What is an example sentence with 'bail' and 'bale'? - Answers There arent any notable idioms using bale. Bale vs. Bail - How to Use Each Correctly - EnhanceMyWriting.com Your need will dictate which word to use. While the Indian executives continue to appear in court, Anderson jumped bail and has not presented himself despite repeated summons. Bail is a way to remove water from an area, and also the temporary release of a prisoner. ORIGINAL Welsh wonderkid pokes fun at Gareth Bale As a verb, bail means to set free an accused person through payment of bail, or to help out an individual or organization that's having financial problems. You never expect to have run-ins with the law while traveling, however they do happen every now and again. The short answer to this question is yes. Police would still not confirm that it was Naomi Campbell but did say the woman was released on bail until sometime in December. French Translation of "hay bale" | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Score: 0 / 5. bail or bale? The family paid to bail their son out from jail. how big is a bale of hay? Bail can mean to pay money to temporarily remove someone from jail, to remove water from a boat, or to remove oneself from a responsibility or obligation. Different From or Different Than: Whats the Difference? The boat has a leak! As a verb, bail means to remove water by using a bucket. "Bail to be considered by the High Court in cases of such convicts who have already undergone a Total period of actual imprisonment as under: (i) In cases of life convicts - 10 years (ii) In other cases - where prisoner has undergone more than half of the period of the maximum sentence awarded," it suggested. There was only one of hay left. Bail. In 1539 they refused, on the plea of their privileges, to contribute to a general tax laid on Flanders, and when Charles's sister Mary, the governess of the Netherlands, seized some merchants as bail for the payment, they retaliated by driving out the nobles and the adherents of Charles's government. Bale of Hay or Bail of Hay | Grammarly Blog On the 17th of January he was named on the commission for law reform, of which Hale was the chief; and on the 17th of March 1653, he was pardoned of all delinquency and thus at last made capable of sitting in parliament. It also has an informal connotation of helping someone out of a predicament or clearing water from a boat. Example sentences with Bale. When to use bail: There are three meanings of bail. $25,000 to $50,000. Later he turned to community service for the poor. Bail money was requested before the arrested could be released to his family. Bail is the sum of money paid by an accused person to secure a release from jail while awaiting trial. A mnemonic for bail is to remember that not only does bail rhyme with jail but also shares the last three letters. He told us he would come to dinner with us but he never came. All rights reserved. Beer is made from grains such as barley. Jude remained incarcerated but Owen, facing a lesser charge, was released on bail. But let the timer run out and the customer will bail on you without paying. The boy's parents had to pay $3,000 in bail because he set fire to a bale of hay on a neighbor's farm. It is to use a bucket to dump water out of a ship. , A judge denied bail for the Spanish football federation president, his son and a federation vice president arrested in an anti-corruption probe after taking their testimony on Thursday. Barley is a type of grass, like hay. Dismissing the bail pleas in both the CBI and ED cases last year, a trial court had said that considering the overall facts and circumstances, the serious nature of accusations, the gravity of the . Both words can act as nouns and verbs, but their meanings are unrelated. When to use bale: Bale can be either a noun or a verb. Appearing in court on Tuesday morning, Howley admitted the breaches and was refused bail by honorary sheriff Bill Wright. PDF Act to Provide for the Victims Be Notified When the Person Accused or However, the word bale can also mean a great evil or significant woe or sorrow. Bailout: Being rescued from financial disaster, often by a government. The noun bail refers to money used to arrange the temporary release of a person awaiting a court trial. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Finally, bail also has a connection with the word ail, meaning to be sick. At which time, he will be released on $15,000 bail, and then arraigned on September 19. He was granted bail. Bail money was requested before the arrested could be released to his family. Just as with straw bale homes, straw bale cold frames use the mass of the insulating straw walls to buffer the temperature difference between outside and inside. Bale vs. Boat | the difference - CompareWords Evarts to prosecute Jefferson Davis, whose admission to bail he counselled. You have to come to the party. noun. Of the 3 charged, 1 was police bailed and 2 were refused bail. He was voted guilty by the Commons; but while the Lords were disputing whether the accused peer should have bail, and whether the charges amounted to more than a misdemeanour, parliament was prorogued on the 30th of December and dissolved three weeks later. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "BALE" - english-tagalog translations and search engine for english translations. There are some phrases that use the word bale or bail, including: Hay bale: A bundle of timothy, clover, or alfalfa stems used as animal feed. Bail in a Sentence . Today, it may be more likely to bail someone out of a legal situation or an anxious predicament. Bail Definitions | What does bail mean? | Best 69 Definitions of Bail Rape. Since bail and pail are spelled nearly the same, you . BALE Meaning in Tagalog - English to Filipino Translation What is the meaning of bail and Bale? - Firstlawcomic As a verb, bale means topress (something) together and wrap it into a tight bundle. Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either bail or bale. Bale definition: As a noun, the word bale has two very different denotations. In the case of imprisonment on accusation of crime the writ issued from the court of king's bench (or from the chancery), and on its return the court judged of the legality of the imprisonment, and discharged the prisoner or admitted him to bail or remanded him to his former custody according to the result of the examination. bail in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Dictionary (a) He is free on bail; (b) has been granted a suspended sentence; (c) has been granted parole; (d) is enjoying a pass in the community; or (e) has escaped from the institution where he has been confined. Nordquist, Richard. Today, it may be more likely to bail someone out of a legal situation or an anxious predicament. (noun), Baling the hay took more time and energy than the new farmhand had expected. The third and final meaning is a verb as well. If a raft was made with hay from a bale, you couldn't bail the water fast . Examples Of Using " Bail" And " Bale" To begin, let's take a look at a few example sentences that use the word " bail" as idioms, nouns, and verbs: Before sentencing began, the criminal's bail was posted to be over half a million dollars! After posting bail, Wahler was released from the King County Jail. Wellbeing or Well-Being Which is Correct? In order to avoid embarrassing predicaments like the one above, continue reading for an explanation of the differences between homophones bail and bale. This is because there is a popular folk song that has this line. Rhys-Meyers was then arrested and released on bail. Because the pile of charges Barry faces are not violent including grand larceny, petty larceny and fraudulent accosting judges were not allowed to send him to jail while the cases were awaiting trial. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) The alleged shooter facing possible hate crime charges in the fatal shooting of five people at a Colorado Springs gay . . to corner somebody physically. (13) The plane exploded before Forrest could bail out. The verb bale is simply to make a bale. B.C. bail policy change raises Charter concerns Those remanded in custody awaiting trial or required to live in a bail hostel are entitled to housing benefit for up to 52 weeks. Bale is a noun that means a large bundle of goods, like paper or hay. Bale . A large package of raw or finished material tightly bound with twine or wire and often wrapped: a bale of hay. Bail Out - Bale Out - Bail Out Meaning - Bale Out Examples - Bail Out in a Sentence - Phrasal Verbshttp://www.iswearenglish.com/ https://www.facebook.com/isw. Once this rapport is established, the person may experience a financial hardship such as not being able to pay a bill or needing money to bail a beloved family member out of prison. "At $10 a bale I can't afford it". Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/bail-and-bale-1689311. Even though Sizemore is currently being held on $20,000 bail, word is that he still plans on being apart of the cast for the upcoming season of Sober House. The total number of persons on police bail now stands at twenty two. This reflects an increasing number and proportion of accused granted bail among persons indicted into the High Court. The actor was booked at the police station in Hollywood and was released a few hours later after posting bail in the amount of $25,000. The bales will be shipped out to various facilities some in Florida and others across the Southeast and made into other products. You may be subject to strict bail conditions, which . Bail: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE We used to go there to bail out the old man. As a noun, bail means the temporary release of a prisoner. What is a sentence using the words bail - bale? - Answers Use of pre-charge bail is a critical element in the success of CPS lawyers at the point of charge. They invaded Europe about 1237 under the leadership of Bail Khan, a younger son of Juji, eldest son of Jenghiz Khan, passed over Russia with slaughter and destruction, and penetrated into Silesia, Poland and Hungary, finally defeating Henry II., duke of Silesia, at Liegnitz in the battle known as the Wahlstatt on the 9th of April 1241. Advice How to Use Each Correctly, Color vs. Colour How to Use Each Correctly, To vs. Too vs. Two How to Use Each Correctly, Stationary vs. Stationery How to Use Each Correctly, Patients vs. Patience How to Use Each Correctly, Everyday vs. Every Day How to Use Each Correctly, When the students went on a hayride, they sat on bales of straw. :: noun. 4. The Mooneys have appealed their sentences and are free on bail. On the 6th of December he protested with three other peers against the measure sent up from the Commons enforcing the disarming of all convicted recusants and taking bail from them to keep the peace; he was the only peer to dissent from the motion declaring the existence of an Irish plot; and though believing in the guilt and voting for the death of Lord Stafford, he interceded, according to his own account, 3 with the king for him as well as for Langhorne and Plunket. Bail vs Bale: How to Choose the Right Word. "A bale wrapper is also disclosed". In 1742 Anand Rao received Dhar as a fief from Bail Rao, the peshwa, the victory of the Mahrattas thus restoring the sovereign power to the family which seven centuries before had been expelled from this very city and country. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. The alleged shooter facing possible hate crime charges in the fatal shooting of five people at a Colorado Springs gay nightclub was ordered held without bail in an . It is also related to the word jail, since a person who needs bail gets released from jail. The accused murderer is very rich, so the bail is $1,000,000. Christopher bailed on us last night. Bale vs. Previously, bankruptcy law abuses happened by both businesses and consumers who opted to bail out of the sinking debt ships they recklessly created, leaving small business owner-creditors holding the bag. Patients: How to Choose the Right Word, Fair vs. bail. "Bail vs Bale: How to Choose the Right Word." . He was released on bail on the 1st of December. driven or drove? 2. Despite having the same pronunciation, they are very different words and cannot be used interchangeably. In Jenkes's case (1676) Lord Chancellor Nottingham refused to issue the writ in vacation in a case in which a man had been committed by the king in council for a speech at Guildhall, and could get neither bail nor trial. Bail 39 A court can remand a defendant in custody, or can grant bail, with or without conditions. In the sentence where John was about to learn that hay fever isn't the worst thing hay can do to you, we've used bail and bale incorrectly. Bail vs Bond: What's the Difference? - Felonies.org In the meantime, Dmitry is free on US$50,000 bail but may not leave northern California. to bail on someone: to make plans with someone and then cancel. . Liu Tsz-man, one of 12 Hongkongers who attempted to flee to Taiwan via a speedboat but was captured by mainland Chinese authorities two years ago, has been granted bail pending an appeal against . Average Bail Amounts by Crime - How much is bail for different crimes? In 1817 the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended, and Sidmouth issued a circular to the lordslieutenant declaring that magistrates might apprehend and hold to bail persons accused on oath of seditious libels. Bail Out - Bale Out - Bail Out Meaning - Bale Out Examples - Bail Out ThoughtCo. Jon, help me bail out the canoe, before we sink. They were remanded on conditional bail to appear in Southwark Crown Court. to jump bail: to run away after being released from jail on bail. Bale Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Covid-19: Hongkongers throwing out 1.5 million rapid tests a day Colorado gay club shooting suspect held without bail 16 contains a provision empowering the chief governor and privy council of Ireland by a proclamation under the great seal of Ireland to suspend the act during such time only as there shall be an actual invasion or rebellion in Ireland; and it is enacted that during the currency of the proclamation no judge or justices shall bail or try any person charged with being concerned in the rebellion or invasion without an order from the lord lieutenant or lord deputy and senior of the privy council. Bail is a noun, meaning a security given for release from jail or to help out of a predicament. However, its a good idea to add some basic legal vocabulary and expressions to your Spanish repertoire before you set out. Therefore, remembering these related words with the same ending can help you always know when to use bail. British Columbia's updated policy on bail, aimed at keeping dangerous offenders off the street, is raising the concern of legal and civil liberties experts who say it upends . However, people may use the verb pick with bale, as in pick a bale of cotton. Translations in context of "BALE" in english-tagalog. He poses a threat to the public and should be denied bail. Dog the Bounty Hunter was banned from entering UK over his involvement The requirement was stipulated in his bail conditions, a top prosecutor said on Tuesday. An example of a bale is 100 pounds of hay. I will use each word in an example sentence, so you can see them in the proper context. Why are court records sealed in the Delphi, Indiana murders of Libby After posting bail, Wahler was released from the King County Jail. Example sentences with Bale - Power Thesaurus The verb is to pay the bail. (3) The ball's lost, but Tiago gifts it back to Bale, who makes for the Atltico area with great purpose. It is possible a person bailed on his or her friends because of an illness. It is also a transitive verb showing the act of making into a bundle. Whats the Difference Between Bale and Bail? The effect of the act was to impose upon the judges under severe sanction the duty of protecting personal liberty in the case of criminal charges and of securing speedy trial upon such charges when legally framed; and the improvement of their tenure of office at the revolution, coupled with the veto put by the Bill of Rights on excessive bail, gave the judicature the independence and authority necessary to enable them to keep the executive within the law and to restrain administrative development of the scope or penalties of the criminal law; and this power of the judiciary to control the executive, coupled with the limitations on the right to set up "act of state" as an excuse for infringing individual liberty is the special characteristic of English constitutional law. The verb bail also means to scoop water out of a boat or . For some time all appeals to the