Benefits of Playing Table Tennis Key Benefits 1. Table tennis can be a great icebreaker! Just make sure you have the best ping pong paddle possible; its one of the easiest ways to improve your game. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Table tennis, or Ping Pong, is the second most popular organized sport in the world. Gyan jain,Mumbai, I am 75 and not the oldest in the section, It is Not Affected by the Weather Conditions, The Amount of Exercise is Just Nice for Many People. When playing ping pong, you have to run back and forth to catch the ball from going over the edges. Convinced that table tennis is awesome? In the joy of table tennis, you can exchange skills with your opponents through the game. The game developes great bond amongst us too. The primary benefit of a mini ping pong table is how little space it takes up. Some require outreach, and some need you to bend the body. You also play and reap all the benefits richly. Unlike many sports, however, the overall risk for injury with table tennis is quite low. Table tennis is instead a less expensive sport choice for many people. 10 unexpectedly great benefits of playing table tennis Health benefits of table tennis , table tennis fitness, table tennis as a brain games, brain game for older peopleTo Read The Whole Article, Please Visit : h. It is suitable for your brain because it makes you mentally alert and increases your mental awareness. I needed to go through physiotherapy and acupuncture. The table tennis health benefits of improved balance, agility and flexibility make the game suitable for old players, too. Ping pong is a great way to get into some healthy competition. Robert is a professional journalist whos also a freelance writer in his free time. They include improving coordination and reflex, burning calories, toning your body, sharpening your brain, and teaching you new tricks that you can apply in other areas in your life. play in table tennis tournaments and earn a living through the sport. We wont rent or sell or spam your email. 4. Some of the many health benefits of table tennis include: Improving hand-eye coordination. Dr Amen calls table tennis "the world's best brain sport . The game is popular all over the world. (183cm) long. It involves speed and power. Some studies have shown that when couples play games together, it puts them in a place where they have to work as a team to solve a problem. Benefits of playing table tennis in short In conclusion, improving eye-hand coordination, keeping the brain sharp, improving reflexes, burning calories, socializing through sports, treating and preventing dementia, and so on are just the benefits this beautiful sport provides. Tennis can be a great workout and lots of fun. Benefits - ALPS TABLE TENNIS ACADEMY Studies and Theories of Decision Making Benefits of Table Tennis How Table Tennis Can Slow Cognitive Decline | Elder Table tennis involves a lot of turning and twisting, which might be beneficial for muscle building. The Table. increasing reaction times. Happy to play! PDF The Health Benefits of Table Tennis I am 77 and I have been playing tabletennis for the last 55 years, I am very happy to know table tennis playing benifit There is less likelihood of injuries because table tennis does not put a lot of strain on your joints. I believe in the health benefits mentioned about TT with and with out appropriate references . 1. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We call this cardio, and the benefit of cardio is that over time, it can help you lose weight. As per the standards of the game, it has to be 9 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 2.5 feet high. Table Tennis is the sport to help schools and communities to improve physical literacy for children and youth. It shows that the physical benefits of table tennis are overshadowed by the psychological and mental benefits of table tennis. Offers networking and social interaction 5. In professional matches, the ball often achieves speeds of 58 km/h, requiring very fast reflexes to stand a chance. For quality ping pong balls which are of Besides, table tennis is considered extremely good brain training, improving hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and much more. Moreover, it is considered as one of the fastest sports with a ton of variations to the ball. 3. What are the benefits of table tennis for sleep. People of all ages can play this sport as it is easy on the joints with a bonus of burning 500 calories on average. After reading about all the table tennis health benefits you are missing out on, you are likely wondering why you have been waiting for so long before starting or resuming playing. others 77, 80, 82. can match play with 20-30 years younger players. There are many benefits to playing table tennis, including: - Improved cardiovascular fitness. What is even more impressive is that it is the youngest of the world's major sports. Increases Mental Acuity. 2. For a while, I couldnt lift my right arm, and sometimes sudden movements (such as being shrunk of my arm suddenly) would cause me serious pain. Table tennis practised in leisure time can offer a lot of pleasure, emotions and relax, and, obviously, health benefits. The low-impact, and thus low-risk, game offers multiple mental, physical, emotional, and social gains. Finding a place to play table tennis is easy. This transfers into how they interact with each other and how they resolve their occasional disagreements. The list of benefits you can get from playing table tennis is extensive. ITTF 06 - One of the cheapest sport. Relieves stress and improves mental health. While table tennis is an indoor sport, it is not affected by any weather conditions. Table tennis has become very popular these days. You dont strain yourself too much but you are bound to get the required amount of exercise, exercise with lot of entertainment by playing TT.I play for a minimum time of 1 hour every day. 2) Better Mood. