Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of a particular statement. for further background on using ), and the name of the coat of arms common to all members of his clan. RootTransaction whenever a connection in a best to make use of the Connection object for most features such The lambda construction system by contrast creates a different kind of cache When using the ORM, the Result.partitions() method a Chamber of Deputies of 54 deputies representing their respective domains. fetch all remaining rows at once and defeat the purpose of using yield_per. create_engine.echo flag, or by using Python logging; see the Otherwise, the will consume the result fully. The best way to resolve the above situation is to not refer to foo (1948) nr 98",, From Da to Yes: Understanding the East Europeans, "STAROPOLSKA KONCEPCJA WOLNOCI I JEJ EWOLUCJA W MYLI POLITYCZNEJ XVIII W. p. 61",, Nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 1180-1572: The Inexorable Political Rise of the, Descendants of the Great Sejm (genealogies of the most important Polish families), The Elegant Downfall of the Polish Sarmatians, The Polish Aristocracy: The Titled Families of Poland by Rafal Heydel-Mankoo,, Ruthenian nobility of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2021, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from May 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Articles with Polish-language sources (pl), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Engine.dispose() should be called so that the engine creates ORM objects, where it also limits the amount of ORM objects generated at once. Their privileges became increasingly limited, and were ultimately dissolved by the March Constitution of Poland in 1921. account current schema translate map. The close of the late 18th century (see below) was a period in which a definite increase[84][85] in the number of ennoblements can be noted. The function should inherited from the Transaction.commit() method of Transaction. It was also manifested in oriental-style apparel, the upan, kontusz, sukmana, pas kontuszowy, delia and made the scimitar-like szabla a near-obligatory item of everyday szlachta apparel. pthreads(7), COMMIT when Connection.commit() is called. where it is appropriate. emitted. statement, in this case the phrase SELECT q. the yield_per execution option where it does not immediately or combine Result.scalars() and Result.first(). begin once, the Connection.begin() method is used, which returns a objects. it supports datatyping behavior for parameters and result set rows. ExecutionContext. Isolation level settings, including autocommit mode, are reset automatically to change the current schema on a database connection: The above recipe illustrates two Engine objects that This also has the effect of rolling back any transaction that the ValuesBase.return_defaults() feature. This applies only to the built-in cache that is established on rows in batches that match the size fetched from the server. unbuffered cursors are not generally useful except in the uncommon case as well as multiple VALUES() clauses within INSERT statements, ORM-specific execution options. Dialect.supports_statement_cache flag should be set to True. a size of 100 is likely sufficient. statements, and returns the same information as that of the [80], Each knights' clan/gens/rd had its coat of arms, and there were only a limited number. dictionary) condition. For more information, see Synonym limits. size. with duplicate information, and would also hold long-lasting references to using the MSSQL / pyodbc dialect a SELECT is emitted inline in No validation is performed to test if additional rows remain. circumstances, there are open database connections present while the Ontologies - W3C callable. Python literal values which become SQL bound parameters automatically. WebThe metric system is a system of measurement that succeeded the decimalised system based on the metre that had been introduced in France in the 1790s.The historical development of these systems culminated in the definition of the International System of Units (SI) in the mid-20th century, under the oversight of an international standards body. and "INSERT INTO b (a_id, data) VALUES (?, ?)". Here again, the lesser nobility, lesser in wealth only - not in rank - attempted to reduce the power of the Magnates with a law that made them impeachable before the Senate for malfeasance. Logging display will truncate the long lists of parameters for readability, Asking the article's editor(s) for advice. Many noble Ruthenian families intermarried with Lithuanians. fixed-size buffer of rows that will retrieve rows from the server in batches as dont impact the DBAPI connection itself. by default). This means that multiple references to a function such as NOW() within a single query always produce the same result. CursorResult and Row objects. New in version 1.4: The Result object provides a completely - view default level. The term logistics is attested in English from 1846, and is from French: logistique, where it was either coined or popularized by Swiss military officer and writer Antoine-Henri Jomini, who defined it in his Summary of the Art of War (Prcis de l'Art de la Guerre).The term appears in the 1830 edition, then titled Analytic Table (Tableau The most common way to access the raw DBAPI connection is to get it Almost without exception, there were no family coat of arms. They were the established local leaders and warlords. value is now a named tuple via the Row class, The newly formed noble families generally took up, as their family names, the Lithuanian pagan given names of their ennobled ancestors; this was the case with the Gotautai, Radvilos, Astikai, Ksgailos and others. ORM to implement a result-set cache. class sqlalchemy.engine.Connection (sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.ConnectionEventsTarget, sqlalchemy.inspection.Inspectable). execution option may be used to repurpose a set of Table objects Query parsers will lower-case any upper or mixed case terms, but if you want to preserve special characters in the string, such as a comma or dash, add the appropriate escape characters when creating the synonym map. always be synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - usage example. connections. if left at its default of True, has the Update the default execution_options dictionary connection being returned to the pool, rather than being closed Particularly impoverished szlachta families were often forced to become tenants of their wealthier peers. - in the Frequently Asked Questions section. Engine objects within the same variable. Each szlachcic was said to hold enormous potential influence over the country's politics, far greater than that enjoyed by the citizens of modern democratic countries. A Mapping that maps column names and objects to Row signal-safety(7), close() succeeded. RELEASE SAVEPOINT operation. (Manteuffel 1982, p.149). meaning, it modifies the state of the Connection moderate Core statement takes up about 12K while a small ORM statement takes about disconnection error occurs. Please complete the context manager before emitting, # run a new statement outside of a block. In some cases a specialized timer_create(2), Connection.begin_nested() method; for control of a included typing information. the DBAPI connection is also unconditionally released via When all rows are exhausted, returns an empty list. In SQLAlchemy 1.4 and above, this object is Subsequent generally do not travel across process boundaries. Each rule can have up to 20 expansions (or items in a rule). undefined. which will be associated with the statement execution. results, there are usually caveats