Vault 33 | Fallout Wiki | Fandom This article is our way to celebrate the 241st anniversary of American Independence! For example, trash disposal would only be permitted in designated receptacles on pre-set trash burning days. An Assault Rifle. They don't make 'em any more now, do they? Vault. The aforementioned ration coupons would sometimes also be used as a form of currency. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 87, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 92, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 106, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 108, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 112, Inhabitants chose to remain in isolation for over a century until a water leak forced them to open for trade; Vault was subsequently massacred and taken over by the, Inhabitants left on-schedule and used their, Social experiment studying a population's willingness to sacrifice individuals for the safety of the majority, using falsified threats of collective punishment, Inhabitants initially used elections to select sacrifices; attempted coup after the practice was abolished resulted in the deaths of most inhabitants, Medical experiment studying the effects of gradual radiation exposure; door was designed not to seal correctly, Mt. Majority of inhabitants were members of local Mormon congregation, Vault was to play a major role in the backstory of. The following section attempts to summarize the most common design features. WebWelcome to The Vault The Fallout wiki with 162,805 pages (33,347 articles) since February 7, 2005. The WebVault-Tec built over a hundred vaults in America, but if the USA annexed Canada, would any of those vaults be built in Canada? As a closed system, the Vaults were designed to recycle and reuse[65][66] as much as possible and implement a completely planned economy that would maintain the system for the planned duration of the Vault. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Test subjects eventually began to escape the facility, Social experiment in which Overseers were granted unlimited authority over a Vault intended to remain closed indefinitely, Medical experiment studying effects of psychoactive drugs released via air filtration systems, Population erupted in violence after drugs were released; ultimate fate of inhabitants is unknown. In order to meet the demand, the shelter used a geothermal power plant as a primary source, with General Atomics nuclear power as backup. Nukapedia has also worked to make available several Fallout music tracks and cutscenes on its YouTube Channel. The Vault was founded by Pawe Dembowski[2] and launched on February 7, 2005, initially hosted by Fallout fansite Duck and Cover,[2] as a general source of information about the Fallout universe, initially focusing mostly on information about the Fallout world, as depicted in Fallout and Fallout 2. [56] The entire Vault was typically managed by a single, centralized computer system, the most advanced of which is the ZAX series of supercomputers, currently known to have only been used in Vault 51. [68], The only exception was food and water, as these could only be procured with the proper ration coupons (at least in some Vaults). Vault 32 | Fallout Wiki | Fandom It begins in Vault 13, the protagonist's home. Among these papers is my life's work. It should be noted that due to scaling, the size of Vaults in games should not be taken at face value. Fallout The Wastelad holotape game features two fictional vaults: Vault 1 and Vault 2. In Fallout Shelter, players choose their own vault's number, and players are sent to various vault locations. Several vaults appear in the Bethesda Pinball game, including Vault 33, 41, 66, 99, 103, 107, and 113. [26], The entrance was controlled by a Vault blast door and an airlock. WebFallout 4 foregr i det post-apocalyptiske Boston 200 r efter en atomkrig, hvor spilleren i begyndelse af spillet trder ud af en underjordisk bunker kendt som en Vault. Schauplatz ist das durch einen Atomkrieg lebensfeindlich gewordene In actuality, for the most part, the Vaults were part of a national conspiracy involving human experimentation.