has a distinct history dating back almost 1,000 years. The EU elections saw a new party list created in Spain called the "Now Republics" - a coalition between Galicians, Catalans and Basques centred on the socialist Junqueras in Catalonia rather than the managerial Puigdemont, (though he also became an MEP). From the 18th century onwards there are chronicles of this feeling and throughout the 19th century there are stories of Catalans who want greater independence and recognition of their culture. Catalan independence would have significant repercussions for Spain's economy and identity. Why do some Catalans not want independence? It's crazy how so many posters here assume that "Catalans" want independence. Sounds like the Catalan issue is getting tangled up in the continental and global ideological crisis over what nations want to be to an extent that the Basques no longer are. Your a small country you are stronger in unity then separate. Unlike the Catalans, the Basque know how to cooperate. We will mainly be in Spain to study the Basques, but to provide a comparative perspective for our study of the Basques we will first spend ten days studying the Catalan situation in Barcelona, the . Catalonia officials say turnout was about . Francisco Franco and his fascist party wanted to rid Spain of all heterogeneity (diversities). The Basques have therefore long been supposed to be a remnant of a pre-Indo-European population of Europe. This is our country — and they still behave as though . The fact the all the other regions got a self-government they never asked and they didn't feel they 'needed' was irrelevant. The current official category of "Catalans" is that of the citizens of Catalonia, an autonomous community in Spain and the inhabitants of the Roussillon historical region in southern France, today the Pyrénées Orientales department, also called Northern Catalonia and Pays Catalan in French. The Basque The region most similar to Catalonia , in terms of secessionist feelings and economic performance, is the Basque Country. Whether they were waiting in the wings to see what happens, but I would have thought such a strong independence movement as the Basques have would have lent a lot of support to the Catalans, and put more . Basque home rule, she adds, "has allowed us to have the tools of state that leave us a short way from independence. The solution is to give Catalonia and the Basque Country the same freedom and rights as the Catalans and the Basques in France until 1700 they were the same, and of course the same Region and belonged to Spain. Basque, Spanish Vasco, or Vascongado, Basque Euskaldunak, or Euskotarak, member of a people who live in both Spain and France in areas bordering the Bay of Biscay and encompassing the western foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains. Catalan Parliament passed a law to manage the transition from an autonomous Catalonia to an independent one outside the Spanish laws although this is illegal in the constitution of Spain A Catalan "yes" will remind Basques of the work they still have to do, but it should at least allow Catalans to relax. While some Catalans have long dreamed of independence, the issue has only risen to the fore in recent years. The centre-right Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) oversees the . Pride in Spain's victory in the World Cup does not translate into a new spirit of national unity, Catalan journalist Walter Oppenheimer says. In the late 20th century probably about 850,000 true Basques lived in Spain and 130,000 in France; as many as 170,000 Basques may live in emigrant communities outside . INFO SESSION Thursday, October 16, 2014, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm in the CHID Lounge This program studies two groups that are currently agitating for independence in Spain: the Basques and the Catalans. While the two share many common traits, they also diverge in certain aspects and platforms of their movements. FOR INDEPENDENCE FOR CATALONIA: AGAINST INDEPENDENCE FOR CATALONIA 1. Generally, the Catalans demonstrate but strive to do so politely. Critics of independence argue that Catalonia's interests are better represented by remaining a part of Spain, and point to the current economic uncertainty as further reason for caution. in spain catalans try independence path that basques. The reasons are visible in the interaction between the Advisory Committee (AC) to the FCNM and the Spanish government in the first cycle. the basques their struggle for independence. Europe Catalans, Galicians, Basques and more: Spain's many nationalities With a strong identity of its own, Catalonia is now at the center of a tug-of-war between the central government and . Spain together is an awesome country. But the independence movement in Basque Country, a prosperous northern region of 2 million people, is unlikely to even get that far. the basques their struggle for independence by luis núñez. So that tells you spain should remain together. If the bill is passed in the referendum, Catalonia will declare independence within 48 hours. A Basque terrorist group called ETA (which stands for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or "Basque Homeland and Freedom" in their language Euskera) killed over 800 people since it was active in the 1960s to 2010. Basques are convinced that Catalans are mean. Basque culture greatly suffered during the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. Because we want to build a new and better country. inside story eta s struggle for a homeland. It has a population of 7.5 million people . The Basque National Party's well-established electoral machinery -- based on an apparatus created in 1903 as an independence party cutting across class and social lines -- is expected to help . Answer (1 of 4): First of all: I am from the Basque Country, I live in Madrid and I have very close friends in Catalonia, that started to shout "We want to be independent" only because they can't stand Mariano Rajoy and its government (like many people in other regions that cannot say "We want to. With Franco's death and the transition to democracy the Catalans feared a new civil war and toned down their regional ambitions. fighting for euskera the role of language in basque. However, the regional governments are both coalition governments that include the center-right Forza Italia party, which does not back