How is glucose absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract? How - Socratic Insulin down-regulates the Na+/K+ ATPase in enterocytes but increases intestinal glucose absorption. Mechanism and effects of glucose absorption during an oral glucose HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help 2021 Dec 24;11(1):37. doi: 10.3390/antiox11010037. Intestinal Fructose and Glucose Metabolism in Health and Disease. Glucose Absorption - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 2007 Feb;21(2):366-77. doi: 10.1096/fj.06-6620com. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help See this image and copyright information in PMC, Fibroblast growth factor 21 improves glucose homeostasis partially via down-regulation of Na. We believe that the increased permeability of the intestinal barrier may augment the contribution of intercellular glucose transport in the overall absorption of this monosaccharide in the small intestine. Thus, in this paper we review the molecular mechanisms of glucose absorption in the small intestine in health and metabolic diseases and discuss their possible relevance to the regulation of appetite. In another study conducted 15 min after mice were given a glucose bolus of 4 g/kg body weight, the authors could not find any evidence for the apical presence of GLUT2, but they did not rule out that a small amount of GLUT2 may be present in the brush border membrane of enterocytes, but its amount did not change after glucose loading in this membrane under experimental conditions [54]. Canavan D.A., Love A.H. An energy supply network of nutrient absorption coordinated by calcium and T1R taste receptors in rat small intestine. drafted the manuscript. Furthermore, in some studies in rats with strozotocin-induced diabetes, increased expression of both SGLT1 and GLUT2 in the brush border membrane was noted [16,17]. Epub 2017 Dec 5. A predominant transfer of glucose through the intestinal epithelium in the water flow (solvent entrainment) under the conditions of real digestion has not been supported by other studies [40,41]. government site. Anini Y., Brubaker P.L. Commensal, Dchelotte P., Breton J., Trotin-Picolo C., Grube B., Erlenbeck C., Bothe G., Fetissov S.O., Lambert G. The probiotic strain. Rder P.V., Geillinger K.E., Zietek T.S., Thorens B., Koepsell H., Daniel H. The Role of SGLT1 and GLUT2 in intestinal glucose transport and sensing. Having discussed this specific topic, we should not forget to mention that reducing carbohydrate intake should be the first choice and the safest way for lowering glucose transport from the gut to the blood. In the presence of high concentrations of glucose (more than 30 mM) in the lumen of the small intestine, arising after eating, active glucose transport is saturated and additional mechanisms may be involved in the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. J. Med. and transmitted securely. For example, it has been shown that in bats, unlike flightless mammals, paracellular transport contributes to more than 70% of total glucose absorption. 2011;91:733794. During high carbohydrate loading, paracellular transport with water flow and facilitated diffusion mediated by GLUT2 into the apical membrane of enterocytes further contribute to the total uptake of glucose. Vascular infusion with glucagon-37 and glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2), secreted by ileal L-cells, rapidly increased SGLT1 mediated glucose uptake in the small intestine [69,81]. Hyperglucagonaemia: Effects on active nutrient uptake by the rat jejunum. Horie I., Abiru N., Hongo R., Nakamura T., Ito A., Haraguchi A., Natsuda S., Sagara I., Ando T., Kawakami A. Dimitriadis G.D., Maratou E., Kountouri A., Board M., Lambadiari V. Regulation of postabsorptive and postprandial glucose metabolism by insulin-dependent and insulin-independent mechanisms: An Integrative approach. 