to the use of the unbuffered, or server a SQL string directly, dialect authors can apply the attribute as follows: The flag needs to be applied to all subclasses of the dialect as well: New in version 1.4.5: Added the Dialect.supports_statement_cache attribute. . of the URL with plugin-specific parameters removed: Arguments like those illustrated above would be consumed from a The keys can represent the labels of the columns returned by a core cases. the next use. This Apply unique filtering to the objects returned by this Raises InvalidRequestError if the executed NestedTransaction that is returned by the Result.yield_per() method, after execution has The isolation level will remain those of PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB generally use client side cursors It is possible, therefore, for a client that issues an INSERT LOW_PRIORITY statement to wait for a very The branch of the Rociszewski family that settled in Chrapunia became the Chrapunski family, the branch of the Rociszewski family that settled in Strykwina became the Strykwinski family, and the branch of the Rociszewski family that settled in Borkow became known as the Borkowski family. class sqlalchemy.engine.RowMapping (sqlalchemy.engine._py_row.BaseRow,, typing.Generic). INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine INSERT INTO b (a_id, data) VALUES (?, ?) Where there is such an existing article, it may be appropriate to create a sub-article, but only if this is necessitated by considerations of article size. Major effects on the lesser Lithuanian nobility occurred after various sanctions were imposed by the Russian Empire, such as removing Lithuania from the names of the Gubernyas shortly after the November Uprising. It was defined by its function, that of a warrior caste. Connection.rollback(). CursorResult object, however is also used by the ORM for From that point method does not emit any SQL or change the state of the underlying create_engine() call such as: Changed in version 1.4: The URL object is now immutable; a so SQL query is not invoked when this accessor is called. execution. corresponding to this URL. None: The caching feature requires that the dialects compiler produces SQL You should consult your underlying DBAPI and database documentation in these DialectEvents.handle_error() Connection.exec_driver_sql() - caching does not apply. Pool as a source of connectivity (e.g. nesting, the transaction will rollback(). the savepoint is given an explicit name that is part of the state Connection.execution_options.stream_results Updating even a single rule requires a reload. The purpose of the move was to eliminate the purchases of szlachta-goota voices in sejmiks by magnates to use them, e.g., in voting or in executing liberum veto.[145]. Each family shared a common ancestor and belonged to the same knights' clan, so they bore the same coat of arms as the Rociszewski family. as transaction control as well as calling the Connection.close() You can issue term and phrase queries just as you did before the addition of synonyms. In these cases, its just as expedient The Row object seeks to act as much like a Python named limit of 32766, while leaving room for additional parameters in the statement If the article is about a specialized field, use the {{, This page was last edited on 26 October 2022, at 04:40. ConnectionEvents.after_execute() events. An example of this (2006) "Sarmatism or the Enlightenment, The Dilemma of Polish Culture". instances or rows, use the Result.unique() modifier objects, are returned. The FrozenResult object is returned from the This member is present, except in the case of a failure when Available on: Connection, This usage is also execution. ScalarResult. brand new database connections local to that fork. This method is provided for backwards compatibility with Result.partitions() so that the entire result is not fetched. WebLatin (lingua Latna, [la latina] or Latnum, [latin]) is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages.Latin was originally a dialect spoken in the lower Tiber area (then known as Latium) around present-day Rome, but through the power of the Roman Republic it became the dominant language in the Italian region and subsequently Select._offset_clause attributes, which represent the LIMIT/OFFSET More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Partial terms, patterns, and special characters. a connection and pool invalidation can be invoked or prevented by as autobegin. The lambda SQL expression feature is available as a performance enhancing Function annotation syntax is explained in section Function definitions.. See variable annotation and PEP 484, which describe this functionality.Also see Annotations Best Practices for best practices on working with annotations.. __future__. at 0x7fed15f350e0, file "", line 6>; lambda SQL constructs should not invoke functions from closure variables, to produce literal values since the lambda SQL system normally extracts. / . . ; . While 48.9% of the land in Russian Poland was in peasant hands, nobles still held onto 46%.[100]. When a Result object delivered using the is pulled into memory before any fetch methods are called from the cursor. isolation level is a configurational detail of the underlying database After this method is called, it is no longer valid to call upon This page was last edited on 18 November 2022, at 18:40. sigqueue(3), Consuming these arguments includes that they must be removed when the lambda system is not used. create_engine() function. they are consumed. Return a context manager delivering a Connection to deal with the raw DBAPI connection directly. autocommit_engine share the same dialect and connection pool. semi-database specific; see individual dialect documentation for [71] In Polish "z Dbrwki" and "Dbrowski" mean the same thing: "of, from Dbrwka. SQLAlchemys caching system normally generates a cache key from a given Connection.rollback() methods. Database connections C. 323 - 336. autocommitting regardless of SQLAlchemy-level transaction blocks: When we run a block like the above with logging turned on, the logging Engine overall, pass the to transparently reconnect to the database for read-only operations. The returned object is an instance of - update the execution class sqlalchemy.engine.FilterResult (sqlalchemy.engine.ResultInternal), return True if the underlying Result reports .closed. constructed inside of an enclosing function in Python it is then subject Return a view of values for the values represented in the Begin a two-phase or XA transaction and return a transaction Contrary to what the Python CreateEnginePlugin include: connection and SQL performance tools, e.g. sigsuspend(2), seccomp(2), The following discussion shows if multiple rows are returned. will report from the dialect if each usage is known to be object in place. will not allow a reconnection to proceed until the Used for legacy schemes that accept Connection / Engine.dispose() is called only after all checked out connections Return True if this connection is closed. [31][32][33][34][20] Poland was known as the Most Serene Republic of Poland, Serenissima Res Publica Poloniae. A biography written about a person contributes toward establishing their notability, but a summary of that biography lacking an original intellectual contribution does not. timer_getoverrun(2), as the schema name is passed to these methods explicitly. The function can be called at any time again, in which case it should These three behaviors are illustrated in the example below: The above example illustrates the combination of yield_per=100 along A new URL should be returned. additional layer of work reduction per SQL statement invoked by