Kevin de Len and Gil CedilloYeah, yeah, yeah. Councilor Steve Claffey focused on some of the water quality requests that are in the agenda, specifically with the Chesapeake Bay. No hard liquor, just a jukebox and beer, fuck it. Bonin would be like, Hey, Nury, are youre going to the MLK? Well, Herb invited me, yeah, Ill go. OK, Im bringing whatever the kids name is. Im like, its like the oddest thing, its like Black and brown on this float. View the latest meeting agenda and minutes for City Council. Kevin de LenSo, but he says, but the dean herself, this 83-year-old woman, was acting on behalf of the university in terms of doing anything and everything she can to raise money. Nury MartinezThats what I told him: You need to go talk to that white guy. And it has to do with the white liberal world. And then everything else were agnostic to. With her daughter. Ron HerreraBut that, but that seat like, if you dont, OK, if you, if you dont take them out, then it hurts all incumbents, that the councils corrupt right? Nury MartinezI dont have this flavor, but Im gonna take it. Kevin couldve just left it as the dean, and that wouldve been fine. Thats the tragedy of this meeting, isnt it? Gil CedilloYou know how I feel about cannabis. Kevin de LenShe was under FBI investigation. Nury MartinezYeah, where are they going to go take a shit? Gil CedilloVoters go to work and then go home. I guess we all haveThis might be a reference to an investigation that I covered during Martinezs first four years in office that never resulted in any charges. Nury MartinezI go, What is with, whats with Bonin? I said, Bonin thinks hes fucking Black. That guy dont think hes Black. I go, He thinks hes Black. I told him the same thing. Go get the airport from his fucking little brother, that little bitch, Bonin., I told DannySome context from my colleague Brian Contreras story: Bakewell confirmed to The Times that he did talk to Martinez over the phone, but added that a year out from their talk, he didnt remember all the details.While there seems to be a lot of discussion about who should get USC, I think I said if I can recall leave USC in Currens district and give Marqueece the airport, he said. You got the People Mover, or whatever that shit is called, you got the modernization projects coming down. Cedillo once told the L.A. Times that during the 1970s, theyd cruise around town listening to DJ Art Laboe. Kevin de LenMonica, Nury, right? As politicians, they are inherently political. I said no. Kevin de LenYeah, I know what youre saying. Gils opponent, Isaac BryanGils opponent would be Eunisses Hernandez, a first-time political candidate given little chance to beat Cedillo. Gil CedilloIm not so much on the process as the result. Im like, for as big as you are and as loud as you are, you cant fucking defend yourself. chola. The voting patterns of both groups attest to each charge. I think theyre getting the whole resignation piece, with the suspension piece that those wires are being crossed in it. City Council He said, and then I said, isnt this the equivalent when, particularly the African American community which was righteous that says Gil Cedillo had crack cocaine and was sentenced to 25 years to life. Some in the Valley also spoke out against it. Nury MartinezBillions of dollars worth of contracts at the airport. But they want to give it to a nonprofit that CoCo dictates where youre not really an architect, youre not really an engineer, youre kind of a tech, right? Were not going to give her a renters district. (The husband, the husband, if he does have a beef. The way Ron described it is the way its happened, OK? Ron HerreraHes a, hes a Teamster. But were OK with that. Mayor / City Council Requests. And this is about justice, legal. Text to search for: Start Search . Nury MartinezI realized he went grayed out. Special Called Meeting of the Austin City Council. Gil CedilloWe gotta get there some talented people for the 10th, right? My colleague, longtime political columnist George Skelton, talked about this time and the shit in a recent column. Because Im your, Im your person. Items scheduled on the Work Session or Formal Meeting may be moved and / or discussed during a different portion of the Meeting based on circumstance or availability o f speakers. The kid thats running from HERE. Kevin de LenI met her for the first time. City Used to be the head of 99? In fact, thats what Krekorian is pressuring me to do, to blow the whole fucking thing up. Im successful, Im out next year.De Len is referencing his mayoral bid here and the fact that if hed been successful, he would have stepped down from his council seat in December, likely triggering a special election to fill his seat. Bill LloydBill Lloyd followed Humphries as head of SEIU Local 99, a position he held from 2004 to 2012. Were the minority with 25% at that point. City Council Regular Meetings are broadcast live. PobrecitaWhen Nury says chola and pobrecita, thats puro Pacoima. saw the pressDe Len made these remarks a few days after The Times ran a piece on how the Ridley-Thomas indictment might affect Ridley-Thomas work and legacy on homelessness. During his remarks, he made clear he was not happy with the contingent of council members who had delayed a vote on Hutt.She leads the community now, he told the council. He told me that a couple of reporters got Pulitzer Prizes. Council Meeting Information You may contact City Council by emailing[emailprotected]or by calling the Clerk of Council