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Y-you cant just-I mean thats just-UGH! In fact did you know that the shirt your wearing is made of boyfriend material?, You look down to see the shirt you are in fact wearing except its not yours, its his. A/N: Just an FYI I do take message requests as well as inbox ones. O-okay well I should probably get going. where the reader is super confident and loud but really its just a cover for being rlly insecure in herself? ! You exclaim as he follows your pointed gaze to the corner of the room. You werent really one for insects but your boyfriend did seem to have a fascination for them. The last member graduated four years ago. Your bra comes off next as he unhooks it from the back and lets it drop to the floor. And he didnt seem to like it one bit judging from his envious expression. You were attending to your usually hobbies of watering the back plants after they got some extra sun. They cant be all that bad if they managed to get the job done. Usually it puts a smile on your face and a short wag of your tail to really get you going but for some reason you were preoccupied on something else. Ill tell you all about it on our way back.. Legosi said he lived just as he died; sleeping under Jack. Currently you were lounging on his mattress with your textbook in hand. After that day you never looked at beetles the same way again. So as the caring girlfriend you are you decided to try your best to cheer him up. What kind of surprise? I cant tell you, Silly. I love your writing, thank you so much! Thanks so much for commenting on my writing I really appreciate it! Being the only human in a school full of animals isn't easy, especially after what happened to Tem.Nor a carnivore nor a herbivore, doomed to stay in a room only by himself. His cheeks turn pink in seconds and his ears rise up in shock. Thanks for reading! He was accompanied by a grey anyeater which was odd but understandable since carnivores tend to get a bad rap as it is. She's considered strange by peers, lucky by peers, or criticized as the weakest "carnivore" in existence by actual carn. You knew him being a canine had something to do with it, considering dogs do that when they want to show affection. Mad? [! Story Prompts- Fanfic Version I have no idea what youre talking about. Dont play smart with me. Out of all the things that Cherryton Academy has to offer, the garden was easily one of your favorites. His hand touches your arm as he stands behind you, raising your wrist a bit higher for dramatic effect. Love may be compromised when you live in a eat or be eaten world, where herbivores are in constant fear from being devoured. He was right about everything. You pull down your red shorts next as to get it over quicker for both of you. Hundreds of flowers from daisys to roses heighten your senses and made you appreciate the little things life has to offer. Thanks for all your help again.. Bill! Hanging at your boyfriends dorm was becoming one of your favorite pastimes over the summer break. Yes, sir, you whimper correcting yourself. It seemed like that little beetle boy was the only thing keeping him going. I-Im gonna cum, please can I cum?. But for this headcanon hell be named Beetley. Hey! As always requests are open and feedback is welcomed! What kind of surprise? I cant tell you, Silly. What? Now, come on. But before you ask him about his well being, he had the upper hand in stirring the conversation. You knew him being a canine had something to do with it, considering dogs do that when they want to show affection. It opens up to reveal a beautiful design of the auditorium entrance covered top to bottom in pink roses. "Now we can play. There once was two humans who loved each other so much that they made a baby named y/n, but one day everything changed to the worst they felled into a portal that led them to a different dimension much, much different from theirs there was herbivores and carnivores who lived in peace, but from them being a different species the animals thought they were creatures or much worse, till they confronted them claiming that they are peaceful now they were much called ''the humans''.But after some years after y/n was born he made a new friend named legoshi but after being best friends for yearsLegoshi started hading feelings for y/n and it turned for the worstThat led him to never let go of y/n. You giggle to yourself once more hoping you didnt break him as you leave his lap for good and walk away. I finally met Pina to where Im up to in the manga all I can say is get ready for some imagines about this dude. /: I write for both anime & manga. Bill! Yes. You take a deep breath and say Legosi. Summary: Its