i) { Programming Language: Java Namespace/Package Name: org.apache.commons.collections * @param inputIterator the iterator to get the input from, may be null return bcoll.isFull(); list.remove(it.next()); * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may not be null } * Iterator it = mapa.keySet().iterator(); * Counts the number of elements in the input collection that match the predicate. * @param a the first (sub?) Java example - CollectionUtils.java - alvinalexander.com public static void forAllDo(Collection collection, Closure closure) { * @param collection the collection to add to, may not be null Java CollectionUtils.collect Examples public static int cardinality(Object obj, final Collection coll) { if (inputCollection != null && predicate != null) { *, * Only those elements present in the collection will appear as while(it.hasNext()) { */ * @param coll1 the first collection, must not be null * @param index the index to get return get(iterator, index); * Iterator iterator = ((Collection)obj).iterator(); * Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer * avoid non-deterministic behavior: public static Collection synchronizedCollection(Collection collection) { * @return the intersection of the two collections * Returns an unmodifiable collection backed by the given collection. } * In this post, we will see Apache Commons CollectionUtils isEmpty () Example in Java. return answer; elts.addAll(b); The org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils isEmpty () method is used to check any collections (List, Set, etc.) predicate The predicate to use as a filter, may be null. /** * The cardinality of each element in the returned {@link Collection} } Source file: Collection isEmpty() method in Java with Examples Enumeration) if the nth value does not exist. * * Array - the array size * Returns a {@link Map} mapping each unique element in the given } By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. } count.put(obj,INTEGER_ONE); Java CollectionUtils Example - itcodet } /** * . * org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils#removeAll Iterator it = (Iterator) object; public static void addAll(Collection collection, Enumeration enumeration) { } return TypedCollection.decorate(collection, type); } else if (object instanceof Iterator) { Source file: */ * @throws NullPointerException if the collection or array is null * @param array the array to reverse */ * Given an Object, and an index, returns the nth value in the * @see Collection#containsAll } else { return ((Bag) coll).getCount(obj); public static Object get(Object object, int index) { Best Java code snippets using org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils (Showing top 20 results out of 6,741) } */ Object obj = it.next(); * are used to replace elements. } * @param collection the collection to search, may be null } if (coll1.contains(it.next())) { * @param index the index to get * * -1 is returned. } * Enumeration - the number of elements remaining in the enumeration Object value = transformer.transform(item); if (coll instanceof BoundedCollection) { Thats all about CollectionUtils isEmpty() Example in Java. AddExternalGroupController.java. * * * @return the transformed result (new list) } } else if (object instanceof Enumeration) { } /** elts.addAll(b); */ NoteListTopComponent.java. for (Iterator it = coll.iterator();it.hasNext();) { */ /** } return count; * @param predicate the predicate to use, may be null Iterator it = elts.iterator(); } static <E> boolean containsAny(Collection<E> coll1, Collection<E> coll2) Returns trueiff at least one element is in both collections. * Given an Object, and an index, returns the nth value in the if (inputCollection != null && predicate != null) { * * element f such that the cardinality of f in b } } while(it.hasNext()) { while (it.hasNext()) { return answer; * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, resp. * maximum size. } * } Output [James, Smith, John, Mark, Twin]. return SynchronizedCollection.decorate(collection); } CollectionUtils (Apache Commons Collections 4.4 API) if (collection instanceof List) { * @param collection the collection to add to, may not be null * @param obj the object to get an index of predicate. * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may not be null * return count; else if(obj instanceof Object[]) { Collection<O> outputCollection) Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer and adds them to the outputCollection. while(iterator.hasNext()) { * @param outputCollection the collection to output into, may not be null if(idx < 0) { for (Iterator it = inputCollection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { */ * @param collection the collection to get the input from, may be null private static Object index(Iterator iterator, int idx) { * * @param transformer the transformer to use, may be null Source file: * Returns true iff a is a proper sub-collection of b, * } Java CollectionUtils.collect - 9 examples found. Map map = (Map) object; return answer; Java Hashtable factor 0.75 2022-11-22 Java spring3.0.5 package org.springframework.jndiJndiTemplate 129 Object obj = it.next(); * for each element e in a, and there is at least one * The cardinality of each element e in the returned {@link Collection} *, * This routine is best for Lists, for which set() is used to do the count.put(obj,new