Email Address: Cell Phone: 202-279-0562. 1. delivery, please also insert the room number of the addressee above. . Screening Key for CAPS Target Lepidoptera in the Eastern and Midwestern United States (males). Applications for the FY22 Tribal Nations Wild Cervid CWD Opportunities are due in ezFedGrants by June 14, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST. Funding opportunity announcements are posted on ezFedGrants and and can be found by searching the title, catalog of federal domestic assistance number, or funding opportunity number (see below). Lab Manual for the Lepidoptera Identification Workshop. The type of payment requested (Advance or Reimbursement) is defaulted to "Reimbursement" for this release of ezFedGrants. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. USDA ezFedGrants Implementation Overview: Implementation scheduled for October 2016 (APHIS and FAS) NIFA implements in FFY17 for Capacity Grants only Other USDA agencies will announce implementation schedules Use is required for USDA agencies that have implemented it Some USDA agencies are providing training (e.g. For questions regarding the wild cervid CWD program, please contact: Tim Linder, Staff Biologist, WS National Wildlife Disease Program, ezFedGrants. APHIS Announces 2020 Open Period for Farm Bill Funding Opportunities Supporting Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Activities. USDA provides a . It's USDA's OMB Circular A-123 system of record for processing Federal financial assistance transactions. ALL : ENHC0010391 ; Add . Will move to production when testing is complete. Once you access another site through a link that we provide, you are subject to the copyright and licensing restrictions of the new site. USDA eAuthentication (eAuth) is the system used by USDA agencies to enable individual customers and employees to obtain accounts that will allow them to access USDA Web applications and services via the Internet. CRIS is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's documentation and reporting system for ongoing and recently completed research and education projects in agriculture . USDA United States Department of Agriculture 1.2 Order of Precedence If there is inconsistency between award provisions, AMS will resolve the issue by giving precedence in the following order: 1. USDA APHIS COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL PEST SURVEY (CAPS) PROGRAM : STATE CAPS COMMITTEE MEETING : New Haven, CT . A single eAuth account saves time and reduces the number of passwords for users by providing effortless access to multiple online . For eAuthentication login problems, please contact the eAuth help desk at 800-457-3642 or email Application instructions and additional information are available on the NADPRP website. Pandemic Assistance . System-to-System (S2S) functionality in KR. . Funding opportunity announcements are posted on . USDA OCFO Last modified by: Dunagan, Fransi - OCFO, Washington, DC Created Date: 11/8/2021 7:42:14 PM The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) pest detection program supports the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) as it works to safeguard U.S. agricultural and environmental resources by ensuring that new introductions of harmful plant pests and diseases are detected as soon as possible. For help with the USDA ezFedGrants system, applicants may contact the . For travel reservation help, please contact your agency's Travel Management Center (TMC) Your Agency Traveler Coordinators can be found in the ATC and ConcurGov FATA Contact List. Applications for the FY22 Tribal Nations Wild Cervid CWD Opportunities are due in ezFedGrants by June 14, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST. Applicants can also find information on the on the ezFedGrants website or the website by searching CFDA number 10 . USDA-APHIS-PPQ (301) 821-0239. Taxonomic Services. April 28, 2022 - 9:00 a.m. USDA is providing these links for your reference. Screening Aids. The ezFedGrants help desk now resolves an average of 300 inquiries per month, assisting both internal and external users and working with users across the country. University of Maryland. This organization chart displays the names of USDA offices, agencies, and mission areas. APHIS, FAS, FNS, NIFA, NRCS, OAO) • Approximately 1,000 users and rapidly growing (350,000 projected users by 2022) ezFedGrants is often abbreviated as eFG eFG is a role based system and each individual can only function in one role at any given time. Applicants can also find information on the on the ezFedGrants website or the website by searching CFDA number 10.025 or Funding Opportunity Number USDA-APHIS-10025-VSSP0000-22-0001. Screening Key for CAPS Target Pyraloidea in the Eastern and Midwestern United States (males). Please call the telephone number listed for the Service Center nearest you for an appointment before your visit. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the financial leadership of an enterprise that has more than 100,000 employees, 14,000 offices and field locations, $208 billion in assets, and $143 billion in annual spending. • ezFedGrants System • Cooperative Agreements • Technical Assistance 1600 . Keyword. AGENDA. Infrastructure and Survey Guidelines. This document is designed to be a guide for basic actions to be taken by the Program Manager in ezFedGrants and is not intended to be a comprehensive document covering all possible situations. Safety - The USDA Travel Charge Card improves financial controls and eliminates the need for cash. Guidance for Selecting Survey Names. For questions regarding the wild cervid CWD program, please contact: Tim Linder, Staff Biologist, WS National Wildlife Disease Program, , (O) 970-266-6217, ( C) 970-420-5309 Thank you and we look forward to reviewing your proposals, APHIS . Generally speaking, guidance documents lack the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute or incorporated into a contract. 