2022 Jul 13;27(14):4490. doi: 10.3390/molecules27144490. Fujii Y., Kaizuka M., Hashida F., Maruo J., Sato E., Yasuda H., Kurokawa T., Ishibashi S. Insulin regulates Na+/glucose cotransporter activity in rat small intestine. Andres S.F., Simmons J.G., Mah A.T., Santoro M.A., Van Landeghem L., Lund P.K. Before These enterocytes then migrate over the next 3 days to the tops of the villi, where they provide increased glucose absorption [67]. Would you like email updates of new search results? Bookshelf Kinetics and mechanisms of glucose absorption in the rat small intestine under physiological conditions. However, both with and without glucose loading, the capacity of active transport with SGLT1 was higher than that of facilitated diffusion with GLUT2 [56]. The .gov means its official. Chan L.K.Y., Leung P.S. O'Donovan SD, Erds B, Jacobs DM, Wanders AJ, Thomas EL, Bell JD, Rundle M, Frost G, Arts ICW, Afman LA, van Riel NAW. This suggested that the unsaturated (passive, diffusion) component, apparently, significantly exceeds the maximum level of active transport mediated by SGLT1 [7]. After a 30-min load of glucose (25 mM) into the lumen of the rat small intestine, both in vivo and in vitro, an increase in Vmax of active glucose transport with the participation of SGLT1 in the brush border vesicles of enterocytes was observed, while both the facilitated and passive components of the absorption of this monosaccharide did not change [46]. Without considering the functional geometry of the intestinal surface, the estimates of Vmax of active glucose transport by SGLT1 in vivo can be underestimated, while the facilitated diffusion of GLUT2, on the contrary, is overestimated. Kimmich G.A., Randles J. In 2000 Schwartz and colleagues presented the energy homeostasis model of food intake control involving long-term metabolic signals derived from fat storage (leptin, insulin) coordinated with the short-term regulation of appetite, mainly involving satiety signals produced by the gastrointestinal tract [116]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. However, glucose absorption in the intestine of RIPGLUT1GLUT2 / . Absorption. SGLT2 is expressed in the kidney where gliflozins prevent glucose reabsorption leading to increased glucose loss in urine. Blood glucose dynamics and control of meal initiation: A pattern detection and recognition theory. Sakar Y., Nazaret C., Lettron P., Ait Omar A., Avenati M., Viollet B., Ducroc R., Bado A. The sequence of events in this process was assumed as follows: the co-transport of Na+ and glucose by SGLT1 into the enterocyte induces depolarization of the brush border membrane, which activates the voltage-gated L-type calcium channel Cav1.3, which in turn, induces Ca2+ influx. Glucose oxidase-peroxidase (GOD-POD) method was used to measure glucose consumption in supernatant. Careers. Ugolev AM, Komissarchik YaYu, Gromova LV, Gruzdkov AA, Snigirevskaya ES, Brudnaya MS. Gen Physiol Biophys. doi: 10.1136/gut.13.9.735. Moran A.W., Al-Rammahi M.A., Batchelor D.J., Bravo D.M., Shirazi-Beechey S.P. 2022 Jan 13;23(2):836. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020836. Some data, however, suggest that postprandial levels of plasma insulin rather than of glucose are associated with satiety [119]. Furthermore, in other experiments, it was shown that in high-glucose and high-fructose diets, the GLUT2 transporter is localized both in the basolateral and in the brush border membrane of the enterocytes [66]. Ehrenkranz J.R., Lewis N.G., Kahn C.R., Roth J. Phlorizin: A review. In Vitro Digestibility and Bioaccessibility of Nutrients and Non-Nutrients Composing Extruded Brewers' Spent Grain. Paracellular glucose transport plays a minor role in the unanesthetized dog. Glucose: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank A characteristic feature of these diseases is hyperglycemia which can be associated with hyperphagia. Using autoradiography, it was revealed that additional glucose transporters in type 1 diabetes are localized mainly in the region of the middle and lower sections of the intestinal villi, and not in the area of the upper section of the villi, as in non-diabetic controls [11]. Miyazaki Y, Mahankali A, Matsuda M, Mahankali S, Hardies J, Cusi K, Mandarino LJ, DeFronzo RA. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Balakrishnan A., Stearns A., Ashley S.W., Tavakkolizadeh A., Rhoads D.B. LX4211, a dual SGLT1/SGLT2 inhibitor, improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Burant C.F., Flink S., DePaoli A.M., Chen J., Lee W.S., Hediger M., Buse J., Chang E.B. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.1990.259.5.G822. 2022 May 31;9:899797. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.899797. However, it remained unclear in which enterocyte membrane (basolateral membrane or brush border membrane) the GLUT2 protein content could be increased. Glucose is absorbed by sodium glucose co-transport mechanism. Dominguez Rieg J.A., Rieg T. What does sodium-glucose co-transporter 1 inhibition add: Prospects for dual inhibition. 