All reviewers are verified as attorneys through Martindale-Hubbells extensive attorney database. First, they save us money. As long as we monitor our SROs closely and continue to improve on the program, I think the benefits outweigh the concerns. A new generation is dealing with the same old problems, but were not here for that mess. This case was filed in Orange County Superior Courts, Central Justice Center located in Orange, California. I will also continue the great work of connecting our K-12 students with opportunities through Wake Tech, making job pipelines accessible for all. When Jessica Holmes spoke up about this issue many years ago, she had foresight that many on the Commission lacked. While current homeowners have gained tens or hundreds of thousands in wealth as their home values increase, those who do not yet own a home face unprecedented market forces as they attempt to achieve the American Dream. If elected to the Board of Commissioners, I will continue that mission and be a fierce advocate for public education. What about its failures? If we enforce this judgment, we should have the money to fund these positions for at least a decade. 10 years experience in Accident & Injury, Criminal, Traffic, Securities, Lawsuit & Dispute, etc. Shaun Pollenz - Biography - IMDb My absolute top priority, if elected, will be to restore the K-8 year-round academic intervention and support services that my opponent voted to eliminate when she was Chair of the Board of Education in 1998. Shaun A. Pollenz - Raleigh, North Carolina Lawyer - Justia We should intervene. Our community already looks a lot more like southern California than it does DC. Its time for new leadership with new ideas on how to address this long-term issue. This is very similar to what I see in, for example, a DWI sentencing courtroom. The attorney Instead of letting these kids fall through the cracks, we have to identify these students in Pre-K or Kindergarten and schedule them for extra help right away. Property Crimes Resources. That said, I must commend the current school board for recently taking steps to ensure that all of our schools have secured access swipe cards at all entrances, as well as cameras at every entrance and exit. To control our costs and make sure we have enough money for staff and programming, we should continue investing in year-round education. Being raised by a teacher, you better believe Ive been hearing all about the daily struggles of being an educator since I was a kid. If we are going to continue being a great place to live, we need to protect our environment. 2022 INDY Week P.O. I run my own small practice here in Raleigh dealing with criminal defense and securities litigation issues. I have personally experience the benefits of a year-round education. Self-Reported Practice Areas: None reported. 8. That man is now in jail, but the fact remains that our open campuses make them soft targets for violence. We need to work with the municipalities to fill in the holes and make sure everyone has nearby access to a community dog park. Applying this knowledge to our student discipline policies will absolutely improve our outcomes and make things more equitable in the school system. Joint committees are government 101, and frankly I was surprised to learn that a joint committee didnt already exist between these two boards. Simply put, were doing a lot, but not enough. Pollenz is a staunch progressive running against a more traditional Democrat for the vacated seat of retiring commissioner Sig Hutchinson. Shaun Pollenz for NC House (Closed (Pending)) - North Carolina PAC Do you see preventing such shootings as a school safety issue? RALEIGH, N.C. A clip of a Raleigh lawyer criticizing the Wake County school board for returning students to the classroom is spreading across social media. People who submit reviews are either individuals who consulted with the lawyer/law firm or who hired the lawyer/law firm and want to share their experience of that lawyer or law firm with other potential clients. While we may not always agree, I will remain open to learning new information and ideas, and will maintain an open line of communication. I think this is important as I have first-hand knowledge of what its like being a student here in Wake County. The solution is to rewrite our policy to include guidelines for how we, as a school system, expect our teachers and administrators to evaluate student behavior. I pledge to meet our school systems needs each time we vote on a budget, and to support a bonds package to fund a backlog of school maintenance and construction needs. of this site is subject to additional In your view, what are the three most pressing issues facing Wake County? DC had a decent system and I lived there 5 years without a car. As your commissioner, I will strive to make all of our schools and public buildings a source of solar energy which we can use to lower costs and even raise revenue by selling excess energy back to Duke Energy. Your access of/to and use This attorney does not have any peer reviews yet. By collaborating with the entire county, we can move forward together and work as a unit to achieve our goals. Bringing back the year-round academic intervention and support services that my opponent voted to eliminate in 1998 when she was Chair of the school board will be my top priority if elected. This is not a gimmick. Juvenile Crimes | Pollenz Law 3737 Glenwood Avenue As a criminal defense attorney, I have first-hand experience dealing with sentencing statutes that do an excellent job removing implicit bias from the decision-making process. What would you do differently? I was one of the first students in Wake County