at 540.332.3810. Two-sixty right here. Look at Gil, her genes. Thursday, November 03, 2022 at 2:00 P. m. - 4:00 P. m. Plaza Level Conference Room. Kevin de LenThats where like UFCW is at. I think he should be, but anyhow, if he goes away. Thats not my commitment, right? View the latest meeting agenda and minutes for City Council. Gil CedilloYeah. Kevin de LenIf they were to pull, if we were to pull like Fred Ali and I pull Sonja [Diaz], because you pull Fred Ali, I have to pull Sonja too. Kevin de LenThey really went after it. Beat reporters offer facts and analysis; columnists provide their perspectives on a discussion that has changed the citys political history. In the meantime, city business is piling up. he could write about itIts not clear who Martinez is referring to in this passage. this kid needs a beatdownRemember when Nury was going on and on about how she likes tough kids? Dec 6, 2022 6:00 PM Agenda Agenda Packet Minutes Minutes Packet Video . Irma Muoz. Hernndez stepped down on Oct. 13, 2021 days before this conversation took place after the California attorney generals office filed felony charges against her.As my colleague Taryn Luna reported at the time, the state attorney generals office alleged that an investigation into possible campaign finance violations revealed that Hernndez and her husband underreported their income by more than $1.4 million to evade taxes. The meetings are usually open to the public. Image Not Available for Council Work Study Sessions: Minutes. City Council And then theyre fucking with you? City Council Work Session As I wrote right after the audio of this conversation was leaked online, many Black Angelenos have long feared this sort of for lack of a better term takeover was in the works. He might have had some payroll issues, whatever. We believe when reliable local reporting is widely available, the entire community benefits. K-town? Mayor & City Council Request Form. Start Time: Regularly scheduled City Council meetings occur at 5:00 PM, with proclamations starting at 4:45 PM. Kevin de LenKnow who wants to run for that seat? Nury MartinezAreen. The draft map called for one council member to lose 100% of their district. Nury MartinezHe used to be Antonios body person. To make a request for any City service, please contact or 519-661-2489 ext. So, as we talk about expansion, right? And I got. Nury MartinezWhatever you start to, whatever onion youre starting to peel, I mean. Thats why asset gerrymandering is a thing in L.A. Ron HerreraYou know, what do we say, 52% of the population is Latino? At the session Wednesday, Acting City Council President Mitch OFarrell attempted to regain order, but 45 minutes later announced to the still chanting crowd, we no longer have quorum. Nury MartinezAnd thats why you dont want it? Nury MartinezIt was your anniversary this weekend. The Staunton City Council comprises seven members who are elected by City voters and empowered by the City Charter and the Code of Virginia with the responsibility of establishing laws in the city, adopting an annualbudgetand setting tax levels to fund maintenance of the city infrastructure, schools, public safety and other functions. I guess he could dye his hair, but I didnt realize that his hair was that curly. A lot has changed since 2013.Unions have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on both sides in OFarrells 2022 race, where he faced off against former Unite Here organizer Hugo Soto-Martnez. Half these engineers have to be, right? Fax: (336) 763-2585, P.O. He told me some shit in private that I know Im making the right decision, based on my conversation with him. El esposo, el esposo, si el tiene bronca. Search meetings I have a bagOne wonders if it was Goyard, or Louis Vuitton Times staff writer Salvador Hernandez contributed to this report. I needed a fucking placeholder. Isaac was the first one. Police brass, are you really going to let council be the ones deciding how to fix your staffing problem? Bill then kind of called me to kind of check me and Im like, fuck you dude, you too. Exactly how many do they have to lose before someone decides to do something that makes a real difference? We guide investment and growth in Philadelphia. We can live with that. Those were the four things we did exclusively. Gil CedilloYes. But I want to make sure that we protect Mitch. Este nio (This kid) has no, hes, theyre not even, theyre not doing, the kids bouncing off the effing walls on the float. Who takes the rest of the northeast? Sanders endorsement of Cedillo actually became a real topic of contention in the 2022 council race, with the L.A. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America and Bernie-aligned activists pushing hard to try and get Sanders to revoke his endorsement of Cedillo in favor of Hernandez. I just need to know what Im working with, with this map. The whole point here is how do we stabilize the Valley? Nury MartinezNo, no, youre talking about, youre talking about all engineers and architects. Tony MendozaJust as a reminder, Tony Mendoza, a Democrat from Artesia, resigned from the state Senate minutes before his colleagues were about to suspend or expel him over a series of sexual misconduct accusations. Although Orange County has many, many alt-losers, Trump never won O.C. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact the customer support team at 1-833-248-7801. Guess where it was when [inaudible]. Kevin de LenI think Curren will come with us. Yes, Mexicans use monkey as verb and noun to describe rambunctious kids. Nury MartinezThis kid, Eunice, Eunisses, whatever her name is. You have to make her work for it. the African Americans look at this as a hostile takeoverMark Ridley-Thomas is again such an influential figure in Black politics in California that it makes sense to anticipate a backlash to changing his role on the City Council. We got everything out. Gil CedilloIm not good with anything that adds more Elysian Park to me. City Council - Pre-Council. The basin is in the middle of the Valley. Gil CedilloIm a diplomat. Work Sessions. I said, I need to be careful, because whatever. These speakers included prospective city council candidates Michele Edwards and Brad Arrowood. Nury MartinezI keep a score for this guy cause he forgets. They also plotted how to use the citys contentious redistricting process for their own gain. Mayor John B. Muns. Kevin de LenThe Elysian, Eagle Rock and Highland Park are white. 12/13/22 City Council Regular Session. Im not involving myself in your shit. Nury MartinezYeah. That fucking little piece of shit. Danny, Danny told me, BakewellMore on Danny Bakewell, a high-profile leader among Black Angelenos, a real estate developer and the executive publisher and owner of the Los Angeles Sentinel, the long-running Black newspaper.Just to offer a bit of context here: Councilmembers Curren Price and Marqueece Harris-Dawson, who both represent districts in South L.A., are known for not always seeing eye to eye. Its a rare glimpse into bare-knuckle power politics. Gil CedilloI got one devil and another devil. Martin Ludlow. Not whiny little kids. It was a handwritten contract. Its like the end of negotiations and somebody says, I want, I know we have a tentative agreement, but I want to bring in another alternative. We dont care. City Council Agendas Redistricting commissioners would have received the labor map a few days before this October 2021 meeting.It featured a bunch of ideas that were later scrapped. Here is a list of the commissioners, along with the names of the politicians who appointed them.Reminder here that the redistricting commission recommended creating a new district in the west San Fernando Valley that would have a high concentration of Latino residents. Kevin de LenYoure talking about nonprofits versus unions. At the time of the recording, Nury Martinez was Los Angeles City Council president, the first Latina to hold the post. A labor leader turned political stalwart, Gil Cedillo at the time of the recording was thinking about his reelection campaign.Cedillo was elected to the state Assembly in 1998 and has held elected office since. The union represents more than 5,000 public sector workers in 40-plus city departments, according to its website. Down there, Teamsters. same actionThis is, in fact, how things played out. City Council Conference Room, City Hall, Room 2020: Meeting details: Agenda: Not available: Minutes: Video: CITY COUNCIL: 3/1/2022: 1:00 PM: City Council Conference Room 2020 NOTE: This Meeting is Immediately Following the City Council Work Session Scheduled for 1:00 p.m. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE FORT WORTH CITY COUNCIL TO City Council - Regular. Its a legitimate, real case. What Martinez is suggesting here is the movement of LAX out of Bonins district and into Harris-Dawsons. Monday nights (Oct. 24, 2022) Burien City Council Study Session was a heated meeting that lasted over five hours, and did not conclude until around midnight. Gil CedilloEverything at SEIU, to me, starts 100% suspect. Monday nights (Oct. 24, 2022) Burien City Council Study Session was a heated meeting that lasted over five hours, and did not conclude until around midnight. Rocky DelgadilloDelgadillo was appointed to the redistricting commission by Councilmember Paul Koretz. Camacho, all these fucking guys y de que le sirvio (and what did it help her)? In many ways, that decision set a precedent for the councils handling of Ridley-Thomas a year later. Its the white liberals. Stabilize the Valley. Because I dont believe that this map is bad for you. (He resigned in December 2020 to join the L.A. City Council. Ron HerreraBut I had, I had to put her down because all the SEIU people we were on Zoom started bringing up their screen, but once I talked, right? And they said, lets work off of this sheet, just like Ron said. Kevin de LenKamala [Harris] raised, when she got attorney general, Kamala raised, like, a couple of hundred thousand dollars. Councilmember Mike Bonin listens during the councils Oct. 26 meeting, when his colleagues voted unanimously to censure Councilmembers Gil Cedillo and Kevin de Len, as well as former Councilmember Nury Martinez, for their statements in the leaked recording. So a couple of people said, Yeah, lets do that. And after four hours, they said, OK, well, and then somebody said, Well, what about the other butcher sheet? We brought more butcher sheet. I never criticized Jose HuizarKevin de Len never criticized Jose Huizar, even as Huizars constituents and former supporters publicly expressed their disgust the very ones that then helped to put De Len in Huizars former seat. Crowds gather inside L.A. City Hall protesting and interrupting the council meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Why do you want to fuck with [L.A. Councilmember Paul] Krekorian for? She lives on the Westside, shes a rich kid. Im working out a deal with the Rams, Im working out a deal with LA 2028. Nury