in politics and public life Hide. The 2016 Labour Party leadership election was called when a challenge to Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party arose following criticism of his approach to the Remain campaign in the referendum on membership of the European Union and questions about his leadership of the party.. Analytics cookies help us understand how our website is being used. Our programmes are designed to help everyone in the NHS discover their full leadership potential and achieve the highest standards in health and care BAME Percentages have been rounded to 1 decimal point. (csv) are based on requests from users and partners so if you have an idea for a new report please email Other ethnic group by household type (CSV) WebTo better understand the disparities, it is important to examine and recognise the increasingly diverse population of the UK. They made up 4% of looked after children, and 1% of those who wereadopted. posted on Adopted and looked-after children You can change your cookie settings at any time. (csv) By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children), for By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children), Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children), for Unemployment The data does not include young people held in police custody. Please note that the 2011 Census data is our most recent official statistic for population by ethnic group. UK In a series of articles, Insight authors are examining the impact of Covid-19 on different demographic groups; the current article focuses on the economics of Covid-19 and the BAME population. The percentage difference in median hourly pay between people of a White ethnicity and all those who belong to an ethnic minority group is largest in London at 21.7%. 5 out of 11 supermarkets now have targets for healthier food sales. It includes both employed and self-employed people. Programmes The following indicators have been added to the local authority health profiles: The following indicators have been removed from thelocal authority health profiles: The following indicators have been updated in the online tool to reflect the latest data: The following indicators have been updated in the online tool to reflect the latest data. Mediagazer presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. In October 2018, BAME Labour endorsed Vaughan Gething for the Welsh Labour Party leadership election. WebThe percentage of young people aged 5-15 with depression or anxiety increased from 3.9% in 2004 to 5.8% in 2017 (6) About 20% of young people with mental ill health wait more than six months to receive care from a specialist (8) In a 2018 OECD survey of 15-year-olds, the UK ranked 29th for life satisfaction, out of a total of 30 OECD countries (9) This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, year, legal basis for detention, offence group, value, number, Publication release date: There was a decrease in the percentage of young people sentenced for breaching a statutory order from year ending March 2013 onwards. This was updated last December and recommends that, wherever possible, we should use the specific ethnic classifications of the census. The following indicators have been added to the online tool: The previous indicator for physically active adults has been retained and is re-titled with historic method. Department for Work and Pensions, 2022 That's 27 per Data in the online tool are grouped into seven domains. Source data for By ethnicity and legislation (CSV). WebFind out more about our vision for transforming the food system and meet the team Service users are not keen on these terminologies. 30 KB, in a residential setting, like a school or secure unit, the childs characteristics, such as whether the child lives with a disability, how many people are looking to adopt children, the number of children starting to be looked after, and the number stopping, children who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation, children who were placed for adoption, who were adopted and the average time between stages of the adoption process. Now I am getting really confused now. And a time would come soon when those (anyone) that they are trying to work with, will soon lose patience with the whole process and just 'turn-off' their interest; and that could take years to re-connect. UK UK Source data for By ethnicity (looked-after and adopted children) (CSV). The percentage for the Asian other ethnic group is similarly high (42%). Comment by there were 80,080 looked-after children (children in care) in England on 31 March 2020, compared with 69,470 in 2015. the number of looked-after children who were adopted during the year went down from 5,360 in 2015 to 3,440 in 2020 and the percentage of children that stopped being looked after because they were adopted went down from 17% to 12% 9. Data is shown for the 16 ethnic groups used in the [2001 Census] and 2 extra ethnic groups: In some places, data is shown for the following 5 aggregated ethnic groups: This is to make sure numbers are large enough to be reliable. The data shows that, in the 2 years to March 2019: Download table data for The Census is carried out every 10 years. The data is based on a snapshot taken on 31 March every year unless noted otherwise. You can change your cookie settings at any time. 42 KB, Adoptions data by Age and Gender A summary of responses to the Health Profiles user survey 2017 has been uploaded to the FAQ section. uk Figures are shown separately for this group in the data by ethnicity over time. Households with dependent