to attend a multi-track year-round school back in 1993, when Wake County opened Morrisville Elementary. Because of these significant and rapid improvements, I believe that the benefit of having the SROs on campus far outweighs the risks. We must always remain flexible and adapt when necessary. Candidate Questionnaire: Shaun Pollenz, Wake Board of Commissioners Shaun Pollenz for Wake County Commissioner Now I want back what was taken from my education so that I can give it to these kids today. She taught me how to use my imagination, think critically, and to challenge my beliefs. Case Summary On 01/23/2012 SHAUN POLLENZ filed a Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury lawsuit against TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORPORATION. Weve invested the money in everything from broadband access to affordable housing to pay raises for county staff, EMS workers, and others. It would only service an estimated 12,000 riders daily and wouldnt even open until 2030. What are your priorities for addressing these issues? Nobody in Wake County wants to see our kids criminalized, so the joint efforts between law enforcement, the legal system, and the school system to keep our kids out of the juvenile justice system for school-based offenses is a huge reason why the SRO program has the potential to be so valuable to our educational process. 3. Shaun Pollenz Law Practice Professional Raleigh, North Carolina, United States113 connections Join to connect Los Angeles District Attorney's Office Experience Law Clerk Los Angeles District. Stations must be easily accessible to the overwhelming majority of the county, and walkable whenever possible. For example, we have a LOT of very upset middle school teachers right now who are dealing with a brand new curriculum this year. While current homeowners have gained tens or hundreds of thousands in wealth as their home values increase, those who do not yet own a home face unprecedented market forces as they attempt to achieve the American Dream. Ask around and nobody will tell you this isnt something our county needs. We are still putting the pieces back together from the damage this runaway board caused. Charter schools are absolutely partly to blame for our growing diversity issues. Take a look at any cafeteria and youll see tables full of black students and tables full of white students. I experienced the benefits of a year-round education first-hand and I am still a huge proponent of these schools for two big reasons. Third, why would anyone expect our schools to be well-integrated when our society is so segregated? We are THE hotspot for real estate in America. Finally, as an attorney on the school board, I will work to ensure full 1st Amendment protections to any speakers who wish address the school board in a public setting. What is my mom supposed to do about kids who read on a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade level when they get to her 8th grade class? Please contact our office for a free initial consultation. Since we have a legislature that continues to restrict our ability to help ourselves and build the communities we desire, I am in favor of finding loopholes and workarounds to enact as many progressive policies as we legally can here in Wake County. The students left behind require more resources and attention to educate than the average student who attends a charter or private voucher school. Box 1772, Durham, NC 27702 919-695-4848, Shaun Pollenz - Wake County Board of Education. Assuming the Board of Commissioners retains taxing authority in the near term, what steps do you believe the Board of Education can or should take to repair the sometimes strained relationship with the commissioners over funding questions? View Shaun Pollenz's record in Raleigh, NC including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. I have served as the Wake County Young Democrats' Treasurer, on the Democratic Party State Executive Council, and I stay active with my precinct, 13-10. Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings are the gold standard in attorney ratings, and have been for more than a century. For me, this race is personal. Ignoring a problem doesnt make it go away, so we must do better to help our students right away when we see them struggling instead of passing them along to the next grade and hoping for the best. Also, I support raising our supplemental pay to WCPSS. To be clear, I do support efforts to keep our schools diverse, but we need a whole heck of a lot more than just a longer bus ride for some unlucky students to get the job done effectively. SHAUN POLLENZ VS. DIVERSIFIED COLLECTION SERVICES, INC. - UniCourt We have been fighting for years now over where to get the money for counselors, nurses, and other support staff. I support expanding tax exclusion programs to assist people living on fixed incomes and help keep them in their homes. Only attorneys practicing at least three years and receiving a sufficient number of reviews from non-affiliated attorneys are eligible to receive a Rating. Not only did I attend and benefit from our public schools, but my mother was also an 8thgrade English teacher here in Wake County for more than 2 decades. Structural Info Known for movies Skate Great! What are the results for the Wake County Commissioner races? | Raleigh Los Angeless airport experience is a nightmare. AV Preeminent: The highest peer rating standard. All of these factors are relevant to determining appropriate discipline strategies, but race is most certainly not a relevant factor. We are THE hotspot for real estate in America. The case status is Not Classified By Court. Overview; Donations . I lived my