Integer(c.intValue() + 1)); * @see Collection#removeAll * * into an output collection. } } count++; */ return false; *, * Only objects of the specified type can be added to the collection. List list = (List) collection; *, * If the input collection or transformer is null, there is no change to the * A null collection or predicate matches no elements. * The implementation assumes * @param collection the collection to predicate, must not be null if the nth value does not exist. * @return the symmetric difference of the two collections } } * transformations "in place." * maximum size. /** throw new NullPointerException("The collection must not be null"); * several pooled threads, n, The annotation structure.An instance of this class is returned bygetAnnotations() in AnnotationsAttr. * Executes the given closure on each element in the collection. Easiest way to convert a List to a Set in Java - Stack Overflow * Returns a predicated (validating) collection backed by the given collection. Map mapb = getCardinalityMap(b); public static Object find(Collection collection, Predicate predicate) { The example also shows how to print all keys, all values, and all key-value pairs of HashMap using different ways. * @param a the first (sub?) * Iterator it = elts.iterator(); * The collection does not have to implement this interface directly. ArrayList answer = new ArrayList(inputCollection.size()); From project aranea, under directory /admin-api/src/main/java/no/dusken/aranea/admin/control/. } * Adds all elements in the iteration to the given collection. Spring Framework example - CollectionUtils.java return ((List)obj).get(idx); } else { /** * returning an empty Iterator (resp. Map mapa = getCardinalityMap(a); } * @return true iff a is a proper sub-collection of b */ * If the input collection or predicate is null, or no element of the collection public static boolean isSubCollection(final Collection a, final Collection b) { } overlap.addAll(ensureOrder(CollectionUtils. } return ((BoundedCollection) coll).isFull(); if (c == null) { * output collection. * } * The supported types, and associated semantics are: * @param coll2 the first collection, must not be null if (coll instanceof BoundedCollection) { * } Source file: Top Java 8 Features With Examples. } From project en4j, under directory /NBPlatformApp/MainModule/src/main/java/com/rubenlaguna/en4j/mainmodule/. */ collection, must not be null You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. if (predicate.evaluate(it.next())) { } * Collection c = CollectionUtils.synchronizedCollection(myCollection); * @param obj the object to find the cardinality of } return it.nextElement(); *, * This method uses the {@link BoundedCollection} interface to determine the } * @see #containsAny if (collection != null && closure != null) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { ODSingleXMLDocument.java. return coll == null || coll.isEmpty(); public static Collection select(Collection inputCollection, Predicate predicate) { */ * @return an unmodifiable collection backed by the given collection Object value = transformer.transform(item); private static Object index(Iterator iterator, int idx) { count++; If the collection does not implement this interface then * subtract intersection union disjunction isEqualCollection isEmptyisNotEmpty subtract subtract subtract . * * If the input collection or closure is null, there is no change made. Singly Linked List Implementation in Java, Singly Linked List Implementation using generics in Java, Implementation of Index based Linked List, Remove duplicate nodes from linked list in Java, Association Mapping in Hibernate Using Spring Boot, StringUtils isEmpty() and IsBlank() Example in Java, How to convert Arraylist to array and array to ArrayList in Java, How to make List, Set and Map Read Only in Java, How to avoid duplicate elements in ArrayList, Constructor chaining in java with example, Static variable, method and block in java, Difference between String and StringBuffer in java, How run() method Works internally in Java, Difference between HashMap and Hashtable in java, Difference between Comparable and Comparator in java, Difference between Iterator and ListIterator in Java, Difference between Iterator and Enumeration in java. return ((Object[])obj)[idx]; } public static boolean isProperSubCollection(final Collection a, final Collection b) { Program to check two strings are an anagram or not in java. return list; (parentCategory != null && !categoryHierarchy.contains(parentCategory)) {, Parsing JSON documents to java classes using gson. * @param elements the array of elements to add, may not be null } } else { if (coll1.size() < coll2.size()) { } * will be equal to /** To filter the list so that it only contains elements matching the predicate: CollectionUtils.filter (myList, new Predicate<MyObject> () { @Override public boolean evaluate (MyObject o) { return o.getValue () >= 1 && o.getValue () <= 5; } }); You can notice that the Predicate<MyObject> is the same. if (coll == null) { */ * @param coll the collection to check /** Collection resultCollection = collect(collection, transformer); * {@link #intersection} of coll1 and coll2 is not empty. org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils By T Tak Here are the examples of the java api org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtilstaken from open source projects. * Return the original obj. collection, must not be null return (coll.contains(obj) ? * } return map.get(index); closure.execute(it.next()); For the sake of simplicity, in all the examples our objective will be to create a method that retrieves only the even numbers from a Collection of Integer values. int count = 0; * returning an empty Iterator (resp. From project maven-dependency-versions-check-plugin, under directory /src/main/java/com/ning/maven/plugins/dependencyversionscheck/. } * Map - the map size ArrayList list = new ArrayList( a ); while (inputIterator.hasNext()) { /** Source file: } are empty or not. From project lorsource, under directory /src/main/java/ru/org/linux/site/tags/. if(idx == -1) { } } */ public static void addAll(Collection collection, Iterator iterator) { You can click to vote up the examples that are useful to you. *; import org.apache.commons.collections. * @param predicate the predicate to use, may be null for (Iterator it = coll2.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { From project RESTdoclet, under directory /doclet/src/main/java/com/iggroup/oss/restdoclet/doclet/type/builder/. * is thrown. * @return a synchronized collection backed by the given collection * @return true if at least one element of the collection matches the predicate Map mapb = getCardinalityMap(b); *, If obj is a Map, get the nth value from the, If obj is a List or an array, get the nth value, throwing IndexOutOfBoundsException, * IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no such element or } * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may be null array[j] = array[i]; From project org.openscada.external, under directory /org.openscada.external.jOpenDocument/src/org/jopendocument/dom/. * @param predicate the predicate to use, may be null * If the input transformer is null, the result is an empty list. * This is equivalent to Java App Behind Proxy to Use Http_Proxy Variable in Linux. * * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may be null * Gets the size of the collection/iterator specified. * Selects all elements from input collection which match the given predicate } return PredicatedCollection.decorate(collection, predicate); More Detail. } * Transforms all elements from inputCollection with the given transformer return bcoll.maxSize(); * */ } * matches the predicate, null is returned. } selectRejected(inputCollection, predicate, answer); * Transform the collection by applying a Transformer to each element. * If obj is a Map, get the nth value from the keySet iterator. OrderedMigrationRunnerStrategy.java. } From project license-maven-plugin, under directory /src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/license/. } Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer and collection, must not be null Collections-related utility methods. return item; for (ListIterator it = list.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { return index((Iterator)obj, idx); if (it.next() == null) { * Object item = iter.next(); * If obj is a List or an array, get the nth value, throwing IndexOutOfBoundsException, Object tmp; * @throws NullPointerException if the collection is null } if (inputCollection != null && predicate != null) { 1 : 0); if (coll1.contains(it.next())) { Iterator or Enumeration -- the value returned is the The cardinality of each element e in Apache Commons Collections - Subtraction - tutorialspoint.com * @param coll the collection to check, may be null, * Delegates to {@link CollectionUtils#collect(Collection, Transformer)}, but performs the necessary type coercion. From project rundeck, under directory /core/src/main/java/com/dtolabs/rundeck/core/authorization/providers/. } In this list, there are some read . * Will be removed in v4.0 } AbstractClearCaseScm.java. collection.add(iterator.next()); ArrayList list = new ArrayList( a ); Java Stanford NLP CollectionUtils tutorial with examples - demo2s.com * method, as it is a backdoor for adding untransformed objects. * Returns true iff a is a proper sub-collection of b, } while (it.hasMoreElements()) { * * @param b the collection to subtract, must not be null * Collection -- the value returned is the index-th object * * @param previousGroups * The current user's groups.used to validate the changes. * that is, iff the cardinality of e in a is less Map mapb = getCardinalityMap(b); * for each element e in a, and there is at least one public static void transform(Collection collection, Transformer transformer) { } return TransformedCollection.decorate(collection, transformer); The CollectonsUtils.union() method is used to get the union of two lists. * Java Hashtable factor 0.75 - Java /** Example The following code shows how to use CollectionUtils from org.apache.commons.collections15. } * Answers true if a predicate is true for at least one element of a collection. public static Collection unmodifiableCollection(Collection collection) { * @param b the second (super?) * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException */ } total++; This . Object item = iter.next(); outputCollection.add(value); are empty or not. * to allow the returned collection to be correctly casted based on the TypedTransformer. /** * /** if the nth value does not exist. * @param object the object to get a value from Checking if a collection is empty in Java: which is the best method? * @return a new collection with the results * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, resp. * a.size() and b.size() represent the * Returns a new Collection consisting of the elements of inputCollection transformed Source file: } From project milton2, under directory /milton-server/src/main/java/io/milton/http/http11/auth/. return false; From project DemoSite, under directory /site/src/main/java/com/mycompany/controller/checkout/. Collection backed by the specified type can be added to the given predicate } return (... = iter.next ( ) ; More Detail. 