Yamcha, having killed three of the attackers, causes the last Goblin to flee into the forest. Describe the following to your players to provide better immersion - (show, don't tell during their first encounter): This large, bipedal green-skinned giant is about one and a half times as tall as a human but very thin. The reduction lasts until removed by the greater restoration spell or other magic. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Wobbly took this to be his moment to strike and dove into the room to stick the Grick (which he could see with his Darkvision). However, Agatha doesn't take the bait. CR is a joke I guess. Oh, the monster is on its feet again? 20 Minutes Till Dawn 3Dash AGAINST Across the Obelisk Aloft BONELAB Backpack Hero Baldur's Gate 3 Cats are Liquid - 3 Variants of Werebear, Yeti, Wizard, Crawler, Forest and Swamp Wendigo, 5 Variants of Werewolf and The Reaper. Meanwhile Ellaria took to her room to read while Yamcha did some errands for locals and Gwen spent her free time outdoors. A battle quickly ensues but the Orcs fall apart just as quickly. After leaving the Shrine and meeting Christoph and Neesa once more, the party decide to put off dealing with the Red Brands until they are more thoroughly prepared. 2nd -Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes, from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles. In this case I completely abandoned the DC knowledge checks because they had a platoon of soldiers with direct first hand knowledge. touchy. Gwendoline Wood, as the half-elf calls herself, is more than a little evasive as Ellaria and Wobbly question their new companion. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. This time it is them who are surprised as they find both Christoph and Ellaria back on their feet and ready for battle. After meeting back up and sharing information, the party agree to try infiltrate the Red Brands, a local band of thugs, that night. And no saving throws for adding repelling blast/grasp of hadar invocation push/pull effects. Every single person will have an answer. Targor began a monologue as he told the party he plans to make a throne for his new throne room out of their skin and hair. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. They descended into the cavern and found themselves at a junction with a passage leading North-West and another leading East. They pass farmland and even the odd traveling caravan on their return trip but otherwise the following three days are uneventful. To the South they notice a large cavern with a fissure running the centre of the room, from top to bottom. With everyone back on their feet Gwen, Wobbly, Ellaria and Christoph, none of whom are in good shape. Neesa and Christoph, ready to leave town at last, have stayed at the inn long enough for Neesa to apologize to Ellaria for the evening before and the unfortunate KO'ing she did. Agreeing to find out more on the connection between the Cragmaws and the Red Brands, the party set out for answers. goulstem. The Red Brands, suffering heavy losses, have had to hold up in their hideout for that time as well. To sweeten the deal Halia even through in an extra 50gp to the value of his gems as a show of good faith in a "member of the family". Immediately ready for combat, the Goblins bear down on Ellaria, the groups lead, and lay into her with their scimitars. After taking a short rest, the party regroup outside the houses. Looking up from her book, Ellaria comes face to face with a young Human woman. While moving the horses to the sides of the road, the adventurer's are surprised by a Goblin ambush from the forest on the north side of the trail. Gwen steps out onto the southern of the two bridges that cross the chasm and attempts to bribe the Nothic below into helping them fight the Bugbears, while Wobbly slides down the chasm walls in an attempt to hide. But a Level 5 Wizard in a open space with Fly can just hover out of it reach, and whittle it down with Firebolt without fear of being harmed because the Wizard is engaged in a way the golem is minimized for. sigh. The only way to avoidit is by casting Shield as areaction. The occupants were happy to see capable adventurers and open the doors to allow in the passing travelers. A Night Encounter, a Banshee and a Necromancer, A Marathon Effort, A Clash with Goblins, A Raging Flood and a Hard Fought Fight, A Treacherous Cult, A Ferocious Dragon and A Dangerous Bargain. You can hurl them at one target or several. WebHeroes Rise two hundred and twenty eighth entry: OK Lunar Welcome, brave adventurers, to Heroes Rise. Running his bloodied claw through the mess that was once a man, leaving streaks of blood across the floor, Venomfang demands a better offer from "the pretender to the Draconic Blood". The rider effects on its slam attacks can also shut down Healing through the reduction of max hp. Ellaria and Droop stood back as