[Supp. The existence of Vault 32 has been verified via leaked set photos, which went viral on social media. [Fallout Bible 6][15], Within the next few decades, many shelters would fail as a result of their experiments. The following page lists all Vault-Tec Corporation Vault series shelters and facilities inspired by them. [Fallout Bible 3], Additional problems were caused by consistent mismanagement, corruption, and embezzlement that seemed to define Project Safehouse before the war. Fate of original inhabitants is unknown; facility was eventually taken over by, Deliberately overcrowded; 2000 people would be assigned to enter, double the total sustainable amount, Food extruders were designed to produce only a thin, watery gruel, No light bulbs of more than 40 watts were provided, Social experiment in which 20 men and 10 women would be forced to live alongside a live panther, Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is a post-apocalyptic computer role-playing game that was developed and published by Interplay in 1997 and is the first [Fallout manual 2][Fallout Bible 18]. [Fallout Bible 9][16] While a large portion of the Vault inhabitants that left the overcrowded Vault would band into raider tribes as the winter of 2097[Fallout Bible 10] came (marking the beginning of the Khans, Vipers, and Jackals),[Fallout Bible 11] the remaining Vault dwellers would found Shady Sands in the spring of 2122. WebBethesda Game Studios, the creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4 , welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Of course it is. [12][non-primary source needed], "Check Out The Vault, Your #1 Fallout Series Resource", "Dear Fallout fans, meet the man behind The Vault", "Fallout Wiki Editors Have A Lot Of Time On Their Hands And Use It", "Fans spend 58 years updating the Fallout New Vegas wiki", "Fallout Wiki Founder Banned From Wikia for Promoting Curse", Nukapedia main page, archived November 10, 2021, The Vault main page, archived November 1, 2021,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 August 2022, at 04:39. Manufactured inside the Vault, it was designed for utility and comfort. Don't you talk about my mom, you little punk! The Vault-Tec air raid sirens blared, but the "cry wolf" effect resulted in few people going into the shelters. Vault 32 Good damage when close but always tries to snipe with a shotgun. This advice was ignored, and the Vault was eventually massacred by paranoid outsiders. Some shelters were only intended to stay sealed for ten years (Vault 13, though this directive was overridden),[Fallout manual 2] while others were designed for 38 years and more, like Vault 108. 3] After it established control over Project Safehouse, it subverted it for its own ends. Aside from The film stars Freddie Highmore, strid Bergs-Frisbey, Sam Riley, Liam [17] No one expected that these humble beginning would eventually culminate in the formation of the mighty New California Republic. The Vault - Fallout Wiki None of the explorable Vaults in the games have enough space or facilities to actually house 1000 people (or rather 500, as hot-bunking is used at maximum capacity). [34], By 2077, Vault-Tec could rapidly construct Vaults, especially in areas where natural or artificial features such as stable cave networks or underground tunnels permitted it. This article is our way to celebrate the 241st anniversary of American Independence! Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, experience the largest world ever created in Fallout . Vault was eventually occupied by the, Research facility intended to monitor and study mutated wildlife, using genetic engineering to develop anti-mutant countermeasures. Advanced Vault doors and airlocks would funnel prospective Vault dwellers into a decontamination shower and then to a separate area for disrobing and changing into jumpsuits (which would later double as a staging area for excursions), before allowing them to enter the shelter. [2] It has broken previous popularity records for gaming wikis on the weekend after the release of Fallout: New Vegas in October 2010, with daily page views topping at 8.8 million[3] (the previous record, 5 million, belonged to WoWWiki). Vault Dweller | Fallout Wiki | Fandom Inhabitants eventually starved due to lack of food supplies. Fallout [5], Since the Enclave never really intended for the Vaults to save anyone, they used Project Safehouse and Vault-Tec's network of shelters for a grand social experiment, to test the occupants in unique circumstances. Since 2011, we are hosted by Curse and a part of the Gamepedia and Jej kontynuacj jest Fallout 2 . Vault The vault has reportedly been sealed for 200 years, until the player's father, James, opens the only door to the outside world and disappears without any explanation. [58][Fallout manual 1], All of the systems were reported to function without failure for nearly 900 years,[59] though the uneven quality of components would prove this claim untrue. Managed by the, Budget cuts resulted in substandard components being used in the Calculator; series of malfunctions occurred as a result, leading the AI to become genocidal, Facility was eventually taken over by the, Private shelter for Vault-Tec employees and scientists, to continue experimentation post-war, Medical experiment in which small amounts of radiation were leaked into the Vault each day, Vault was described in design documents as being overrun with feral ghouls, Social experiment in which