MartinezNo thanks to both of you, but I do all the work. Nury MartinezWhat are you taking? But it wont be for at least four more years Price easily defeated challenger Dulce Vasquez in the June primary, earning enough votes to win outright. So four. City Council - Work Session. Right? City Council City Council meetings are live-streamed for residents to tune in at home. Search Agenda Items/Minutes. City Council Work Session Dec 6, 2022 6:00 PM Agenda Agenda Packet Minutes Minutes Packet Video . So if you go in more into K-town, right? Our Mission Im so done. Thats why this guy thats running from HERE, I already told Susan: Its you against us. Community activist Eunisses Hernandez defeated. Nury MartinezBut does that map have you going to Eagle Rock and Highland Park? Fast-forward to October 2022, and she is now an interim City Council member, representing the 10th District after Mark Ridley-Thomas suspension.Nury Martinez led the effort to both suspend Ridley-Thomas and appoint Hutt. Get over here.). But he also was asking me about this redistricting bullshit because hes very frustrated, because Mark, because Mark has his fingerprints on this shit that Marqueece is trying to do. going to the U.S. attorneys officeIn 2018, The Times reported that a lawyer for USC briefed the U.S. attorneys office on the Ridley-Thomas matter and referred it for criminal investigation.. So youre right. Good luck. Kevin de LenYeah, I did. City Council Regular Meetings are broadcast live. Gil CedilloTheres population, as Kevin mentioned, and then theres politics. Thats organic. At the session Wednesday, Acting City Council President Mitch OFarrell attempted to regain order, but 45 minutes later announced to the still chanting crowd, we no longer have quorum. Youre right, theres three seats. On November 15, 2018, the last printed edition of the Rhino Times came off the presses leaving the world of print journalism behind and moving into the future with an e-paper. The thing for us is to exercise our powerHeres that us-versus-them, zero-sum political talk again. the CoCo group, helping poor LatinosIts still wild to me that Community Coalition is lumped in the group that doesnt believe in helping poor Latinos when that is literally part of the nonprofits mission. Es el esposo. Im gonna do this, Im gonna do this. The Wizard of Oz effect. You may contact the Clerk of Council Kiley Kesecker, viaemailor by phone at 540.332.3810. To Lincoln Heights is. Youre gonna get the district that youre going to get, youre going to have to run, and probably in a district that more than half of them dont know who you are. Lo trae as (He lugs him around) during Black History Month, lo lleva al council y lo pone aca (he takes him to the council and puts him there), remember? To Year. And these guys already have their own deal. He says it was Ace Smith and all those folks who did it, you know. Gil CedilloWith the new proposal. Back in 2007, the Times Duke Helfand wrote this of the Villaraigosa administration: Aides are instructed to carry Listerine breath strips, business cards, two pens, a Sharpie marker, a notepad, a small hand sanitizer, bottled water and an extra copy of briefing materials and speech cards., It ends in i-a-n, I bet youAs fellow Times columnist Robin Abcarian wrote about this insult to Armenians:Being dismissive of someones facial features is crass and immature. People like De Len long posited themselves as the leaders who were going to break the white supremacy wheel that has governed American politics for centuries. Council Then, Baldwin and the council voted, in a closed-session meeting, to move the 2021 municipal election to 2022, giving her and her fellow council members a bonus year in office. Neither has announced their resignation. The only charge is to grow me south and. Hes saying that Oaxacan and Korean people live here. Did you connect with Curren? Nury MartinezSo all these communities you keep mentioning, I dont know where you go. Nury MartinezSe va bien conmigo. What? Kevin de LenSo, Im going to make that request of mine. We have more members on the council. Cedillo did not like Ramans votes against the creation of anti-encampment zones in his district. But he doesnt want to resign. [L.A. City Councilman Bob] Blumenfield was in here the other day, right, and he goes, Well, were trying to create another Latino seat. Why do I have to go do that? Based on facts, either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. If they are willing to play, and if shes willing to play and give us two, if not, then its us. Nury MartinezSo what are we going to do about redistricting? CD 1, or CD 14"Reminder here: Cedillo represents CD 1 and De Len represents CD 14. Kevin de LenBut not voters, right? So to change thatEffectively heres what Cedillo is saying: The citizens redistricting commission had been working for several weeks to create the K2.5 map. Here: cedillo represents CD 1 and de Len and gil CedilloYeah yeah. Was appointed to the redistricting commission by Councilmember Paul Koretz Council be the head of SEIU Local,... Sector workers in 40-plus City departments, according to its website: you need to careful! With, whats with bonin George Skelton, talked about this time and shit! Not like Ramans votes against the creation of anti-encampment zones in his district said! Not like Ramans votes against the creation of anti-encampment zones in his district nury says chola pobrecita. L.A. 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