SWTOR content have considerably expanded since the release of Star Wars: Darth Plagueis. Darth Nihilus 3. Obsessed with eternal life, Plagueis experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians. Obsessed with eternal life, Plagueis experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. He's hundreds of times stronger. (1) - Star Wars: Darth Plagueis (2012). During his tenure as a Sith Lord, Gravid took a Twi'lek female as his apprentice, naming her Darth Gean. I doubt the author has no say on what's on the back of the book. Emperor Vitiate, for all his knowledge and many achievements, still ultimately met a final death distant enough to render him as little more than a legend to aspire to for Darth Plagueis; Darth Nihilus, on the other hand, lived on to deem Darth Krayt an unworthy successor. Rey vs Count Dooku*. 9 Darth Cognus. Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. He lived during the century leading up to the Invasion of Naboo. 6. Things to note: 1. Legends) Revan - Star Wars Fan Film (2015) Plagueis being able to do so is true, but is really no different from different Darksiders viewing the Force in different ways, and therefore using it in different ways, depending on the author that's writing the story. 30 Stronger: Galen Marek. (Legends) Yoda Recognizes Darth Bane and Darth Plagueis Were Correct! ^Tell me if you find the sounds effects. He taught Sidious in the ways of the Force, and especially trained him to use Dark Side of the Force to achieve great power. Darth Nihilus 3. He taught Sidious in the ways of the Force, and especially trained him to use Dark Side of the Force to achieve great power. Luceno's thoughts on Sidious vs. Plagueis confirm this. He was the Sith Lord to whom Darth Sidious was apprenticed. Revan is more masterful than Plagueis, Krayt beats Caedus, and Vader holds out against Galen. Azronger. Edit: In reading over Valkorion's powers, I was wrong. Tenebrous trained Venamis in violation of the Rule of Two, since he had another apprentice, Darth Plagueis. The time now is . Surviving Vititate, who is more powerfull than RotS Sidious, and fighting a strike team with the . Win also another Bandon qfp The Philosophy of Plagueis: Balance of the ForcePlagueis' Master's MASTER [yeah you read that right] - Star Wars Explained How Darth Zannah Proves Sidious was WRONG About Double-Bladed Lightsabers! we're talking about Pleagius here not plagueis Despite Venamis's use of the Sith title, Darth, it was not legitimately bestowed upon him. Darth Revan. What it DOESN'T mean. Round 1) Physically revan has an endurance advantage with fighting his way through dozens on the star forge then still having enough in the tank to beat malak who was on a . He and Vader celebrate with breakfast at IHOP. Strike Team _____ Report Post | Link. He fought on both sides of the Mandalorian Wars, first as a Jedi, then as a Sith and Darth Malak's master, and then as a Jedi again. Apr 13th, 2022 11:40 PM: All times are UTC. The Emperor has shown me nothing more impressive than Darth Nihilus' multi-million ton TK, and his obliteration of a world with a word. Everyone knows Halo and Call of Duty but they . 2 Can't Beat: Darth Nihilus. Answer (1 of 2): Right off the bat, we can rule out all the mortal force users. Darth Tenebrous is featured prominently in the novel Darth Plagueis, where he is shown to have stoked the fires of his apprentice's intense fear of death and interest in . Three years ago, Revan and Malak returned at the head of a massive invasion fleet. The battle takes place on Tatooine and they start 50m apart. Tha. yes. wade 3 mo 18 d. Team Anakin Skywalker vs Team Darth Sidious #. Darth Revan > Nihilus so he clears 1-8, not sure where 9 and 10 sit in terms of power, is weaker then Toneri so comes down to telepathy. Darth Revan is one of the most popular Star Wars characters to come out of the many video games based on the franchise.First introduced in the critically acclaimed Knights of the Old Republic, Revan instantly made an impression on Star Wars fans everywhere.Silent protagonists don't usually pick up as much steam as Revan did, but he was strong enough of a character with an interesting . In Star Wars Legends and Canon, Galen Marek (Starkiller) is the only Jedi other than Obi-Wan Kenobi to put a beat down on Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. He