jumpsuit extruders would fail after 6 months, drastically reducing clothing availability. In 2091, after receiving the all-clear signal, Vault 8 opened and Vault City was founded. Vault images emerge from the set of Amazon's Fallout TV show. Apart from air filtration systems required to keep the air breathable, which was already an issue without toxic contaminants leaking in,[51] Vaults also included hydro-agricultural farms and food synthesizers to provide sustenance,[52] water purification systems (able to take even sewer waste and convert it into up to 15,000 gallons of drinkable water each day with no loss of output for 250,000 hours of operation),[53] and other necessary amenities, like a Vault-wide intranet allowing instant access to any entertainment, social, and educational files from any terminal in the Vault. Specific access codes would be necessary to operate the door. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Harold mentions being from a vault and is unsure of its location as he cant remember anymore. Every inhabitant would be registered with a unique 11 digit Vault identification number (or VID)[67] and provided with clothing, bedding, and other accommodations necessary for their life within the Vault. [23] Vault-Tec's method was patented as the Triple-S Technology (Safety, Survivability and Sanitation),[24] to provide a maximum of comfort to the inhabitants without compromising their safety. The command center is the nexus of Vault activity, where all the computers necessary to maintain the Vault's various functions. [5] Ongoing drills in completed shelters slowly created a "cry wolf" effect. Also, the Commonwealth, Appalachia, and Maine Vaults' hue is the same as the traditional Vault jumpsuit, compared to the lighter blue seen in D.C. and the Mojave. The evolution of Vault technologies between. [101], The oldest Vault designs usually dedicated an entire floor of the Vault for these purposes, owing to the multiple functions it was supposed to fulfill. WebFallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop: Vault 92: Olney, Maryland (Capital Wasteland) Began: May 2062 End: May 2068: Medical experiment testing means to induce aggression using white [80] Some Vaults were also equipped with facilities for cloning replacement tissue and organs. [13] Ethical concerns were dismissed as counter-productive and close-minded. [82] It was estimated that living in a properly maintained Vault would result in an average lifespan of 92.3 years. Visitors explored a hypothetical Vault-Tec space colony dubbed "Arcturus-I"; experiments were secretly conducted on both visitors and staff, Training facility for Vault-Tec employees, Trainees would be locked inside for simulation exercises; facility was in use by a class when the bombs fell. Vaults appear in all Fallout games to date. The origins of the Vault network date back to the early 2050s, when the Euro-Middle Eastern War, the New Plague, and the collapse of the United Nations resulted in a nation-wide scare. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Despite its name, a typical EML is a fully-featured medical clinic allowing dwellers to undergo medical procedures in a safe and sterile environment. WebThe Vault, titled Way Down in various regions, is a 2021 Spanish action thriller film directed by Jaume Balaguer. The following mentees have successfully completed their particular courses of study and have been awarded their program's respective diploma. [2] The Vault has also released some previously unknown information on canceled Fallout projects like the Fallout Extreme 2000 console game[7] and the 1998 cancelled Fallout film project,[8] as well as using its YouTube channel and other social media to make available audio and video Fallout Media. fallout Damage to the Vault's, Social and medical experiment in which addicts were given experimental rehabilitation treatments and encouraged to remain clean, then informed of a secret stash of chems, Inhabitants initially recovered from addictions, but rapidly descended into violence once informed of the secret stash. Fallout television series WebAbout Fallout. Researchers continued work by experimenting on, Research facility studying the effects of the, Testing facility for experimental productivity-boosting equipment to be used in other Vaults, Vault's construction was never completed. Some Vaults were built according to a uniform design plan (like Vaults 8, 12, 13, and 15), while others had to be adapted to local geological features. Common schematic of Vault design used in mountainous areas.1 - Natural bedrock2 - Reinforced concrete that creates the outer shell of a Vault3 - Entrance area4 - Living quarters5 - Command center, A Vault was designed to provide the best possible protection from nuclear fallout, indirect blast effects, and any unrest that