she fired spells at range and both were caught off guard when another Goblin stepped out of one of the side rooms to attack. For more information on the model and my complete paintjob see my miniature painting blog. This Goblin, Lhupo as Droop addressed him, proclaimed loudly that "Maglubiyet has blessed me!" No need to figure out how to stop the regeneration if there's a one-size-fits-all solution :P. You can homebrew a new troll that turns to stone in sunlight as the trolls in Tolkien's universe do. If a DM gave me high ground advantage like Baldurs Gate 3, theyd be getting serviced under the table in between encounters. When they finally spotted the creature, a well placed arrow from Gwen's bow was enough to fell the beast as it critically struck the deer in the neck. Passing through more structures along the Southern rim of the town the gang come face to face with another reinforced house, complete with shuttered windows and barred doors. Along the way they set up lights in order to see in the darkness of the castle and Ellaria discovered a golden statuette hidden in a brazier near the alter room. In the middle, Chris holds himself together as his wounds remain open. A creatures CR is what it's proficiency bonus is based on, not it's hit-dice like it is for player characters, so for the purpose of the clay golem is has a bonus of +3. The Black Spider returned in kind. Immutable Form. After beginning the interrogation of the captured Red Brands, it is clear that only one is fit to speak, the second having been scalded across the face by Ellaria's acid spell. Together Ellaria and Wobbly take out the watchmen Goblins, the first with Ellaria's Witch Bolt and other with Wobbly shortsword going through the face of the second Goblin (after Wobbly mistakenly lost the grip of his offhand weapon, sending it into the hedges, which he later retrieved). Spell Tags: Before they leave, Christoph shows them both the secret door he found. An idea comes to Wobbly's mind like a flash of inspiration as he commands Wobbly to ride one of the wolves into battle. Explaining himself, Yamcha told the group the he lost control after the price of mead at a street stall reminded him of something from his past which triggered his rage. Upon further questioning Daran told the pair more about the Lords' Alliance and the Order of the Gauntlet, though he was surprised to hear the had not heard of such important and famous institutions before. The group decides to switch up their tactics and draw the thugs out of the doorway and into the main cellar hall in order to fight in a more open formation. WebThe Lost Mine of Phandelver is the first D&D Campaign to be played by the team. This is where the story began. Wobbly, taking charge of the situation, demands Droop to scout out the house for them, which he readily agrees to do. He rummaged through her desk, wardrobe and under her bed without finding anything of note beyond a relic chalice of Tymora. While weighing up the ring Halia mentions to the party that their heroics have messed up the big plans she had for the Red Brands. Forest burned, got to nearby town, had an argument about the ethics of trading when a shopkeep isn't there, and I ruined the campaign. Droop, having regained consciousness was also present. Both Sister Garaele and Halia took on the job of helping their people find the Wave Echo Cave, Sister G for free and Halia with the condition of bringing back the Black Spider alive so he can tell the Zhentarim all he knows about the Forge of Spells. Wasting no time in freeing the cleric, Wobbly put her to work in reviving his friends, which she did using two Cure Wounds spells. Whilst Gwen was busy tying Droop up outside the Shrine, Ellaria recounted the latest events of their investigations, including the Dragon's deal to Sister Garaele who urged her to consider taking a subtler approach to Cragmaw Castle rather than storming the front gate. As the foursome of Yamcha, Ellaria, Droop and the cleric approach the doors from the hall and ready to enter, a misplaced foot from Ellaria broke a tripwire hidden beneath plaster and rubble from above. Together they chowed down on the venison they had collected earlier, so quickly in fact that neither noticed the absence of both Wobbly and Yamcha at the Inn. With Gwen and Droop by her side, Ellaria enters the miner's exchange with a signet ring in hand to sell. Yeesh, that hit point maximum reduction is nasty. This ^. After leading them to the main room Favric continues the discussion now surrounded by his followers. I brought that thought process into 5th edition as follows: Skill Check: Monster TypeIntelligence (Arcana): Aberrations, Constructs, Dragons, MonstrositiesIntelligence (History): Giants, Humanoids, Intelligence (Nature): Fey, Oozes, PlantsIntelligence (Religion): Celestials, Elementals, Fiends, UndeadWisdom (Survival): Beasts. A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. The note mentions Gundren Rockseeker and the party, ordering Albrek to waylay or kill anyone who would upset their plans and "not to disappoint me". When Ellaria spoke up to him he silenced her with a sharp punch, knocking her our with ease. Droop, having been ordered to fight, attacked Lhupo from behind and killed him with a scimitar which caused outrage and curses in the Goblin tongue from the remaining enemy Goblin. Having no Potions of Healing of his own, Wobbly looted one from Gwen and gave it to Yamcha to get him back on his feet. They were all bound in rope while Targor and one other Hobgoblin stood watch over them. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. However they were not silent in their approach and were detected by the room's occupants, 5 Bugbears. Now, if a target is restrained by the Web spell or covered in flammable oil. I give you one month to secure my new lair. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points. With the aid of Sister Garaele's elixirs he revived from his catatonic state. Damage, Available For: Lv1 - 3 darts:3d4+3 => min: 6pts | max: 15pts | avg: 10pts, Lv2 - 4 darts:4d4+4 => min: 8pts | max: 20pts | avg: 14pts, Lv3 - 5 darts:5d4+5 => min: 10pts | max: 25pts | avg: 17pts, Lv4 - 6 darts:6d4+6 => min: 12pts | max: 30pts | avg: 21pts, Lv5 - 7 darts:7d4+7 => min: 14pts | max: 35pts | avg: 24pts, Lv6 - 8 darts:8d4+8 => min: 16pts | max: 40pts | avg: 28pts, Lv7 - 9 darts:9d4+9 => min: 18pts | max: 45pts | avg: 31pts, Lv8 - 10 darts:10d4+10 => min: 20pts | max: 50pts | avg: 35pts, Lv9 - 11 darts:11d4+11 => min: 22pts | max: 55pts | avg: 37pts. As morning breaks the following day, the party descends the stairs of the inn at various intervals. Halia also turned over a smoke grenade each to her charges to help their cause while Sister Garaele gave her protege a Tymoran coin wishing her "good luck when she needs it most". The Bugbears caught up with the boys once more and now a fair 2v2 fight kicked off. Warlock. The Nothic tells her its to the South, "much further South than Baulder's Gate", but even the Nothic itself undermines the trustworthiness of its intel. As she retreated to the the East, further into town, the Blights gave chase. Almost a "Nat 30". Deciding not to wait or make camp, the party begin searching for signs of the Orc camp. It depends on the type of advantage. In the midst of conversation, Gwen took the chance to retreat from the castle back to the trees without saying a word. Wobbly was alone in pushing for the later option believing that they would have an extremely difficult time in dealing with a castle full of Goblins and Bugbears, having had such trouble with Klarg but the others feel the pressure of being under the Dragon's foot. Meanwhile, Wobbly takes a chance at sneaking up on the archer Goblin from the front, to no avail, but manages to slay him once he regained his footing. These prisoners included a heavily armored Tiefling male and a female Human in clerical garb. Over breakfast the gang decide to head out to Thundertree to find the Druid as well as follow up on the necklace Mirna Dendrar promised to them. Also making separate attacks for each beam makes it more reliable damage. And that they did, when Wobbly appeared behind the closest Bugbear and attempted to assassinate him. Listening to the newest door, they hear growling and shouting in an unknown language. When you cast an artificer spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spells damage rolls equal to the number rolled. Spell Tags: With a curt not, the townsman left to go about his daily business while the party continued on to see Daran and to learn from him more of this mysterious man. Armorer. did you multiclass, or have you simply homebrewed some more spells for him to take. After over an hour of tracking, the party arrived in a clearing only to find a badly wounded young Elf boy, appearing to be about 14 to 16 years old (by Human standards). d4 three times. Acid, Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Adamantine, Understands the languages of its creator but can't speak. Discussing this with my partner - is damage calculated rolling a d4 three times, or rolling a d4 once and multiplying by 3? We've used this spell creatively from shooting Glarg in the balls to combining it with an attack on an orc. Light Domain As soon as the creature hit the floor with a thud, six more Twig Blights, hungry and desperate for a meal, leap from the weeds within the house and attack Ellaria who had entered the room. Surprised by the slimy creature to say the least, the party threw everything the could at it, including many Yamcha's Fire Breath, Ellaria's Rays of Frost and melee attacks. In a 3rd person, isometric perspective game, sure, give me summons, give me allies. Ellaria was able to stabilize the Dragonborn but not before their new cleric friend passed the point of no return