children by ethnicity, for Households with dependent children by ethnicity, Summary of Families and households Households with dependent children by ethnicity, for Household types by ethnicity, Summary of Families and households Household types by ethnicity, for This data only includes the years April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021. Inspiring Change in Food Business & Investment. Dependent children are under 15 years old, or 16 to 18 years old and in full-time education. The data is used to form a national picture of the trends in arrests and stop and search. Due to the different ethnic group categories used in the 2 most recent years of data, they are not comparable with previous years. Total numbers of children are rounded to the nearest 10. Something about using such a term, all be it for laudable purposes with regard equality, struck me as somewhat mis-guided Could we not simply plump for 'anonymous' perhaps? As civil servants, we need to be as precise as we can in our language when describing different ethnic groups. See revisions log for details. A summary of responses to the Health Profiles user survey 2018 has been uploaded to theFAQ section. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. And furthermore - other countries will have their own versions too Can't we just - RACE (Respect All and Consider Everyone) - rather than creating more confusions? 3 April 2019, From: Download table data for Language matters but what is most important is the removal of barriers and we need to stay united and focused on this issue! We use this information to make the website work as well as possible. Chart: Percentage of UK domiciled young full-time first degree entrants from state schools by academic year 1998/99 - 2017/18 Chart: Percentage of UK domiciled young full-time first degree entrants from low participation neighbourhoods by academic year 1998/99 - 2017/18: HESA: Widening participation The 2017 pdf Health Profiles have been released. UK They pull together existing information in one place and contain data on a range of indicators for local populations, highlighting issues that can affect health in each locality. Census data gives the government the information it needs to plan and run public services. what percentage of the uk This sets out an action plan intended to tackle negative disparities, promote unity and build a fairer Britain for all. 3.9% of teachers were from the White Other ethnic group, the second highest percentage after the White British group; 92.9% of headteachers were White British; three-quarters of teachers were women, and there were more female than Dr Bernard Horsford The gap between the highest and lowest performing regions in England when it comes to adult education participation is continuing to widen putting the governments levelling up plans at risk, according to new research.. And on top of this, the data shows stark social class divides persist as adults in lower socio-economic groups are twice as likely to not have Unemployment The following indicators have been updated to reflect the latest data: Average attainment 8 score (sourced from Child and Maternal Health profiles) This is because different ethnic group categories were used, meaning data is not comparable with previous years. Source data for By ethnicity and area (CSV). Therefore, the profiles will no longer be badged as Official Statistics. The data measures the number and percentage of people in England, Scotland and Wales who are unemployed. The UK National Screening Committee (BAME) or disadvantaged percentage of challenges appearing in top 3 selection for the 3 patient groups and healthcare professionals. The data measures the percentage of people from each ethnic group who work in a particular industry or sector in the UK. Whilst I appreciate the rationale for replacing the term BAME and the need for greater clarity, I am not sure that the term has itself was ever the cause in the lack of progress in the Racial Equality space! March 2020. In December, the, and other UK broadcasters said they would no longer use the term BAME. Exactly Emmanuel.. We create our own divides by simply not respecting each other. In 2019, a higher than average percentage of children in state-funded schools from Chinese, Indian and Bangladeshi groups achieved strong passes in English and Maths GCSEs. Source data for White ethnic group by household type (CSV), Download table data for Data withheld to protect Student Data Emmanuel O Percentages of all under-18 year olds are taken from the 2011 Census. By ethnicity and area (CSV) Comment by Other things being equal, support for leave was 30 percentage points higher among those with GCSE qualifications or below than it was for people with a degree. Two thirds of MPs support the expansion of Free School Meals, Leaders at 10 major food companies back Free School Meals campaign. Thank you Richard Laux and Summer Nisar for explaining the changes in respect to the way that we talk and write about race and ethnicity. Firstly, it assumes that everyone who does not identify as White is a minority which is not true globally. For example, 45% of stop and searches of black people in the year ending March 2021 were assigned to the black other ethnic group. This followed, by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity which found a lack of trust around the term, with some arguing that it allowed organisations to average out and hide a lack of representation or overlook issues faced by particular, How wonder of workplace adjustments made life easier. 