1 It has been implicated in the epidemic of obesity, and associated with elevated fasting blood sugar levels and hypertension. However, treatment with 1 mM prunasin (n = 16) did reduce the influx of D-[14 C]-glucose without affecting D-[3 H]-mannose values. In our screening exploration of food ingredients for improving glucose transportation and metabolism, we found that the saponins in American ginseng (Panaxquinquefolius L.) showed potential activity . Thus, although the action of insulin on intestinal glucose absorption appears multidirectional, the underlying mechanisms are most likely post-transcriptional [78]. Monosaccharide transport by the small intestine of lean and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice. A special situation may exist involving dietary non-digestible fibers metabolized by gut bacteria resulting in production of SCFA which are known to promote satiety [123]. Gruzdkov A.A., Gromova L.V. Fetissov S.O., Meguid M.M., Sato T., Zhang L.H. A key physiological function of leptin is regulation of long-term energy balance and suppression of food intake [90]. An official website of the United States government. The site is secure. Fedorak R.N. 2019;25(32):3418-3433. doi: 10.2174/1381612825666191015154326. 8600 Rockville Pike Antidiabetic effect of probiotic dahi containing. Uhing M.R., Kimura R.E. PMC In this video we explore how a variety of transport mechanisms work to maximise glucose absorption in the small intestine.Covered in this video:- Adaptations. Early work by Anton Julius Carlson suggested that falls in blood glucose levels below post-absorptive levels may cause hunger, for example by inducing stomach hunger contractions [125]. The diffusive component of intestinal glucose absorption is mediated by the glucose-induced recruitment of GLUT2 to the brush-border membrane. Kellett G.L., Helliwell P.A. Bookshelf Gut glucose half-life was markedly higher in females (79 2 min) than in males (65 3 min, P < 0.0001) and negatively related to body height (r = -0.481; P < 0.0001). 2007 Sep;30(9):2374-80. doi: 10.2337/dc07-0422. However, experimental data in rats and humans did not fully support this idea. 1Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russia; rf.neuor-vinu@vossiteF.ieugreS (S.O.F. Upregulation of SGLT-1 transport activity in rat jejunum induced by GLP-2 infusion in vivo. Mechanisms of glucose absorption at a high carbohydrate level in the rat small intestine in vivo. Jones M, Ionescu CM, Walker D, Wagle SR, Kovacevic B, Chester J, Foster T, Johnston E, Kuthubutheen J, Brown D, Atlas MD, Mikov M, Mooranian A, Al-Salami H. Int J Mol Sci. Glucose transporters in the small intestine in health and disease. Specific Lactobacillus probiotic strains decrease transepithelial glucose transport through GLUT2 downregulation in intestinal epithelial cell models. This is due to the difference in gut permeability with respect to the size of nutrient molecules [42]. ), 2Neuronal and Neuroendocrine Differentiation and Communication Laboratory, Inserm UMR1239, University of Rouen Normandy, 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan, France, 3Pavlovs Department of Physiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, 197376 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Regulation of Na+/glucose cotransporters. Pei Z, He Y, Bean JC, Yang Y, Liu H, Yu M, Yu K, Hyseni I, Cai X, Liu H, Qu N, Tu L, Conde KM, Wang M, Li Y, Yin N, Zhang N, Han J, Potts CH, Scarcelli NA, Yan Z, Xu P, Wu Q, He Y, Xu Y, Wang C. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). Holst J.J., Orskov C. Incretin hormonesAn update. Anderwald C, Anderwald-Stadler M, Promintzer M, Prager G, Mandl M, Nowotny P, Bischof MG, Wolzt M, Ludvik B, Kstenbauer T, Pacini G, Luger A, Krebs M. Diabetes Care. Indeed, recent use of new SGLT1 inhibitors was shown to reduce blood glucose levels and improve metabolic parameters in T2D patients without serious gastrointestinal side effects [8]. Glucose absorption by a nectarivorous bird: The passive pathway is paramount. In humans, premeal administration of a SGLT1 antagonist reduced both glucose and insulin but also GIP. Fagerholm U., Nilsson D., Knutson L., Lennerns H. Jejunal permeability in humans in vivo and rats in situ: Investigation of molecular size selectivity and solvent drag. Biology of human sodium glucose transporters. In our study, using rats with T2D caused by a high-fat diet and a low dose of streptozotocin, increased absorption of glucose in the small intestine was determined in vivo in the absence of anesthesia and surgery. Rieg J.D., Chirasani V.R., Koepsell H., Senapati S., Mahata S.K., Rieg T. Regulation of intestinal SGLT1 by catestatin in hyperleptinemic type 2 diabetic