life lying to people every day about a very core issue, about my very identity. My mother teaches 8th grade English in District 3 here in Wake County and has students who are reading on a third, fourth, and fifth grade level. Get Shaun Pollenz's email address and phone number at RocketReach. My third priority will be to enforce the 10-year-old, $730 million judgment in Wake County Superior Court which entitles school systems across the state to collect monies owed from the State of North Carolina. It is not a teacher or administrators job to deal with criminal activity on campus. These are two very different regions and living there taught me a great deal about smart growth. Why isnt WCPSS doing a better job of reaching students of color? Current State Profile Candidate PAC s Shaun Pollenz for NC House (Closed (Pending)) Lyon, one of Europe's great meeting points at the confluence of the Rhne and Sane rivers, is a key destination due to its architectural wealth and reputation for fine dining. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. NC SBE Contest Results Is the county doing enough to protect, preserve, and maintain its natural resources, including parks, waterways, and green spaces? While we absolutely need to spend that much for our students success, we also need to spend less on building new schools and more on the programs we need to help our students be successful. By dictating which factors are relevant when determining how to discipline, we control the outcome in advance. Be specific about how this experience would relate to your prospective office. Charter and private schools have a higher proportion of white students than does our public school system, and this disparity will only continue to grow as we allow more school choice options. We should have listened to her and started making these investments earlier. Avvo Contributions education Show full resume Attorney endorsements Shaun Pollenz for NC House (Closed (Pending)) Filer for Candidate Shaun Pollenz $4,839 Total Contributions. For 15 years, until 2013, if a student failed their classes and their EOGs, the school system would, with few exceptions, opt for social promotion and move that struggling student right up to the next grade without any immediate academic intervention or support services whatsoever. Factoring in overhead costs, we save about 25% cost for every school we open year-round. Washington, DC has a stop at the airport, and Los Angeles does not. With Wake Countys rapid growth comes challenges related to suburban sprawl, transportation, and affordable housing. Im the right person at the right time for this job, and I am ready to take on the challenge. This is a waste of classroom time and is something we could minimize if our students stuck to a year-round academic schedule. One thing in which Id like to see us invest moving forward is a proposed 50 bed mental health facility that WakeMed is hoping to build in cooperation with Wake County and the local municipalities. Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes - Wikipedia DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT 10 - DEM (VOTE FOR 1)DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT 10 - DEM (VOTE FOR 1) Precincts Reported: 208 of 208: View Contest Details. When I went to France in middle school on an exchange program through Martin Middle School, I noticed that all of their schools are built courtyard style, with limited points of ingress and egress. 1. Shaun Pollenz: DEM: 37,465: 44.38%: WAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT 03 - DEM (VOTE FOR 1) . Education is a nonpartisan issue, and we should take steps to make sure that only responsible adults are in the room making decisions that affect our kids. If elected, I'll insist that the attorneys working for the school system stop playing nice and start getting real. Pollenz Law 3737 Glenwood Avenue Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 P: 202.905.3182 E: We need initiatives to integrate our neighborhoods, preserving historical populations while including new groups. | The current board and current school board attorneys are enforcing public commentary rules that clearly violate the First Amendment. As the federal, state and local governments have taken away more of your rights and criminalized more and more activity, ordinary citizens often find themselves caught up in the legal system with nowhere to turn and a feeling of hopelessness. Pollenz Law represents clients in Durham County, Wake County, and Orange County, as well as surrounding areas. I was one of the first students to attend year-round school in Wake County in 1993 when they opened Morrisville Elementary. $8,696 Total Expenditures. They save us about 25% overhead costs per school. We must include all of the aggravating and mitigating factors that the disciplinarian may consider when making their decision. Shaun A. Pollenz - North Carolina Law Directory You can count on me to get the job done. Case Details Parties Documents Dockets Case Details I was raised by an 8th grade English teacher. 