is a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian manipulation. Team Darth Sidious vs Team Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) (MCU) Darth Nihilus (SWL) & Darth Revan (SWL) vs The Chosen One & Grand Master Skywalker (SWL) Darth Vader & Darth Sidious vs Darth Nihilus (SWL) & Darth Revan (SWL) Lucifer Morningstar vs Team Godric Gryffindor (Wizarding World) His supposed corporeal immortality is hot air. It was originally scheduled for release in October of 2008, but its release was canceled. I think you can gather who I think would win this battle. Darth Vader would've surely perished to Revan. . O nome Sith de Plagueis foi dado por seu mestre, derivando da palavra "plague" ("praga" em inglês). They nodded and returned on board, keeping the engines warm. Darth Plagueis was a wise Sith Lord who became paranoid as he grew in power. . Darth Revan vs Darth Nihilus 3. Darth Plagueis is a novel by James Luceno that tells the backstory of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Plagueis. Their skill is comparable, but Plagueis has much greater levels of speed, strength and . Originally posted by Darth Brainiac It's Plagueis.I'd say Sids kills Maul,Ragnos takes care of Revan and as for Malak vs. Plagueis was more of a scientist than a fighter/force wielder. Darth Gravid was a Human male who reigned as the Dark Lord of the Sith in the lineage of the Order of the Sith Lords. 4.5 K. Team Darth Sidious Nihilus solos everyone but Revan and maybe Yoda. Superhero battle match: Darth Nihilus (SWL) & Darth Revan (SWL) versus Darth Plagueis & Darth Malgus (SWL). In a direct duel with him, Vader would also be challenged by his combination of powerful . 7 Darth Revan. He isn't just on par with Revan. Darth Plagueis era um Muun, da linhagem Sith de Darth Bane, que reinou durante a época próxima a 60 ABY. Darth Revan vs Darth Pleagius. I'm sure everyone knows who Yoda is. His great . Revan have MUCH more feats and fought very powerful people, like Vitiate, Darth Marr, Satele, etc. Darth Plagueis had beheld the future and for the soon to be newly revived post rule of two Sith Order, the future was good indeed. Darth Plagueis Bonus rounds: 1. However, Sue Rostoni later stated that the book had been reinstated, and the novel was to be released on January 10, 2012. Plagueis was the Sith Lord who trained Darth Sidious -- like his pupil, he was obsessed with immortality. Were Darth Zannah to be added back to canon, the natural next step would be to re-canonize her own apprentice, Darth Cognus. He was a meticulous planner, who tried to accomplish the Sith's goal to replace the Galactic Republic with a Sith Empire. Darth Plagueis - The Wise was the master of Darth Sidious. Team Silver Surfer (EMCU) vs Team Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) (MCU) I would give it 6/10 to Anakin. As a Sith. Answer (1 of 5): If you want the Sith answer, then it's simple: Which one survived? Team Darth Vader vs Team Anakin Skywalker. Though he was incredibly powerful in the Dark Side of the Force, he also wasn't too shabby . Maul: Double bladed lightsaber, full force power useage Revan: Single bladed lightsaber, full force power usage. His affliction forced the Sith to instinctively drain the life force of every living being that was close by. Originally posted by S_W_LeGenD Darth Plagueis could not stomp even shitty Lord Venamis in a fight. via: youtube.com (Lucas King) You might know Darth Revan from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Because Bane valued Revan's time as a Sith Lord. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, . Sidious is but one example of a force-user who surpassed Revan. I think Plagueis and Revan both reached the secrets of the force equally but in different areas. I'd order them Valkorion >>> Palpatine > Luke = Revan >= Galen > Plageuis. Darth Vader had just accepted the ways of the Sith but very soon he would discover the history of the Sith, such as Bane and Revan and his mask, learning fro. Darth Plagueis's capability to defeat Revan is suspect, let alone Tenebrae. Darth Plagueis. I'm uncertain on how Plagueis is a better duelist than Revan. (Canon vs. 2.) Who will win in a fight between Darth Nihilus (SWL) & Darth Revan (SWL) and Darth Plagueis & Darth Malgus (SWL)? Credit: Instagram/UltraRaw26. He was an eminent Jedi Knight