independence. In the interim, the Socialists led the Generalitat and, in 2006, upgraded the "statute of autonomy" to recognise Catalans as a "nation", and incorporate some powers the Basques had secured . Albert Garcia (EL PAÍS) The silence of the majority, and its lengthy absence from the public arena, have created the illusion that "a majority of Catalans want independence." This illusion is shared by the secessionist minority and by observers outside Catalonia. At a time when the whole world, not only Catalonia, is undergoing a deep economic and social crisis, many Catalans aspire to leave the crisis behind by working harder and building a different kind of state, more democratic, peaceful and respectful of other ways of thinking. The current official category of "Catalans" is that of the citizens of Catalonia, an autonomous community in Spain and the inhabitants of the Roussillon historical region in southern France, today the Pyrénées . Joan Tarda, a lawmaker for Catalonia separatist party the Republican Left, said any comparison with the years of violence in the Basque Country "is an insult to intelligence and it trivialises terrorism". Why Basques and Catalans see independence differently (The Financial Times-en) Besteek esana Why Basques and Catalans see independence differently (The Financial Times-en) . cnn basque question spain s pressing problem may. Essential ally Previous Basque leaders have pushed for greater freedoms. While it may be tempting to see them as equivalent, there are powerful differences: The first and foremost difference is the nature of the conflict in the two cases. Why does Spain not recognize Kosovo as an independent country? the basque country spain s effective but expensive. Both economies can flourish, but the Basque one has to work harder at it. We do things our way. "This is the great hole in dem . 1. Such circumstances would entail a partial break-up of the euro . Cultural suppression. Caucasian origin theorizes that the Basque language and the languages of the Caucasus may have a direct relation, explaining why they share some linguistic typologies absent in the Indo-European languages. The wild referendum was attended by a minority, and even that minority includes many votes of sympathy against the police action from people totally opposed to the ruin of both their country and their region following a sudden partition. Catalans (Catalan, French and Occitan: catalans; Spanish: catalanes, Italian: catalani, Sardinian: cadelanos) are a Romance ethnic group native to Catalonia, who speak Catalan. A marriage 500 years ago merged two reigns with disparate backgrounds together, paving the way to the independence movement today. catalonia and basque country global policy forum. As Andalusians, Joaquín and Curro persist in their belief that Basques are an organized terrorist group and that Catalans are a dangerous pro- Before the Spanish Civil War it enjoyed broad autonomy but that was suppressed under Gen Francisco Franco's dictatorship from 1939-75.When Franco died, . More informative are the posters, which ask in Chinese only: Why do Catalonians want independence? Why do some Catalans want independence? The motor force of the movement for independence comes from the south. If the Basques and/or Catalans obtained independence from Spain, it is very likely that their conationals on the French side would follow them. Ask Basques about whether they were shocked by the scale of the police brutality and judicial repression of the Catalan independence movement in recent weeks, and you get back a wry smile.. For the Basque Country, located on the other side of the Pyrenees from Catalonia and straddling the French-Spanish border, political prisoners is something they know only too well, an experience that . . If the bill is passed in the referendum, Catalonia will declare independence within 48 hours. . Spain rejected the proposal - as anticipated - 299 votes against and only 47 in favor. A marriage 500 years ago merged two reigns with disparate backgrounds together, paving the way to the independence movement today. A survey two months ago showed 49.4% of Catalans were against . The situation first escalated on Oct. 1, when nearly 90% of Catalonian voters backed independence from Spain in a controversial and disputed referendum. Spain has two Troys : Catalonia and the Basque Country. Unlike in Catalonia, a northeast region of 7 million, most . CATALONIA IS NOT SPAIN. We really want to get on with our neighbours but we want to have control of our own affairs. Essential ally Previous Basque leaders have pushed for greater freedoms. On September 27th, the Catalan Parliament approved the holding of a referendum on independence from Spain. They are part of a distinct, proud nation with its own language, history, culture and flag, and that separate identity has survived Franco's brutal attempts to suppress the Catalan language in the decades after . Spanish MPs and Catalonia's parliament and people all gave the green . Pro-independence Catalans explained the situation to me like this: Tensions rose in 2017 when Catalunya wanted the right to vote (like Scotland) for the option to be independent. In any case, we defend the right of self-determination of the Basque and Catalan Northern provinces. However, the regional governments are both coalition governments that include the center-right Forza Italia party, which does not back independence. Unlike Catalans, Basques do not pay more in taxes than is spent on their region - a rule that is enshrined in law. Ironically, most Catalans would have been happy to stay within Spain in a more federalist type of relationship; but the inflexibility of the government and the complicity of the court system have only left an alternative: independence. Join RT on Telegram. Don't be fooled - they want unity with a subjugated Catalonia, not with an equal partner. I know that in Spain the Basque and Catalan regions constantly clamour for independence, yet French Basques/Catalans seem happy to be part of France (there certainly seems to be no French equivalent to ETA, for example). Basques lived in northern Spain when the Romans invaded the area in 196 B.C., for instance, but managed to retain most of their traditions and laws throughout Roman rule and their time under the . There & # x27 ; t be fooled - they want unity a... 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