2022 Primary Endorsements: Wake County - INDY Week No credit card required. Or we could see if they are passing their classes, if they are remorseful, if they are willing to attend counseling sessions, if they are willing to apologize. I even had a teacher tell me, during my junior year, that she knew I was a deviant.Imagine having someone say that to your face at age 16 when you are deeply in the closet. If the Board of Commissioners keeps taxing authority for themselves, however, I look forward to working with them in a friendly, collegial fashion to accomplish our mutually desired result of keeping WCPSS strong. Misdemeanors | Pollenz Law Unfortunately, I do not think our current leaders have the lived experience to understand this pressing need. Instead of addressing a students needs when they arise, we just move our students along to the next grade and hope for a better result next year. Having the experience of being a gay man has given me a perspective that is currently lacking on the board. Reviewers can be anyone who consults or hires a lawyer including in-house counsel, corporate executives, small business owners, and private individuals. Also, at age 39, I am currently working on buying my first home. I hope that the public will hold me accountable for this promise. I was raised on that struggle. They have also lived in Washington, DC and Anaheim, CA. I am confident that I will have a positive working relationship with everyone on both Boards, as should be the standard for all of our elected officials. No. Shaun Pollenz in NC - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Keep these receipts, Wake County! 2 talking about this. Ill support programs that help people keep a roof over their heads. Notable: This rating indicates that the lawyer has been recognized by a large number of their peers for strong ethical standards. What should be the countys role in addressing issues of economic inequality, such as gentrification and affordable housing? This might include career or community service; be specific about its relevance to this office. Ive already explained how important it is to have someone with my base of knowledge and skill set on the school board. 2018 As commissioner, I will work with our school board and staff to determine what we can do for our schools, and make sure we find the best ways to fund those projects moving forward. See full bio More at IMDbPro Contact Info: View agent, publicist, legal on IMDbPro Known For Skate Great! In fact, its just enforcing a lawful judgment from Wake County Superior Court. Washingtons is smooth and convenient. In Canada, for example, some areas tax homes that sit vacant for more than 6 months of the year. Why were they not included in the discussion or decision-making process about how their classrooms would be run? Shaun Pollenz for Wake County Commissioner HOAs can enact policies that prohibit the renting of a home for 1 year (or more) after it is purchased. Eileen Witkowski Pollenz 12/31/2021: Retired: Not Employed: INDIVIDUAL: $500.00 Mary Ann Mcdermott 12/31/2021: Retired: Not Employed: INDIVIDUAL: $359.82 Peerly 02/07/2022: This system is ridiculous, particularly when both schools and teachers receive grades of their own for how well they get kids achieving on grade level. Name as it appears on the ballot: Shaun Pollenz, Campaign website: or We need to work together in concert, not separately and in opposition. Helping our students get the support staff they need should be this Boards priority, as well. Report a story for this election. In the wake of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School earlier this year, what do you think should be done to make schools safer? If elected, I will immediately call for our free speech rights to be respected and restored so that all parents can defend their own childrens interests in public, as necessary. Wake Tech is a treasure in our community, and I will continue to make investments in their programming. 10. I would also support creating a county-wide transit plan for light rail instead of the piecemeal approach currently being favored. This cannot be our default. This facility will receive my hearty support when elected. And Ill continue investing in our great county staff, including first responders, and support permanent raises for our school staff. If a student is being disrespectful, we should endeavor to find out why by using our counselors and support staff to build strong relationships with the student and to get to the root of their issues. I understand the need for a robust transit system. Pollenz Law Firm, Raleigh, NC. The practice area Shaun Allen Christensen spends the most time on is Bankruptcy. Looking towards our long term future plans, we must design our buildings and campuses so that they keep our kids safe from external elements. Wake County reached its 5-year goal of 2500 new units in only 3 years but did so using temporary Covid relief funds. Identify and explain one principled stand you would be willing to take if elected that you suspect might cost you some points with voters. What do you believe are the three most important issues facing the Board of Education? Address: 2315 Saint Pauls Sq, Raleigh, NC 27614-7051, Phone: 919-888-0111 If we dont start making better choices, we will wind up missing the boat on building ourselves a comprehensive network of rail and bus lines. The number currently linked to Shaun is (202) 905-3182 (Sprint Spectrum LP) Wake County teachers are worried about the amount of time they have available to teach, learning disparities, and students' social and emotional health, according to this year's Teacher Working Conditions Survey. The moment between Shaun Pollenz and . Whether you like it or not, I am going to tell you what is really happening in Wake County. Shaun Pollenz for Wake County Commissioner Candidate Questionnaire: Shaun Pollenz, Wake Board of Commissioners These ratings indicate attorneys who are widely respected by their peers for their ethical standards and legal expertise in a specific area of practice. Even when we do have racially and economically diverse schools, those schools are still internally segregated. We have to invest resources to provide immediate and targeted academic intervention and support for our most vulnerable students. If a student