turned Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. I give no regard to what Lucas or Disney considers canon, both lost that right in my eyes after destroying 10,000 years of lore on a whim then deciding to make some of it canon. All-Out: Probably Team One. It's not surprising that this became Darth Revan and Darth Malak in Karpyshyn's novel. no such thing. One of the three powerful members of the Sith Triumvirate, Darth Nihilus suffered from a severe Force hunger. He lived during the century leading up to the Invasion of Naboo. Plagueis had no enemies fighting him so he had the chance to study the force and manipulate it. . Obi Wan Kenobi 11300 . Darth Plagueis is a novel by James Luceno that tells the backstory of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Plagueis. Revan has better knowledge of a wider variety of forms than Anakin, but Anakin specialises better in duelling, I think. Close. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the . Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, . Though Marek loses to Vader, Plagueis and Caedus beat Revan and Krayt in a . Following Darth Revan's return to the light side and the defeat of Darth Malak, Traya created her new faction to wage war on a weakened Republic. Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis shifted the force itself through mediation. Who will win in a fight between Darth Nihilus (SWL) & Darth Revan (SWL) and Darth Plagueis & Darth Malgus (SWL)? Revan was constantly on war and experienced great events in the galaxy. . Also Luceno never outright says Plagueis>Sidious only that it'd be a toss up. Strike Team _____ Report Post | Link. Darth Venamis was a prospective Sith Lord of the lineage of Darth Bane. Originally an Iktochi (the same species as Jedi Master Saesee Tiin) assassin known only as The Huntress, the future Cognus was recruited by Darth Bane as an alternative apprentice, when he felt Zannah was . Plagueis is sometimes referred to as "Darth Plagueis the Wise," as he found a way to manipulate midi-clorians to prevent death..These are words . Darth Revan and Darth Vitiate VS Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. Galen was secretly trained as a Sith Lord apprentice to Vader but returned to the light side and the Jedi. Plag., I don't know-we don't know much about him. Answer (1 of 4): Although, he is often referred to just as Darth Revan, Revan actually become more powerful after he left the Sith Order. Darth Traya was a Legends character responsible for the creation of the Sith Triumvirate, which arose in the wake of the Mandalorian Wars against the Republic. Luke vs Vader*. the rest of team two would jump in and slaughter malak. However, Sue Rostoni later stated that the book had been reinstated, and the novel was to be released on January 10, 2012. once team 1 was down to malak vs. plag. The time now is . Darth Revan vs Darth Maul. Stream on Spotify and Apple Music https://lnkfi.re/kWFlcAzf♫ Star Wars EPIC PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/2pPcHVe♫ Follow my Epic Star Wars SPOTIFY PLAYLIST . I'd order them Valkorion >>> Palpatine > Luke = Revan >= Galen > Plageuis. Recovering from the intensity of his vision, a grin spread beneath Plagueis' transpirator. Apr 13th, 2022 11:40 PM: All times are UTC. Straight duel, no force powers. Revan mastered light and dark side perfectly and survived for centuries. Darth Revan vs SF Darth Malak 2. Team Darth Bane (SWL) vs Team Darth Sidious. Star Wars Stop Motion #6Darth Plagueis death.Next video : Kylo Ren vs Darth Vader.Yes, Plagueis drinks with his nose. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. However Sidious betrayed Plagueis (standard practice among the Sith) and killed him in his sleep, thus becoming the Sith master himself. Revan could hold him off for quite a while but would be cautious to go on the offensive against such finesse in Form 5. Recently, however, reports surfaced that . Revan is probably a bit of a midpoint between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Blue Beetle vs Darth Plagueis. Darth Revan vs @themuser's dream team of Darth Nyriss, Ven Zallow, Shigar, Eldon Ax, Hetton, Set Harth, and Darth Chratis . Answer (1 of 10): Stepping off his personal shuttle with two Sith guards stepping out for him on the foreign Yavin IV, Revan gestured for them to leave, he alone would handle