1: 0 ) ; empty... { @ link # get ( Object, int ) } instead get Object! 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* @param coll the collection to search Remote Debugging a Java Application. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Collection or Transformer is null * return bcoll.maxSize(); How to convert an array into a collection? Source file: return index(iterator, idx); public static Collection selectRejected(Collection inputCollection, Predicate predicate) { for (Iterator iter = collection.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { * collect(inputCollection, transformer, answer); Objects::nonNull index--; * @param collection the collection to predicate, must not be null * *, * Each object is passed through the transformer as it is added to the Object item = inputIterator.next(); Share Follow edited Sep 1, 2014 at 13:19 return false; if (predicate.evaluate(item)) { For other Collections, clear() and addAll() * Selects all elements from input collection which match the given predicate * Collection - the collection size BoundedCollection bcoll = UnmodifiableBoundedCollection.decorateUsing(coll); throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Entry does not exist: " + index); * return item; This page provides Java code examples for org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils. * @return the object at the specified index return false; it.nextElement(); Program to remove duplicate characters from String in Java. } if (predicate.evaluate(it.next()) == false) { If the collection does not implement this interface then The Code: package com.blogspot.apachecommonstipsandtricks.transformersexamples; import java.util. index--; } else if (object instanceof Collection) { else if(obj instanceof List) { The search page; Other source code files at this package level . } return false; "server list is updated, new: {} servers: {}". * @deprecated use {@link #get(Object, int)} instead. if (collection != null && transformer != null) { count++; */ A tag already exists with the provided branch name. } From project components-ness-jersey, under directory /jersey/src/main/java/com/nesscomputing/jersey/exceptions/. } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported object type: " + object.getClass().getName()); return iterator; * @param collection the collection to limit to a specific type, must not be null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Collection or Transformer is null * Returns a typed collection backed by the given collection. * @return a typed collection backed by the specified collection Adds all elements in the array to the given collection. /** /** } * @param b the second (super?) * returning an empty Iterator (resp. collection.clear(); The java doc for CollectionUtils#collate says: Merges two sorted Collections, a and b, into a single, sorted List such that the natural ordering of the elements is retained. * @throws NullPointerException if the collection or enumeration is null BioportalRestService.java. return obj; * From project rest-assured, under directory /rest-assured/src/main/java/com/jayway/restassured/path/xml/. 1 : 0); vote up the examples that are useful to you. return false; } ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); } for (Iterator it = coll1.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { * will be equal to the maximum of the cardinality of that element * as it is a backdoor for adding invalid objects. * It is important not to use the original collection after invoking this method, * Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer public static Collection predicatedCollection(Collection collection, Predicate predicate) { * {@link Collection} to an {@link Integer} representing the number * else if(obj instanceof Collection) { return PredicatedCollection.decorate(collection, predicate); if(mapa.size() != mapb.size()) { if(obj instanceof Map) { * the Map contains an Integer key with integer value = idx, in which case the 62 * The JDK provides empty Set and List implementations which could be used for 63 * this purpose. count++; /** while (j > i) { Programming Language: Java Namespace/Package Name: org.apache.commons.collections * @param inputIterator the iterator to get the input from, may be null return bcoll.isFull(); list.remove(it.next()); * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may not be null } * Iterator it = mapa.keySet().iterator(); * Counts the number of elements in the input collection that match the predicate. * @param a the first (sub?) Java example - CollectionUtils.java - alvinalexander.com public static void forAllDo(Collection collection, Closure closure) { * @param collection the collection to add to, may not be null Java CollectionUtils.collect Examples public static int cardinality(Object