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For a healthy life cycle, a person needs to have a balanced diet and has to regularly exercise. Three of the main reasons why mental health awareness is so important are outlined below: 1. Learn more at TMH.OR. A diverse employee base that works well together and respects each other is more likely to form stronger connections at work. While everyone is familiar with the symptoms and treatment options for common illnesses that . Increasing awareness of mental illness increases knowledge of mental illness. I love this calendar - and admire the celebrated days/weeks/months . Practice gratitude. "Mental Health Awareness Intervention in Schools.". Embracing cultural awareness can help you recognise how cultural differences can influence oneâ s perceptions, helping us become more accommodating of different opinions. They make you feel highly unmotivated, nauseous, and lazy. The widespread awareness about mental health helps people to combat the problem faster. The stigma around mental health and treatment has long existed, even though this has started to change. "The . Mental Health Awareness Help. Mental health problems can be treated effectively and many people even recover completely. The subject of mental health is still not talked about openly. Talking about mental health awareness is very important because it helps people in various ways. Currently, teenagers are the biggest age group in the risk of suicidal behaviour. We never know what you are dealing with until you . Considering all, we can say that mental health has always been very important. These illnesses can be managed by treatment. Being aware of your overall health is essential to be mindful of any symptoms, problems, and issues you may have. Below is the transcript of a speech I delivered at my school's annual Award Ceremony on why mental health awareness is so important in education. You may ask what body awareness in actuality means. One of the major contributors to mental illness is a feeling of excessive stress. Mental illnesses affect 19% of the adult population, 46% of teenagers and 13% of children each year. It will allow you to focus on your strengths and develop strategies to improve your weaknesses. Mental Health Awareness Month provides a timely reminder that that mental health is essential and that those living with mental health issues are deserving of care, understanding, compassion, and pathways to hope, healing, recovery, and fulfillment. Three of the main reasons why mental health awareness is so important are outlined below: 1. There are times in our lives where we all struggle, whether it's . Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK. Depression is viewed by society as a slang term for a bad day, mere sadness, or that it is non-existent and those who are diagnosed are just making it up for attention. By raising awareness, mental health can now be seen as an illness. What Is Body Awareness. As you gain the ability to see patterns . So, in conclusion, here are 7 reasons why cultural awareness is so important: It helps you understand and appreciate your own culture. 2. Mental health plays a significant role in our overall well-being and yet it has not been openly discussed in our culture until . This is why it is important for all individuals in the workplace to be aware of potential contributing factors to mental health issues and strategies to maintain a positive pathway to mental health and encourage early reporting of symptoms. "One-third of people who live with autism are nonverbal," Feld says. Mental health is just as important to be treated as physical illness - to be healthy as a whole, mental wellness is also considered. It is important to remember that self-awareness is an individual's ability to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of one's own character. Mental health problems can be treated effectively and many people even recover completely. Why Mental Health in the Workplace is Important. It is imperative to understand yourself and stay away from the triggering point. Thus there is a need to involve schools in it. Here are four important benefits of mental health awareness: 1. Though the pandemic worsened students' anxieties about university in many ways, it also brought . Mental health encompasses your social, psychological, and emotional well-being. Self- awareness naturally teaches you to pick up on your own behaviors and patterns. Awareness plays a key role in our approach to improving access to healthcare. Mental health awareness plays a pivotal role in uplifting society and keeps people happier. However, only half of those affected . 1. Why is Health Awareness Important Health has become one of the highly prioritized matters that people are concerned and cared about. همین الان بهترین دوره ی آموزش پارکور و فری رانینگ جهان رو تهیه کن It also provides you with a general increase in confidence and self-esteem. The Importance of Sexual Health Awareness and Empowerment. This could be a specific person, your health, a job, a pet, the trees, or anything that's . Helps you understand your symptoms. This is because they are able to realize exactly what they want in each person they meet. Every day, how you feel on the inside is just as important as how physically healthy you are. Posted by on May 8, 2022 in how to find google analytics administrator | spanish channels on xfinity number. While it may not be possible to attain total objectivity about oneself (that's a debate that has continued to rage throughout the history of philosophy), there are certainly degrees of self-awareness. Research