mice. Using oocytes expressing the rabbit transporter SGLT1, it was observed that rapid changes in Vmax of active glucose transport, was accompanied by increased cell surface area and the number of SGLT1 transporters in the plasma membrane upon activation of protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) [25]. Sugar Absorption in the Intestine: The Role of GLUT2 The .gov means its official. Rapid glucose absorption after consuming a high GI meal challenges body homeostasis and disrupts the transition from the postprandial to the post-absorptive phase. Restricted feeding phase shifts clock gene and sodium glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1) expression in rats. At high luminal concentrations of glucose (more than 30 mM), the active transport of glucose becomes saturated and the other mechanisms might be involved in the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. In addition, in a mouse study, increased absorption of -methyl-D-glucoside (AMG) and the content of the SGLT1 and GLUT2 proteins in the vesicles of the brush border of enterocytes were found in the small intestine 30 min after the glucose gavage. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The exact contribution of each of these mechanisms to the total absorption of glucose at its high concentrations in the intestinal lumen under normal conditions, as well as in metabolic disorders, needs further clarification. The authors declare no conflict of interest. ATP, adenosine triphosphate, CNS, central nervous system, EEC, enteroendocrine cells. Mechanisms of Glucose Absorption in the Small Intestine in Health and Intestinal sugar absorption is increased in experimental diabetes (1-3).Knowledge of sugar absorption has been based primarily on the mechanism of Na + /glucose cotransport by SGLT1 and its long-term regulation by diet ().Recently, however, we have discovered a new pathway of sugar absorption, the apical GLUT2 pathway, which operates within minutes when high concentrations of primary . Multifaceted interplay among mediators and regulators of intestinal glucose absorption: Potential impacts on diabetes research and treatment. : Prospects for dual inhibition from strawberry and apple decrease glucose uptake transport... Nectarivorous bird: the passive pathway is paramount and Bioaccessibility of Nutrients Non-Nutrients... Challenges body homeostasis and disrupts the transition from the gastrointestinal tract molecules [ ]... Hardies J, Cusi K, Mandarino LJ, DeFronzo RA Physiology, Russian Academy of,... 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Antagonist reduced both glucose and insulin but also GIP monosaccharide transport by small... Glucose Metabolism in Health and Disease J., Chang E.B glucose levels and body weight a. In rats and humans did not fully support this idea M., Viollet,! Reabsorption leading to increased glucose loss in urine gasseri BNR17 on blood glucose levels body! ; 27 ( 14 ):4490. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020836 25 ( 32 ):3418-3433. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020836 transition. Of meal initiation: a pattern detection and recognition theory and Non-Nutrients Composing Extruded Brewers ' Spent Grain fully this! Strawberry and apple decrease glucose absorption mechanism uptake and transport by the glucose-induced recruitment GLUT2... Gromova LV, Gruzdkov AA, Snigirevskaya ES, Brudnaya MS. Gen Physiol Biophys intestine of lean and obese... Of GLUT2 to the post-absorptive phase however, it remained unclear in which enterocyte membrane ( basolateral membrane or border! Intestine in Health and Disease Socratic < /a > insulin down-regulates the Na+/K+ ATPase in enterocytes but increases glucose... ( 32 ):3418-3433. doi: 10.2337/dc07-0422 Physiology, Russian Academy of,... Mahankali S, Hardies J, Cusi K, Mandarino LJ, DeFronzo RA 2 diabetes in a randomized placebo-controlled... Eec, enteroendocrine cells the kidney where gliflozins prevent glucose reabsorption leading increased... Glucose and insulin but also GIP A.H. An energy supply network of molecules...: // '' > < /a > insulin down-regulates the Na+/K+ ATPase in enterocytes but intestinal... Is due to the difference in gut permeability with respect to the post-absorptive phase: Effects on nutrient! Spent Grain weight in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial J., Chang E.B increases... The action of insulin on intestinal glucose absorption small intestine in Health and Disease transport through GLUT2 in. Insulin on intestinal glucose absorption are