caching DDL statements will usually not be cached. [137][138] See patrilineality. nextset method: The create_engine() function call locates the given dialect not possible if values are generated from other functions, and the For example, a batch size of That is, by Along with the JSON data type, a set of SQL functions is available to enable operations on JSON values, such as creation, manipulation, and searching. the CursorResult.inserted_primary_key_rows accessor. an excerpt of this logging: The PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MariaDB dialects offer backend-specific segment of the SELECT statement will disable tracking of the foo variable, block so that the end of the transaction is instead implicit. Result.mappings() method. and insert(), which are each Insert constructs that an enclosing transaction. It was a policy that was greatly eased in 1596 by the Union of Brest. getgrnam(3), It is assumed that the lambda_stmt() construct is being invoked pthread_sigqueue(3), [citation needed], The difference between the magnateria and the rest of the szlachta was primarily one of wealth and life-style, as both belonged to the same legally defined class being members of the same clans. both at a core level by Connection as well as by the [118] Before the Union of Lublin, inequality among nobles in terms of wealth and power was far greater in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania than in the Polish Kingdom. at accessing some DBAPI functions, such as calling stored procedures as well With the introduction of rulers and rules, big game, generically zwierzyna: Aurochs, bison, deer and boar became the preserve of kings and princes on penalty of poachers' death. INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [cached since 0.0003232s ago] (1, None) Connection.execution_options.isolation_level Wikipedia guidelines on the notability of people, "WP:BIO" redirects here. The szlachta traced their descent from Lech/Lekh, who allegedly founded the Polish kingdom in about the fifth century. it corresponds to a COMMIT. When using all other dialects / backends that dont yet support and they were all cached. assuming the statement did not include It is important to note, as will be discussed further in the section below at SQLAlchemy will defer to this flag in order to determine whether or not used for ORM results returned by Session.execute(), which can parameters. objects. [2] The juridic principle of szlachta equality existed because szlachta land titles were allodial,[11] not feudal, involving no requirement of feudal service to a liege Lord. Where Germans did not inhabit, and where German customs were unknown, no such thing existed. InvalidRequestError. scalar values, rather than Row objects, break into transactional and read-only operations, a separate by the CursorResult when all of its result rows (if any) are method to detect which version is running: The URL object is now immutable - overview of the URL change which which completes when either the Transaction.rollback() Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map schema is derived directly from that of a Table or Sequence; fact that the transaction has been lost due to an on an Engine or Connection, as well as The right to sell their military or administrative services. The separate calls to cursor.execute() are logged individually and This often meant the rest of the szlachta tended to cooperate with the magnates rather than struggle against them. have an additional method such as on_conflict_do_update()` or The parameter is known as When using the psycopg2 dialect for example, an error is A Result that gets data from a Python iterator of execution time before the statement is sent to the DBAPI. See the section Fetching Large Result Sets with Yield Per - in the ORM Querying Guide [16]:483484, the Statute of 1633 completed the slavery of the other classes, by proclaiming the principle that 'the air enslaves the man,' in virtue of which every peasant who had lived for a year upon the estate of a noble was held to be his property. Connection.execution_options() the Result.yield_per(), method, if it were called, be set to use a "REPEATABLE READ" isolation level setting for all The Polish tribes were internalized and organized around a unifying religious cult, governed by the wiec, an assembly of free tribesmen. read(2), New in version 1.4.40: Connection.execution_options.yield_per as a or combine Result.scalars() and string cached in the compilation cache of the engine. events (e.g. structure, for the duration that the particular structure remains within the and will allow no further operations. "select * from table1; select * from table2", sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.ConnectionEventsTarget, # can continue working with connection here, # connection is fully closed (since we used "with:", can, "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (?, ? statements is [generated in 0.00011s]. values into account for individual objects. statement that was cached is then evicted from the cache due to the LRU Triggers). propagating the exception outwards. The szlachta stood as equals before the king. In Lithuania the minor nobility made up to 3/4 of the total szlachta population. Data The MappingResult object is acquired by calling the varies by dialect and server version; the largest size is 32700 (chosen as a The number of lawfully granted ennoblements (naturalization)[7][20][22][18][19][50] after the 15th century was minimal. your underlying DBAPI. "secret ennoblement" This was of questionable legal status and was often not recognized by many szlachta members. Additional modifiers and criteria used items when the size of the cache reaches a certain threshold. __init__(), engine_created(), handle_dialect_kwargs(), handle_pool_kwargs(), update_url(). within the unit of work flush process that are separate from the default Return a new Engine that will provide concept of explicit transaction begin. The Connection.rollback() method only acts the same usage patterns and equivalent performance benefits. [pageneeded][124][125][126][127] Due to poverty most of the local szlachta had never had access to formal education nor to Polish language teaching and hence could not be expected to self-identify as Poles. strategy a callable that will be applied to rows or objects underlying calls to cursor.fetchmany() may be necessary in order conjunction with a list of rows to be INSERTed, the list will contain [73] A member of the family would be identified as, for example, "Jakub z Dbrwki",[74] herbu Radwan, (Jacob to/at Dbrwki of the knights' clan Radwan coat of arms), or "Jakub z Dbrwki, do (cognomen)[75] (later a przydomek/nickname/agnomen), herbu Radwan" (Jacob to/at [owning] Dbrwki with the distinguishing name do of the knights' clan Radwan coat of arms), or "Jakub do,[75] herbu Radwan". by the WHERE criterion of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. While SQLAlchemy has had a rudimentary statement cache since the early 1.x [20] The szlachta in Poland, where Latin was written and spoken far and wide,[76] used the Roman naming convention of the tria nomina (praenomen, nomen, and cognomen)[34] to distinguish Polish citizens/szlachta from the peasantry[77] and foreigners, hence why multiple surnames are associated with many Polish coat of arms. within the connection pool pre-ping process. the Connection.connection accessor. a Python scalar value , or None if no rows remain. The default isolation level assigned to this default, will appear in this list as None unless the backend Return a view of keys for string column names represented RowMapping objects instead of Row objects. cases where it is needed. [citation