this. DigitalMessiah, Oct 13, 2013 #25. This is a simple one actually. Although Revan was a very powerful force-user, he was not THE most powerful Force-user. My canonical views are in tiers, inconsist. . Ahsoka* vs Kylo Ren. Magneto vs Darth Plagueis. His great . This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. Darth Revan vs Darth Pleagius. Darth Revan vs SF Darth Malak 2. Today on Variant, we're looking to the possible future of Star Wars by highlighting the Legends character we would most like to see appear on the big screen . Darth Plagueis, 10/10, for each round. No force user in history has ever contended with the force itself. I'd say Vader kills Plagueis, and Sidious kills Revan--BUT, in his dieing moments, Revan pull a pokeball from his pocket: "Bandon, I choose you!" Bandon solos with his Force push. Darth Revan vs @themuser's dream team of Darth Nyriss, Ven Zallow, Shigar, Eldon Ax, Hetton, Set Harth, and Darth Chratis . "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. Meanwhile, Exar Kun sensed a disturbance in the force . . Answer (1 of 24): Revan. Darth Plagueis wanted to know all about the Force to become unstoppable with it. Darth Revan vs Darth Nihilus 3. Revan, renowned as the Revanchist, dreaded as the Sith Lord Darth Revan, and honored as the Prodigal Knight, is one of the central protagonists of the Star Wars Old Republic era.. Yes its generally agreed that Plagueis>TPM Sidious. Revan had assumed the title of Sith Lord; the hero had become a conqueror.Dorak Darth Revan's Sith Empire was a revived faction of the Sith Order founded by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, and his apprentice, Darth Malak, as a dark side organization in direct opposition to the Galactic Republic and its . Aside from a statement by the Exile that Revan is > Nihilus. In his most poewrful incarnation the Emperor can pretty much do whatever he wants with his only really threat in the universe being Luke (who is also ridiculously OP). Sidious, Plagueis, Valkorion, Malgus, the Outlander, Nihilus, Sion, Thanaton, and Ajunta Pall, each incredibly skilled and powerful in their own right, all go bye-bye before the face of the preposterously powerful Wut. unless you mean darth revan with his legends feats, which means the other two are completely worthless in a fight. A-lister Keanu Reeves ( John Wick, The Matrix, Speed, the Bill & Ted franchise) has been linked to the role of Darth Revan. A male Bith, he was the Sith apprentice of the Dark Lord, Darth Tenebrous. Betraying his oath to the Jedi, Ruin recruited fifty . He could not threaten Jedi Order in a significant way. 50/50 2. Darth Plagueis is the posthumous overarching antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. And though a lot . 24.8 K. Team Darth Sidious Anakin vs Sidious*. Plagueis ran a few hundred kilometers in 2 nights of continuous running. I see so many questions here about "who would win?" or "who had the most power?" To me they miss the point. Team Yoda vs Team Obi-Wan Kenobi. Not sure why you continue to rate this guy so high. Yoda vs Darth Plagueis. Durante o tempo da Aliança Galáctica, nada era conhecido das origens de Plagueis, e nem como ele veio a treinar Palpatine. Bane discovers a Sith holocron made by Revan which passed on his teachings from when he was still "bad." One of these was the idea that Bane would eventually turn into his Rule of Two. Edit: In reading over Valkorion's powers, I was wrong. Galactic Historian. Darth Plagueis was the Lord of the Sith who mentored Palpatine, before Palpatine took Plagueis's life in his sleep in order to become the new Sith Lord. He honestly is one of the most technically skilled Force users in the EU, probably matched only by Jacen Solo's more esoteric education, Yoda, Sidious, Bane, Plagueis and Luke. While he wasn't the best duelist out there, he did learn to harness the powers of the Force . Darth Plagueis is the posthumous overarching antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Darth Plagueis - The Wise was the master of Darth Sidious. (2) - The Jedi Path (2010). The son of famous Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, he was left on Tatooine with his aunt and uncle after the fall of the Jedi Order. Well guys here it is the one you all have been asking for, Versus Series Palpatine vs VitiateGreyjedi91 http://www.youtube.com/user/yarealpoofAlso I don't ow. He is a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian manipulation. He isn't just on par with Revan. He knew now what must be done. There are many pre-recorded documents of a force storm. 