studies provide strong evidence that companies with high levels of mental health awareness are more successful. Developing our awareness helps us start to recognize the signs and symptoms when we're feeling "off" — just as we do with physical illness. Awareness develops knowledge of you; what your strengths and weaknesses are as a player, coach, as a person and what motivates and drives you. Your mental health affects how you make decisions, relate to other people, and cope with stress. You are here: pulse x sacrifice phase; search campaign - google ads; why is community awareness important . why is community awareness important. Mental health issues are one of the leading causes of disability in America, with an estimated 18.1% (or 43.6 million) adults in the United States dealing with mental health conditions in any given year. We need to debunk myths and misconceptions about mental-health problems and convey messages of hope.". According to reports, the number of teen suicides is increasing at an alarming pace. 1. Making sure patients feel safe and opening the channels of communication goes a long way toward better outcomes. Human beings are social beings who thrive on relationships. Before we begin, I would like to highlight the fact that mental health awareness for everyone is equally important, however as a student, it directly affects a student's academic performance as well as energy levels, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism, thus hindering performance. If we want to ensure a bright future for our children, we must be aware . It also affects how you feel, think, and behave. Also, follow the best habits to improve the quality of life. This includes environments, cultures, communities, societal norms, problems, struggles, and all other areas that make up the social atmosphere in which we live. Societal Perceptions: Mental health awareness has been given much importance during recent years, but the results are still not meeting the targets. "Community health impacts everything—educational achievement, safety and crime, people's ability to work and be financially healthy, life expectancy, happiness and more . Every morning, think of one thing in your life that you are appreciative of. They need a system to rely on and a proper source of information to guide them through this process of dealing with their inner issues. That is why mental health awareness closes the educational gaps that students might face due to psychological issues. The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools. How these can affect your overall wellness and spiritual connection. You are here: pulse x sacrifice phase; search campaign - google ads; why is community awareness important . Dr. Matt Glowiak, clinical faculty in Southern New Hampshire University's master's in clinical mental health counseling program, is the co-founder and former co-clinical director of a private . This can be further explained by the rise in the popularity of gymnasium, yoga classes, organic food and regular organized health campaigns, programmes and projects organised by the government, private sectors as well as the NGO's. It was my first big speaking gig and I was so nervous, but my speech was incredibly well received by all staff, parents and pupils. Your internal power is the main tool that can reduce the symptoms of mental . Developing our awareness helps us start to recognize the signs and symptoms when we're feeling "off" — just as we do with physical illness. 5. We can all benefit from understanding and promoting our own mental health. Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools. Rise In Depression. The reason is that society fails to acknowledge the importance of being self-aware of your mental health disorders, and such people are treated distinctively even in this progressive world. Understand Your Symptoms. Many things can affect your mental health, and some of them may go unnoticed. These days also build a greater sense of community for those living with the same condition by creating a platform for them to come together and align themselves with every year. Sexual health is a vital part of overall personal wellness. Helps you understand your symptoms. individuals who truly understand how important mental health is can go on to . 1. You need to be aware of you, your strengths and weaknesses, your personality, your motivation. People struggling with their mental health may be in your family, live next door, teach your children, work in the next cubicle or sit in the same church pew. It is equally important to our physical health but is way less acknowledged and paid . What is the importance of mental health awareness? They need to be willing to ask respectful questions and establish communication before moving forward with treatment. Always try to include a rich protein source in your diet. Anyone who works in healthcare needs to examine their own cultural beliefs and develop cultural awareness. Since, by mental health awareness, students will be able to talk . After all, kids are the future, and the mental health of future generations is important. Importance of mental health awareness. Here are some more reasons why it is important to be self-aware. It also increases the chances of early intervention and supports individuals in receiving proper care and resources. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. It is being aware that your body is a vehicle for your spirit and more. Mental health is the state of emotional, social, psychological, and behavioral well-being wherein a person feels safe and comfortable to cope up with regular or everyday stress. Mental Health is related to Emotional Well-Being. This is why it is important for all individuals in the workplace to be aware of potential contributing factors to mental health issues and strategies to maintain a positive pathway to mental health and encourage early reporting of symptoms. همین الان بهترین دوره ی آموزش پارکور و فری رانینگ جهان رو تهیه کن Mental health is just as important as physical health, and the two truly tie into one another. Health awareness days are important for several reasons including raising awareness, gaining exposure, providing fundraising opportunities, and building support and a . Moreover, mental health awareness month isn't just for people dealing with severe mental illnesses, it is for all of us. Right now, we only fill our tanks when they're on "empty.". The more people seek out help, the less stigmatizing it will be. Another big reason why mental health awareness is important to have in schools is due to the high percentage of teen suicides. What is health awareness and why is it important? October- breast cancer awareness month. 5/12/2021. Workplace mental health awareness is crucial in the acknowledgment of and response to the challenges individuals may face. Instead, public health focuses on improving and protecting community health and well-being, with an emphasis on prevention among large groups of people. Mental issues take time to go, and you need to make constant efforts to keep your mental sanity intact. Here, "awareness" seems to mean sending a message, getting attention, and getting people to talk about the issue. Those with public health degrees keep communities healthy through child wellness, disease prevention, education, disaster relief, clean water, access to healthcare, and much more. Positive Impacts. A lot of people who have mental health symptoms don't actually realize . Ensuring proper treatment and policies are in place is key, as is utilizing . This means that students who have or suspect that they have mental illnesses . And with more knowledge, there is less stigma. Why is Mental Health Awareness Important This Pandemic. This is where awareness plays a vital role . Furthermore, technology has so advanced and you can find the best treatment for mental illness. Mental health like depression and anxiety make you face issues in even everyday activities. Knowing more about mental health disorders can also help your family members, friends, and coworkers. In addition, most mental health issues reduce your sleep quality and impact your eating pattern. Works Cited. When we have a clearer sense of ourselves, we can get more in touch with the people around us. Mental health awareness plays a pivotal role in uplifting society and keeps people happier. It exists on a spectrum. Environmental awareness is the key of truly beginning to act upon protecting the world we live in. Good mental health enables us to thrive. If not properly recognized, employees, employers, and society as a whole may undergo additional distress—physically, mentally and economically. This can also help open the door for people seeking treatment or help with their mental health. I have a calendar that earmarks every national and global awareness day. Cultural awareness is an important and powerful tool that helps a brand in building connections . This is so important, because people who live with mental illness are more likely to develop other medical conditions. Living through an unprecedented experience like the COVID-19 pandemic has helped raise awareness of the importance of mental health and its connection to physical health. Mental Illness Awareness Week is October 6-12, 2013. May is Mental Health Awareness month. 22-03-2022. Mental health awareness is an important issue for all educators, who are often the first line of defense for their students. Every morning, think of one thing in your life that you are appreciative of. Mental Health Awareness helps to educating the public about mental health but also to reduce the stigma and discrimination that people with mental illness are . You can seek out your true desires to increase your motivation and enjoyment in life. Here are some available resources for students to utilize for mental health concerns: UCF CARES: 407-823-5607. In a broad sense, it means having an awareness and understanding of the world around us. Spreading awareness and understanding mental health through support, education, and advocacy helps in the identification process of mental disorders. Without awareness, it is difficult to pinpoint why you are so stressed out or having problems with daily life. So, in conclusion, here are 7 reasons why cultural awareness is so important: It helps you understand and appreciate your own culture. The subject of mental health is still not talked about openly. + Follow. About 4.2% (9.8 million) adults have a debilitating severe mental . The following statistics prove why it . By learning mental health awareness, you may get a chance of fast recovery. This is why mental health awareness is important, as it tells us about how the person feels like and what role we have to play if the person is known to us. One in five Americans has a mental illness or substance use disorder, and according to the Center for Prevention and Health, mental illness and substance abuse problems cost employers between $79-$105 billion a year.Even though promoting mental health in the workplace won't fix everything, it can help your workers stay as healthy as possible. why is community awareness important. 