your turn to manage the garden club while your friend, Haru is busy. After the death of y/n's brother Tem, the Alpaca decides that he'll take justice into his own hands. Thats a long story, you reply. had to color this panel it was just too cute not to, Hope your having a great day and if not I give you love . That was until Bill spotted you and headed your way. A couple weeks back I read my first Beastars fanfic (Yellow Spots, Jack x Shiira) due to a meme on this sub, and basically I'm hooked. Requests are open & feedback is welcomed! I've always thought it fit with his herbivore complex and that carnivore fetish of his can be hcs or a one shot, whatever you prefer! Even though requests are on hold for now I dont mind you sending over yours so I can work on it along with the others. Your desperate need for my attention or your attempt at toying with Bills feelings in order to get what you want, You gasp upsettingly and walk straight towards him. You run up to your older brother and embrace him with a hug. What Is Different Being Human (Legosi X M!Hu. You tilt your head to the side and lock eyes with Louis, who has been watching your every move as you intended. The male wolf managed to stutter something out but was quickly shot down by his friend who needed to run an errand. She seems way less problematic that you no way you two are related. The fighting was back on after that but luckily you were there to stop it before any teachers could. What do you like to eat?, Uhh well You giggle at his response. Louis puts his clothes back on and excuses himself, giving you a chance to relax. Was that your attempt at flirting? Your want to expose yourself to the real world, meet different people, and live through new experiences outweighs that fear, transforming it into strength. You know what happens when you disobey me, right? He comes into contact with you, filling the space between you and him. Society has such a narrow mind. I already told you Im busy. ALSO YOU ARE JAY OKAY SINCE I FELT LAZY TO TYPE He returns shortly after from the males locker room with a warm towel in hand. As you continue to read on, you suddenly feel something wet come into contact with your cheek. S-surprise? Tags: #beastars #collot #gay #gohin #haru #jack #legosi #legosixmreader #louis #melon. His hand touches your arm as he stands behind you, raising your wrist a bit higher for dramatic effect. You clear your throat to ask him something, You can follow me to the back now if you want. Ill tell you all about it on our way back.. Okay! And thats what makes me such a great boyfriend, he adds. You can open them now.. Hes been overprotective of you asf ever since you were kids. You hum quietly to yourself and make your way over to Louiss office, awaiting for whats in store. Warnings: Jealous Louis, dom/sub relationship, mentions of daddy kink, reader gets punished, its honestly just filth at this point lol. It opens up to reveal a beautiful design of the auditorium entrance covered top to bottom in pink roses. Good job.. He was accompanied by a grey anyeater which was odd but understandable since carnivores tend to get a bad rap as it is. Mainly a fem!reader based blog! I have no idea what youre talking about. Dont play smart with me. You know me all too well, you reply hopping off from his bed to get dressed for the day. Im pretty sure its just cotton., You giggle to yourself and turn to face him. Hey, Y/N! Im back, you hear Jack call out to you but your focus lies elsewhere. Theres something weve been meaning to tell you. Your desperate need for my attention or your attempt at toying with Bills feelings in order to get what you want, You gasp upsettingly and walk straight towards him. An Improvement to Louis? I was planning to do it myself but Ive got a biology project to work on thats due soon. Thats cool, you reply shortly right after you say. Maybe if you would have listened to me from the beginning, I wouldnt have resorted to Bill in the first place!. You think you could do better?. What do you like to eat?, Uhh well You giggle at his response. There were still many things you didnt know about him and one of those little things just so happened to be his pet beetle, Kabu or sometimes nicknamed Beetley. #M659276ScriptRootC1039312 {min-height: 300px;} He looked to be a lot taller than you and held this awkward presence judging by the way he was slouching and the look on his face. Thank you, he finally speaks. You were a member of the dance team and wanted to go over some last minute critiques for the festivals performance. Nsfw is all fem!reader. Enjoy your stay and enjoy your lustful needs~, (This book mainly contains M/M, and Anthro Characters.). Ongoing. Whats up? The bengal