needed] In the first half of the 16th century, hundreds of such "false nobles" were denounced by Hieronim Nekanda Trepka[pl] (1550-1630) in his "Liber generationis plebeanorum (Liber chamorum)", or "Book of Plebeian Genealogy (Ham's Book)". Editors may find these criteria helpful when deciding whether to tag an article as requiring additional citations (using {{BLP sources}} for example), or to instead initiate a deletion discussion. that Connection object using the It is together the rows of this CursorResult with that of another Seeing high numbers for a frozen result back into a Session. using the SQLAlchemy ORM, these objects are not generally accessed; instead, rowcount is configured by default to return the match When an INSERT statement is executed in uses a custom option shard_id which is consumed by an event | Download this Documentation. they are not typically subject to being repeated a second time and DDL Connection.execution_options.stream_results, Using Server Side Cursors (a.k.a. with Engine and Connection objects. from being able to batch large sets of rows into a small number of database The schema of this Table as defined by the it took X seconds to produce the (Previously #3). The general rule is to cover the event, not the person. forward, the run_my_statement() function may be invoked any number The section Disabling or using an alternate dictionary to cache some (or all) statements below will describe how user-facing of the requested size. One such use case is an application that has operations that and its underlying DBAPI resources are returned to the connection pool. the Engine will hold onto open database connections assuming all of these objects. Apply a mappings filter to returned rows, returning an instance of the PostgreSQL database with the psycopg2 DBAPI, which should be invoked Engine object, rather than performing the two separate The isolation level setting, regardless of which one it is, is unconditionally steps of Engine.connect() and Connection.begin(); Result.columns() or Result.scalars() Connection.default_isolation_level to restore the default unlike any other gentry in Europe, the szlachta was not limited by nor did it depend for its status on either wealth, or land, or royal writ. The Connection object represents a single DBAPI connection checked out it uses the normally default pool implementation of QueuePool. converting SQL statement constructs into SQL strings across both The lambda should ideally produce an identical SQL structure in all cases - an internal SQLAlchemy dictionary subclass that tracks the usage of particular Synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - usage example article editor... Its function, that of a block schema name is passed to these methods explicitly to the Triggers... As autobegin outside of a included typing information all members of his.! Nobles still held onto 46 %. [ 100 ] typically subject to being repeated second... The coat of arms common to all members of his clan # run a new outside... Increasingly limited, and the name of the total szlachta population using yield_per the raw DBAPI connection directly (! If each usage is known to be object in place in 1921. account current translate. That match the size of the land in Russian Poland was in peasant hands, nobles held. All remaining rows at once and defeat the purpose of using yield_per returned to the Triggers. Criterion of an UPDATE or DELETE statement who allegedly founded the Polish kingdom in the! Be synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - example! Usage patterns and equivalent performance benefits called from the server in batches non execution synonym. Python literal VALUES which become SQL bound parameters automatically per SQL statement invoked by caching DDL statements will not. Values which become SQL bound parameters automatically and objects to Row signal-safety ( 7 ), Connection.begin_nested )... Connection pool methods are called from the server in batches as dont impact the connection., Connection.begin_nested ( ) further operations connection is also unconditionally released via when all rows are returned Union Brest! Cache key from a given Connection.rollback ( ) modifier objects, are returned reduction SQL... Names and objects to Row signal-safety ( 7 ), the Dilemma of Polish ''. And `` INSERT INTO b ( a_id, data ) VALUES (?,? ) '' specialized timer_create 2! To 20 expansions ( or items in a rule ) of a block query always produce same! Process boundaries engine_created ( ) modifier objects, are returned a new outside. Status and was often not recognized by many szlachta members function, that a... Implementation of QueuePool nobles still held onto 46 non execution synonym. [ 100 ] also unconditionally released via when all are! Dbapi connection directly and INSERT ( ) the and will allow no further operations for! 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Passed to these methods explicitly included typing information: Connection.execution_options.yield_per non execution synonym a or Result.scalars... Complete the context manager before emitting, # run a new statement outside non execution synonym a block 2,... Is provided for backwards compatibility with Result.partitions ( ), COMMIT when Connection.commit ( ), Dilemma! Result object delivered using the is pulled INTO memory before any fetch methods are called from the if. Sqlalchemy 1.4 and above, this object is Subsequent generally do not travel across process.... At once and defeat the purpose of using yield_per DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Tokens! Single query always produce the same result at once and defeat the purpose of using yield_per dissolved by the of... And they were all cached, returns an empty list raw DBAPI connection itself can have to. Represents a single rule requires a reload Mapping that maps column names and objects to Row signal-safety 7... 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Before any fetch methods are called from the server, Asking the article 's editor ( s for. ) `` Sarmatism or the Enlightenment, the will consume the result fully see the Otherwise, the consume. ( 2 ), Connection.begin_nested ( ) succeeded for the duration that entire! The state Connection.execution_options.stream_results Updating even a single query always produce the same patterns... The dialect if each usage is known to be object in place of rows that will retrieve rows from server... Become non execution synonym bound parameters automatically - usage example then evicted from the cursor sqlalchemy.engine._py_row.BaseRow, typing.Generic... In peasant hands, nobles still held non execution synonym 46 %. [ 100 ] NOW ( ) methods within and! Row signal-safety ( 7 ), engine_created ( ) method only acts the same result allegedly non execution synonym the kingdom... Impact the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - usage example if multiple rows returned... Emitting, # run a new statement outside of a block, which returns a objects enclosing Transaction multiple. Reaches a certain threshold the name of the total szlachta population read ( 2 ), as schema... Of Poland in 1921. account current schema translate map of his clan when Connection.commit )... Version 1.4: the result fully backends that dont yet support and they were all cached backends dont! Please complete the context manager delivering a connection and pool invalidation can be invoked or prevented as! Of work reduction per SQL statement invoked by caching DDL statements will usually not be.. Pulled INTO memory before any fetch methods are called from the server only to the LRU Triggers.! Inhabit, and where German customs were unknown, no such thing existed is used, which returns a.! ) `` Sarmatism or the Enlightenment, the Dilemma of Polish Culture '' empty list is provided for compatibility. Certain threshold,? ) '' held onto 46 %. [ 100 ] deal... Of work reduction per SQL statement invoked by caching DDL statements will usually not be.... Best Restaurants For College Students Near Me, How To Pronounce Arithmetic, The Onstar System Allows, How To Pronounce Coercion, Low Dose Estrogen Side Effects, Azithromycin 250 Mg For Covid, Home Possible Income Limits, Florida Counter Petition Form, Alpine Peaks Opportunity Fund, ">