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You have control over the placement of the ball. I am playing TT for the past 55years regularly. Benefits of playing table tennis - Top 7 - SANWEI Sport At the competitive level, players hit the ball in excess of 90 miles per hour across the table!" 4. I m 66 and started playing after long gap. Table tennis competitors play one of the fastest ball games in the world and their performance is the result of a complex myriad of factors. Totally agree with you and when you winning wow what a taste it has. We have discussed the multiple benefits of table tennis in this article. PingPongAcademy is reader-supported. Changes in the rules, techniques and table tennis equipment have seen ball spin and speed increase substantially compared to the past, shortening point rallies (Li et al., 2007). All of this running can cause an increase in heart rate and breathing. As mentioned prior, coordinated exercises help the cerebellum which is connected to the frontal lobes of the brain. There are reports of some couples saying I Do over a game of ping pong. 7. The footwork requirements are very high, and it is a sport that involves the entire bodys exercise. I am also made a TT Table, I play table tennis regularly, Im 73 and no need to take medicine, its improve your acceptance power, energy power,fighting power and u can have a positive friends group.I love to play TT. Table tennis, also known as ping pong, began back in the 1800s. I am a table tennis enthusiast and a professional table tennis coach. However, as per the international rule, the table tennis ball is 1.57-inch diameter and has a mass of 2.7 g. It is a fun pastime that both the old and young participants can enjoy. The sport stimulates mental alertness, strengthens focus and tactical strategizing. It only requires a room, a ping pong table, and necessary equipment, and you can start to play ping pong right away. 08 - There are many playing styles in the . This can turn into an event that you both look forward to and a great way to build a bond. 1952 - 1970: Ara of Asia Dominance. 02 - A wonderful sport even when you are at the golden age. According to psychologists psychological test methods to test the psychological quality of outstanding childrens table tennis players in some provinces and cities in China, they generally have higher intelligence levels and better operation ability than ordinary students. Train laterally Table tennis is mainly a lateral movement game (meaning the main directions of movements are side to side). It is bound to come to you from all directions. They will hit the ball to the most uncomfortable drop point on the opponents side. You can enjoy it more if you stick to this wonderful sport. They get the physical benefits of tennis in form of muscle development and muscle movement. If you play table tennis, you will have a chance to exercise your eyes, where the eyes will follow the table tennis ball to adjust the distance. This is why the importance of table tennis benefits cannot be overestimated. Table tennis has become very popular these days. Required fields are marked *. And you can enjoy the physical benefits of tennis with minimal risk of serious injuries. 1950 - 2014: Ara of Modern Table Tennis. It increases attention and focus. . At present, the exact mechanism by which people who play table tennis are less likely to catch a cold is not precise. Memories of playing table tennis with family, its benefits & advice An important benefit of playing table tennis is that it keeps your mind clean, clear and focused. 7. Playing this sport is also great in building concentration skills along with tactical strategy building. Rather, the benefit comes from the use of your tendons and joints. What Does Ping Pong Ball Star Rating Mean? There are many benefits of playing table tennis, which are discussed more heavily in the video. Top 10 Fundamental Skills for Modern Table Tennis - PingSunday Table tennis is a low-risk game, compared to other popular sports like soccer, basketball, wrestling, or running. It Improves Hand-Eye Coordination. This high-speed neural colloquy engages and enhances your brain's primary motor cortex and cerebellum, which control hand and arm movement. So you can see there are a lot of similarities in the training benefits. Also,if single person plays using both the hands, will it help more to the brain? If budget is your issue, there are cost-effective paddles such as Butterfly Lin Yun-Ju CF-1 which provides a good spin and allows you a greater degree of control. Moreover, it is easier on the joints, unlike other sports. In short, table tennis does have some unique features that are not found in other sports, and the participants benefit from it for life. Mastering Hand-Eye Coordination Another benefit of playing table tennis is its ability to sharpen your hand-eye coordination. One benefit of playing this game is that it sharpens up your hand-eye coordination. Manage Settings Table Tennis Health Benefits | Table Tennis As Brain Games Added comfort, a much wider range of movement, and colors that can identify you or your team if you are in a competition. 10 Mental Health Benefits of Table Tennis - Rik James Coach Our eyes are getting exhausted from staring at newspapers, books, TV, computers, mobile phone for many hours. Who knew weight loss could be so much fun? 05 - Table tennis is the best indoor sport. 1. 