tiger asked you sounding a bit too excited. Forget it, you win., I knew I would, you say from inside the bathroom. Maybe this could be your opportunity to get to know the students better and hopefully Haru can leave you in charge of club duties more often. It was just the way you dealt with self confidence and werent afraid to speak your mind towards anything or anyone for that matter. No hand to guide them, (y/n) and Legosi need to work for everything they want by themselves. A/N: This is my first Beastars imagine and I will now be taking requests so ask away! A mistake on your end, it wasnt the answer he had grown to expect from you. A/N: This is my first Beastars imagine and I will now be taking requests so ask away! Mmm, thats more like it, he drags and mashes his lips against yours. His back is still turned from you as you catch him slowly let go of the door knob. Sure, I have confidence and a loudmouth but thats only the half of it In reality its just a cover up, a mask to hide my insecurities from the rest of world. Whos that wolf over there? Web Beastars Protagonist YN is classified as neither a full-fledged herbivore or carnivore but an omnivore. Do you mind giving me your opinion on my dance number? Does tomorrow work for you?, Uhh yeah that works, you say trying to hold in your excitement but the wagging of your tail seems to be a dead giveaway. Theres someone here Id like you to meet. Okay! Both. Diesel is a ' vicious' Dober. You let out a huff as you turned away to no longer face the door but that all changes when you come into contact with two students, one a herbivore and the another a carnivore. You place the stereo on top of the shelf and press play before taking a deep breathe. Hey there, Tall Guy, you gave him that nickname after a couple weeks of dating. Not So ALONE (beastars x male reader or oc), ~All Or Nothing~ (Legosi & Louis X Male Reader). Human beings are treated nothing more than slaves to animals. If your happy, Y/N then Im happy for you.. O-okay well I should probably get going. ! You exclaim as he follows your pointed gaze to the corner of the room. Im doing alright I guess, he sounds unsure of himself and it pained you to see him this way. He takes out his cock and strokes it softly before grinding himself against your fold with his tip. You sigh in defeat, there goes your chances at getting someones input. You moaned as he ran the smooth material along your body, slipping it between your legs to clean up the cum and sweat dripping out of you. I know hell never replace Beetley but I couldnt bare to see you upset anymore, you tell him honestly. And as someone who cares about you, I cant let that happen. Uhh sure, you answer him. Mmhmm, watch me, you say with confidence as your hands travel to your hips. Ian is a black panther/komodo dragon hybrid who has had a life of hell, nothing but torture came to him. We Meet Again. No I dont think I do, was his answer to you. Unsurprisingly, there are those who poke fun at these changes, both with good and bad reasons at hand. WHAT IF HE WANTS TO BREAK UP WITH YOU ALL BECAUSE YOU TRIED TO REPLACE HIS PRECIOUS BEETLEY WITH A KNOCKOFF? He strips off his suspenders, loosens his tie, and pulls up his shirt placing it with the rest of the pile on the wooden floor. I need you to stay here and wait until two students arrive to pick up the flowers for the welcomeing ceremony, Haru informs you. Your figures project on the mirror in front of you, proving just how close you two really are. He follows your direction and hands you a large piece of paper once you finally stop at the flower beds. meeting Legosi at garden club for the first time, being mute after a childhood accident and Legosi comes to your rescue, shy deer reader crushing on Legosi headcanons, being a misunderstood black fox and Legosi falling for you headcanons, jealous Legosi headcanons after Louis gets too close to the reader, being a sheep and Jack falling for you headcanons, Jack helping the reader with insecurities, dating Jack in secret while being the little sister of Legosi headcanons, Jack and reader flirting with each other, being a red panda and having Gouhin take you in headcanons, relationship headcanons (includes sfw), being a red fox/red deer hybrid and having to keep your relationship with Louis a secret, Louis discovering you were taken during the meteor festival blackout, Louis with fox reader who feeds into his fetish, being a carnivore while having a sub/dom relationship with Louis, having a friendship with Haru headcanons, being in a relationship with Haru headcanons, - // going missing during the blackout and having Aoba come and find you //, - // fem!fennecfox reader dating Pina headcanons //. Bye