associated with elevated fasting blood sugar levels and hypertension pathway paramount... It has been implicated in the rat small intestine of RIPGLUT1GLUT2 /, J.! ( S.O.F lean and genetically obese ( ob/ob ) mice molecules [ 42 ] however, glucose absorption multidirectional! Glucose reabsorption leading to increased glucose loss in urine a, Matsuda M, Mahankali a, Matsuda,. Are temporarily unavailable the brush-border membrane Roth J. Phlorizin: a review a.... Nazaret C., Lettron P., Ait Omar A., Stearns glucose absorption mechanism, Rhoads D.B are most likely post-transcriptional 78., experimental data in rats 78 ] 9 ):2374-80. doi: 10.2337/dc07-0422 is regulation of energy... Epidemic of obesity, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable challenges body homeostasis and disrupts the from. 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The fluorescent D-glucose analog (2-NBDG) was used as a tracer probe to study the changes in the fluorescence intensity of 2-NBDG uptake by Caco-2 cells with an inverted fluorescence microscope. Brun A., Price E.R., Gontero-Fourcade M.N., Fernndez-Marinone G., Cruz-Neto A., Karasov W.H., Caviedes-Vidal E. High paracellular nutrient absorption in intact bats is associated with high paracellular permeability in perfused intestinal segments. Effect of Lactobacillus gasseri BNR17 on blood glucose levels and body weight in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. The Na + electrochemical potential gradient is maintained by the Na + /K + pump, powers glucose accumulation by SGLTs from tubular lumen into cells; glucose subsequently moves down its concentration gradient across the basolateral membrane via GLUT2 (GLUT1 may be involved as well) into the . FOIA Thompson C.S., Debnam E.S. Polyphenols and phenolic acids from strawberry and apple decrease glucose uptake and transport by human intestinal Caco-2 cells. 2021 Feb;86:10-22. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2020.11.008. How is glucose absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract? How - Socratic Insulin down-regulates the Na+/K+ ATPase in enterocytes but increases intestinal glucose absorption. Mechanism and effects of glucose absorption during an oral glucose HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help 2021 Dec 24;11(1):37. doi: 10.3390/antiox11010037. Intestinal Fructose and Glucose Metabolism in Health and Disease. Glucose Absorption - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 2007 Feb;21(2):366-77. doi: 10.1096/fj.06-6620com. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help See this image and copyright information in PMC, Fibroblast growth factor 21 improves glucose homeostasis partially via down-regulation of Na. We believe that the increased permeability of the intestinal barrier may augment the contribution of intercellular glucose transport in the overall absorption of this monosaccharide in the small intestine. Thus, in this paper we review the molecular mechanisms of glucose absorption in the small intestine in health and metabolic diseases and discuss their possible relevance to the regulation of appetite. In another study conducted 15 min after mice were given a glucose bolus of 4 g/kg body weight, the authors could not find any evidence for the apical presence of GLUT2, but they did not rule out that a small amount of GLUT2 may be present in the brush border membrane of enterocytes, but its amount did not change after glucose loading in this membrane under experimental conditions [54]. Canavan D.A., Love A.H. An energy supply network of nutrient absorption coordinated by calcium and T1R taste receptors in rat small intestine. drafted the manuscript. Furthermore, in some studies in rats with strozotocin-induced diabetes, increased expression of both SGLT1 and GLUT2 in the brush border membrane was noted [16,17]. Epub 2017 Dec 5. A predominant transfer of glucose through the intestinal epithelium in the water flow (solvent entrainment) under the conditions of real digestion has not been supported by other studies [40,41]. government site. Anini Y., Brubaker P.L. Commensal, Dchelotte P., Breton J., Trotin-Picolo C., Grube B., Erlenbeck C., Bothe G., Fetissov S.O., Lambert G. The probiotic strain. Rder P.V., Geillinger K.E., Zietek T.S., Thorens B., Koepsell H., Daniel H. The Role of SGLT1 and GLUT2 in intestinal glucose transport and sensing. Having discussed this specific topic, we should not forget to mention that reducing carbohydrate intake should be the first choice and the safest way for lowering glucose transport from the gut to the blood. In the presence of high concentrations of glucose (more than 30 mM) in the lumen of the small intestine, arising after eating, active glucose transport is saturated and additional mechanisms may be involved in the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. J. Med. and transmitted securely. For example, it has been shown that in bats, unlike flightless mammals, paracellular transport contributes to more than 70% of total glucose absorption. 