5. I started playing Tzt whenI was 12 years old. Top 8 Health Benefits of Table Tennis That You Can Achieve Top 10 Health Benefits of Tennis - Health Fitness Revolution Conclusion. Top 9 benefits of playing table tennis - PongBoss The benefits of table tennis cover almost every area of life. And the direction and strength of these limb movements are different. Coordination, agility and balance. Table tennis can make the bodys circulation and respiratory system function greatly enhanced. Also, if you have sore knees, back, or ankles, you can pursue table tennis as a form of physical therapy. You can use table tennis to break the ice when meeting new people or if you are in a new place. How to Play Table Tennis: A Beginner's Learning It's up to you to identify your weaknesses and focus on improving in these areas in order to score. It is like aerobic chess. The benefit of table tennis from this perspective is that you could learn good sportsmanship and maybe even one day, make it a full paying career. Yes it works for me. 07 - One of the best sports for individual and team. hitting the ball on the wall) or on the floor, provide same health benefits to the brain and other parts of the body? The weight loss coach said that aerobic exercise must be done to lose weight. It is like aerobic chess. . BENEFITS FOR YOUTH PLAYERS. It is attached to vertical posts, which in turn project 6 inches (15.25 cm) outward. A sport always requires a certain amount of exercise. Finally, the adhesion muscles were pulled apart, and it took a few months to recover. You get an extensive physical workout and sharpen your brain as you study your rivals playing style and assess their strong and weak points, and then plan how to counter their moves and gain the upper hand. 7 Health Benefits of Table Tennis - Table Games Hub A Complete Guide to Buying Mini Ping Pong Tables in 2022 - Table Tennis It can also help you to find a place of calm after you play. Table tennis | History, Rules, Equipment, Champions, & Facts - better hand-eye coordination. LEARN MORE. Health benefits of table tennis - HurricaneTT | Table Tennis Equipment It is necessary to cooperate with the whole body to make great shots. Why Table Tennis is Good for Alzheimer's Disease - Giammalva Just like any other physical activity, table tennis allows you to burn calories while you're playing. Health Benefits of Table Tennis - M. Sclerosis - WDCTT Shakehand Grip You have to come up with various strategies to outsmart your opponent and you have to train your brain to know how fast the ball is coming your way, so you can line up the perfect hit. You can use it socially to bond with anyone, emotionally for a welcome distraction and adrenaline rush, physically to stay fit and toned and to improve reflexes and balance, and mentally to develop strategic thinking, alertness, cognitive awareness and memory retention. 1. Good for muscles building The game will assist you in improving the strength of your legs, arms, and core muscles. Promotes teamwork. 2000 - 2014: Development of Table Tennis. You learn how to analyze situations and make decisions in seconds, how to adjust to unforeseen circumstances, how to focus, and how to hone your reflexes and coordination. Of course, sometimes in table tennis, we lose, and thats okay too. 12 Amazing Health Benefits of Ping Pong (Body + Brain!) 2. Plus, table tennis causes very few head injuries. Table tennis is a Combination of Mental and Physical Sport. These changes are very beneficial to middle-aged and older adults and can reduce the adverse effects of cardiovascular disease. At present, we are not clear about the mechanism by which exercise reduces cancer risk. The rapid and constant movements and the quick reactions and instant adjustments that table tennis players have to make can improve their reflexes. It's fun and has a load of health benefits you won't believe. Self-confidence. As the first of several articles dealing with different techniques applied to the study of decision making in various disciplines, this article outlines the scope of current decision-making analyses; the complimentarities that exist among the different approaches; and the conclusions drawn by each approach. It doesnt matter if it is sunny, windy, rainy, or snowy, you can always play table tennis indoor. I am 80 and just won a gold medal in mens singles 80-84 at the National Senior Games in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. in May. Maintains and improves your fitness level 2. Playing tennis can provide full body workouts and improve your aerobic health. The table tennis ball is available in different sizes. For example, when smashing, each shot needs to be transferred and coordinated from the soles of the feet, legs, waist, arms, wrists, and fingers. That ball was flying at 70 miles per hour! Does Table Tennis Help You Lose Weight? Table Tennis Benefits For Many people playing the game of table tennis usingtable tennis tablescan be found in most homes worldwide. About Table Tennis - It is an all-weather sports project. The size may vary for kids or individuals blessed with low heights. You can play table tennis everywhere 10. You'll notice that the construction of the JOOLA Tour is identical to the JOOLA Inside. Hence the reason people call table tennis a sport for smart people.. What are the health benefits of playing table tennis? - Quora If you just moved to a new town, it can be hard to make friends. In addition, people who often play table tennis reduce the number of symptoms after a cold by 41%, and the severity of symptoms decreases by 32% to 40%. Improves my body coordination and improves my work performance, Hi Im 61 and been playing TT since I was 11 the confidence and fitness it gives you is amazing and it gets rid of any stress and anxiety you may be having, after playing especially if you have played well you walk around feeling fantastic. People play table tennis for different reasons. Table Tennis Is the World's Best Brain Sport by Dr. Daniel G. Amen, MD. Unless you are standing alone on the tennis court, there is at least one other person that you need to interact with. This truly amazing game keeps me young and healthy. The old coaching program for the basic table tennis techniques is outdated! 4. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If you play doubles, you need to communicate with your partner. Physical activeness and mental alertness is automatic awards in life. Your email address will not be published. When you are playing this focused sport, it is important to find a place of balance and calm. Top 10 Health Benefits of Playing Table Tennis - PingSunday 5 Mental Health Benefits of Table Tennis - ABC Money For all clumsy people out there, having improved balance can be life-saving! I am benefited as said in the article and maintaining fitness because of attachment to this game and ofcourse my medical bill per annum is bearest minimum. Continue with Recommended Cookies. There a millions of serious sports-related injuries every year in the United States, but with table tennis you can get all the health benefits of an Olympic sport without riskinginjury. Thus, it is difficult for them to persevere if they are involved in outdoor sports such as jogging or playing soccer. Improves reflexes. In doing so, you primarily work out your front and back thighs, calves, and shoulders. increasing bone density. Keeps you fit and in good shape. Grows concentration capacity Table Tennis burns calories. Giving positive energy through out the day. In daily life, these people often appear to be alert, flexible, and coordinated. Dr. Sandra B. Chapman from The University of Texas published research about Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, which confirmed that: After 12 weeks of aerobic exercise, three times a week for one hour, the players had significantly more oxygen in their brains and performed better on cognitive and creativity tests! Keeps your brain sharp: Dr. Daniel Amen practices as a psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist as director of The Amen Clinics. You have to strike the ball at the exact moment to make sure it doesnt go out of bounds. It Develops Hand Eye Coordination 4. The benefits of table tennis cover almost every area of life. Required fields are marked *. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination Table tennis playing activity directly helps to build the mind's awareness. 1970 - 2000: Rise of Sweden and Use of Speed Glue. 10. 5 Tips to Improve Your Table Tennis Fitness & Train Like an Athlete! Thus, table tennis is a smart way to train your brain, and it may be the best combination of brain and body movement. It is more important to make friends and built a good friendship. It is a problem with balance and coordination. Improves your reflexes and reaction time. improving muscle tone, strength and flexibility. The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is the sport's governing body say more than 300 million people play table tennis worldwide. The Physiological Demands of Table Tennis: A Review - PMC Forehand fast serve. 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Table Tennis Playing table tennis can help us sleep better. For example, a novice table tennis player can burn up to 350 calories in an hour of playing time whereas advanced players burn up to 500 calories in a similar time because their level of play is faster and is likely to involve more force in their footwork. If you dont have enough power, you can play with less force or play with a defensive strategy. The most expensive piece of equipment you need to buy is the table tennis table. Researchers speculate that playing table tennis can help improve the immune system in the body! 01 - You can start playing at a very young age. These are some benefits of playing table tennis that equip you with dynamic skills that you can incorporate in your daily life. Tennis is naturally a social activity. Posted on February 24, 2014 by owner. Professional table tennis coaches said that playing table tennis is an aerobic exercise and the most effective way to lose weight. This requires you to have balance as you coordinate your movements to maintain a stable posture while generating sufficient force for your shots. Table tennis is such an accessible sport which we think can have huge benefits to people with a range of health conditions or people who have found other sports to difficult to access. You have to constantly make Without further ado here is the list of the 29 health benefits of table tennis! benefits of table tennis includes. It can also serve to strengthen bonds with friends, family and acquaintances. Tennis, as with all other forms of exercise, causes the brain to release endorphins and serotonin. A survey of 19,803 office workers last year showed that office workers with the habit of playing table tennis performed 50% better in creativity, presentation ability, and productivity in the company than their colleagues who did not play table tennis. Playing table tennis can make us feel better. Table Tennis Outfit: Everything You Should Know - SportsDean It will help to improve each other playing skills and building a stronger friendship. Table Tennis Serve Rules and What They Mean! Some elderly people often walk like a child learning how to walk. BENEFITS of playing Table Tennis - North Shore Table Tennis Club - NSTTC Muscles help to generate a lot of power. Table tennis can make you meet new friends, mostly if you play in a table tennis club. When the service begins, you can control the point and even force your opponent to make a weak return. Like most sports, table tennis offers great mind-body stimulation, aerobic exercise, and social interaction. And luckily, this means they can get in a good workout at the same time. I have observed that it gives immense physical and mental strength. It can even be true in a game like table tennis where they are opponents, by helping each other improve or learning new type of strokes together. 