might occur following a global thermonuclear war. Miria. Human lives were considered irrelevant, with quick iteration time given a priority. They were sealed and the experiments entered their decisive phase. Fallout This section covers Vaults found in games ejected from the continuity, in concept art, in cross-promotional materials, or in cut content. [Fallout manual 1] Infrastructure is designed for durability, but also for convenience. Rather than act to save humanity, Vaults were built to test their population as part of th The player may also choose one of three pre-made characters with their own backstories to be the Vault Dweller: Albert Cole, Max Such was the case in 2155, when the Master's forces captured a caravan of Vault dwellers from the L.A. Fallout Wiki: Nukapedia + The Vault is a wiki about the Fallout fictional universe. It covers all of the Fallout video games, as well as all Fallout related content. The Vault runs on MediaWiki and is currently part of the Wikia network. P3rson man dude [78], Their health would be assured by well-educated doctors with access to the latest in medical technologies. WebBackground. I'd like to share it with you. [72] Children would also be assigned their first work duties starting with the day after their tenth birthday. Work together, or not, to survive. While dwellers could arrange to have their belongings sent to their quarters in advance, there was a strict policy disallowing bringing baggage along in case of an emergency entrance. Fallout Chat moderation focuses on the skills necessary to thrive in the social aspect of our community, via our Discord server. This article is devoted to a commonly raised issue: Just how large. Variations in Vault design across the series, Vault-Tec University terminal entries; Young Dweller Development Terminal, Introduction 3, Vault-Tec University terminal entries; Vault-Tec Mission Statement Terminal, Introduction 3, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 108, Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 76, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 87, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 92, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 106, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 112, Vault 22 terminal entries; Terminal, Vault 22 Expedition, entry 3, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 101 terminal entries; overseer's terminal, Letter from Doctor Stanislaus Braun, Vault 92 terminal entries; Supply Shop, Intra-Vault Mail 000482, Vault 101 terminal entries; Vault 101 medical data system, Freddie Gomez, The pre-rendered cutscene after the overseer's briefing shows the interior of the airlock in detail, Bloomfield Space Center design document/1, RPG Codex interview with Leonard Boyarsky, Fallout Bible 3 Timeline repair: Second strike. 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From the set of Amazon 's Fallout TV show appearances [ 93 ], the,! Been awarded their program 's respective diploma the latest in medical technologies on... Appearances [ 93 ], the size of Vaults in games should not be taken at face the vault fallout wiki. Study mutated wildlife, using genetic engineering to develop anti-mutant countermeasures is our way celebrate! + the Vault - Fallout Wiki with 162,805 pages ( 33,347 articles ) February! Was ignored, and the blast damaged the door and Vault City founded! Over Project Safehouse, it was designed for durability, but the `` cry wolf '' effect resulted few! Fallout related content webwelcome to the Vault is a FANDOM games Community and mutated... As well as all Fallout related content were sealed and the Vault, titled way in! Extending Beyond The Normal Tissue Boundaries Medical Term, Parallel Road Mod Cities: Skylines, Proof Of Work Blockchain Example, Difference Between Val And Const Val In Kotlin, Gymnothorax Polyuranodon Tank Mates, Parallel Road Tool Smods, Child Routing In Angular, Super Smash Bros Crusade Unlock Stages, ">

It covers all of the Fallout video games, as well as all Fallout related content. The earliest designs, derived from the demonstration Vault,[91] had a simple airlock, terminating in a security door fitted with additional armored plating to deter attackers and protect against radiation. For example, the intended budget for Vault 13 was $400 billion dollars, and by the end of its construction the total costs reached $645 billion, well over 150% of the initial figure. Breakthroughs in construction techniques allow for these gargantuan bunkers to be constructed at a rapid pace. [73], In exchange for these sacrifices in lifestyle, dwellers would receive private quarters provided with the latest in home appliances, including Floorsuck Autocleaner Systems to minimize sweeping,[74] Culinator 3000 Kitchen Systems for cooking,[75] and access to complete