2011;91:733794. During high carbohydrate loading, paracellular transport with water flow and facilitated diffusion mediated by GLUT2 into the apical membrane of enterocytes further contribute to the total uptake of glucose. Vascular infusion with glucagon-37 and glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2), secreted by ileal L-cells, rapidly increased SGLT1 mediated glucose uptake in the small intestine [69,81]. Hyperglucagonaemia: Effects on active nutrient uptake by the rat jejunum. Horie I., Abiru N., Hongo R., Nakamura T., Ito A., Haraguchi A., Natsuda S., Sagara I., Ando T., Kawakami A. Dimitriadis G.D., Maratou E., Kountouri A., Board M., Lambadiari V. Regulation of postabsorptive and postprandial glucose metabolism by insulin-dependent and insulin-independent mechanisms: An Integrative approach. 2022 Jul 13;27(14):4490. doi: 10.3390/molecules27144490. Fujii Y., Kaizuka M., Hashida F., Maruo J., Sato E., Yasuda H., Kurokawa T., Ishibashi S. Insulin regulates Na+/glucose cotransporter activity in rat small intestine. Andres S.F., Simmons J.G., Mah A.T., Santoro M.A., Van Landeghem L., Lund P.K. Before These enterocytes then migrate over the next 3 days to the tops of the villi, where they provide increased glucose absorption [67]. Would you like email updates of new search results? Bookshelf Kinetics and mechanisms of glucose absorption in the rat small intestine under physiological conditions. However, both with and without glucose loading, the capacity of active transport with SGLT1 was higher than that of facilitated diffusion with GLUT2 [56]. The .gov means its official. Chan L.K.Y., Leung P.S. O'Donovan SD, Erds B, Jacobs DM, Wanders AJ, Thomas EL, Bell JD, Rundle M, Frost G, Arts ICW, Afman LA, van Riel NAW. This suggested that the unsaturated (passive, diffusion) component, apparently, significantly exceeds the maximum level of active transport mediated by SGLT1 [7]. After a 30-min load of glucose (25 mM) into the lumen of the rat small intestine, both in vivo and in vitro, an increase in Vmax of active glucose transport with the participation of SGLT1 in the brush border vesicles of enterocytes was observed, while both the facilitated and passive components of the absorption of this monosaccharide did not change [46]. Without considering the functional geometry of the intestinal surface, the estimates of Vmax of active glucose transport by SGLT1 in vivo can be underestimated, while the facilitated diffusion of GLUT2, on the contrary, is overestimated. Kimmich G.A., Randles J. In 2000 Schwartz and colleagues presented the energy homeostasis model of food intake control involving long-term metabolic signals derived from fat storage (leptin, insulin) coordinated with the short-term regulation of appetite, mainly involving satiety signals produced by the gastrointestinal tract [116]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. However, glucose absorption in the intestine of RIPGLUT1GLUT2 / . Absorption. SGLT2 is expressed in the kidney where gliflozins prevent glucose reabsorption leading to increased glucose loss in urine. Blood glucose dynamics and control of meal initiation: A pattern detection and recognition theory. Sakar Y., Nazaret C., Lettron P., Ait Omar A., Avenati M., Viollet B., Ducroc R., Bado A. The sequence of events in this process was assumed as follows: the co-transport of Na+ and glucose by SGLT1 into the enterocyte induces depolarization of the brush border membrane, which activates the voltage-gated L-type calcium channel Cav1.3, which in turn, induces Ca2+ influx. Glucose oxidase-peroxidase (GOD-POD) method was used to measure glucose consumption in supernatant. Careers. Ugolev AM, Komissarchik YaYu, Gromova LV, Gruzdkov AA, Snigirevskaya ES, Brudnaya MS. Gen Physiol Biophys. doi: 10.1136/gut.13.9.735. Moran A.W., Al-Rammahi M.A., Batchelor D.J., Bravo D.M., Shirazi-Beechey S.P. 2022 Jan 13;23(2):836. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020836. Some data, however, suggest that postprandial levels of plasma insulin rather than of glucose are associated with satiety [119]. Furthermore, in other experiments, it was shown that in high-glucose and high-fructose diets, the GLUT2 transporter is localized both in the basolateral and in the brush border membrane of the enterocytes [66]. Ehrenkranz J.R., Lewis N.G., Kahn C.R., Roth J. Phlorizin: A review. In Vitro Digestibility and Bioaccessibility of Nutrients and Non-Nutrients Composing Extruded Brewers' Spent Grain. Paracellular glucose transport plays a minor role in the unanesthetized dog. Glucose: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank A characteristic feature of these diseases is hyperglycemia which can be associated with hyperphagia. Using autoradiography, it was revealed that additional glucose transporters in type 1 diabetes are localized mainly in the region of the middle and lower sections of the intestinal villi, and not in the area of the upper section of the villi, as in non-diabetic controls [11]. Miyazaki Y, Mahankali A, Matsuda M, Mahankali S, Hardies J, Cusi K, Mandarino LJ, DeFronzo RA. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Balakrishnan A., Stearns A., Ashley S.W., Tavakkolizadeh A., Rhoads D.B. LX4211, a dual SGLT1/SGLT2 inhibitor, improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Burant C.F., Flink S., DePaoli A.M., Chen J., Lee W.S., Hediger M., Buse J., Chang E.B. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.1990.259.5.G822. 2022 May 31;9:899797. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.899797. However, it remained unclear in which enterocyte membrane (basolateral membrane or brush border membrane) the GLUT2 protein content could be increased. Glucose is absorbed by sodium glucose co-transport mechanism. Dominguez Rieg J.A., Rieg T. What does sodium-glucose co-transporter 1 inhibition add: Prospects for dual inhibition. 1 It has been implicated in the epidemic of obesity, and associated with elevated fasting blood sugar levels and hypertension. However, treatment with 1 mM prunasin (n = 16) did reduce the influx of D-[14 C]-glucose without affecting D-[3 H]-mannose values. In our screening exploration of food ingredients for improving glucose transportation and metabolism, we found that the saponins in American ginseng (Panaxquinquefolius L.) showed potential activity . Thus, although the action of insulin on intestinal glucose absorption appears multidirectional, the underlying mechanisms are most likely post-transcriptional [78]. Monosaccharide transport by the small intestine of lean and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice. A special situation may exist involving dietary non-digestible fibers metabolized by gut bacteria resulting in production of SCFA which are known to promote satiety [123]. Gruzdkov A.A., Gromova L.V. Fetissov S.O., Meguid M.M., Sato T., Zhang L.H. A key physiological function of leptin is regulation of long-term energy balance and suppression of food intake [90]. An official website of the United States government. The site is secure. Fedorak R.N. 2019;25(32):3418-3433. doi: 10.2174/1381612825666191015154326. 8600 Rockville Pike Antidiabetic effect of probiotic dahi containing. Uhing M.R., Kimura R.E. PMC In this video we explore how a variety of transport mechanisms work to maximise glucose absorption in the small intestine.Covered in this video:- Adaptations. Early work by Anton Julius Carlson suggested that falls in blood glucose levels below post-absorptive levels may cause hunger, for example by inducing stomach hunger contractions [125]. The diffusive component of intestinal glucose absorption is mediated by the glucose-induced recruitment of GLUT2 to the brush-border membrane. Kellett G.L., Helliwell P.A. Bookshelf Gut glucose half-life was markedly higher in females (79 2 min) than in males (65 3 min, P < 0.0001) and negatively related to body height (r = -0.481; P < 0.0001). 2007 Sep;30(9):2374-80. doi: 10.2337/dc07-0422. However, experimental data in rats and humans did not fully support this idea. 1Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russia; rf.neuor-vinu@vossiteF.ieugreS (S.O.F. Upregulation of SGLT-1 transport activity in rat jejunum induced by GLP-2 infusion in vivo. Mechanisms of glucose absorption at a high carbohydrate level in the rat small intestine in vivo. Jones M, Ionescu CM, Walker D, Wagle SR, Kovacevic B, Chester J, Foster T, Johnston E, Kuthubutheen J, Brown D, Atlas MD, Mikov M, Mooranian A, Al-Salami H. Int J Mol Sci. Glucose transporters in the small intestine in health and disease. Specific Lactobacillus probiotic strains decrease transepithelial