32686 : Provide the ability to deactivate and reactivate short hand codes via Mass Upload. . The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides economic opportunity through innovation that helps rural America thrive and promotes agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world. 1115 . Faulkner joins NIFA from United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Development Mission Area where during his tenure he was the Director of Enterprise Risk Management and Director of the Continuous Process Improvement office from September 2014 through April 2020. APHIS) . The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) is a unique nine character identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet. It is a required field in the SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance. Learn More. Early detection often reduces the chances these pests have to cause significant . Travelers with individual travel cards issued by the participating travel card bank may only use them for official travel as described in this regulation. Each year, the USDA's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Veterinary Services (VS) issues a National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) competitive funding opportunity announcement and solicits applications from eligible organizations. . ezFedGrants. 32872 Guidance documents come in a variety of formats, including interpretive memoranda, policy statements, manuals, bulletins, advisories, and more. News and analysis for the global poultry industry.. Register; Login; My Account; Log Out; Search Applicants with questions about this funding opportunity, required documents, or the ezFedGrants application process, please contact Applications for the FY22 Tribal Nations Wild Cervid CWD Opportunities are due in ezFedGrants by June 14, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST. Applicants can also find information on the on the ezFedGrants website or the website by searching CFDA number 10.025 or Funding Opportunity Number USDA-APHIS-10025-VSSP0000-20-0001. Applicants can also find information on the on the ezFedGrants . USDA APHIS PPQ State Plant Health Director 1030 1045 Break 1045 . May 5, 2022 - 9:00 a.m. Operations and Maintenance Meeting Recap for May 5, 2022. The Government Travel Card Regulation contains the policies and procedures governing the use of the USDA travel card program. It is the sole responsibility of you, the user of this site, to carefully examine the content of the site and all linked pages for privacy, copyright and . Once you access another site through a link that we provide, you are subject to the copyright and licensing restrictions of the new site. The ASC is responsible for operational support to Headquarters, for developing agency policy for a variety of agreements, developing and delivering agreements quarterly meetings and training, administering the ezFedGrants system and ACMS Agreements Inventory, and providing technical guidance to agency field personnel. This service is provided by the USDA-Office Information Profile System. Additional detail on any of these actions is available through the work aids on the ASC and NFC ezFedGrants websites which were the One of the features of this online training is that it is closely (402) 934-1777 or toll free (888) 573-0495 -- Fax: (402) 934-7928 E-Mail: or Website: In future releases, it will be defaulted to the payment type on the agreement screen - Reimbursement or Advance. WASHINGTON, April 7, 2022 -The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is making available nearly $10 million for states and Tribal governments to control and prevent chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild and farmed cervids (e.g., deer, elk). 4 December 2018: Katherine Dugas conducted a training at RI DEM . Mr. Matthew Faulkner is the Deputy Director, Office of Grants and Financial Management (OGFM). [updated 2020-04-17] ezFedGrants; Approved Methods for National Priority Pests. Live USDA-APHIS-10028-WSNWRC00-21-0008: June 19, 2021 at 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time: FY21 Tribal Nations Wild Cervid CWD . Team AgLearn is excited to share with you to an upgraded AgLearn loaded with new features to improve your learning experience. USDA United States Department of Agriculture 1.2 Order of Precedence If there is an inconsistency between award provisions, AMS will resolve the issue by giving precedence in the following order: 1. For additional details please contact Maureen Sullivan at. Department of Entomology, Purdue University Smith Hall, 901 W. State St. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2089: Xanthe Shirley (512) 383-2474: USDA APHIS PPQ 2771 F and B Road, Building 2, Room 105 College Station, TX 77845: Alexander Cunningham (504) 461-4230: USDA . The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides economic opportunity through innovation that helps rural America thrive and promotes agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world. ezFedGrants Application Get started with a new grant application, check a pending status, and more by logging into ezFedGrants. ALL : ENHC0010391 ; Add . Infrastructure Report Template. The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) pest detection program supports the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) as it works to safeguard U.S. agricultural and environmental resources by ensuring that new introductions of harmful plant pests and diseases are detected as soon as possible. Enhance ezFedGrants HANA ASAP Disbursement Report to include failed ASAP transactions. USDA United States Department of Agriculture 1.2 Order of Precedence If there is inconsistency between award provisions, AMS will . Cloud Migration Update - Tiffany Wimberly reported all information below remain open progress issues. Programs. . DESCRIPTION. ezFedGrants is the USDA solution that will let you apply for and manage USDA grants and agreements online. All . Each recipient must have at least one GAO and one Signatory Official. 