3 MB, in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, there were 697,405 stop and searches in England and Wales (excluding vehicle searches), there were 12.4 stop and searches for every 1,000 people, down from 24.8 per 1,000 people in the year ending March 2010, there were 7.5 stop and searches for every 1,000 white people, compared with 52.6 for every 1,000 black people, almost half of all stop and searches took place in the Metropolitan Police force area in London, there were 38.1 stop and searches for every 1,000 people in London, the highest rate out of all police force areas, London had the highest stop and search rates for all ethnic groups, how many stop and searches there were for every 1,000 people in each ethnic group (the rate), the number of stop and searches by ethnicity and police force area, stop and search rates rounded to 2 decimal places, the number of stop and searches with unreported ethnicity, stop and search data for the years April 2006 to March 2009, the number of stop and searches by legislation over time, there were 697,405 stop and searches in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, a rate of 12.4 per 1,000 people, there were 17.5 stop and searches per 1,000 people with mixed ethnicity, and 17.8 per 1,000 Asian people, black Caribbean, black other and Asian other ethnic groups had the highest rates of stop and search out of all 18 individual ethnic groups, the black other group had the highest rate overall with 158 stop and searches per 1,000 people this group includes people who did not identify as black African or black Caribbean, or were not recorded as such, the national stop and search rate went up for the first time since 2009 to 2010, from 5.3 to 6.7 stop and searches per 1,000 people, rates of stop and search went up in every ethnic group, the national rate went down from 24.8 to 6.7 per 1,000 people, the rate for white people was lower than the national rate in every year, the rates for the Asian, black, and mixed ethnic groups were higher than the national rate in every year, the Chinese and mixed white and Asian ethnic groups had the lowest rates out of all 16 ethnic groups in most years, the black Caribbean and black Other groups consistently had the highest rates, the national stop and search rate went up from 10.6 to 12.8 stop and searches per 1,000 people, rates went up in every ethnic group except the black Caribbean and black African groups where they fell, and in the Chinese ethnic group, where they stayed broadly the same, the rate for white people was lower than the national rate in both years, the rates for the Asian, black, and mixed ethnic groups were higher than the national rate in both years, the Chinese and Arab ethnic groups had the lowest rates out of all 18 ethnic groups in both years, the black other group consistently had the highest rates, the Metropolitan Police in London made almost half (45%) of all stop and searches in England and Wales, there were 38.1 stop and searches for every 1,000 people in London, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 people in the rest of England and Wales, there were 69.5 stop and searches for every 1,000 black people in London, compared with 28.8 per 1,000 black people in the rest of England and Wales, London had the highest rates for all ethnic groups except for the mixed and white ethnic groups (where the rates were highest in Merseyside), black people in Dorset were stopped and searched at a rate nearly 20 times higher than white people the biggest relative difference between white people and another ethnic group, in West Mercia black people were stopped and searched at a rate nearly 14 times higher than white people, and in Warwickshire at a rate over 13 times higher, the rate for Asian people in West Mercia was over 5 times higher than the rate for white people, the rate for people with mixed ethnicity was nearly 4 times the rate for white people in Warwickshire, Derbyshire, and Gloucestershire, Derbyshire and Wiltshire had the lowest overall rates, section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (and associated legislation including section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971) the police can stop and search someone they think is carrying items like stolen property or drugs, section 44/47A of the Terrorism Act 2000 the police can stop and search someone if they suspect an act of terrorism is about to take place (after authorisation by a senior officer), section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 the police can stop and search someone within an authorised area to prevent violence involving weapons, 99% of all stop and searches in England and Wales were under section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1% of stop and searches were under section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, no stop and searches were conducted under section 44/47A of the Terrorism Act, so data isnt included in the chart and table, there were 9,126 stop and searches under section 60, 3,272 section 60 stop and searches involved white people, the highest number out of all ethnic groups for this legislation (35.9% of all section 60 stops), 1,750 section 60 stop and searches involved black people (19.2% of all section 60 stops), 2,561 section 60 stop and searches involved people with unknown ethnicity (28.1% of all section 60 stops). 