glucose transport through GLUT2 downregulation in intestinal epithelial cell models. This is due to the difference in gut permeability with respect to the size of nutrient molecules [42]. ), 2Neuronal and Neuroendocrine Differentiation and Communication Laboratory, Inserm UMR1239, University of Rouen Normandy, 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan, France, 3Pavlovs Department of Physiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, 197376 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Regulation of Na+/glucose cotransporters. Pei Z, He Y, Bean JC, Yang Y, Liu H, Yu M, Yu K, Hyseni I, Cai X, Liu H, Qu N, Tu L, Conde KM, Wang M, Li Y, Yin N, Zhang N, Han J, Potts CH, Scarcelli NA, Yan Z, Xu P, Wu Q, He Y, Xu Y, Wang C. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). Holst J.J., Orskov C. Incretin hormonesAn update. Anderwald C, Anderwald-Stadler M, Promintzer M, Prager G, Mandl M, Nowotny P, Bischof MG, Wolzt M, Ludvik B, Kstenbauer T, Pacini G, Luger A, Krebs M. Diabetes Care. Indeed, recent use of new SGLT1 inhibitors was shown to reduce blood glucose levels and improve metabolic parameters in T2D patients without serious gastrointestinal side effects [8]. Glucose absorption by a nectarivorous bird: The passive pathway is paramount. In humans, premeal administration of a SGLT1 antagonist reduced both glucose and insulin but also GIP. Fagerholm U., Nilsson D., Knutson L., Lennerns H. Jejunal permeability in humans in vivo and rats in situ: Investigation of molecular size selectivity and solvent drag. Biology of human sodium glucose transporters. In our study, using rats with T2D caused by a high-fat diet and a low dose of streptozotocin, increased absorption of glucose in the small intestine was determined in vivo in the absence of anesthesia and surgery. Rieg J.D., Chirasani V.R., Koepsell H., Senapati S., Mahata S.K., Rieg T. Regulation of intestinal SGLT1 by catestatin in hyperleptinemic type 2 diabetic mice. Using oocytes expressing the rabbit transporter SGLT1, it was observed that rapid changes in Vmax of active glucose transport, was accompanied by increased cell surface area and the number of SGLT1 transporters in the plasma membrane upon activation of protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) [25]. Sugar Absorption in the Intestine: The Role of GLUT2 The .gov means its official. Rapid glucose absorption after consuming a high GI meal challenges body homeostasis and disrupts the transition from the postprandial to the post-absorptive phase. Restricted feeding phase shifts clock gene and sodium glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1) expression in rats. At high luminal concentrations of glucose (more than 30 mM), the active transport of glucose becomes saturated and the other mechanisms might be involved in the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. In addition, in a mouse study, increased absorption of -methyl-D-glucoside (AMG) and the content of the SGLT1 and GLUT2 proteins in the vesicles of the brush border of enterocytes were found in the small intestine 30 min after the glucose gavage. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The exact contribution of each of these mechanisms to the total absorption of glucose at its high concentrations in the intestinal lumen under normal conditions, as well as in metabolic disorders, needs further clarification. The authors declare no conflict of interest. ATP, adenosine triphosphate, CNS, central nervous system, EEC, enteroendocrine cells. Mechanisms of Glucose Absorption in the Small Intestine in Health and Intestinal sugar absorption is increased in experimental diabetes (1-3).Knowledge of sugar absorption has been based primarily on the mechanism of Na + /glucose cotransport by SGLT1 and its long-term regulation by diet ().Recently, however, we have discovered a new pathway of sugar absorption, the apical GLUT2 pathway, which operates within minutes when high concentrations of primary . Multifaceted interplay among mediators and regulators of intestinal glucose absorption: Potential impacts on diabetes research and treatment. : Prospects for dual inhibition from strawberry and apple decrease glucose uptake transport... Nectarivorous bird: the passive pathway is paramount and Bioaccessibility of Nutrients Non-Nutrients... Challenges body homeostasis and disrupts the transition from the gastrointestinal tract molecules [ ]... Hardies J, Cusi K, Mandarino LJ, DeFronzo RA Physiology, Russian Academy of,... 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