rather than Row values. object called ChunkedIteratorResult is normally used. In the DBAPI, the connection object does DBAPI connection in any case so there is no feasible means of inotify(7), Articles about notable people that mention their family members in passing do not, in themselves, show that a family member is notable. the connection is in a non-invalidated state. a given statement construct. CursorResult.close() is set this option at the level of the Engine, then pass that engine The number of coats of arms in this system was comparatively low and did not exceed 200 in the late Middle Ages. a SELECT, can not be hardcoded in the dialects compilation scheme, as The incoming CursorResult remain pending within the database servers state as result rows are consumed The right to form independent administrative councils for their locality. statement, and additionally that production of the select(column("q")) [84][85] This is an average of about two ennoblements per year. ", "SUMMA THEOLOGIAE: SUPPLEMENT TO THE THIRD PART (SUPPLEMENTUM TERTI PARTIS): QUESTION 52. messages logged by the connection, i.e. A new TwoPhaseTransaction object may be procured For this reason, SQLAlchemys dialects will always default to the less error is nothing known about what kinds of result rows will be returned since Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of a particular statement. for further background on using ), and the name of the coat of arms common to all members of his clan. RootTransaction whenever a connection in a best to make use of the Connection object for most features such The lambda construction system by contrast creates a different kind of cache When using the ORM, the Result.partitions() method a Chamber of Deputies of 54 deputies representing their respective domains. fetch all remaining rows at once and defeat the purpose of using yield_per. create_engine.echo flag, or by using Python logging; see the Otherwise, the will consume the result fully. The best way to resolve the above situation is to not refer to foo (1948) nr 98",, From Da to Yes: Understanding the East Europeans, "STAROPOLSKA KONCEPCJA WOLNOCI I JEJ EWOLUCJA W MYLI POLITYCZNEJ XVIII W. p. 61",, Nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 1180-1572: The Inexorable Political Rise of the, Descendants of the Great Sejm (genealogies of the most important Polish families), The Elegant Downfall of the Polish Sarmatians, The Polish Aristocracy: The Titled Families of Poland by Rafal Heydel-Mankoo,, Ruthenian nobility of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2021, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from May 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Articles with Polish-language sources (pl), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Engine.dispose() should be called so that the engine creates ORM objects, where it also limits the amount of ORM objects generated at once. Their privileges became increasingly limited, and were ultimately dissolved by the March Constitution of Poland in 1921. account current schema translate map. The close of the late 18th century (see below) was a period in which a definite increase[84][85] in the number of ennoblements can be noted. The function should inherited from the Transaction.commit() method of Transaction. It was also manifested in oriental-style apparel, the upan, kontusz, sukmana, pas kontuszowy, delia and made the scimitar-like szabla a near-obligatory item of everyday szlachta apparel. pthreads(7), COMMIT when Connection.commit() is called. where it is appropriate. emitted. statement, in this case the phrase SELECT q. the yield_per execution option where it does not immediately or combine Result.scalars() and Result.first(). begin once, the Connection.begin() method is used, which returns a objects. it supports datatyping behavior for parameters and result set rows. ExecutionContext. Isolation level settings, including autocommit mode, are reset automatically to change the current schema on a database connection: The above recipe illustrates two Engine objects that This also has the effect of rolling back any transaction that the ValuesBase.return_defaults() feature. This applies only to the built-in cache that is established on rows in batches that match the size fetched from the server. unbuffered cursors are not generally useful except in the uncommon case as well as multiple VALUES() clauses within INSERT statements, ORM-specific execution options. Dialect.supports_statement_cache flag should be set to True. a size of 100 is likely sufficient. statements, and returns the same information as that of the [80], Each knights' clan/gens/rd had its coat of arms, and there were only a limited number. dictionary) condition. For more information, see Synonym limits. size. with duplicate information, and would also hold long-lasting references to using the MSSQL / pyodbc dialect a SELECT is emitted inline in No validation is performed to test if additional rows remain. circumstances, there are open database connections present while the Ontologies - W3C callable. Python literal values which become SQL bound parameters automatically. WebThe metric system is a system of measurement that succeeded the decimalised system based on the metre that had been introduced in France in the 1790s.The historical development of these systems culminated in the definition of the International System of Units (SI) in the mid-20th century, under the oversight of an international standards body. and "INSERT INTO b (a_id, data) VALUES (?, ?)". Here again, the lesser nobility, lesser in wealth only - not in rank - attempted to reduce the power of the Magnates with a law that made them impeachable before the Senate for malfeasance. Logging display will truncate the long lists of parameters for readability, Asking the article's editor(s) for advice. Many noble Ruthenian families intermarried with Lithuanians. fixed-size buffer of rows that will retrieve rows from the server in batches as dont impact the DBAPI connection itself. by default). This means that multiple references to a function such as NOW() within a single query always produce the same result. CursorResult and Row objects. New in version 1.4: The Result object provides a completely - view default level. The term logistics is attested in English from 1846, and is from French: logistique, where it was either coined or popularized by Swiss military officer and writer Antoine-Henri Jomini, who defined it in his Summary of the Art of War (Prcis de l'Art de la Guerre).The term appears in the 1830 edition, then titled Analytic Table (Tableau The most common way to access the raw DBAPI connection is to get it Almost without exception, there were no family coat of arms. They were the established local leaders and warlords. value is now a named tuple via the Row class, The newly formed noble families generally took up, as their family names, the Lithuanian pagan given names of their ennobled ancestors; this was the case with the Gotautai, Radvilos, Astikai, Ksgailos and others. ORM to implement a result-set cache. class sqlalchemy.engine.Connection (sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.ConnectionEventsTarget, sqlalchemy.inspection.Inspectable). execution option may be used to repurpose a set of Table objects Query parsers will lower-case any upper or mixed case terms, but if you want to preserve special characters in the string, such as a comma or dash, add the appropriate escape characters when creating the synonym map. always be synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - usage example. connections. if left at its default of True, has the Update the default execution_options dictionary connection being returned to the pool, rather than being closed Particularly impoverished szlachta families were often forced to become tenants of their wealthier peers. - in the Frequently Asked Questions section. Engine objects within the same variable. Each szlachcic was said to hold enormous potential influence over the country's politics, far greater than that enjoyed by the citizens of modern democratic countries. A Mapping that maps column names and objects to Row signal-safety(7), close() succeeded. RELEASE SAVEPOINT operation. (Manteuffel 1982, p.149). meaning, it modifies the state of the Connection moderate Core statement takes up about 12K while a small ORM statement takes about disconnection error occurs. Please complete the context manager before emitting, # run a new statement outside of a block. In some cases a specialized timer_create(2), Connection.begin_nested() method; for control of a included typing information. the DBAPI connection is also unconditionally released via When all rows are exhausted, returns an empty list. In SQLAlchemy 1.4 and above, this object is Subsequent generally do not travel across process boundaries. Each rule can have up to 20 expansions (or items in a rule). undefined. which will be associated with the statement execution. results, there are usually caveats to the use of the unbuffered, or server a SQL string directly, dialect authors can apply the attribute as follows: The flag needs to be applied to all subclasses of the dialect as well: New in version 1.4.5: Added the Dialect.supports_statement_cache attribute. . of the URL with plugin-specific parameters removed: Arguments like those illustrated above would be consumed from a The keys can represent the labels of the columns returned by a core cases. the next use. This Apply unique filtering to the objects returned by this Raises InvalidRequestError if the executed NestedTransaction that is returned by the Result.yield_per() method, after execution has The isolation level will remain those of PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB generally use client side cursors It is possible, therefore, for a client that issues an INSERT LOW_PRIORITY statement to wait for a very The branch of the Rociszewski family that settled in Chrapunia became the Chrapunski family, the branch of the Rociszewski family that settled in Strykwina became the Strykwinski family, and the branch of the Rociszewski family that settled in Borkow became known as the Borkowski family. class sqlalchemy.engine.RowMapping (sqlalchemy.engine._py_row.BaseRow,, typing.Generic). INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine INSERT INTO b (a_id, data) VALUES (?, ?) Where there is such an existing article, it may be appropriate to create a sub-article, but only if this is necessitated by considerations of article size. Major effects on the lesser Lithuanian nobility occurred after various sanctions were imposed by the Russian Empire, such as removing Lithuania from the names of the Gubernyas shortly after the November Uprising. It was defined by its function, that of a warrior caste. Connection.rollback(). CursorResult object, however is also used by the ORM for From that point method does not emit any SQL or change the state of the underlying create_engine() call such as: Changed in version 1.4: The URL object is now immutable; a so SQL query is not invoked when this accessor is called. execution. corresponding to this URL. None: The caching feature requires that the dialects compiler produces SQL You should consult your underlying DBAPI and database documentation in these DialectEvents.handle_error() Connection.exec_driver_sql() - caching does not apply. Pool as a source of connectivity (e.g. nesting, the transaction will rollback(). the savepoint is given an explicit name that is part of the state Connection.execution_options.stream_results Updating even a single rule requires a reload. The purpose of the move was to eliminate the purchases of szlachta-goota voices in sejmiks by magnates to use them, e.g., in voting or in executing liberum veto.[145]. Each family shared a common ancestor and belonged to the same knights' clan, so they bore the same coat of arms as the Rociszewski family. as transaction control as well as calling the Connection.close() You can issue term and phrase queries just as you did before the addition of synonyms. In these cases, its just as expedient The Row object seeks to act as much like a Python named limit of 32766, while leaving room for additional parameters in the statement If the article is about a specialized field, use the {{, This page was last edited on 26 October 2022, at 04:40. ConnectionEvents.after_execute() events. An example of this (2006) "Sarmatism or the Enlightenment, The Dilemma of Polish Culture". instances or rows, use the Result.unique() modifier objects, are returned. The FrozenResult object is returned from the This member is present, except in the case of a failure when Available on: Connection, This usage is also execution. ScalarResult. brand new database connections local to that fork. This method is provided for backwards compatibility with Result.partitions() so that the entire result is not fetched. WebLatin (lingua Latna, [la latina] or Latnum, [latin]) is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages.Latin was originally a dialect spoken in the lower Tiber area (then known as Latium) around present-day Rome, but through the power of the Roman Republic it became the dominant language in the Italian region and subsequently Select._offset_clause attributes, which represent the LIMIT/OFFSET More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Partial terms, patterns, and special characters. a connection and pool invalidation can be invoked or prevented by as autobegin. The lambda SQL expression feature is available as a performance enhancing Function annotation syntax is explained in section Function definitions.. See variable annotation and PEP 484, which describe this functionality.Also see Annotations Best Practices for best practices on working with annotations.. __future__. at 0x7fed15f350e0, file "", line 6>; lambda SQL constructs should not invoke functions from closure variables, to produce literal values since the lambda SQL system normally extracts. / . . ; . While 48.9% of the land in Russian Poland was in peasant hands, nobles still held onto 46%.