king, to parliament, and to the courts of justice were unavailing; but on the 12th of February 1684 his application to Chief Justice Jeffreys was at last successful, and he was set at liberty on finding bail to the amount of X40,000, to appear in the House of Lords in the following session. The boat continued to fill with water despite all the people trying to ___________ it out. The police arrested Brolin and he was later released on $20,000 bail. Coke published Institutes (1628), of which the first is also known as Coke upon Littleton; Reports (1600-1615), in thirteen parts; A Treatise of Bail and AI ainprize (1635); The Complete Copyholder (1630); A Reading on Fines and Recoveries (1684). Towards: How to Choose the Right Word, Gray or Grey: How to Choose the Right Word, Shear vs. Sheer: How to Choose the Right Word, Aid vs. Aide: How to Choose the Right Word, Straight vs. Strait: How to Choose the Right Word, Roll vs. Role: How to Choose the Right Word, There, Their, and They're: How to Choose the Right Word, To, Too, and Two: How to Choose the Right Word, Real vs Reel: How to Choose the Right Word, Patience vs. Bail ends with the letters ail. To make up in a bale. It is most common to use this word in the context of agriculture. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, thoughtco.com/bail-and-bale-1689311. (verb). For example, if you ask someone to bale you out of a situation and he or she takes you literally, you may find yourself in the back of a truck, packed into a tight bundle, and tied securely with twine. The noun bale refers to a large bundle, usually one that has been tightly wrapped and bound. Similarly one may ask, is it bale out or bail out? Chris Brown reportedly turned himself into the police the next evening and then left after posting $50,000 bail. When the other players get into trouble, we bail them out with yours and my tax money. We have California DUI statistics; bail amounts, the range of fines, restitution amounts, penalty assessments, jail time and more ! Some states like California have $100,000 minimum bail; otherwise $25,000 for attempted rape or 2nd-degree rape and $50,000 for rape in the 1st-degree. , The soundtrack for all this Sunday morning splendor was the jovial banging of percussion instruments and jingle-jangle of ankle bells as a motley party marched uphill to the straw-bale house that composer Lou Harrison had built toward the end of his life. Use bale in a sentence | The best 77 bale sentence examples (Adjective), After a long days labor, the farm workers baled 200 bundles of hay. Susan kundrat becomes even more for your business bail bonds used. You can apply to the court where you must surrender, to vary or revoke some of your bail conditions. He was released on bail, and in February 1683, after the flight and death of Shaftesbury, he openly broke the implied conditions of his bail by paying a third visit to Chichester with Lord Grey and others on pretence of a hunting expedition. "Bail vs Bale: How to Choose the Right Word." Nordquist, Richard. Copyright Queens, NY English Society | All rights reserved, Advise vs. On the other hand, a bond company can post a bond to ensure the defendant's release. Bale and bail are homophones, which means that they sound exactly alike but have different meanings and spellings. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. The hay baler baled 99 bales of hay, then blew a gasket. A vast intended meeting was proclaimed unlawful, and in October 1843 O'Connell was arrested and held to bail, with ten or twelve of his principal followers. Dog the Bounty Hunter - A show about Dog, a bail bondsman and his family business of catching the bad guys. One _____ of straw will cover an average of 900 square feet. What is an example sentence with 'bail' and 'bale'? Target 25% of bail and remand hearings in respect of young offenders to be conducted by live video link. After his arrest, bail was set at $2 million. "At worst, you'll sit on a hay bale and sulk". Is it bail or bale? In order to get out of jail temporary, the accused tax evader had to pay a hefty bail bond. - Five bales :: noun. Prisoners were remanded for further inquiries, bail being refused. Bale vs. Bail - The Correct Way to Use Each | Confusing Words What is the difference between bail and Bale? - Sage-Advices An example of a bale is a pile of hay tied together. But Hale did not confine himself to law. Throughout the storm, the fishermen _____ frantically, cast out hooks, give their lines a jerk, and haul in more fish from the sea. (11) You don't want to bail out anybody. What does bail mean? Associated Press. In this March 12, 2015, file photo, plastic trash is compacted into bales ready for further processing at the waste processing dump on the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus. Examples of bail in a sentence, how to use it. Quick, find a bucket to bail out the boat! Bail vs Bale: How to Choose the Right Word - ThoughtCo The verb bail also means to scoop water out of a boat or to run away from a difficult situation. Both men were released with Tyson having to post a reported $20,000 bail. Definitions of Bail and Bale. Bail Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary See full answer to your question here. and As a noun, bale refers to the tight packages of material that are the end product of the above process. Get into trouble, we bail them out with yours and my tax money time and bail and bale in a sentence being... Remanded on conditional bail to appear in Southwark Crown court he was released... 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