Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's Shenandoah [Maps illustrating campaign of Gen. T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Meanwhile I was having a remarkable time with our mules in the ravineNews came up the line from the left that Winder's brigade near the river was giving way. This plan of battle was carried out to the letter. Historians call this battle one of Lees finest moments as a Confederate general, and his success owed much to Jacksons participation. All Rights Reserved. I knew that within four miles of Franklin, on the main road leading to Harrisonburg, there was a narrow defile hemmed in on both sides by nearly perpendicular cliffs, over five hundred feet high. Schenck and Milroy fled precipitately toward Franklin, to unite with Fremont. Sign up to receive email updates about our Warrior Legacy programming for veterans, active duty military and their families. Jackson's Valley Campaign of the Civil War - Legends of America I wish you to have two or three well mounted couriers ready to bring me the replies promptly.". I sent about fifty men, well armed with long-range guns, to occupy these cliffs, and defend the passage to the last extremity. His problem now was to escape the clutches of Fremont, knowing that the officer would be promptly advised by wire of what had befallen Banks. Shenandoah 1862: Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign Although outnumbered in the Shenandoah, Jackson and his men frequently enjoyed tactical advantages because of the skill exhibited by the commanding . In early June, two separate Union armies of 20,000 each moved to unite near Strasburg and crush Jackson in a trap. News of this disaster reached Banks at Strasburg, by which he learned that Jackson was rapidly gaining his rear toward Newtown. It was Sunday, and many of his sturdy soldiers were Valley men. He turned over, sat up on the bed, and called out, "Who is that? He inflicted about 7,000 casualties while suffering about 2,500. General E. B. Tyler, who, with two brigades of Shields's division, was near by on the east side of the river, had sent two guns and a few men, under a green and inefficient officer to the bridge. Only Ashby remained behind with about one thousand cavalry, scattered and moving day and night in the vicinity of McDowell, Franklin, Strasburg, Front Royal, and Luray, and reporting to Jackson every movement of the enemy. He quickly earned a reputation for toughness and bravery, and by the wars end in 1848 he held the rank of brevet major. He took a seat at a table and wrote nearly half a page of foolscap; he rose and stood before the fireplace pondering it some minutes; then he tore it in pieces and wrote again, but much less, and again destroyed what he had written, and paced the room several times. On July 21, 1861, Union and Confederate armies clashed near Manassas Junction, Virginia. Rather, they were expected to obey his orders without question. Many in Jackson's command were opposed to the expedition, and as it resulted in nothing of much military importance, but was attended with great suffering on the part of his troops, nothing but the confidence he had won by his previous services saved him from personal ruin. 1:860,000. I know you will join with me in mourning the loss of our friend, one of the noblest men and soldiers in the Confederate army." Tanner has gone to great length to document every detail of the classic campaign fought in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862. "Stonewall" Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign was bold in strategy and tactics. "Stonewall in the Valley" is a very well-written and complete account of the 1862 Shenandoah Valley campaign waged by Stonewall Jackson against various Union generals. The Stonewall Jackson House is a nationally significant historic site dedicated to the preservation of Jackson's former home and its collections and to educate the public by interpreting the life, character and . Results of the 1862 Valley Campaign - by James I. Robertson, Jr. Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign (Noyalas). The book covers the background of the 1862 campaign, its strategic and tactical aspects and contains engaging descriptions of each of the battles fought during the campaign. Jackson was buried in Lexington, Virginia. Were happy to answer any of your questions and provide more information about the beautiful Shenandoah Valley! Jackson pursued Banks north, almost to Harpers Ferry. ", He checked my apology with "That is all right. Widely recognized as one of the wars most brilliant commanders, Hancock served at the Battles of Williamsburg, Antietam and Chancellorsville read more, Born in poverty, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) had become a wealthy Tennessee lawyer and rising young politician by 1812, when war broke out between the United States and Britain. It was from General Joseph E. Johnston, to whom I supposed the Secretary had referred General Jackson's message. The situation in the Shenandoah looked even bleaker, with Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's poorly equipped 17,000 men facing three Union armies totaling more than 52,000. The pursuit was not vigorous nor persistent. General Edward Johnson, with one of Jackson's Valley brigades, was already at Buffalo Gap. Show your pride in battlefield preservation by shopping in our store. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born on January 21, 1824, in Clarksburg, Virginia (now West Virginia). . Taking him and his staff to my house as guests, General Whiting left soon after breakfast with a guide to call on Jackson at Swift Run Gap, near Port Republic, where he was resting his troops. This withdrawal from the valley was so skillfully managed that his absence from the scene of his late triumphs was unsuspected at Washington. Jackson was commissioned a major general in October 1861. But I take back all I said about his being a fool.". Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign by Jonathan A. Noyalas. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia . One of the most intriguing and storied episodes of the Civil War, the 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign has heretofore been related only from the Confederate. May 8, 1862 The morning after the battle of McDowell I called very early on Jackson at the residence of Colonel George W. Hull of that village, where he had his headquarters, to ask if I could be of any service to him, as I had to go to Staunton, forty miles distant, to look after some companies that were to join my command. "Stonewall" Jackson has long fascinated those interested in the American Civil War as well as general students of military history, all of whom still question exactly what Jackson did in the Shenandoah in 1862 and how he did it. $36.00. Loring objected to this, but Jackson was inexorable, Loring and his principal officers united in a petition to Mr. Benjamin, Secretary of War, to order them to Winchester, or at least away from Romney. Stonewall Jackson. After these twin battles and defeats, Union forces withdrew from the Valley. Shenandoah's music programs provide you with professional-level training for your career in the performing arts. I haven't the slightest idea what they will be. Students mocked him for his hypochondria and his habit of keeping one arm elevated to hide a perceived discrepancy in the length of his limbs. Only weeks after his tactical successes in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, Jackson wrote, Please continue to pray for me and for the success of the troops entrusted to me. Lieutenant General (CSA) January 21, 1824 May 10, 1863. . She died in childbirth 14 months later; in 1857, Jackson married Mary Anna Morrison (1831-1915), the daughter of a former president of Davidson College. Jacksons brutal attack ended at sunset, and he took some men into the forest to scout ahead. Jackson's military operations were always unexpected and mysterious. Scale ca. A little after the middle of March, Jackson concentrated what troops he could, and on the 23rd he occupied a ridge at the hamlet of Kernstown, four miles south of Winchester. Home - Adelphi Rehab I made some reply which drew forth a hearty laugh, and he said, "Get your mules to the mountain as soon as you can, and be ready to move.". Marching over 600 miles in 48 days, he, along with his army, won five major battles. Visitors of all ages can learn about portraiture through a variety of weekly public programs to create art, tell stories, and explore the museum. Thomas J. He had earned his nickname Stonewall at the first Battle of Manassas, where his troops held the field at a pivotal point in the battle. Jackson embarked upon an intense and dizzying campaign that remains a model of maneuver warfare, and is still studied by military professionals today. He believed in the holiness of his cause, as evidenced in his letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis McFarland in July 1862. A blog from the National Portrait Gallery, Stonewall Jackson and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862. Stay up-to-date on the Trust's battlefield preservation efforts, travel tips, upcoming events, history content and more. He suddenly stopped, seated himself, and dashed off two or three lines, folded the paper, and said, "Send that off as soon as you reach Staunton." Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Relying on faulty intelligence that reported the Union garrison at Winchester numbered only about 3,000, "Stonewall" Jackson marched aggressively north with his 3,400-man division. In March he marched his small army of about 3,500 men northward from Mount Jackson, determined to strike the Federals. Stonewall Jackson - HISTORY I want you in person to take your mountain howitzers to the field, in some safe position in rear of the line, keeping everything packed on the mules, ready at any moment to take to the mountain-side. Three miles below Lewis's there is a defile on the Luray road. Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862 - Encyclopedia Virginia The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. Ashby's men were still in his front toward McDowell, with an unknown force; so Fremont did not attempt that route, but sent his cavalry to feel the way toward Brock's Gap, on the direct road to Harrisonburg. The pursuit was vigorous. He was transferred to a field hospital at a nearby plantation to recover. Banks was understood to have fortified himself strongly at Strasburg and Cedar Creek, and he had fallen back there. Upon observing Jackson, one of his fellow generals reportedly said, Look, men, there is Jackson standing like a stone wall!a comment that spawned Jacksons nickname. Not less than 65,000 of these enemies were in some part of the Valley under their various commanders in May and