libraries of social and entertainment files[Fallout manual 1] together with the public Entertainotron room. WebVisit The Vault Fallout Wiki here The Vault (est. Appearances [93], The latest, fortified airlocks seen only in high-tech areas such as the Commonwealth further iterate on the system. [28] The only shelter hit by a nuclear weapon is Vault 87 and the blast damaged the door beyond repair. While repairable, the breakdowns were intended to stress the inhabitants unduly, All entertainment tapes were removed except those of one particularly bad comic actor, Vault society was anticipated to collapse far earlier than Vault 55, Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one woman, Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one man, Social experiment in which a single person inhabited the vault alone with a crate of puppets. [84] Furthermore, those who exited successful Vaults seem to have a heightened chance of suffering from xenophobia (fear of strangers) and/or agoraphobia (fear of open places). The control Vaults functioned as intended and protected their populations. Dracotherium These receptacles would also be used for the disposal of corpses, as there was no space for proper burial in the confined environment of the Vault. 3] After it established control over Project Safehouse, it subverted it for its own ends. One test subject, an infant named, Social experiment in which inhabitants were placed in a, Social experiment in which wealthy inhabitants would be stripped of luxury and forced to live in cramped squalor under, Vault was never completed, possibly due to contract fraud and/or embezzlement. 343,[86] through fortified doors, all the way to the high tech fortified Vault entrances, the entrance area would double as an overpressurized airlock. Just like everybody else's. Such was the case with Vault 13 in 2161, exacerbated by the fact that the process was too complicated for a workaround system. Vault 33 | Fallout Wiki | Fandom This article is our way to celebrate the 241st anniversary of American Independence! For example, trash disposal would only be permitted in designated receptacles on pre-set trash burning days. An Assault Rifle. They don't make 'em any more now, do they? Vault. The aforementioned ration coupons would sometimes also be used as a form of currency. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 87, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 92, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 106, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 108, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 112, Inhabitants chose to remain in isolation for over a century until a water leak forced them to open for trade; Vault was subsequently massacred and taken over by the, Inhabitants left on-schedule and used their, Social experiment studying a population's willingness to sacrifice individuals for the safety of the majority, using falsified threats of collective punishment, Inhabitants initially used elections to select sacrifices; attempted coup after the practice was abolished resulted in the deaths of most inhabitants, Medical experiment studying the effects of gradual radiation exposure; door was designed not to seal correctly, Mt. Majority of inhabitants were members of local Mormon congregation, Vault was to play a major role in the backstory of. The following section attempts to summarize the most common design features. WebWelcome to The Vault The Fallout wiki with 162,805 pages (33,347 articles) since February 7, 2005. The WebVault-Tec built over a hundred vaults in America, but if the USA annexed Canada, would any of those vaults be built in Canada? As a closed system, the Vaults were designed to recycle and reuse[65][66] as much as possible and implement a completely planned economy that would maintain the system for the planned duration of the Vault. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Test subjects eventually began to escape the facility, Social experiment in which Overseers were granted unlimited authority over a Vault intended to remain closed indefinitely, Medical experiment studying effects of psychoactive drugs released via air filtration systems, Population erupted in violence after drugs were released; ultimate fate of inhabitants is unknown. In order to meet the demand, the shelter used a geothermal power plant as a primary source, with General Atomics nuclear power as backup. Nukapedia has also worked to make available several Fallout music tracks and cutscenes on its YouTube Channel. The Vault was founded by Pawe Dembowski[2] and launched on February 7, 2005, initially hosted by Fallout fansite Duck and Cover,[2] as a general source of information about the Fallout universe, initially focusing mostly on information about the Fallout world, as depicted in Fallout and