Explanation: In the given series there is a square of the consecutive odd integers i.e., 32, 52, 72, and so on. Explanation: Positron emission tomography or PET is a technique for imaging the brain in action. 45) Each connection link in ANN is linked with ________ that contains statics about the input signal. 48) Consider the implementation of the singly linked list having the head pointer only in the representation. 50) Which of the following is the time complexity to search an element in the linked list? How is the man related to the woman? It also provides many features such as anonymity and incognito options to insure that user information is always protected. So, it is clear that C is larger among others. Explanation: Short-term memory is also known as primary or active memory. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is. 14) Which of the following port and IP address scanner famous among the users? The pole in the given system is nearer to the j axis (origin). 19) Which of the following is correct for the neural network? Mail us on [emailprotected], to get more information about given services. Explanation: The answer is a. As an instance, a child says 'mine' to mean 'this toy is mine', and like that, there are more single words a child speaks when he/she begin to talk. The equivalent block will be the product of these two (G2G3). 14) Name the algorithms that acquire from complex environments to generalize, approximate and simplify solution logic. 18) Which of the following driver is the fastest one? 17) Statement 1: A is bigger than B but shorter than C, Statement 2: D is smaller than C and bigger than A, Explanation: According to the first two statements -. Neural networks mimic the same way as that of the human brain. So, before diving in depth, it is necessary to understand the basic structure of Java program in detail. Explanation: There are following stages in a JDBC program: 22) Which of the following is the correct to register a JdbcOdbcDriver? The above matrix can be written in the form of an equation: Now, we will find the roots using Routh's array table, as shown below: There are two sign changes in the first column. It means that two roots are in the RHS plane. Application of Computer Graphics 59) What would be the color of newly created node while inserting a new element in a Red black tree? C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), located in the U.S.A.. Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of the c language.. The array stores 9 elements, so the size of the array is 9*4=36 bytes. WebPHP MCQ. So, for the above given transfer function, we get: So, the number of zeroes at infinity = 3 - 1 = 2, 27) The centroid in the root locus is a point where. Explanation: A dos attack refers to the denial of service attack. However, the example given in the above question can be considered as an example of Complete Mediation. C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), located in the U.S.A.. Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of the c language.. Explanation: The letters of the word AIRLINE is written in reverse order, and the number on the right side of the coded word is the total number of characters in the original word. He was an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist. It is an example of a negative attitude towards people. Operating System MCQ 35) Which of the following is different from others? 2) Psychology is said to be the scientific study of _____ and ______. Explanation: Individual differences are the less or more enduring psychological characteristics that discriminate one person from another. It usually authenticates the communication between a device and a network by creating a secure encrypted virtual "tunnel". As shown, G1 is in cascade, the transfer function of the above system will be: C(s)/R(s) = [G1G2G3/ (1 + H2G2G3)]/ [1 + G1G2G3/ (1 + H2G2G3) x H1/G3, C(s)/R(s) = G1G2G3/ (1 + H2G2G3 + G2G1H1). Explanation: If a user uses the Root account of the UNIX operating system, he can carry out all types of administrative functions because it provides all necessary privileges and rights to a user. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Explanation: The answer is b because the size of int type data is 4 bytes. In enqueue operation, new nodes are inserted from the end and in dequeue operation, nodes are deleted from the end. If we try to insert the elements of size MAX_SIZE or more than MAX_SIZE in a queue, then it leads to the overflow condition. The range of IQ in people with moderate mental retardation is 35 - 40 to 50 - 55. So LION will be coded as LMGJ. AVL tree stores balance factor per node that requires space whereas Red Black tree stores 1-bit information. It will not commit transactions automatically after each query. These types of hackers do not hack the system for their own purposes, but the organization hires them to hack their system to find security falls, loop wholes. In contrast, the last element is connected to the first element in a circular queue; if initial spaces are vacant, then rear can be incremented by using the statement (rear+1) mod max where max is the size of the array. It is a kind of cyber attack in which one tries to make a machine (or targeted application, website etc.) The branches of the root locus tend to infinity. Copyright 2011-2021 www.javatpoint.com. Therefore, it is not possible for the Queue to have a single ended queue. 47) Which of the following are the symptoms of schizophrenia? Explanation: The answer is d. All the three options, i.e., a, b and c are true for the binary search tree. 25) A list of elements in which enqueue operation takes place from one end, and dequeue operation takes place from one end is__. 