1-866-794-2827. 3. UPDATED 10/ 19 /21 . Complicated- too many steps are required to complete the process 2. APHIS) DFCT0010733 -NIFA -Animal Plant Health Inspection Service - APHIS -Agricultural Marketing Service -AMS -Foreign Agricultural Service -FAS -Natural Resources Conservation Service -NRCS -Office of Partnership and Public Engagement (OPPE, formerly OAO) 3 It is the sole responsibility of you, the user of this site, to carefully examine the content of the site and all linked pages for privacy, copyright and . Update the APHIS Cost Management System (ACMS) spending extract to include GL4700 and doc type "GR" in order to capture the EzFedGrants Funds Pre-commitment. ENHC0010359 ; Update the PLCE micro-purchase threshold for Farm and Chattel appraisals to account for amounts greater than $10,000. The Grant Agreement Face Sheet (Form AMS -33) references these terms and conditions and provides a link to the. Bundling Former Priority Pests (Excel File) Guidance for Bundling Pests in the Survey Summary Form. ezFedGrants application process, please contact DFCT0010734 Modify YF_13 to post to Fund AG0001099X. 2. business partner's prefix and academic title from CRM as available reporting objects that are accessible in the HANA ezFedGrants Agreement and Amendment Status Report. . ClearedJobs.Net, a cleared job board providing services and products to the security cleared community, debuts this new workshop at its security cleared job fair on April 9, 2009 in Tysons Corner, Virginia. Proposals go from MSU's system, to and are retrieved by the USDA agency. Recent Financial Management Notifications. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is continuing its efforts as part of the agency's Farm Bill programs to advance animal disease preparedness and response. Users must determine and understand the Level of Assurance (Level 1/Level 2) needed for their account, at the time of registration 3. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Applicable laws and statutes of the United States, including any specific legislative provisions mandated in the statutory authority for the award 2. . This guidance portal provides access to the guidance documents of the USDA's individual agencies. Agency: Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Phone Number: ATAC Helpdesk: 1-866-794-2827. This . The USDA Travel Charge Card is a convenient method for the USDA and employees to make payments for official government travel and travel related expenses, while allowing the USDA to better manage their travel related expenses. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) List of Website Content Changes . . USDA, APHIS, MRPBS, FMD Agreements Services Center 4700 River Road, Unit 55 Riverdale, MD 20737 Please note: When sending information to the staff via regular mail, the unit number must be included in the address. ENHC0010359 ; Update the PLCE micro-purchase threshold for Farm and Chattel appraisals to account for amounts greater than $10,000. EZFedGrants system. SSCD Security - Nothing to report. the united states department of agriculture (usda) animal and plant health inspection service (aphis) wildlife services (ws) is announcing the availability of around $400,000 in cooperative agreement funding to further develop and implement wild cervid chronic wasting disease (cwd) surveillance, testing, management, and response activities, … ezFedGrants is the USDA system that allows individuals to apply for and manage USDA . Lab Manual for the Lepidoptera Identification Workshop. Some USDA agencies (e.g. AMS grant recipients must register and use the . Early detection often reduces the chances these pests have to cause significant . Did not receive QA signoff. Accomplishment Reports. Thursday, June 14th, 2017; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Everyone wishing to enter the system must obtain a Level 2 eAuthentication credential and then request access to the system. APHIS Training Resources for SPROs (Reviewed April 2017) Plant Pest Identification Notifications to State Departments of Agriculture; Federal Budget Process, USDA APHIS PPQ ppt (Reviewed March 2017) Status of Official Control March 24, 2009 (pps ~1MB)Diane Schuble, National Coordinator for Official Control; ezFedGrants Landing Page Soft Phone: 202-969-7375. For registration instructions, visit the ezFedGrants home page or use the onboarding reference. FMS teams continue to work until resolutions are complete. Example of a Combined Survey Work Plan. . Funding opportunity announcements are posted on ezFedGrants and and . The work of the Genesis team has enabled the USDA to maintain and sustain ezFedGrants for its current users but also to expand the system's functionality and grow its users. The recipient selects partial or final on this screen and enters the period covered. NIFA ENHC0010869 Create AMS roles for the HHS Grants Solutions process. The Departmental Relocation Policy is the primary source of USDA . The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is seeking project proposals for fiscal 2020 funding for the National Animal Disease Preparedness & Response Program (NADPRP) and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN). ezFedGrants -users are unable to use the tabs in the Portal(errors internal portal not reading properly, not applicable or unavailable). APHIS Christina Klaus ARS Deborah Watson Kim Radcliff Nicole Kelly CCC Charlotte Kline Roxie Smith Yolanda Reedy Jeremy Steinlauf OCP Mark Androff . E-mail: Who is using ezFedGrants? Contact your Proposal Team if you need assistance with accessing ezFedGrants. Applicable laws and statutes of the . External User ezFedGrants The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) pest detection program supports the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) as it works to safeguard U.S. agricultural and environmental resources by ensuring that new introductions of harmful plant pests and diseases are detected as soon as possible. ezFedGrantseAuth Next Generation Training Current External Customer Account Registration Process Issues identified by users: 1. Stephen Bullington; USDA-APHIS-PPQ-RIPPS (301) 851-2153. Applicants can find additional information at the website USDA APHIS | Wildlife Services, Additional detail on any of these actions is available through the work aids on the ASC and NFC ezFedGrants websites which were the USDA is providing these links for your reference. Applicants can find the funding opportunity information on the ezFedGrants or by searching the CFDA Number 10.028 or the Funding Opportunity Number USDA-APHIS-10028-WSNWRC00-22-0014. Agency: Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPAC-BC) Website: . With the launch of version 14, AgLearn now features: An improved user-friendly interface, Employee engagement, Access to Playlists, Streamlined Search, Collaboration Tools, and much more . Applicants can find additional information at the website USDA APHIS | Wildlife Services, including the FY22 Tribal Nations Wild Cervid CWD Opportunities Funding Opportunity Announcement, Work Plan Template, Financial Plan Template FY22 FAQs, and information on the . AMS Update special purpose ledger documents for GL accounts 310710ACRL and 570010ACRL to be expense accounts. USDA eAuthenticationLocal Registration Authority Locations. The Departmental Relocation Policy is the primary source of USDA . Welcome to AgLearn v14! ezFedGrants AMS Arlicha Stewart . business partner's prefix and academic title from CRM as available reporting objects that are accessible in the HANA ezFedGrants Agreement and Amendment Status Report. ezFedGrants Vision and Goals All USDA grants to be administered within the system by 2022, which would include: - Approximately 253 CFDA programs across 17 grant making agencies . This document is designed to be a guide for basic actions to be taken by the Program Manager in ezFedGrants and is not intended to be a comprehensive document covering all possible situations. To be able to save generated queries, use the NRP link to perform the search. ezFedGrants or by searching the CFDA Number 10.028 or the Funding Opportunity Number USDA-APHIS-10028-WSNWRC00-22-0014. Application: FPAC-BC Applications. Guidance for Bundling Former Priority Pests. USDA is committed to supporting a diverse set of farmers, ranchers and forest owners through climate solutions that increase resilience, expand market opportunities and strengthen rural America. All Programs 1890 Land-Grant Institutions Programs AFRI Childhood Obesity Prevention Challenge Area AFRI Education and Workforce Development AFRI Food Safety Challenge Area AFRI Food Security Challenge Area AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program AFRI Resilient Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate Challenge Area AFRI . It is a universal identifier to facilitate award tracking and expenditure of federal dollars throughout the grants life cycle. May 12, 2022 - 9:00 a.m. Operations and Maintenance Meeting Recap for May 12, 2022. eFG - ezFedGrants Supports grants and financial management for capacity programs beginning in FY 2017. . Travelers with individual travel cards issued by the participating travel card bank may only use them for official travel as described in this regulation. Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) Training . . For overnight and U.P.S. APHIS, & FSIS . Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you're on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser's address (or "location") bar. Entitled "Using Social Networks as Job Searching Tools," this 30-minute workshop highlights how job security-cleared job . Applications for the FY22 Tribal Nations Wild Cervid CWD Opportunities are due in ezFedGrants by June 14, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST. . . Help for farmers, ranchers and producers impacted by COVID-19 market disruptions. Early detection often reduces the chances these pests have to cause significant . Example : The Government Travel Card Regulation contains the policies and procedures governing the use of the USDA travel card program. . ezFedGrants is the USDA system that allows individuals to apply for and manage USDA . Also, you must bring at least one form of identification with you to complete your registration. ezFedGrants online grants and agreements management system. Usda Rural Development Training Courses. NIFA's ezFedGrants Program Lead National Institute of Food and Agriculture | 202-531-0630 Chris Coppenbarger Senior Grants System Advisor for ezFedGrants Office of the Chief Financial Officer, USDA 202-306-2512 3 Agenda Themes Delivery, please also insert the room number of the USDA travel Charge card improves financial and! Before your visit effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute incorporated. 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