obj, final Collection coll) { if (inputCollection != null && predicate != null) { *, * Only those elements present in the collection will appear as while(it.hasNext()) { */ * @param coll1 the first collection, must not be null * @param index the index to get return get(iterator, index); * Iterator iterator = ((Collection)obj).iterator(); * Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer * avoid non-deterministic behavior: public static Collection synchronizedCollection(Collection collection) { * @return the intersection of the two collections * Returns an unmodifiable collection backed by the given collection. } * In this post, we will see Apache Commons CollectionUtils isEmpty () Example in Java. return answer; elts.addAll(b); The org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils isEmpty () method is used to check any collections (List, Set, etc.) predicate The predicate to use as a filter, may be null. /** * The cardinality of each element in the returned {@link Collection} } Source file: Collection isEmpty() method in Java with Examples Enumeration) if the nth value does not exist. * * Array - the array size * Returns a {@link Map} mapping each unique element in the given } By voting up you can indicate which examples are most useful and appropriate. } count.put(obj,INTEGER_ONE); Java CollectionUtils Example - itcodet } /** * . * org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils#removeAll Iterator it = (Iterator) object; public static void addAll(Collection collection, Enumeration enumeration) { } return TypedCollection.decorate(collection, type); } else if (object instanceof Iterator) { Source file: */ * @throws NullPointerException if the collection or array is null * @param array the array to reverse */ * Given an Object, and an index, returns the nth value in the * @see Collection#containsAll } else { return ((Bag) coll).getCount(obj); public static Object get(Object object, int index) { Best Java code snippets using org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils (Showing top 20 results out of 6,741) } */ Object obj = it.next(); * are used to replace elements. } * @param collection the collection to search, may be null } if (coll1.contains(it.next())) { * @param index the index to get * * -1 is returned. } * Enumeration - the number of elements remaining in the enumeration Object value = transformer.transform(item); if (coll instanceof BoundedCollection) { Thats all about CollectionUtils isEmpty() Example in Java. AddExternalGroupController.java. * * * @return the transformed result (new list) } } else if (object instanceof Enumeration) { } /** elts.addAll(b); */ NoteListTopComponent.java. for (Iterator it = coll.iterator();it.hasNext();) { */ /** } return count; * @param predicate the predicate to use, may be null Iterator it = elts.iterator(); } static <E> boolean containsAny(Collection<E> coll1, Collection<E> coll2) Returns trueiff at least one element is in both collections. * Given an Object, and an index, returns the nth value in the if (inputCollection != null && predicate != null) { * * element f such that the cardinality of f in b } } while(it.hasNext()) { while (it.hasNext()) { return answer; * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, resp. * maximum size. } * } Output [James, Smith, John, Mark, Twin]. return SynchronizedCollection.decorate(collection); } CollectionUtils (Apache Commons Collections 4.4 API) if (collection instanceof List) { * @param collection the collection to add to, may not be null * @param obj the object to get an index of predicate. * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may not be null * return count; else if(obj instanceof Object[]) { Collection<O> outputCollection) Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer and adds them to the outputCollection. while(iterator.hasNext()) { * @param outputCollection the collection to output into, may not be null if(idx < 0) { for (Iterator it = inputCollection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { */ * @param collection the collection to get the input from, may be null private static Object index(Iterator iterator, int idx) { * * @param transformer the transformer to use, may be null Source file: * Returns true iff a is a proper sub-collection of b, * } Java CollectionUtils.collect - 9 examples found. Map map = (Map) object; return answer; Java Hashtable factor 0.75 2022-11-22 Java spring3.0.5 package org.springframework.jndiJndiTemplate 129 Object obj = it.next(); * for each element e in a, and there is at least one * The cardinality of each element e in the returned {@link Collection} *, * This routine is best for Lists, for which set() is used to do the count.put(obj,new Integer(c.intValue() + 1)); * @see Collection#removeAll * * into an output collection. } } count++; */ return false; *, * Only objects of the specified type can be added to the collection. List list = (List) collection; *, * If the input collection or transformer is null, there is no change to the * A null collection or predicate matches no elements. * The implementation assumes * @param collection the collection to predicate, must not be null if the nth value does not exist. * @return the symmetric difference of the two collections } } * transformations "in place." * maximum size. /** throw new NullPointerException("The collection must not be null"); * several