4) Which number should come next in the series 1, 2, 3, 10, ___, Explanation: The logic for the given series is the square of the appearing number and addition of 1 at first position and subtraction of 1 at second position. In Short, these three principles are also known as the CIA triad and plays a vital role as the cornerstone of the security structure of any organization. Yes, but only if the ResultSet is an object of class UpdateableResultSet and if the driver and database support this option. 46) Which of the following statements is true about the Trojans? Container that stores the elements of similar types. 1) What are the major components of the JDBC? WebAnswer: a Explanation: The 10th Schedule of the Indian Constitution contain Provisions relating to disqualification on the ground of defection. 9) Read the following statement carefully and find out whether it is correct about the hacking or not? Calculate the settling time for a 2 percent and 5 percent band. WebSpring Boot Interview Questions for beginners and professionals with a list of top frequently asked CouchDB interview questions and answers with java, .net, php, database, hr, spring, hibernate, android, oracle, sql, asp.net, c#, python, c, c++ etc. To find the number of roots, we need to create a Routh table, as shown below: There are no roots and no significant changes in the RHS plane, as shown in the above table. It is a learning strategy where practice occurs in various short sessions over a long period of time. 39) Which of the following branch of psychology concerned with the study of animal behavior? at whose portrait was Mohan looking? JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Explanation: The order of the words is reversed, and then each letter is moved two steps backward. 41) What will be the controller output for PD controller at t = 2s, if the error begins to change from 0 at the rate of 1.2% /s? Examples of Proprioception include the ability to kick or walk without looking at the feet or being able to touch the nose with closed eyes. It is usually used to protect the information while transferring one place to another place. In psychology, it is referred to as -. The number of asymptotes is equal to the number of branches approaching infinity. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Take Laplace transform of differential equations and rearrange the equations in the s-domain. 23) What is another name for the circular queue among the following options? Explanation: Type 3 driver follows the three-tier approach which is used to access the databases. Here we are going to discuss a brief history of the c language. 20) Which of the following is not a diagnosable sleep disorder? 49) What will be the missing letters in the series BKK, DMM, FOO, __, JSS? In general, the software VPNs are considered as the most cost-effective, user friendly over the hardware VPNs. Explanation: Reverse of the prefix expression: 1, 4, 8, /, 2, 3, *, -, +. Class 12 Physics MCQ One shall practice these interview questions to improve their concepts for various interviews (campus interviews, walk-in interviews, and company interviews), placements, entrance exams, and other competitive exams. Explanation: Encoding is a process of transmuting phenotype space to genotype space. Answer: (c) Ability to think abstractly and learn from experience. In this way, we can easily calculate the transfer function of the free body diagram. Explanation: It is a type of unsolicited email which is generally sent in bulk to an indiscriminate recipient list for commercial purpose. Explanation: The molecular structure of a diamond makes it so hard that it can cut the glass. 7) Suppose a series is 6, 11, 21, 36, 56, ? That means -. Step 5: Here, we will find 1 because there is only one forward path. 29) DatabaseMetaData interface is used to get?????..? JavaScript MCQ An AVL tree is a binary search tree and height balanced tree. There are no zeroes but three poles. Explanation: Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt is acclaimed as the father of experimental psychology. The output will be: Explanation: In order to find out the output, we multiply the weights with their respective inputs, add the results and then further multiply them with their transfer function. Write one differential equation for each of the free body diagram. Explanation: The letters of the word are replaced by their positions in the English Alphabets. Explanation: There are three types of ResultSet object: Based on the concurrency there are two types of ResultSet object. 46) Pointing to a man in the photograph a woman said, "He is the son of the only son of my grandfather." 37) Which of the following can also consider as the instances of Open Design? 37) Who is the father of psychodynamic theory? Thus, the system is unstable. I. It is the ability of the body to sense its location, movements, and parts. Features of Java Explanation: The following table defines transaction isolation levels. In contrast to conventional computers, neural networks have much higher computational rates. 23) Which of the following is controlled by the thyroid gland? After generalization, the output will be 0, when and only when the input is: Explanation: Before generalization, the truth table is as follows: Here, $ represents the don't know cases, and the output is random. The start() method of thread class is used to begin the execution of thread. So,Raman's sister is Anuj's mother. 26) An open loop transfer function is given by G(s) = K (s + 1) / (s + 4)(s^2 + 3s + 2). Explanation: The term VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Explanation: Overt behaviors are directly observable, like running, blinking, scratching, etc., Whereas covert behavior includes private events such as imagining or thinking. The series after filling acab is bcaabcaabcaabcaa. Rearrange the equations in the s-domain to find the output and input ratio by eliminating the unwanted variables. Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are prevented. Explanation: The first letter in the word CAT is moved at the last position, and the alphabet P is placed at the initial position in order to form the code. 28) The response time and transit time is used to measure the ____________ of a network. Such a combination makes it the most powerful controller. Here, the loop gain is defined as the product of the branch gain that is traversing a forward path. Operating System MCQ Part 2 Using the Java programming language, we can develop a wide variety of applications. WebPower Electronics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) with Multiple Choice Questions, Questions and Answers, Java MCQ, C++ MCQ, Python MCQ, C MCQ, GK MCQ, MCQ Preparation, General Science MCQ, etc. Explanation: IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. In the recency effect, the accuracy of recalling the items at the end of the list is greater than the items in the middle. Civil Engineering MCQ (1/ (40s +4)) = 1/ (10s + 1). The Array shows a hierarchical structure. Explanation: The spinal cord is a complex organization of nerve cells. 45) Who is the founder of the "Individual Psychology"? Explanation: There are two ways to load a database driver in JDBC: 9) Parameterized queries can be executed by? That's why Madhu is the wife of sohan's father. Explanation: We use the following statement to connect Oracle database using the thin driver. It is a medical term for treating mental health problems by talking with psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health providers. We know that poles and zeroes are calculated by equating the denominator and numerator to zero. Explanation: The Bode plot is defined as the frequency response plot of the sinusoidal transfer function of a system. Spring Boot Interview Questions Explanation: When the numbers of users on a network get increased and exceed the network's limit, therefore the performance is one of the factors of the network that is hugely impacted by it. Explanation: Phase lead is responsible for improving the damping and reducing the system's steady-state error. All rights reserved. So, sohan is the son of Madhu. Explanation: A book is a set of printed, written, or blank pages. Explanation: When the child is about twelve months old, he/she start to say some words, usually single words. It enables the learner to ask relevant examples related to perception-action pairs that will further augment the performance. It is because all the loops touch each other. Explanation: Fuzzy associative memory is a kind of neural network that stores the associations of patterns. In the two-tier model, a Java application talks directly to the data source. Explanation: The way to allow two or more statements to be grouped into a transaction is to disable the auto-commit mode. 33) Which of the following method is used for memorizing a poem? The given transfer function of the system is G(s) = K / [(s + 1) (s + 4 + 4j) (s + 4 - 4j)]. There is only one forward path in the above figure. Let the size of the step function be A, where A=1. When the switch statement is executed, the value of the expression is calculated and compared to the case labels, and looks for a case whose expressions produce the same value after evaluations (where the comparison is 20) To protect the computer system against the hacker and different kind of viruses, one must always keep _________ on in the computer system. 25) Statement: If it is easy to become a doctor, I don't want to be a doctor. The trace output contains a detailed listing of the JDBC activity. The deque is a data structure in which both insertion and deletion can be performed from both the ends whereas, in Queue, insertion can be done from one end and deletion can be performed from another end. Answer: c) Activation or neuron's activity level. Explanation: The answer is a, i.e., front=rear= -1. How is the Madhu related to Sohan's father? It is created by Bob Thomas at BBN in early 1971 as an experimental computer program. Explanation: Reward is another term for reinforcement. Explanation: Margaret Floy Washburn was born in New York City on 25th July 1871. It is the transmission of errors back through the network to adjust the inputs. 29) Which of the following is true for unsupervised learning? Hence, the system is controllable. 44) Study of qualities of a person is called as the -. Delusions are false beliefs that conflict with reality. WebReasoning MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) with Multiple Choice Questions, Questions and Answers, Java MCQ, C++ MCQ, Python MCQ, C MCQ, GK MCQ, MCQ Preparation, General Science MCQ, etc. 12) Which of the following is a belief that the mind is fundamentally different from the body? The branches of the root locus intersect with the imaginary axis. It is a database driver implementation that employs the ODBC driver to connect to the database. 42) The controller required to handle fast process load changes is: Explanation: The Proportional Derivative controller is preferred to handle fast process load changes. The main reason why the tails operating system is famous among the user is that it is almost untraceable, which keep your privacy secure. 1) In which of the following, a person is constantly followed/chased by another person or group of several peoples? Explanation: In 1890, William James published the first work about brain activity patterns. 4) How many types of random variables are there in Fuzzy logic? In the primacy effect, the 57) ________ deals with uncertainty problems with its own merits and demerits. Experimental computer program because there is only one forward path back through the network to the... Characteristics that discriminate one person from another of branches approaching infinity possible the!, non-repeatable reads, and parts Bob Thomas at BBN in early 1971 as an of. Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python have much higher computational rates network... 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