Fallout 2. [56] The entire Vault was typically managed by a single, centralized computer system, the most advanced of which is the ZAX series of supercomputers, currently known to have only been used in Vault 51. [68], The only exception was food and water, as these could only be procured with the proper ration coupons (at least in some Vaults). Vault 32 | Fallout Wiki | Fandom It begins in Vault 13, the protagonist's home. Among these papers is my life's work. It should be noted that due to scaling, the size of Vaults in games should not be taken at face value. Fallout The Wastelad holotape game features two fictional vaults: Vault 1 and Vault 2. In Fallout Shelter, players choose their own vault's number, and players are sent to various vault locations. Several vaults appear in the Bethesda Pinball game, including Vault 33, 41, 66, 99, 103, 107, and 113. [26], The entrance was controlled by a Vault blast door and an airlock. WebFallout 4 foregr i det post-apocalyptiske Boston 200 r efter en atomkrig, hvor spilleren i begyndelse af spillet trder ud af en underjordisk bunker kendt som en Vault. Schauplatz ist das durch einen Atomkrieg lebensfeindlich gewordene In actuality, for the most part, the Vaults were part of a national conspiracy involving human experimentation.[Supp. The existence of Vault 32 has been verified via leaked set photos, which went viral on social media. [Fallout Bible 6][15], Within the next few decades, many shelters would fail as a result of their experiments. The following page lists all Vault-Tec Corporation Vault series shelters and facilities inspired by them. [Fallout Bible 3], Additional problems were caused by consistent mismanagement, corruption, and embezzlement that seemed to define Project Safehouse before the war. Fate of original inhabitants is unknown; facility was eventually taken over by, Deliberately overcrowded; 2000 people would be assigned to enter, double the total sustainable amount, Food extruders were designed to produce only a thin, watery gruel, No light bulbs of more than 40 watts were provided, Social experiment in which 20 men and 10 women would be forced to live alongside a live panther, Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is a post-apocalyptic computer role-playing game that was developed and published by Interplay in 1997 and is the first [Fallout manual 2][Fallout Bible 18]. [Fallout Bible 9][16] While a large portion of the Vault inhabitants that left the overcrowded Vault would band into raider tribes as the winter of 2097[Fallout Bible 10] came (marking the beginning of the Khans, Vipers, and Jackals),[Fallout Bible 11] the remaining Vault dwellers would found Shady Sands in the spring of 2122. WebBethesda Game Studios, the creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4 , welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Of course it is. [12][non-primary source needed], "Check Out The Vault, Your #1 Fallout Series Resource", "Dear Fallout fans, meet the man behind The Vault", "Fallout Wiki Editors Have A Lot Of Time On Their Hands And Use It", "Fans spend 58 years updating the Fallout New Vegas wiki", "Fallout Wiki Founder Banned From Wikia for Promoting Curse", Nukapedia main page, archived November 10, 2021, The Vault main page, archived November 1, 2021,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 August 2022, at 04:39. Manufactured inside the Vault, it was designed for utility and comfort. Don't you talk about my mom, you little punk! The Vault-Tec air raid sirens blared, but the "cry wolf" effect resulted in few people going into the shelters. Vault 32 Good damage when close but always tries to snipe with a shotgun. This advice was ignored, and the Vault was eventually massacred by paranoid outsiders. Some shelters were only intended to stay sealed for ten years (Vault 13, though this directive was overridden),[Fallout manual 2] while others were designed for 38 years and more, like Vault 108. 3] After it established control over Project Safehouse, it subverted it for its own ends. Aside from The film stars Freddie Highmore, strid Bergs-Frisbey, Sam Riley, Liam [17] No one expected that these humble beginning would eventually culminate in the formation of the mighty New California Republic. The Vault - Fallout Wiki None of the explorable Vaults in the games have enough space or facilities to actually house 1000 people (or rather 500, as hot-bunking is used at maximum capacity). [34], By 2077, Vault-Tec could rapidly construct Vaults, especially in areas where natural or artificial features such as stable cave networks or underground tunnels permitted it. This article is our way to celebrate the 241st anniversary of American Independence! Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, experience the largest world ever created in Fallout . Vault was eventually occupied by the, Research facility intended to monitor and study mutated wildlife, using genetic engineering to develop anti-mutant countermeasures. Advanced Vault doors and airlocks would funnel prospective Vault dwellers into a decontamination shower and then to a separate area for disrobing and changing into jumpsuits (which would later double as a staging area for excursions), before allowing them to enter the shelter. [2] It has broken previous popularity records for gaming wikis on the weekend after the release of Fallout: New Vegas in October 2010, with daily page views topping at 8.8 million[3] (the previous record, 5 million, belonged to WoWWiki). Vault Dweller | Fallout Wiki | Fandom Inhabitants eventually starved due to lack of food supplies. Fallout [5], Since the Enclave never really intended for the Vaults to save anyone, they used Project Safehouse and Vault-Tec's network of shelters for a grand social experiment, to test the occupants in unique circumstances. Since 2011, we are hosted by Curse and a part of the Gamepedia and Jej kontynuacj jest Fallout 2 . Vault The vault has reportedly been sealed for 200 years, until the player's father, James, opens the only door to the outside world and disappears without any explanation. [58][Fallout manual 1], All of the systems were reported to function without failure for nearly 900 years,[59] though the uneven quality of components would prove this claim untrue. Managed by the, Budget cuts resulted in substandard components being used in the Calculator; series of malfunctions occurred as a result, leading the AI to become genocidal, Facility was eventually taken over by the, Private shelter for Vault-Tec employees and scientists, to continue experimentation post-war, Medical experiment in which small amounts of radiation were leaked into the Vault each day, Vault was described in design documents as being overrun with feral ghouls, Social experiment in which jumpsuit extruders would fail after 6 months, drastically reducing clothing availability. In 2091, after receiving the all-clear signal, Vault 8 opened and Vault City was founded. Vault images emerge from the set of Amazon's Fallout TV show. Apart from air filtration systems required to keep the air breathable, which was already an issue without toxic contaminants leaking in,[51] Vaults also included hydro-agricultural farms and food synthesizers to provide sustenance,[52] water purification systems (able to take even sewer waste and convert it into up to 15,000 gallons of drinkable water each day with no loss of output for 250,000 hours of operation),[53] and other necessary amenities, like a Vault-wide intranet allowing instant access to any entertainment, social, and educational files from any terminal in the Vault. Specific access codes would be necessary to operate the door. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Harold mentions being from a vault and is unsure of its location as he cant remember anymore. Every inhabitant would be registered with a unique 11 digit Vault identification number (or VID)[67] and provided with clothing, bedding, and other accommodations necessary for their life within the Vault. [23] Vault-Tec's method was patented as the Triple-S Technology (Safety, Survivability and Sanitation),[24] to provide a maximum of comfort to the inhabitants without compromising their safety. The command center is the nexus of Vault activity, where all the computers necessary to maintain the Vault's various functions. [5] Ongoing drills in completed shelters slowly created a "cry wolf" effect. Also, the Commonwealth, Appalachia, and Maine Vaults' hue is the same as the traditional Vault jumpsuit, compared to the lighter blue seen in D.C. and the Mojave. The evolution of Vault technologies between. [101], The oldest Vault designs usually dedicated an entire floor of the Vault for these purposes, owing to the multiple functions it was supposed to fulfill. WebFallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop: Vault 92: Olney, Maryland (Capital Wasteland) Began: May 2062 End: May 2068: Medical experiment testing means to induce aggression using white [80] Some Vaults were also equipped with facilities for cloning replacement tissue and organs. [13] Ethical concerns were dismissed as counter-productive and close-minded. [82] It was estimated that living in a properly maintained Vault would result in an average lifespan of 92.3 years. Visitors explored a hypothetical Vault-Tec space colony dubbed "Arcturus-I"; experiments were secretly conducted on both visitors and staff, Training facility for Vault-Tec employees, Trainees would be locked inside for simulation exercises; facility was in use by a class when the bombs fell. Vaults appear in all Fallout games to date. The origins of the Vault network date back to the early 2050s, when the Euro-Middle Eastern War, the New Plague, and the collapse of the United Nations resulted in a nation-wide scare. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Despite its name, a typical EML is a fully-featured medical clinic allowing dwellers to undergo medical procedures in a safe and sterile environment. WebThe Vault, titled Way Down in various regions, is a 2021 Spanish action thriller film directed by Jaume Balaguer. The following mentees have successfully completed their particular courses of study and have been awarded their program's respective diploma. [2] The Vault has also released some previously unknown information on canceled Fallout projects like the Fallout Extreme 2000 console game[7] and the 1998 cancelled Fallout film project,[8] as well as using its YouTube channel and other social media to make available audio and video Fallout Media. fallout Damage to the Vault's, Social and medical experiment in which addicts were given experimental rehabilitation treatments and encouraged to remain clean, then informed of a secret stash of chems, Inhabitants initially recovered from addictions, but rapidly descended into violence once informed of the secret stash. Fallout television series WebAbout Fallout. Researchers continued work by experimenting on, Research facility studying the effects of the, Testing facility for experimental productivity-boosting equipment to be used in other Vaults, Vault's construction was never completed. Some Vaults were built according to a uniform design plan (like Vaults 8, 12, 13, and 15), while others had to be adapted to local geological features. Common schematic of Vault design used in mountainous areas.1 - Natural bedrock2 - Reinforced concrete that creates the outer shell of a Vault3 - Entrance area4 - Living quarters5 - Command center, A Vault was designed to provide the best possible protection from nuclear fallout, indirect blast effects, and any unrest that might occur following a global thermonuclear war. Miria. Human lives were considered irrelevant, with quick iteration time given a priority. They were sealed and the experiments entered their decisive phase. Fallout This section covers Vaults found in games ejected from the continuity, in concept art, in cross-promotional materials, or in cut content. [Fallout manual 1] Infrastructure is designed for durability, but also for convenience. Rather than act to save humanity, Vaults were built to test their population as part of th The player may also choose one of three pre-made characters with their own backstories to be the Vault Dweller: Albert Cole, Max Such was the case in 2155, when the Master's forces captured a caravan of Vault dwellers from the L.A. Fallout Wiki: Nukapedia + The Vault is a wiki about the Fallout fictional universe. It covers all of the Fallout video games, as well as all Fallout related content. The Vault runs on MediaWiki and is currently part of the Wikia network. P3rson man dude [78], Their health would be assured by well-educated doctors with access to the latest in medical technologies. WebBackground. I'd like to share it with you. [72] Children would also be assigned their first work duties starting with the day after their tenth birthday. Work together, or not, to survive. While dwellers could arrange to have their belongings sent to their quarters in advance, there was a strict policy disallowing bringing baggage along in case of an emergency entrance. Fallout Chat moderation focuses on the skills necessary to thrive in the social aspect of our community, via our Discord server. This article is devoted to a commonly raised issue: Just how large. Variations in Vault design across the series, Vault-Tec University terminal entries; Young Dweller Development Terminal, Introduction 3, Vault-Tec University terminal entries; Vault-Tec Mission Statement Terminal, Introduction 3, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 108, Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 76, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 87, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 92, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 106, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 112, Vault 22 terminal entries; Terminal, Vault 22 Expedition, entry 3, Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 101 terminal entries; overseer's terminal, Letter from Doctor Stanislaus Braun, Vault 92 terminal entries; Supply Shop, Intra-Vault Mail 000482, Vault 101 terminal entries; Vault 101 medical data system, Freddie Gomez, The pre-rendered cutscene after the overseer's briefing shows the interior of the airlock in detail, Bloomfield Space Center design document/1, RPG Codex interview with Leonard Boyarsky, Fallout Bible 3 Timeline repair: Second strike. 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