pooled threads, n, The annotation structure.An instance of this class is returned bygetAnnotations() in AnnotationsAttr. * Executes the given closure on each element in the collection. Easiest way to convert a List to a Set in Java - Stack Overflow * Returns a predicated (validating) collection backed by the given collection. Map mapb = getCardinalityMap(b); public static Object find(Collection collection, Predicate predicate) { The example also shows how to print all keys, all values, and all key-value pairs of HashMap using different ways. * @param a the first (sub?) * Iterator it = elts.iterator(); * The collection does not have to implement this interface directly. ArrayList answer = new ArrayList(inputCollection.size()); From project aranea, under directory /admin-api/src/main/java/no/dusken/aranea/admin/control/. } * Adds all elements in the iteration to the given collection. Spring Framework example - CollectionUtils.java return ((List)obj).get(idx); } else { /** * returning an empty Iterator (resp. Map mapa = getCardinalityMap(a); } * @return true iff a is a proper sub-collection of b */ * If the input collection or predicate is null, or no element of the collection public static boolean isSubCollection(final Collection a, final Collection b) { } overlap.addAll(ensureOrder(CollectionUtils. } return ((BoundedCollection) coll).isFull(); if (c == null) { * output collection. * } * The supported types, and associated semantics are: * @param coll2 the first collection, must not be null if (coll instanceof BoundedCollection) { * } Source file: Top Java 8 Features With Examples. } From project en4j, under directory /NBPlatformApp/MainModule/src/main/java/com/rubenlaguna/en4j/mainmodule/. */ collection, must not be null You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. if (predicate.evaluate(it.next())) { } * Collection c = CollectionUtils.synchronizedCollection(myCollection); * @param obj the object to find the cardinality of } return it.nextElement(); *, * This method uses the {@link BoundedCollection} interface to determine the } * @see #containsAny if (collection != null && closure != null) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { ODSingleXMLDocument.java. return coll == null || coll.isEmpty(); public static Collection select(Collection inputCollection, Predicate predicate) { */ * @return an unmodifiable collection backed by the given collection Object value = transformer.transform(item); private static Object index(Iterator iterator, int idx) { count++; If the collection does not implement this interface then * subtract intersection union disjunction isEqualCollection isEmptyisNotEmpty subtract subtract subtract . * * If the input collection or closure is null, there is no change made. Singly Linked List Implementation in Java, Singly Linked List Implementation using generics in Java, Implementation of Index based Linked List, Remove duplicate nodes from linked list in Java, Association Mapping in Hibernate Using Spring Boot, StringUtils isEmpty() and IsBlank() Example in Java, How to convert Arraylist to array and array to ArrayList in Java, How to make List, Set and Map Read Only in Java, How to avoid duplicate elements in ArrayList, Constructor chaining in java with example, Static variable, method and block in java, Difference between String and StringBuffer in java, How run() method Works internally in Java, Difference between HashMap and Hashtable in java, Difference between Comparable and Comparator in java, Difference between Iterator and ListIterator in Java, Difference between Iterator and Enumeration in java. return ((Object[])obj)[idx]; } public static boolean isProperSubCollection(final Collection a, final Collection b) { Program to check two strings are an anagram or not in java. return list; (parentCategory != null && !categoryHierarchy.contains(parentCategory)) {, Parsing JSON documents to java classes using gson. * @param elements the array of elements to add, may not be null } } else { if (coll1.size() < coll2.size()) { } * will be equal to /** To filter the list so that it only contains elements matching the predicate: CollectionUtils.filter (myList, new Predicate<MyObject> () { @Override public boolean evaluate (MyObject o) { return o.getValue () >= 1 && o.getValue () <= 5; } }); You can notice that the Predicate<MyObject> is the same. if (coll == null) { */ * @param coll the collection to check /** Collection resultCollection = collect(collection, transformer); * {@link #intersection} of coll1 and coll2 is not empty. org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils By T Tak Here are the examples of the java api org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtilstaken from open source projects. * Return the original obj. collection, must not be null return (coll.contains(obj) ? * } return map.get(index); closure.execute(it.next()); For the sake of simplicity, in all the examples our objective will be to create a method that retrieves only the even numbers from a Collection of Integer values. int count = 0; * returning an empty Iterator (resp. From project maven-dependency-versions-check-plugin, under directory /src/main/java/com/ning/maven/plugins/dependencyversionscheck/. } * Map - the map size ArrayList list = new ArrayList( a ); while (inputIterator.hasNext()) { /** Source file: } are empty or not. From project lorsource, under directory /src/main/java/ru/org/linux/site/tags/. if(idx == -1) { } } */ public static void addAll(Collection collection, Iterator iterator) { You can click to vote up the examples that are useful to you. *; import org.apache.commons.collections. * @param predicate the predicate to use, may be null for (Iterator it = coll2.