and succumbed to death at her wounds. They find her working in the fields next to her home, the farmhouse the party hide inside while dressed as Red Brands a few nights ago. The legs end in great three-toed feet, the arms in wide, powerful hands with sharpened claws. This is the 228th entry into our chronicle, recorded on Saturday, October 29th, 2022, and released Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 over at heroesrisepodcast.com. After Yamcha uses his Fire Breath to burn a number of the Orcs, his retreating form cause a burning Orc to lash out and cut down his comrade in the chaos. Even Droop manages help the cause and punches one of the orcs at his masters' commands. Arcana Domain Searching another run down shop, the party find themselves in what was once a herbalists store, though nothing of use remained. Wobbly, unfortunately, is caught flat-footed and is swept away with the waves falling prone back at the entrance to the hideout. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried. As Ellaria, Gwen and Droop approach the front of the Western most house they see two small Twig Blights attempting to hide within the weeds. To make sure the remaining wolves say pull, Ellaria uses Mending to replace the rod in the floor. They speak with the bartender of the Stonehill Inn who tells them that on the night they left town the Red Brands set fire to the his building with patrons inside as a reprisal for the patrol they lost that day. The bugbears did not go down quietly though and even trapped in the smoke Wobbly was hit with a very nearly fatal series of blows from them both. As Ellaria begins to search the cistern, Wobbly, ever the prankster, pushed her into the cold water. In need of escort services for his goods, he hired four adventures whom he met while in town to travel with the wagon until they could deliver the goods to Bartrend's Provisions. That's Exactly what I did. As for it being RAI, it isn't. In need of added coin now that Venomfang has most of theirs, Wobbly wished to liquidate some of his gems by visiting the minors exchange. It's better then firebolt because Force is less often resisted then fire. The remainder is stating what they eat and a bit on how they can be stopped - not really a description. The party resolve to feed it Ravaaga's corpse. Scrambling out under his own power, they move forward yet again. Moments later, a heavy crash rang out, it was the sound of the wooden door they had used to enter the kitchen hall being forced shut and seemingly barricaded. With the encounter finished, the party find themselves in a slave pen, where captives of the Red Brands have been held. The following morning, the girls reunite back down in the main lounge of the Inn, fully recovered from the previous day's encounters. Gwen, who had damaged her longsword in the fight, switched it for Grol's morningstar. Now alone in the darkness of the Orcs' cave camp the party collapse for the night. Soon, Targor and his men made their appearance and easily captured both Yamcha and Gwen. After spending a few minutes in the darkness the resounding crash of waves from deep within the stone complex told them they had finally found the Wave Echo Cave at long last. They will leave it up to the party to deal with the banshee. Do note though: Equipped items such as clubs, sticks, lanterns, and so on so forth, are equipped, meaning they are worn by the character. In his attempt to spy on them Wobbly knocked over a number of barrels, including fine Dwarven Brandy, causing the Hobgoblins to investigate. Still unable to impact combat much, Droop is quickly KO'd, as is Gwen after she felled one of the Goblins. Before setting out once more, Ellaria searched the nearby trees for some apples, which she found. Only Wobbly made it as far back as the barracks the party took their last rest in, chased by the Giant Spider it took all his stamina and daring, but he outran his pursuers and escaped the Wave Echo Cave alive, the sole survivor of his party. So fire away my friend, make them burn! Wanting to avoid the throne room right now, the party file through the door to the kitchen, which once once in fact a grand hall, after Gwen's attempt to quietly open the door lead to it creaking on its old hinges. Again, not really. Meet up at the entrance to the previously discovered smuggler's passage leading out of the hideout from the cavernous room. Unhappy with the price offered for the ring, Ellaria refused to sell it and turned the conversation towards her investigation. Entering the room and the darkness, Yamcha used his Fire Breath to burn the creature as well as produce enough light for him and Ellaria to see what they faced for the first time. A double door made with ornate copper, now green with age, lay at the end of the hall. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. He was also able to tell the party that Klarg, the Bugbear in charge of this Goblin group had specific orders to waylay Gundren for the "Black Spider" and the Dwarf and any maps in his possession are to be sent to the chief of the Cragmaws immediately. It also doesn't make any sense whatsoever for immersion reasons. With the party back together again the once more set out about the town to gather possible leads for their investigation, their search having been stalled with the untimely death of Sildar Hallwinter. Upon waking in their respective tents, Ellaria casts Mage Armor upon herself while Ravaaga and Wobbly lay in await to strike out from the darkness. Their questions as to why the Many Arrows are in this particular area have to wait as the party presses on towards the castle. Managed to get 30d6 fire damage over three rounds with this thing and Melf's minute meteors. Deeper into the cave the party found themselves in a natural cavern complete with a murky and dark standing pool. One of the Goblins calls out to his friends in a neighboring chamber but none of the heroes could understand what he was saying. Eat them oh great Dragon! Not long after, now having traveled 5 miles or so from the Triboar Trail, the party exit the wooded area to a clearing, complete with stream and a cave. After retrieving his things, Dicklack took the initiative and entered a room just off of the storeroom to the West, and it was here he almost met his end. driven into the soil with a stake. Searching the bodies of the Orcs showed they were indeed Many-Arrow Kingdom Orcs. The unnamed woman accompanying Harbin and the Sister makes an off of the party to take in Droop to her own home as a personal servant, but Gwen quickly refuses the deal. The goblinoids positioning was set up as if to force the invaders into entering the central room of the castle via the doorway from the entrance hall but against all reason the party fought the ambushes head on. Picture shows 3. Artillerist. Unless, of course, they're not very smart and just want to keep trying to hack the troll apart, then yes. Attempts at questioning the girl proved unfruitful as the ordeal of being captured and imprisoned by Goblins had left her hazy. The fishy smell caused most of the heroes to avoid the waters edge expecting a creature to attack if they got close. It has long and ungainly arms and legs. In a 3rd person, isometric perspective game, sure, give me summons, give me allies. This campaign has ended, but due to an almost Total Party Kill, the outcomes are unknown until uncovered in later adventures. The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. During the rest, Yamcha's case of poisoning took a turn for the worse as he passed out while lying on the Pens' floor. Berserk. CrossGoersDnD Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In consolation he instead gave Ellaria a small satchel filled with five Potions of Healing to aid in her journeys. The Lost Mine of Phandelver is the first D&D Campaign to be played by the team. Once inside, the party realize they have found the armory. Just Curious. This character is not wearing the leaves. But before leaving he used the gifted medical kit he had on him to stabilize Yamcha. You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range. The shock wave of the impact knocked everyone in the room to the ground except for Yamcha, which for just a moment impressed the Dragon. While distracted by their idle conversation both failed to notice the nest of Stirges they passed beneath until they were already set upon by the tiny winged beasts. She successfully escaped as the party tangled with the guard Hobgoblins before killing them. They now know the general area Gundren was digging in with his brothers. View User Profile Send Message Posted Jul 6, 2019. He warns them not to return without completing one of these tasks for him. Both slipped off into unconsciousness out there in the woods. Once again Yamcha was KO'd while in Rage but he absorbed enough of the enemies hits to allow Wobbly to kill the last of the Bugbears and secure the team's survival for at least another few minutes. Wow. Recalling the words of Mirna Dendrar, Ellaria rooted around under the bookshelf and found the old Emerald Necklace as promised. He attuned with them over the course of a short rest while the others prepare to delve into the cave. That is more in line with a Tolkien troll I believe, I don't think there's anything in D&D lore that has them turning to stone by sunlight. All seven of the Blights within the house gang up on her and she is quickly brought down and knocked unconscious by the sheer number of jagged twig claws that assault her. He suggests tricking the Dragon before it can take the new lair but told the party to secure Cragmaw Castle before trying anything. From shooting Glarg in the passing travelers Yamcha and Gwen in with his brothers gwendoline Wood, as Gwen... 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