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Health Benefits. Table tennis improves hand-eye coordination According to scientists, playing table tennis aids in stimulating the tactical strategy, mental alertness as well as concentration (1). You have to know when to let go of your thinking and just perform your strokes as best you can. If you have a child that has problems focusing or paying attention, it may benefit them to sign up for these types of competitions. Even so, many will prefer to get their exercise benefits from a stroll in the park, a jog around the block or a trip to the gym. Benefits of Playing Table Tennis Key Benefits 1. Table tennis can be a great icebreaker! Just make sure you have the best ping pong paddle possible; its one of the easiest ways to improve your game. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Table tennis, or Ping Pong, is the second most popular organized sport in the world. Gyan jain,Mumbai, I am 75 and not the oldest in the section, It is Not Affected by the Weather Conditions, The Amount of Exercise is Just Nice for Many People. When playing ping pong, you have to run back and forth to catch the ball from going over the edges. Convinced that table tennis is awesome? In the joy of table tennis, you can exchange skills with your opponents through the game. The game developes great bond amongst us too. The primary benefit of a mini ping pong table is how little space it takes up. Some require outreach, and some need you to bend the body. You also play and reap all the benefits richly. Unlike many sports, however, the overall risk for injury with table tennis is quite low. Table tennis is instead a less expensive sport choice for many people. 10 unexpectedly great benefits of playing table tennis Health benefits of table tennis , table tennis fitness, table tennis as a brain games, brain game for older peopleTo Read The Whole Article, Please Visit : h. It is suitable for your brain because it makes you mentally alert and increases your mental awareness. I needed to go through physiotherapy and acupuncture. The table tennis health benefits of improved balance, agility and flexibility make the game suitable for old players, too. Ping pong is a great way to get into some healthy competition. Robert is a professional journalist whos also a freelance writer in his free time. They include improving coordination and reflex, burning calories, toning your body, sharpening your brain, and teaching you new tricks that you can apply in other areas in your life. play in table tennis tournaments and earn a living through the sport. We wont rent or sell or spam your email. 4. Some of the many health benefits of table tennis include: Improving hand-eye coordination. Dr Amen calls table tennis "the world's best brain sport . The game is popular all over the world. (183cm) long. It involves speed and power. Some studies have shown that when couples play games together, it puts them in a place where they have to work as a team to solve a problem. Benefits of playing table tennis in short In conclusion, improving eye-hand coordination, keeping the brain sharp, improving reflexes, burning calories, socializing through sports, treating and preventing dementia, and so on are just the benefits this beautiful sport provides. Tennis can be a great workout and lots of fun. Benefits - ALPS TABLE TENNIS ACADEMY Studies and Theories of Decision Making Benefits of Table Tennis How Table Tennis Can Slow Cognitive Decline | Elder Table tennis involves a lot of turning and twisting, which might be beneficial for muscle building. The Table. increasing reaction times. Happy to play! PDF The Health Benefits of Table Tennis I am 77 and I have been playing tabletennis for the last 55 years, I am very happy to know table tennis playing benifit There is less likelihood of injuries because table tennis does not put a lot of strain on your joints. I believe in the health benefits mentioned about TT with and with out appropriate references . 1. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We call this cardio, and the benefit of cardio is that over time, it can help you lose weight. As per the standards of the game, it has to be 9 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 2.5 feet high. Table Tennis is the sport to help schools and communities to improve physical literacy for children and youth. It shows that the physical benefits of table tennis are overshadowed by the psychological and mental benefits of table tennis. Offers networking and social interaction 5. In professional matches, the ball often achieves speeds of 58 km/h, requiring very fast reflexes to stand a chance. For quality ping pong balls which are of Besides, table tennis is considered extremely good brain training, improving hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and much more. Moreover, it is considered as one of the fastest sports with a ton of variations to the ball. 3. What are the benefits of table tennis for sleep. People of all ages can play this sport as it is easy on the joints with a bonus of burning 500 calories on average. After reading about all the table tennis health benefits you are missing out on, you are likely wondering why you have been waiting for so long before starting or resuming playing. others 77, 80, 82. can match play with 20-30 years younger players. There are many benefits to playing table tennis, including: - Improved cardiovascular fitness. What is even more impressive is that it is the youngest of the world's major sports. Increases Mental Acuity. 2. For a while, I couldnt lift my right arm, and sometimes sudden movements (such as being shrunk of my arm suddenly) would cause me serious pain. Table tennis practised in leisure time can offer a lot of pleasure, emotions and relax, and, obviously, health benefits. The low-impact, and thus low-risk, game offers multiple mental, physical, emotional, and social gains. Finding a place to play table tennis is easy. This transfers into how they interact with each other and how they resolve their occasional disagreements. The list of benefits you can get from playing table tennis is extensive. ITTF 06 - One of the cheapest sport. Relieves stress and improves mental health. While table tennis is an indoor sport, it is not affected by any weather conditions. Table tennis has become very popular these days. You dont strain yourself too much but you are bound to get the required amount of exercise, exercise with lot of entertainment by playing TT.I play for a minimum time of 1 hour every day. 2) Better Mood. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You have control over the placement of the ball. I am playing TT for the past 55years regularly. Benefits of playing table tennis - Top 7 - SANWEI Sport At the competitive level, players hit the ball in excess of 90 miles per hour across the table!" 4. I m 66 and started playing after long gap. Table tennis competitors play one of the fastest ball games in the world and their performance is the result of a complex myriad of factors. Totally agree with you and when you winning wow what a taste it has. We have discussed the multiple benefits of table tennis in this article. PingPongAcademy is reader-supported. Changes in the rules, techniques and table tennis equipment have seen ball spin and speed increase substantially compared to the past, shortening point rallies (Li et al., 2007). All of this running can cause an increase in heart rate and breathing. As mentioned prior, coordinated exercises help the cerebellum which is connected to the frontal lobes of the brain. There are reports of some couples saying I Do over a game of ping pong. 7. The footwork requirements are very high, and it is a sport that involves the entire bodys exercise. I am also made a TT Table, I play table tennis regularly, Im 73 and no need to take medicine, its improve your acceptance power, energy power,fighting power and u can have a positive friends group.I love to play TT. Table tennis, also known as ping pong, began back in the 1800s. I am a table tennis enthusiast and a professional table tennis coach. However, as per the international rule, the table tennis ball is 1.57-inch diameter and has a mass of 2.7 g. It is a fun pastime that both the old and young participants can enjoy. The sport stimulates mental alertness, strengthens focus and tactical strategizing. It only requires a room, a ping pong table, and necessary equipment, and you can start to play ping pong right away. 08 - There are many playing styles in the . This can turn into an event that you both look forward to and a great way to build a bond. 1952 - 1970: Ara of Asia Dominance. 02 - A wonderful sport even when you are at the golden age. According to psychologists psychological test methods to test the psychological quality of outstanding childrens table tennis players in some provinces and cities in China, they generally have higher intelligence levels and better operation ability than ordinary students. Train laterally Table tennis is mainly a lateral movement game (meaning the main directions of movements are side to side). It is bound to come to you from all directions. They will hit the ball to the most uncomfortable drop point on the opponents side. You can enjoy it more if you stick to this wonderful sport. They get the physical benefits of tennis in form of muscle development and muscle movement. If you play table tennis, you will have a chance to exercise your eyes, where the eyes will follow the table tennis ball to adjust the distance. This is why the importance of table tennis benefits cannot be overestimated. Table tennis has become very popular these days. Required fields are marked *. And you can enjoy the physical benefits of tennis with minimal risk of serious injuries. 1950 - 2014: Ara of Modern Table Tennis. It increases attention and focus. . At present, the exact mechanism by which people who play table tennis are less likely to catch a cold is not precise. Memories of playing table tennis with family, its benefits & advice An important benefit of playing table tennis is that it keeps your mind clean, clear and focused. 7. Playing this sport is also great in building concentration skills along with tactical strategy building. Rather, the benefit comes from the use of your tendons and joints. What Does Ping Pong Ball Star Rating Mean? There are many benefits of playing table tennis, which are discussed more heavily in the video. Top 10 Fundamental Skills for Modern Table Tennis - PingSunday Table tennis is a low-risk game, compared to other popular sports like soccer, basketball, wrestling, or running. It Improves Hand-Eye Coordination. This high-speed neural colloquy engages and enhances your brain's primary motor cortex and cerebellum, which control hand and arm movement. So you can see there are a lot of similarities in the training benefits. Also,if single person plays using both the hands, will it help more to the brain? If budget is your issue, there are cost-effective paddles such as Butterfly Lin Yun-Ju CF-1 which provides a good spin and allows you a greater degree of control. Moreover, it is easier on the joints, unlike other sports. In short, table tennis does have some unique features that are not found in other sports, and the participants benefit from it for life. Mastering Hand-Eye Coordination Another benefit of playing table tennis is its ability to sharpen your hand-eye coordination. One benefit of playing this game is that it sharpens up your hand-eye coordination. Manage Settings Table Tennis Health Benefits | Table Tennis As Brain Games Added comfort, a much wider range of movement, and colors that can identify you or your team if you are in a competition. 10 Mental Health Benefits of Table Tennis - Rik James Coach Our eyes are getting exhausted from staring at newspapers, books, TV, computers, mobile phone for many hours. Who knew weight loss could be so much fun? 05 - Table tennis is the best indoor sport. 1. 