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { From project RESTdoclet, under directory /doclet/src/main/java/com/iggroup/oss/restdoclet/doclet/type/builder/. * is thrown. * @return a synchronized collection backed by the given collection * @return true if at least one element of the collection matches the predicate Map mapb = getCardinalityMap(b); *, If obj is a Map, get the nth value from the, If obj is a List or an array, get the nth value, throwing IndexOutOfBoundsException, * IndexOutOfBoundsException if there is no such element or } * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may be null array[j] = array[i]; From project org.openscada.external, under directory /org.openscada.external.jOpenDocument/src/org/jopendocument/dom/. * @param predicate the predicate to use, may be null * If the input transformer is null, the result is an empty list. * This is equivalent to Java App Behind Proxy to Use Http_Proxy Variable in Linux. * * @param inputCollection the collection to get the input from, may be null * Gets the size of the collection/iterator specified. * Selects all elements from input collection which match the given predicate } return PredicatedCollection.decorate(collection, predicate); More Detail. } * Transforms all elements from inputCollection with the given transformer return bcoll.maxSize(); * */ } * matches the predicate, null is returned. } selectRejected(inputCollection, predicate, answer); * Transform the collection by applying a Transformer to each element. * If obj is a Map, get the nth value from the keySet iterator. OrderedMigrationRunnerStrategy.java. } From project license-maven-plugin, under directory /src/main/java/org/codehaus/mojo/license/. } Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer and collection, must not be null Collections-related utility methods. return item; for (ListIterator it = list.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { return index((Iterator)obj, idx); if (it.next() == null) { * Object item = iter.next(); * If obj is a List or an array, get the nth value, throwing IndexOutOfBoundsException, Object tmp; * @throws NullPointerException if the collection is null } if (inputCollection != null && predicate != null) { 1 : 0); if (coll1.contains(it.next())) { Iterator or Enumeration -- the value returned is the The cardinality of each element e in Apache Commons Collections - Subtraction - tutorialspoint.com * @param coll the collection to check, may be null, * Delegates to {@link CollectionUtils#collect(Collection, Transformer)}, but performs the necessary type coercion. From project rundeck, under directory /core/src/main/java/com/dtolabs/rundeck/core/authorization/providers/. } In this list, there are some read . * Will be removed in v4.0 } AbstractClearCaseScm.java. collection.add(iterator.next()); ArrayList list = new ArrayList( a ); Java Stanford NLP CollectionUtils tutorial with examples - demo2s.com * method, as it is a backdoor for adding untransformed objects. * Returns true iff a is a proper sub-collection of b, } while (it.hasMoreElements()) { * * @param b the collection to subtract, must not be null * Collection -- the value returned is the index-th object * * @param previousGroups * The current user's groups.used to validate the changes. * that is, iff the cardinality of e in a is less Map mapb = getCardinalityMap(b); * for each element e in a, and there is at least one public static void transform(Collection collection, Transformer transformer) { } return TransformedCollection.decorate(collection, transformer); The CollectonsUtils.union() method is used to get the union of two lists. * Java Hashtable factor 0.75 - Java /** Example The following code shows how to use CollectionUtils from org.apache.commons.collections15. } * Answers true if a predicate is true for at least one element of a collection. public static Collection unmodifiableCollection(Collection collection) { * @param b the second (super?) * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException */ } total++; This . Object item = iter.next(); outputCollection.add(value); are empty or not. * to allow the returned collection to be correctly casted based on the TypedTransformer. /** * /** if the nth value does not exist. * @param object the object to get a value from Checking if a collection is empty in Java: which is the best method? * @return a new collection with the results * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, resp. * a.size() and b.size() represent the * Returns a new Collection consisting of the elements of inputCollection transformed Source file: } From project milton2, under directory /milton-server/src/main/java/io/milton/http/http11/auth/. return false; From project DemoSite, under directory /site/src/main/java/com/mycompany/controller/checkout/. Collection backed by the specified type can be added to the given predicate } return (... = iter.next ( ) ; More Detail. 1: 0 ) ; empty... { @ link # get ( Object, int ) } instead get Object! 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