50/50 2. Sidious did not invent the force storm. It was originally scheduled for release in October of 2008, but its release was canceled. If anyone is unfamiliar with Darth Plagueis, he was the mentor of Darth Sidious and was known for experimenting with the midocholorians to extend life and even bring back those from the dead. Once a Jedi master, one could stop the argument right there, but Darth Revan was also once a Jedi (and then again a Jedi after much slaughter). . The 3rd Legion, aka the Revan Legion, establishes that the fan-favorite Expanded Universe Sith Lord, Darth Revan, is also part of the new Disney canon. Over time, he was drawn to the light side of the Force and began to lose his sanity as a result of attempting to combine some of the philosophies of the Jedi, the Sith's . He was a Muun male, and had orange eyes. Mentioned by Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, it was later revealed that Plagueis was the Dark Lord who taught the would-be Emperor "everything he knew.". Sidious stomps 10/10, although Revan is extremely powerful and an incredible duelist he just cannot compare to Sidious. The Legends novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction answers this. Team Revan (SWL) vs Team Darth Sidious. Darth Plagueis Bonus rounds: 1. Superhero battle match: Darth Nihilus (SWL) & Darth Revan (SWL) versus Darth Plagueis & Darth Malgus (SWL). He's hundreds of times stronger. ♫ Star Wars EPIC PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/2pPcHVe♫ Follow my Epic Star Wars SPOTIFY PLAYLIST https://spoti.fi/3cHpvzV Support my work on Patreon (HQ Mp3. WorldsStrongest said: Caedus > Vitiate > Revan/Yoda >= Exar Kun > Plagueis > Anakin. Another advantage Revan has is that he is much more mobile than Vader, something he has shown a weakness against when fighting his apprentice and to top it off, Revan is . Under her machinations, the Triumvirate . For this question, I'm going to look at Revan both when he was a Sith Lord, and when he was at the height of his power, after leaving the Sith Lord. Pretty straightforward for the most part imo. 8 Darth Plagueis. One of the more surprising twists of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker may have also been one of its subtle changes to Star Wars canon as Emperor Palpatine totally shatters our conception of the Sith Rule of Two, suggesting he is actually the spirit of Darth Plagueis and all past Sith before him by telling Rey to . Plagueis was more of a scientist than a fighter/force wielder. Darth Plagueis was a wise Dark Lord of the Sith who possessed a vast knowledge of the dark side of the Force. Like Vader, Darth Revan started as a Jedi Knight, being the most powerful Jedi of the time, before switching over to the Dark Side of the Force, becoming an unstoppable Sith who practically . Venamis claimed to have been found by the Bith . 5. level 2. Newest Battles with Darth Revan. The Sith didn't care all that much about how many watts you could put out with your Force lightning. The first step was fully seducing Count Dooku to the Dark Side. Darth Plagueis. we're talking about Pleagius here not plagueis Caedus can scrap with a dude much stronger than Peak Sidious, Vitiate is basically just budget Sidious, Revan and Yoda can fight Sidious level names while at a disadvantage, Kun is overall comparable to Revan, and . Darth Revan Finds Maul And End HimRevan vs Maul Who do You Think Would Win? Anakin will give him the fight of his life, surprising Plagueis. He was powerful with the Force, to begin with, but ultimately, his knowledge of the two sides . Plagueis will defeat him in the end, and regard him as a worthy adversary, but far too dangerous to be left alive, and will execute . In violation of the three powerful members of the Sith, Darth Plagueis era um Muun, da linhagem de! This guy so high his combination of powerful light and Dark side Sith, heir to the of... Vast knowledge of a force storm could hold him off for quite a while but be! Canon, the natural next step would be cautious to go on the back of Dark! 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