Bill, you wave off. She was waiting for you by the shed as you placed the watering can back down to the ground and entered through the sliding door. Let me know if yall want a part two or want to be tagged in any beastars related imagines! Jack soon follows but is stopped by Legosi. Good job.. I knew there was something there ever since we were kids. And thats what makes me such a great boyfriend, he adds. Hanging at your boyfriends dorm was becoming one of your favorite pastimes over the summer break. Two animals in love, with the same hopes and desires of sharing that love. He looked to be a lot taller than you and held this awkward presence judging by the way he was slouching and the look on his face. You do as your boyfriend instructs, him being the bug expert and all you have no reason not to trust him. You sport a sly smirk and straddle his lap before facing him, wrapping your arms around his neck you clear your throat and say. That shirt looks very becoming on you, you tug at it lightly. Forget it, you win., I knew I would, you say from inside the bathroom. Well that makes two of us then, Legosi says with a heartfelt smile causing you to blush rapidly. Arent you guys here to pick up the flowers for the welcome ceremony or uhh..?. His muzzle is just above your head as he instructs you on what to do next. After a couple seconds, you release with a scream of his name as he follows shortly after. Two animals in love, with the same hopes and desires of sharing that love. Well while your figuring it out, here, you hand him a piece of paper with your building and room number on it as you watch him take it and blush lightly when his fur brushes against yours. Could I request a jack x reader where the reader is meeting Legosi at garden club for the first time, being mute after a childhood accident and Legosi comes to your rescue, shy deer reader crushing on Legosi headcanons, being a misunderstood black fox and Legosi falling for you headcanons, jealous Legosi headcanons after Louis gets too close to the reader, being a sheep and Jack falling for you headcanons, Jack helping the reader with insecurities, dating Jack in secret while being the little sister of Legosi headcanons, being a red panda and having Gouhin take you in headcanons, being a red fox/red deer hybrid and having to keep your relationship with Louis a secret, Louis discovering you were taken during the meteor festival blackout, Louis with fox reader who feeds into his fetish, being a carnivore while having a sub/dom relationship with Louis, being in a relationship with Haru headcanons, going missing during the blackout and having Aoba come and find you, fem!fennecfox reader dating Pina headcanons, oooh my tails swinging maybe im in loveeeee. You plop face down on the sofa cushion to regain your strength as you were too exhausted and overwhelmed to move. But Im still not done with you yet, You hear the sound of a zipper coming undone and the thud of a belt dropping soon after. That way you can show me what youd like.. You try to get some sleep as you have no classes today, but Legosi and Jack don't know th. Usually your perky attitude and expressiveness was enough to make his day go from boring to great in minutes, but all that went away when he noticed a sudden change in your behavior. Sorry but Im busy right now. Warning: Reader uses a dirty pick up line but thats about it. I love every part of you, just the way you are.. ' . Beastars X Reader Lemon . One, two, three, Bills voice echos through you as you take each step with such ease and grace, moving in sync to the rhythm. Would you like to meet him?. Its the least I could do after all youve done for me. How ya holding up?. It was there Jack confessed his feelings and had asked you out on a date. Good, good just like that and wait for him to come to you. What is it? You asked as she grabbed her bag from the coat rack. Warnings: Spoilers for the anime Beastars since I havent finished the manga yet. He wraps his hand behind your hip and pulls you in close, bracing your palms against his chest from the forceful impact. Hes fast enough to show you that he really wants you but at the same time stands his ground, proving to you thats hes in control. Beastars: The Beast and Louis. Thanks so much, Y/N. She exclaims while going in for a hug but you end up having to bend down because of the obvious height difference. Youd figured your boyfriend would be up to the task of helping you with some new dance moves but you were clearly mistaken. Cheer him up the male wolf managed to stutter something out but quickly. Inside the bathroom move as you continue to read on, you say bad rap as is! 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