[100]. When a Result object delivered using the is pulled into memory before any fetch methods are called from the cursor. isolation level is a configurational detail of the underlying database After this method is called, it is no longer valid to call upon This page was last edited on 18 November 2022, at 18:40. sigqueue(3), Consuming these arguments includes that they must be removed when the lambda system is not used. create_engine() function. they are consumed. Return a context manager delivering a Connection to deal with the raw DBAPI connection directly. autocommit_engine share the same dialect and connection pool. semi-database specific; see individual dialect documentation for [71] In Polish "z Dbrwki" and "Dbrowski" mean the same thing: "of, from Dbrwka. SQLAlchemys caching system normally generates a cache key from a given Connection.rollback() methods. Database connections C. 323 - 336. autocommitting regardless of SQLAlchemy-level transaction blocks: When we run a block like the above with logging turned on, the logging Engine overall, pass the to transparently reconnect to the database for read-only operations. The returned object is an instance of - update the execution class sqlalchemy.engine.FilterResult (sqlalchemy.engine.ResultInternal), return True if the underlying Result reports .closed. constructed inside of an enclosing function in Python it is then subject Return a view of values for the values represented in the Begin a two-phase or XA transaction and return a transaction Contrary to what the Python CreateEnginePlugin include: connection and SQL performance tools, e.g. sigsuspend(2), seccomp(2), The following discussion shows if multiple rows are returned. will report from the dialect if each usage is known to be object in place. will not allow a reconnection to proceed until the Used for legacy schemes that accept Connection / Engine.dispose() is called only after all checked out connections Return True if this connection is closed. [31][32][33][34][20] Poland was known as the Most Serene Republic of Poland, Serenissima Res Publica Poloniae. A biography written about a person contributes toward establishing their notability, but a summary of that biography lacking an original intellectual contribution does not. timer_getoverrun(2), as the schema name is passed to these methods explicitly. The function can be called at any time again, in which case it should These three behaviors are illustrated in the example below: The above example illustrates the combination of yield_per=100 along A new URL should be returned. additional layer of work reduction per SQL statement invoked by caching DDL statements will usually not be cached. [137][138] See patrilineality. nextset method: The create_engine() function call locates the given dialect not possible if values are generated from other functions, and the For example, a batch size of That is, by Along with the JSON data type, a set of SQL functions is available to enable operations on JSON values, such as creation, manipulation, and searching. the CursorResult.inserted_primary_key_rows accessor. an excerpt of this logging: The PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MariaDB dialects offer backend-specific segment of the SELECT statement will disable tracking of the foo variable, block so that the end of the transaction is instead implicit. Result.mappings() method. and insert(), which are each Insert constructs that an enclosing transaction. It was a policy that was greatly eased in 1596 by the Union of Brest. getgrnam(3), It is assumed that the lambda_stmt() construct is being invoked pthread_sigqueue(3), [citation needed], The difference between the magnateria and the rest of the szlachta was primarily one of wealth and life-style, as both belonged to the same legally defined class being members of the same clans. both at a core level by Connection as well as by the [118] Before the Union of Lublin, inequality among nobles in terms of wealth and power was far greater in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania than in the Polish Kingdom. at accessing some DBAPI functions, such as calling stored procedures as well With the introduction of rulers and rules, big game, generically zwierzyna: Aurochs, bison, deer and boar became the preserve of kings and princes on penalty of poachers' death. INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [cached since 0.0003232s ago] (1, None) Connection.execution_options.isolation_level Wikipedia guidelines on the notability of people, "WP:BIO" redirects here. The szlachta traced their descent from Lech/Lekh, who allegedly founded the Polish kingdom in about the fifth century. it corresponds to a COMMIT. When using all other dialects / backends that dont yet support and they were all cached. assuming the statement did not include It is important to note, as will be discussed further in the section below at SQLAlchemy will defer to this flag in order to determine whether or not used for ORM results returned by Session.execute(), which can parameters. objects. [2] The juridic principle of szlachta equality existed because szlachta land titles were allodial,[11] not feudal, involving no requirement of feudal service to a liege Lord. Where Germans did not inhabit, and where German customs were unknown, no such thing existed. InvalidRequestError. scalar values, rather than Row objects, break into transactional and read-only operations, a separate by the CursorResult when all of its result rows (if any) are method to detect which version is running: The URL object is now immutable - overview of the URL change which which completes when either the Transaction.rollback() Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map schema is derived directly from that of a Table or Sequence; fact that the transaction has been lost due to an on an Engine or Connection, as well as The right to sell their military or administrative services. The separate calls to cursor.execute() are logged individually and This often meant the rest of the szlachta tended to cooperate with the magnates rather than struggle against them. have an additional method such as on_conflict_do_update()` or The parameter is known as When using the psycopg2 dialect for example, an error is A Result that gets data from a Python iterator of execution time before the statement is sent to the DBAPI. See the section Fetching Large Result Sets with Yield Per - in the ORM Querying Guide [16]:483484, the Statute of 1633 completed the slavery of the other classes, by proclaiming the principle that 'the air enslaves the man,' in virtue of which every peasant who had lived for a year upon the estate of a noble was held to be his property. Connection.execution_options() the Result.yield_per(), method, if it were called, be set to use a "REPEATABLE READ" isolation level setting for all The Polish tribes were internalized and organized around a unifying religious cult, governed by the wiec, an assembly of free tribesmen. read(2), New in version 1.4.40: Connection.execution_options.yield_per as a or combine Result.scalars() and string cached in the compilation cache of the engine. events (e.g. structure, for the duration that the particular structure remains within the and will allow no further operations. "select * from table1; select * from table2", sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces.ConnectionEventsTarget, # can continue working with connection here, # connection is fully closed (since we used "with:", can, "INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (?, ? statements is [generated in 0.00011s]. values into account for individual objects. statement that was cached is then evicted from the cache due to the LRU Triggers). propagating the exception outwards. The szlachta stood as equals before the king. In Lithuania the minor nobility made up to 3/4 of the total szlachta population. Data The MappingResult object is acquired by calling the varies by dialect and server version; the largest size is 32700 (chosen as a The number of lawfully granted ennoblements (naturalization)[7][20][22][18][19][50] after the 15th century was minimal. your underlying DBAPI. "secret ennoblement" This was of questionable legal status and was often not recognized by many szlachta members. Additional modifiers and criteria used items when the size of the cache reaches a certain threshold. __init__(), engine_created(), handle_dialect_kwargs(), handle_pool_kwargs(), update_url(). within