1. by Nancy Barile, Award-Winning Teacher, M.A.Ed. It helps people seek treatment. It is important to put the time in - self-awareness is not learned in a . This could be a specific person, your health, a job, a pet, the trees, or anything that's . Mental health encompasses your social, psychological, and emotional well-being. Considering mental health issues can not only affect your health, grades and ability to form relationships, it's important to recognise the importance of mental health awareness in finding personal and academic success at university. Cultural awareness is an important and powerful tool that helps a brand in building connections . Practice gratitude. Your mental health affects how you make decisions, relate to other people, and cope with stress. It is imperative to understand yourself and stay away from the triggering point. Education professionals have recognized . Awareness reduces negative adjectives that have been set to describe our people with a metal illness. It is something that affects our day-to-day routines, moods, and decisions. Why Mental Health Is Important. Mental health awareness in the workplace or anywhere is vital to induce a mutually progressive environment. Mental health advice demonstrates how a negative mind can make you feel down, irritated, or disturbed. Understand Your Symptoms. Mental issues take time to go, and you need to make constant efforts to keep your mental sanity intact. It also affects how you feel, think, and behave. It allows them to understand other people's perspectives and possibly their needs. A diverse employee base that works well together and respects each other is more likely to form stronger connections at work. May 2022. Becoming aware of the true function . "Community health impacts everything—educational achievement, safety and crime, people's ability to work and be financially healthy, life expectancy, happiness and more . This year, Mental Health America's theme, "Back to Basics," seeks to give foundational knowledge about the importance mental health. Unhealthy food is harmful to health. Realizing this will enable one to take actions, and make choices and decisions that are consistent with their own abilities. Talking about mental health increases awareness, education and support, while decreasing stigma. Published Nov 23, 2021. According to research by University of . Embracing cultural awareness can help you recognise how cultural differences can influence oneâ s perceptions, helping us become more accommodating of different opinions. This will surely help you a lot. The mind-body connection is well-established, which is why mental health awareness is so crucial. These nutrients are essential for good health, and they can also help reduce your risk of developing certain chronic diseases. Increases your social abilities. why is community awareness important. Mental health is wealth, especially during Mental Health Awareness Month, which is celebrated in May. One must also live in a proper shelter, take enough sleep and have good hygiene habits. Being aware of your mental health is important because it affects every single other facet of your daily living and functioning. People with mental illnesses may also face discrimination in their communities - including in schools - as well as other types of prejudice. Therefore, mental health awareness is helpful in getting you to understand your symptoms. The ways in which you take care of yourself sexually can make a major difference in your quality of life. That kid who looks depressed might have more challenges than you could guess. Helps us see things from the perspective of others Not only can self-awareness teach us about what we are thinking about. Self-awareness allows you to experience pride in yourself and your work. Still, people hesitate to seek help or even talk about it with their loved ones for fear of being judged and facing unnecessary . For example, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease, while eating a diet high in fiber can help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. You. The Importance of Mental Health Awareness. When you take a moment to stop and think about how you feel, it can be overwhelming sometimes, so we often . Mental health awareness might be one of the most pressing issues we're currently facing in the healthcare industry as a whole, which is why there's a national movement to celebrate mental health awareness every May. As individuals we understand this and now business leaders, too, are increasingly acknowledging the importance of wellbeing in the workplace. Right now, we only fill our tanks when they're on "empty.". As mentioned above, the early signs of mental disorders can be seen around the age of 14 years. Mental health awareness doesn't just help you. Importance of Health. It is very important to raise mental health awareness in schools since young students are seriously affected by mental health issues every day. A good health and safety record is a source of competitive advantage: it builds trust in your reputation and brand, while poor health and safety performance will directly affect profitability and can result in loss of trade or even closure of the business. But the way I am discussing social awareness is in a much more narrowed sense. It is proved that students who are socially aware are often more communicative, and they have a developed a sense of empathy. One of the major contributors to mental illness is a feeling of excessive stress. Learning about mental health awareness will leave a positive impact on those students who are struggling with thoughts like suicide or crime. 5. 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