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Find information about the experiences and outcomes of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. I would say it is the mind set of people that is the problem. Find out more about supporting our work, sign-up to one of our upcoming events, get in touch or come and work with us. WebThe population of the United Kingdom was estimated at over 67.0 million in 2020. in politics and public life Hide. The 2016 Labour Party leadership election was called when a challenge to Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party arose following criticism of his approach to the Remain campaign in the referendum on membership of the European Union and questions about his leadership of the party.. Analytics cookies help us understand how our website is being used. Our programmes are designed to help everyone in the NHS discover their full leadership potential and achieve the highest standards in health and care BAME Percentages have been rounded to 1 decimal point. (csv) are based on requests from users and partners so if you have an idea for a new report please email Other ethnic group by household type (CSV) WebTo better understand the disparities, it is important to examine and recognise the increasingly diverse population of the UK. They made up 4% of looked after children, and 1% of those who wereadopted. posted on Adopted and looked-after children You can change your cookie settings at any time. (csv) By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children), for By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children), Summary of Adopted and looked-after children By ethnicity and gender over time (looked-after and adopted children), for Unemployment The data does not include young people held in police custody. Please note that the 2011 Census data is our most recent official statistic for population by ethnic group. UK In a series of articles, Insight authors are examining the impact of Covid-19 on different demographic groups; the current article focuses on the economics of Covid-19 and the BAME population. The percentage difference in median hourly pay between people of a White ethnicity and all those who belong to an ethnic minority group is largest in London at 21.7%. 5 out of 11 supermarkets now have targets for healthier food sales. It includes both employed and self-employed people. Programmes The following indicators have been added to the local authority health profiles: The following indicators have been removed from thelocal authority health profiles: The following indicators have been updated in the online tool to reflect the latest data: The following indicators have been updated in the online tool to reflect the latest data. Mediagazer presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. In October 2018, BAME Labour endorsed Vaughan Gething for the Welsh Labour Party leadership election. WebThe percentage of young people aged 5-15 with depression or anxiety increased from 3.9% in 2004 to 5.8% in 2017 (6) About 20% of young people with mental ill health wait more than six months to receive care from a specialist (8) In a 2018 OECD survey of 15-year-olds, the UK ranked 29th for life satisfaction, out of a total of 30 OECD countries (9) This file contains the following: measure, ethnicity, year, legal basis for detention, offence group, value, number, Publication release date: There was a decrease in the percentage of young people sentenced for breaching a statutory order from year ending March 2013 onwards. This was updated last December and recommends that, wherever possible, we should use the specific ethnic classifications of the census. The following indicators have been added to the online tool: The previous indicator for physically active adults has been retained and is re-titled with historic method. Department for Work and Pensions, 2022 That's 27 per Data in the online tool are grouped into seven domains. Source data for By ethnicity and legislation (CSV). WebFind out more about our vision for transforming the food system and meet the team Service users are not keen on these terminologies. 30 KB, in a residential setting, like a school or secure unit, the childs characteristics, such as whether the child lives with a disability, how many people are looking to adopt children, the number of children starting to be looked after, and the number stopping, children who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation, children who were placed for adoption, who were adopted and the average time between stages of the adoption process. Now I am getting really confused now. And a time would come soon when those (anyone) that they are trying to work with, will soon lose patience with the whole process and just 'turn-off' their interest; and that could take years to re-connect. UK UK Source data for By ethnicity (looked-after and adopted children) (CSV). The percentage for the Asian other ethnic group is similarly high (42%). Comment by there were 80,080 looked-after children (children in care) in England on 31 March 2020, compared with 69,470 in 2015. the number of looked-after children who were adopted during the year went down from 5,360 in 2015 to 3,440 in 2020 and the percentage of children that stopped being looked after because they were adopted went down from 17% to 12% 9. Data is shown for the 16 ethnic groups used in the [2001 Census] and 2 extra ethnic groups: In some places, data is shown for the following 5 aggregated ethnic groups: This is to make sure numbers are large enough to be reliable. The data shows that, in the 2 years to March 2019: Download table data for The Census is carried out every 10 years. The data is based on a snapshot taken on 31 March every year unless noted otherwise. You can change your cookie settings at any time. 42 KB, Adoptions data by