5. I started playing Tzt whenI was 12 years old. Top 8 Health Benefits of Table Tennis That You Can Achieve Top 10 Health Benefits of Tennis - Health Fitness Revolution Conclusion. Top 9 benefits of playing table tennis - PongBoss The benefits of table tennis cover almost every area of life. And the direction and strength of these limb movements are different. Coordination, agility and balance. Table tennis can make the bodys circulation and respiratory system function greatly enhanced. Also, if you have sore knees, back, or ankles, you can pursue table tennis as a form of physical therapy. You can use table tennis to break the ice when meeting new people or if you are in a new place. How to Play Table Tennis: A Beginner's Learning It's up to you to identify your weaknesses and focus on improving in these areas in order to score. It is like aerobic chess. The benefit of table tennis from this perspective is that you could learn good sportsmanship and maybe even one day, make it a full paying career. Yes it works for me. 07 - One of the best sports for individual and team. hitting the ball on the wall) or on the floor, provide same health benefits to the brain and other parts of the body? The weight loss coach said that aerobic exercise must be done to lose weight. It is like aerobic chess. . BENEFITS FOR YOUTH PLAYERS. It is attached to vertical posts, which in turn project 6 inches (15.25 cm) outward. A sport always requires a certain amount of exercise. Finally, the adhesion muscles were pulled apart, and it took a few months to recover. You get an extensive physical workout and sharpen your brain as you study your rivals playing style and assess their strong and weak points, and then plan how to counter their moves and gain the upper hand. 7 Health Benefits of Table Tennis - Table Games Hub A Complete Guide to Buying Mini Ping Pong Tables in 2022 - Table Tennis It can also help you to find a place of calm after you play. Table tennis | History, Rules, Equipment, Champions, & Facts - better hand-eye coordination. LEARN MORE. Health benefits of table tennis - HurricaneTT | Table Tennis Equipment It is necessary to cooperate with the whole body to make great shots. Why Table Tennis is Good for Alzheimer's Disease - Giammalva Just like any other physical activity, table tennis allows you to burn calories while you're playing. Health Benefits of Table Tennis - M. Sclerosis - WDCTT Shakehand Grip You have to come up with various strategies to outsmart your opponent and you have to train your brain to know how fast the ball is coming your way, so you can line up the perfect hit. You can use it socially to bond with anyone, emotionally for a welcome distraction and adrenaline rush, physically to stay fit and toned and to improve reflexes and balance, and mentally to develop strategic thinking, alertness, cognitive awareness and memory retention. 1. Good for muscles building The game will assist you in improving the strength of your legs, arms, and core muscles. Promotes teamwork. 2000 - 2014: Development of Table Tennis. You learn how to analyze situations and make decisions in seconds, how to adjust to unforeseen circumstances, how to focus, and how to hone your reflexes and coordination. Of course, sometimes in table tennis, we lose, and thats okay too. 12 Amazing Health Benefits of Ping Pong (Body + Brain!) 2. Plus, table tennis causes very few head injuries. Table tennis is a Combination of Mental and Physical Sport. These changes are very beneficial to middle-aged and older adults and can reduce the adverse effects of cardiovascular disease. At present, we are not clear about the mechanism by which exercise reduces cancer risk. The rapid and constant movements and the quick reactions and instant adjustments that table tennis players have to make can improve their reflexes. It's fun and has a load of health benefits you won't believe. Self-confidence. As the first of several articles dealing with different techniques applied to the study of decision making in various disciplines, this article outlines the scope of current decision-making analyses; the complimentarities that exist among the different approaches; and the conclusions drawn by each approach. It doesnt matter if it is sunny, windy, rainy, or snowy, you can always play table tennis indoor. I am 80 and just won a gold medal in mens singles 80-84 at the National Senior Games in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. in May. Maintains and improves your fitness level 2. Playing tennis can provide full body workouts and improve your aerobic health. The table tennis ball is available in different sizes. For example, when smashing, each shot needs to be transferred and coordinated from the soles of the feet, legs, waist, arms, wrists, and fingers. That ball was flying at 70 miles per hour! Does Table Tennis Help You Lose Weight? Table Tennis Benefits For Many people playing the game of table tennis usingtable tennis tablescan be found in most homes worldwide. About Table Tennis - It is an all-weather sports project. The size may vary for kids or individuals blessed with low heights. You can play table tennis everywhere 10. You'll notice that the construction of the JOOLA Tour is identical to the JOOLA Inside. Hence the reason people call table tennis a sport for smart people.. What are the health benefits of playing table tennis? - Quora If you just moved to a new town, it can be hard to make friends. In addition, people who often play table tennis reduce the number of symptoms after a cold by 41%, and the severity of symptoms decreases by 32% to 40%. Improves my body coordination and improves my work performance, Hi Im 61 and been playing TT since I was 11 the confidence and fitness it gives you is amazing and it gets rid of any stress and anxiety you may be having, after playing especially if you have played well you walk around feeling fantastic. People play table tennis for different reasons. Table Tennis Is the World's Best Brain Sport by Dr. Daniel G. Amen, MD. Unless you are standing alone on the tennis court, there is at least one other person that you need to interact with. This truly amazing game keeps me young and healthy. The old coaching program for the basic table tennis techniques is outdated! 4. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If you play doubles, you need to communicate with your partner. Physical activeness and mental alertness is automatic awards in life. Your email address will not be published. When you are playing this focused sport, it is important to find a place of balance and calm. Top 10 Health Benefits of Playing Table Tennis - PingSunday 5 Mental Health Benefits of Table Tennis - ABC Money For all clumsy people out there, having improved balance can be life-saving! I am benefited as said in the article and maintaining fitness because of attachment to this game and ofcourse my medical bill per annum is bearest minimum. Continue with Recommended Cookies. There a millions of serious sports-related injuries every year in the United States, but with table tennis you can get all the health benefits of an Olympic sport without riskinginjury. Thus, it is difficult for them to persevere if they are involved in outdoor sports such as jogging or playing soccer. Improves reflexes. In doing so, you primarily work out your front and back thighs, calves, and shoulders. increasing bone density. Keeps you fit and in good shape. Grows concentration capacity Table Tennis burns calories. Giving positive energy through out the day. In daily life, these people often appear to be alert, flexible, and coordinated. Dr. Sandra B. Chapman from The University of Texas published research about Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, which confirmed that: After 12 weeks of aerobic exercise, three times a week for one hour, the players had significantly more oxygen in their brains and performed better on cognitive and creativity tests! Keeps your brain sharp: Dr. Daniel Amen practices as a psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist as director of The Amen Clinics. You have to strike the ball at the exact moment to make sure it doesnt go out of bounds. It Develops Hand Eye Coordination 4. The benefits of table tennis cover almost every area of life. Required fields are marked *. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination Table tennis playing activity directly helps to build the mind's awareness. 1970 - 2000: Rise of Sweden and Use of Speed Glue. 10. 5 Tips to Improve Your Table Tennis Fitness & Train Like an Athlete! Thus, table tennis is a smart way to train your brain, and it may be the best combination of brain and body movement. It is more important to make friends and built a good friendship. It is a problem with balance and coordination. Improves your reflexes and reaction time. improving muscle tone, strength and flexibility. The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is the sport's governing body say more than 300 million people play table tennis worldwide. The Physiological Demands of Table Tennis: A Review - PMC Forehand fast serve. 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Table Tennis Playing table tennis can help us sleep better. For example, a novice table tennis player can burn up to 350 calories in an hour of playing time whereas advanced players burn up to 500 calories in a similar time because their level of play is faster and is likely to involve more force in their footwork. If you dont have enough power, you can play with less force or play with a defensive strategy. The most expensive piece of equipment you need to buy is the table tennis table. Researchers speculate that playing table tennis can help improve the immune system in the body! 01 - You can start playing at a very young age. These are some benefits of playing table tennis that equip you with dynamic skills that you can incorporate in your daily life. Tennis is naturally a social activity. Posted on February 24, 2014 by owner. Professional table tennis coaches said that playing table tennis is an aerobic exercise and the most effective way to lose weight. This requires you to have balance as you coordinate your movements to maintain a stable posture while generating sufficient force for your shots. Table tennis is such an accessible sport which we think can have huge benefits to people with a range of health conditions or people who have found other sports to difficult to access. You have to constantly make Without further ado here is the list of the 29 health benefits of table tennis! benefits of table tennis includes. It can also serve to strengthen bonds with friends, family and acquaintances. Tennis, as with all other forms of exercise, causes the brain to release endorphins and serotonin. A survey of 19,803 office workers last year showed that office workers with the habit of playing table tennis performed 50% better in creativity, presentation ability, and productivity in the company than their colleagues who did not play table tennis. Playing table tennis can make us feel better. Table Tennis Outfit: Everything You Should Know - SportsDean It will help to improve each other playing skills and building a stronger friendship. Table Tennis Serve Rules and What They Mean! Some elderly people often walk like a child learning how to walk. BENEFITS of playing Table Tennis - North Shore Table Tennis Club - NSTTC Muscles help to generate a lot of power. Table tennis can make you meet new friends, mostly if you play in a table tennis club. When the service begins, you can control the point and even force your opponent to make a weak return. Like most sports, table tennis offers great mind-body stimulation, aerobic exercise, and social interaction. And luckily, this means they can get in a good workout at the same time. I have observed that it gives immense physical and mental strength. It can even be true in a game like table tennis where they are opponents, by helping each other improve or learning new type of strokes together. 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