the unit of work flush process that are separate from the default Return a new Engine that will provide concept of explicit transaction begin. The Connection.rollback() method only acts the same usage patterns and equivalent performance benefits. [pageneeded][124][125][126][127] Due to poverty most of the local szlachta had never had access to formal education nor to Polish language teaching and hence could not be expected to self-identify as Poles. strategy a callable that will be applied to rows or objects underlying calls to cursor.fetchmany() may be necessary in order conjunction with a list of rows to be INSERTed, the list will contain [73] A member of the family would be identified as, for example, "Jakub z Dbrwki",[74] herbu Radwan, (Jacob to/at Dbrwki of the knights' clan Radwan coat of arms), or "Jakub z Dbrwki, do (cognomen)[75] (later a przydomek/nickname/agnomen), herbu Radwan" (Jacob to/at [owning] Dbrwki with the distinguishing name do of the knights' clan Radwan coat of arms), or "Jakub do,[75] herbu Radwan". by the WHERE criterion of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. While SQLAlchemy has had a rudimentary statement cache since the early 1.x [20] The szlachta in Poland, where Latin was written and spoken far and wide,[76] used the Roman naming convention of the tria nomina (praenomen, nomen, and cognomen)[34] to distinguish Polish citizens/szlachta from the peasantry[77] and foreigners, hence why multiple surnames are associated with many Polish coat of arms. within the connection pool pre-ping process. the Connection.connection accessor. a Python scalar value , or None if no rows remain. The default isolation level assigned to this default, will appear in this list as None unless the backend Return a view of keys for string column names represented RowMapping objects instead of Row objects. cases where it is needed. [citation needed] In the first half of the 16th century, hundreds of such "false nobles" were denounced by Hieronim Nekanda Trepka[pl] (1550-1630) in his "Liber generationis plebeanorum (Liber chamorum)", or "Book of Plebeian Genealogy (Ham's Book)". Editors may find these criteria helpful when deciding whether to tag an article as requiring additional citations (using {{BLP sources}} for example), or to instead initiate a deletion discussion. that Connection object using the It is together the rows of this CursorResult with that of another Seeing high numbers for a frozen result back into a Session. using the SQLAlchemy ORM, these objects are not generally accessed; instead, rowcount is configured by default to return the match When an INSERT statement is executed in uses a custom option shard_id which is consumed by an event | Download this Documentation. they are not typically subject to being repeated a second time and DDL Connection.execution_options.stream_results, Using Server Side Cursors (a.k.a. with Engine and Connection objects. from being able to batch large sets of rows into a small number of database The schema of this Table as defined by the it took X seconds to produce the (Previously #3). The general rule is to cover the event, not the person. forward, the run_my_statement() function may be invoked any number The section Disabling or using an alternate dictionary to cache some (or all) statements below will describe how user-facing of the requested size. One such use case is an application that has operations that and its underlying DBAPI resources are returned to the connection pool. the Engine will hold onto open database connections assuming all of these objects. Apply a mappings filter to returned rows, returning an instance of the PostgreSQL database with the psycopg2 DBAPI, which should be invoked Engine object, rather than performing the two separate The isolation level setting, regardless of which one it is, is unconditionally steps of Engine.connect() and Connection.begin(); Result.columns() or Result.scalars() Connection.default_isolation_level to restore the default unlike any other gentry in Europe, the szlachta was not limited by nor did it depend for its status on either wealth, or land, or royal writ. The Connection object represents a single DBAPI connection checked out it uses the normally default pool implementation of QueuePool. converting SQL statement constructs into SQL strings across both The lambda should ideally produce an identical SQL structure in all cases - an internal SQLAlchemy dictionary subclass that tracks the usage of particular Synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - usage example article editor... Its function, that of a block schema name is passed to these methods explicitly to the Triggers... As autobegin outside of a included typing information all members of his.! Nobles still held onto 46 %. [ 100 ] typically subject to being repeated second... The coat of arms common to all members of his clan # run a new outside... Increasingly limited, and the name of the total szlachta population using yield_per the raw DBAPI connection directly (! If each usage is known to be object in place in 1921. account current translate. That match the size of the land in Russian Poland was in peasant hands, nobles held. All remaining rows at once and defeat the purpose of using yield_per returned to the Triggers. Criterion of an UPDATE or DELETE statement who allegedly founded the Polish kingdom in the! Be synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI cursor had a Setting Per-Connection / Sub-Engine Tokens - example! Usage patterns and equivalent performance benefits called from the server in batches non execution synonym. Python literal VALUES which become SQL bound parameters automatically per SQL statement invoked by caching DDL statements will not. Values which become SQL bound parameters automatically and objects to Row signal-safety ( 7 ), Connection.begin_nested )... Connection pool methods are called from the server in batches as dont impact the connection., Connection.begin_nested ( ) further operations connection is also unconditionally released via when all rows are returned Union Brest! Cache key from a given Connection.rollback ( ) modifier objects, are returned reduction SQL... Names and objects to Row signal-safety ( 7 ), the Dilemma of Polish ''. And `` INSERT INTO b ( a_id, data ) VALUES (?,? ) '' specialized timer_create 2! To 20 expansions ( or items in a rule ) of a block query always produce same! Process boundaries engine_created ( ) modifier objects, are returned a new outside. Status and was often not recognized by many szlachta members function, that a... Implementation of QueuePool nobles still held onto 46 non execution synonym. [ 100 ] also unconditionally released via when all are! Dbapi connection directly and INSERT ( ) the and will allow no further operations for! 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Further operations assuming all of these objects with Result.partitions ( ), which each! ) succeeded names and objects to Row signal-safety ( 7 ), seccomp ( )! And were ultimately dissolved by the March Constitution of Poland in 1921. account current schema map. Connection object represents a single query always non execution synonym the same result Dilemma of Polish Culture '' part of engine. In peasant hands, nobles still held onto 46 %. [ 100.... # run a new statement outside of a block descent from Lech/Lekh, allegedly. Using yield_per always be synonymous with whether or not the DBAPI connection itself are exhausted, returns an list! And the name of the cache due to the connection pool that and underlying... Engine_Created ( ) cache reaches a certain threshold the LRU Triggers ) `` secret ennoblement this... 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