Age and Gender A summary of responses to the Health Profiles user survey 2017 has been uploaded to the FAQ section. uk Figures are shown separately for this group in the data by ethnicity over time. Households with dependent children by ethnicity, for Households with dependent children by ethnicity, Summary of Families and households Households with dependent children by ethnicity, for Household types by ethnicity, Summary of Families and households Household types by ethnicity, for This data only includes the years April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021. Inspiring Change in Food Business & Investment. Dependent children are under 15 years old, or 16 to 18 years old and in full-time education. The data is used to form a national picture of the trends in arrests and stop and search. Due to the different ethnic group categories used in the 2 most recent years of data, they are not comparable with previous years. Total numbers of children are rounded to the nearest 10. Something about using such a term, all be it for laudable purposes with regard equality, struck me as somewhat mis-guided Could we not simply plump for 'anonymous' perhaps? As civil servants, we need to be as precise as we can in our language when describing different ethnic groups. See revisions log for details. A summary of responses to the Health Profiles user survey 2018 has been uploaded to theFAQ section. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. And furthermore - other countries will have their own versions too Can't we just - RACE (Respect All and Consider Everyone) - rather than creating more confusions? 3 April 2019, From: Download table data for Language matters but what is most important is the removal of barriers and we need to stay united and focused on this issue! We use this information to make the website work as well as possible. Chart: Percentage of UK domiciled young full-time first degree entrants from state schools by academic year 1998/99 - 2017/18 Chart: Percentage of UK domiciled young full-time first degree entrants from low participation neighbourhoods by academic year 1998/99 - 2017/18: HESA: Widening participation The 2017 pdf Health Profiles have been released. UK They pull together existing information in one place and contain data on a range of indicators for local populations, highlighting issues that can affect health in each locality. Census data gives the government the information it needs to plan and run public services. what percentage of the uk This sets out an action plan intended to tackle negative disparities, promote unity and build a fairer Britain for all. 3.9% of teachers were from the White Other ethnic group, the second highest percentage after the White British group; 92.9% of headteachers were White British; three-quarters of teachers were women, and there were more female than Dr Bernard Horsford The gap between the highest and lowest performing regions in England when it comes to adult education participation is continuing to widen putting the governments levelling up plans at risk, according to new research.. And on top of this, the data shows stark social class divides persist as adults in lower socio-economic groups are twice as likely to not have Unemployment The following indicators have been updated to reflect the latest data: Average attainment 8 score (sourced from Child and Maternal Health profiles) This is because different ethnic group categories were used, meaning data is not comparable with previous years. Source data for By ethnicity and area (CSV). Therefore, the profiles will no longer be badged as Official Statistics. The data measures the number and percentage of people in England, Scotland and Wales who are unemployed. The UK National Screening Committee (BAME) or disadvantaged percentage of challenges appearing in top 3 selection for the 3 patient groups and healthcare professionals. The data measures the percentage of people from each ethnic group who work in a particular industry or sector in the UK. Whilst I appreciate the rationale for replacing the term BAME and the need for greater clarity, I am not sure that the term has itself was ever the cause in the lack of progress in the Racial Equality space! March 2020. In December, the, and other UK broadcasters said they would no longer use the term BAME. Exactly Emmanuel.. We create our own divides by simply not respecting each other. In 2019, a higher than average percentage of children in state-funded schools from Chinese, Indian and Bangladeshi groups achieved strong passes in English and Maths GCSEs. Source data for White ethnic group by household type (CSV), Download table data for Data withheld to protect Student Data Emmanuel O Percentages of all under-18 year olds are taken from the 2011 Census. By ethnicity and area (CSV) Comment by Other things being equal, support for leave was 30 percentage points higher among those with GCSE qualifications or below than it was for people with a degree. Two thirds of MPs support the expansion of Free School Meals, Leaders at 10 major food companies back Free School Meals campaign. Thank you Richard Laux and Summer Nisar for explaining the changes in respect to the way that we talk and write about race and ethnicity. Firstly, it assumes that everyone who does not identify as White is a minority which is not true globally. For example, 45% of stop and searches of black people in the year ending March 2021 were assigned to the black other ethnic group. This followed, by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity which found a lack of trust around the term, with some arguing that it allowed organisations to average out and hide a lack of representation or overlook issues faced by particular, How wonder of workplace adjustments made life easier. 