gets into a fight, we could consider if theyve ever gotten in a fight before, for example. The right attorney may make all the difference in the outcome of the case. Lawyers who have received peer reviews after 2009 will display more detailed information, including practice areas, summary ratings, detailed numeric ratings and written feedback (if available). We must also work together with the 13 municipalities to update our existing smart growth plan to account for unforeseen market forces driven by the pandemic. These schools tend to take only the best and brightest students, or those with the greatest financial means to contribute to their school community. Details for individual reviews received before 2009 are not displayed. Instead of pricing out our friends and neighbors, we must build an inclusive and welcoming Wake County for all. There is no reason that our leaders in the legislative branch should be on a different page than our local government bodies. How did that happen? Movies. The District Attorney's Office plays a critical role in keeping our community safe. NAME ON BALLOT PARTY BALLOT COUNT PERCENT; Nancy (Lorrin) Freeman: DEM: . What would you like to see the county do with the remainder of those funds? Not Available. While I look forward to helping Wake County maintain its competitive edge, and remain a leader in jobs, employment rates, wages, and quality of life, I also want to make sure that our rising tide is lifting all boats. First, I am a K-12 product of the modern WCPSS (post-1976). Name as it appears on the ballot:Shaun Pollenz. Having a dedicated SRO on campus helps our school staff focus on education and leaves the police work to experts. We have had some ups and downs in this regard over the past few years. If you are challenging an incumbent, what decisions have the incumbent made that you most disagree with? This design helps keep unwanted elements outside of the school environment. I will also support investment in green technology. Case Summary On 05/11/2011 SHAUN POLLENZ filed a Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury lawsuit against DIVERSIFIED COLLECTION SERVICES, INC. First, we had a crazy Board of Education in 2009 who worked to undo years of integration efforts in just a couple of years. This case was filed in Orange County Superior Courts, Central Justice Center located in Orange, California. Contact | Pollenz Law Donec lacinia nisi turpis, vel posuere nulla bibendum dignissim. Those savings can be reinvested in our schools, providing excellent track-out camps, year-round academic intervention and support services, additional staff (counselors, nurses, & support staff), fully funded classrooms, etc. Lawyers solicited for peer reviews include both those selected by the attorney being reviewed and lawyers independently selected by Martindale-Hubbell. No matter who is elected from District 3, the school board will retain a strong advocate for common sense schools that save us money while helping our students thrive. When we fail to invest in our school buildings, we run into situations like at West Millbrook Middle School in 2018 when sewage would regularly flood school property and their gym smelled like urine. Pollenz talked about when he was growing up as a student in Wake County Public Schools how he had to take a writing test. Apr. Its certain time to consider what updates we should make to our plan, and what else Wake County can do to help. Conservative group hosts wide-ranging education panel with - EdNC 6. Some 12,208 teachers, principals, and other educators in Wake filled out this year's survey, the majority of them teachers. Contact Pollenz Law It is vital that you retain the immediate representation of Pollenz Law. This is a big step in the right direction, but not enough. I want to make sure we envision our best future, and that requires looking at the big picture without skipping on the details. Mr. Shaun A. Pollenz - Raleigh, NC Attorney | Shaun Pollenz Profile | Raleigh, NC Lawyer | For more information on Martindale-Hubbell Client Review Ratings, please visit our Client Review Page. How would your experiencein politics or otherwise in your careermake you an asset to the countys decision-making process? We need churches doing events with other churches, integrating our centers of worship. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. I am also in favor of using our joint power as local government officials to band together statewide and lobby the NCGA as a unit, with multiple counties and municipalities working together, rather than going it alone as just Wake County. Over the past two years I have formed an aggravated violent offense unit to ensure these cases are receiving. 9. Over the last year or so, I helped nearly 2 dozen Black Lives Matters protesters get their felony charges dropped, and I am committed to doing the work required to enact real social justice change. Raleigh, NC 27612. Kardashian West was 16 the first time she tapped Shawn Holley for her legal expertise. Regional and rapid bus routes must be used to fill in the gaps. Shaun Pollenz - Wake County Board of Education - INDY Week It is very easy to predict how judge will sentence a guilty defendant because the system is set up so well that it considers every possible outcome. If elected, I will be a strong voice for teachers and make sure that their perspectives are being considered BEFORE the Board makes major decisions. - Lawyer - Shaun Allen Christensen Pollenz: DEM: 37,465: 44.38 %: Wake County commissioner races s plays! Support programs that help people keep a roof over their heads as well as surrounding areas,.... 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