3 MB, in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, there were 697,405 stop and searches in England and Wales (excluding vehicle searches), there were 12.4 stop and searches for every 1,000 people, down from 24.8 per 1,000 people in the year ending March 2010, there were 7.5 stop and searches for every 1,000 white people, compared with 52.6 for every 1,000 black people, almost half of all stop and searches took place in the Metropolitan Police force area in London, there were 38.1 stop and searches for every 1,000 people in London, the highest rate out of all police force areas, London had the highest stop and search rates for all ethnic groups, how many stop and searches there were for every 1,000 people in each ethnic group (the rate), the number of stop and searches by ethnicity and police force area, stop and search rates rounded to 2 decimal places, the number of stop and searches with unreported ethnicity, stop and search data for the years April 2006 to March 2009, the number of stop and searches by legislation over time, there were 697,405 stop and searches in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, a rate of 12.4 per 1,000 people, there were 17.5 stop and searches per 1,000 people with mixed ethnicity, and 17.8 per 1,000 Asian people, black Caribbean, black other and Asian other ethnic groups had the highest rates of stop and search out of all 18 individual ethnic groups, the black other group had the highest rate overall with 158 stop and searches per 1,000 people this group includes people who did not identify as black African or black Caribbean, or were not recorded as such, the national stop and search rate went up for the first time since 2009 to 2010, from 5.3 to 6.7 stop and searches per 1,000 people, rates of stop and search went up in every ethnic group, the national rate went down from 24.8 to 6.7 per 1,000 people, the rate for white people was lower than the national rate in every year, the rates for the Asian, black, and mixed ethnic groups were higher than the national rate in every year, the Chinese and mixed white and Asian ethnic groups had the lowest rates out of all 16 ethnic groups in most years, the black Caribbean and black Other groups consistently had the highest rates, the national stop and search rate went up from 10.6 to 12.8 stop and searches per 1,000 people, rates went up in every ethnic group except the black Caribbean and black African groups where they fell, and in the Chinese ethnic group, where they stayed broadly the same, the rate for white people was lower than the national rate in both years, the rates for the Asian, black, and mixed ethnic groups were higher than the national rate in both years, the Chinese and Arab ethnic groups had the lowest rates out of all 18 ethnic groups in both years, the black other group consistently had the highest rates, the Metropolitan Police in London made almost half (45%) of all stop and searches in England and Wales, there were 38.1 stop and searches for every 1,000 people in London, compared with 8.1 per 1,000 people in the rest of England and Wales, there were 69.5 stop and searches for every 1,000 black people in London, compared with 28.8 per 1,000 black people in the rest of England and Wales, London had the highest rates for all ethnic groups except for the mixed and white ethnic groups (where the rates were highest in Merseyside), black people in Dorset were stopped and searched at a rate nearly 20 times higher than white people the biggest relative difference between white people and another ethnic group, in West Mercia black people were stopped and searched at a rate nearly 14 times higher than white people, and in Warwickshire at a rate over 13 times higher, the rate for Asian people in West Mercia was over 5 times higher than the rate for white people, the rate for people with mixed ethnicity was nearly 4 times the rate for white people in Warwickshire, Derbyshire, and Gloucestershire, Derbyshire and Wiltshire had the lowest overall rates, section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (and associated legislation including section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971) the police can stop and search someone they think is carrying items like stolen property or drugs, section 44/47A of the Terrorism Act 2000 the police can stop and search someone if they suspect an act of terrorism is about to take place (after authorisation by a senior officer), section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 the police can stop and search someone within an authorised area to prevent violence involving weapons, 99% of all stop and searches in England and Wales were under section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1% of stop and searches were under section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, no stop and searches were conducted under section 44/47A of the Terrorism Act, so data isnt included in the chart and table, there were 9,126 stop and searches under section 60, 3,272 section 60 stop and searches involved white people, the highest number out of all ethnic groups for this legislation (35.9% of all section 60 stops), 1,750 section 60 stop and searches involved black people (19.2% of all section 60 stops), 2,561 section 60 stop and searches involved people with unknown ethnicity (28.1% of all section 60 stops). 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