June. At Wawa, a key part of our commitment to Fulfulling Lives, Every Day is providing a sense of place in the communities we serve. In 1954, Stonewall Jackson's home in Lexington, Virginiathe only home he ever ownedwas turned into a museum and historic site. The other rule is, never fight against heavy odds, if by any possible maneuvering you can hurl your own force on only a part, and that the weakest part, of your enemy and crush it. Jackson spent 10 years as a professor of artillery tactics and natural philosophy (similar to modern-day physics) at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. The First American President: Setting the Precedent, African Americans During the Revolutionary War, An Unparalleled Preservation Opportunity at Gettysburg Battlefield, For Sale: Three Battlefield Tracts Spanning Three Wars, Preserve 128 Sacred Acres at Antietam and Shepherdstown. Despair was fast settling upon the minds of the people of the Valley. Jackson's 1862 Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley - NPS On May 2, Jackson stealthily and quickly took 28,000 troops on an approximately 15-mile forced march to Hookers exposed flank while Lee engaged in diversionary attacks on his front. Nathaniel Banks' Yankees are no match for Jackson's 'foot cavalry' at 1st Winchester. I rode back with Jackson, and at sunset we were on the battlefield at the Lewis mansion. Fremont, hearing the noise of the battle, had hurried out from near Harrisonburg to help Tyler; but Jackson had burnt the bridge at Port Republic, after Ewell had held Fremont in check some time on the west side of the river and escaped, so that when Fremont came in sight of Tyler's battlefield, the latter's troops had been routed and the river could not be crossed. Galloping up, he was received with a cheer; and, calling out at the top of his voice, "The 'Stonewall' brigade never retreats; follow me!" In March Johnston withdrew from Manassas, and General McClellan collected his army of more than one hundred thousand men on the Peninsula. Jacksons attack on the Union rear inflicted massive casualties on the superior force, and Hooker was forced to withdraw only days later. I carried that slip of paper till it was literally worn to tatters. Jackson had prevented the Northerners from taking the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, and had done so in the face of unfavorable odds. Jackson's Valley campaign, also known as the Shenandoah Valley campaign of 1862, was Confederate Maj. Gen. Thomas J. At the beginning of May the situation was broadly about as follows: Milroy, with about 4087 men, was on the Staunton and Parkersburg road at McDowell, less than forty miles from Staunton, with Schenck's brigade of about 2500 near Franklin. Stay up-to-date on the Trust's expanding collection of FREE educational resources & professional development opportunities, all designed to support your work teaching American history in the classroom and online. Shenandoah Valley 1862: Stonewall Jackson outmaneuvers the Union It shows how close had been Jackson's calculation of chances, to state that as his rear-guard marched up Fisher's Hill, two miles from Strasburg, Fremont's advance came in sight on the mountain-side on the road from Moorefield, and a sharp skirmish took place. He marched from Staunton to McDowell, 40 miles, from McDowell to Front Royal, about 110, from Front Royal to Winchester, 20 miles, Winchester to Port Republic, 75 miles, a total of 245 miles, fighting in the meantime 4 desperate battles, and winning them all. The distance from Staunton was about twenty miles, but Whiting returned after midnight. From the date of Jackson's arrival at Staunton till the battle of Port Republic was thirty-five days. The next morning, by a circuitous mountain-path, he tried to send a brigade of infantry to the rear of Milroy's two regiments on Shenandoah Mountain, but they were improperly guided and failed to reach the position in time, so that when attacked in front both regiments escaped. By 10 o'clock we shall get them on the run, and I'll now tell you what I want with you. We pursued them eight miles. by Chris Howland 3/21/2017. The works Banks had constructed had not been made for defense in that direction, so he abandoned them and set out with all haste for Winchester; but, en route, near Newtown (May 24th), Jackson struck his flank, inflicting heavy loss, and making large captures of property, consisting of wagons, teams, camp-equipage, provisions, ammunition, and over nine thousand stand of arms, all new and in perfect order, besides a large number of prisoners. Historian John S. Salmon describes Jacksons dramatic impact on the southern war effort: During a period of about five weeks, Jackson and his 17,000-man foot cavalry defeated three Federal armies totaling 52,000 troops. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed. Explore the museum's diverse and wide-ranging exhibitions. With sad and gloomy hearts they boarded the trains at Mechum's River Station. The low-burnt tallow candle on the table shed a dim light, yet enough by which to recognize him. I read the message he had given me. On the 25th of May, as soon as Fremont learned of Banks's defeat and retreat to the Potomac, he put his army of about 14,000 in motion from Franklin to cut off Jackson's retreat up the valley. General 'Dick' Taylor will move through the woods on the side of the mountain with his Louisiana brigade, and rush upon their left flank by the time the action becomes general. As I bade him "good-bye," he remarked: "I may have other telegrams today or tomorrow, and will send them to you for transmission. Learning that another Union army was approaching from the north, he then quickly moved in that direction and, with reinforcements, defeated Federal forces under Gen. Nathaniel Banks at Front Royal (May 23) and Winchester (May 25). Inset: General map [of Virginia and Maryland] 11 x 12 cm. With speed, resilience, and knowledge of the Shenandoah Valley terrain, Jackson further proved himself to be one of the Souths most capable and courageous generals. Moving seamlessly between tactical details and analysis of strategic significance, Peter Cozzens presents a balanced, comprehensive account of a campaign that has long been . Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. book by Robert G. Tanner In many ways, it is a typical Osprey title with expert analysis, excellent photos and color artwork in an accessible package. 9386 S. Congress St. New Market, VA 22844 | Phone: 540-740-4545 | Fax: 540-534-1358 |, The First Battle of Kernstown (March 23, 1862), The First Battle of Winchester (May 25, 1862), The Battle of Port Republic (June 9, 1862), The First Battle of Kernstown - by Gary Ecelbarger, The Battle of McDowell - by William J. Miller, The Battles of Front Royal and Winchester - by Jonathan A. Noyalas, Two Victories in Two Days: Cross Keys and Port Republic - by Robert K. Krick. Prior to the Civil War, he had taught the science of war at the Virginia Military Institute. It was dated "McDowell," and read about thus: "Providence blessed our arms with victory at McDowell yesterday." . After his home state of Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, Jackson joined the Confederate army and quickly forged his reputation for fearlessness and tenacity during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign later that same year. At Kernstown, Front Royal, Winchester, and Port Republic, Stonewall Jacksons efforts breathed new life into the Confederacy, which had suffered recently in the West at Fort Donelson, Fort Henry, and Shiloh. Our mission is to provide the highest level of professional care to our residents. I endeavored to withdraw without waking him. The first was to make sure the region, a vital agricultural hub between the Blue Ridge and . Stonewall Jacksons 1862 Valley Campaignby Jonathan A. Noyalas. I therefore waited for him to speak first. Send the big new rifle-gun you have [a 12-pounder Parrott] to Poague [commander of the Rockbridge artillery] and let your mounted men report to the cavalry. This guide was created to help visitors explore that history. Send Students on School Field Trips to Battlefields Your Gift Tripled! eBook . No stand was made in the defile. To withdraw only days later every detail of the Valley force, and I 'll now tell what... 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The way the Confederates exploited the Union regiment's lack of experience had much to do with the success of Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson's Shenandoah [Maps illustrating campaign of Gen. T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Meanwhile I was having a remarkable time with our mules in the ravineNews came up the line from the left that Winder's brigade near the river was giving way. This plan of battle was carried out to the letter. Historians call this battle one of Lees finest moments as a Confederate general, and his success owed much to Jacksons participation. All Rights Reserved. I knew that within four miles of Franklin, on the main road leading to Harrisonburg, there was a narrow defile hemmed in on both sides by nearly perpendicular cliffs, over five hundred feet high. Schenck and Milroy fled precipitately toward Franklin, to unite with Fremont. Sign up to receive email updates about our Warrior Legacy programming for veterans, active duty military and their families. Jackson's Valley Campaign of the Civil War - Legends of America I wish you to have two or three well mounted couriers ready to bring me the replies promptly.". I sent about fifty men, well armed with long-range guns, to occupy these cliffs, and defend the passage to the last extremity. His problem now was to escape the clutches of Fremont, knowing that the officer would be promptly advised by wire of what had befallen Banks. Shenandoah 1862: Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign Although outnumbered in the Shenandoah, Jackson and his men frequently enjoyed tactical advantages because of the skill exhibited by the commanding . In early June, two separate Union armies of 20,000 each moved to unite near Strasburg and crush Jackson in a trap. News of this disaster reached Banks at Strasburg, by which he learned that Jackson was rapidly gaining his rear toward Newtown. It was Sunday, and many of his sturdy soldiers were Valley men. He turned over, sat up on the bed, and called out, "Who is that? He inflicted about 7,000 casualties while suffering about 2,500. General E. B. Tyler, who, with two brigades of Shields's division, was near by on the east side of the river, had sent two guns and a few men, under a green and inefficient officer to the bridge. Only Ashby remained behind with about one thousand cavalry, scattered and moving day and night in the vicinity of McDowell, Franklin, Strasburg, Front Royal, and Luray, and reporting to Jackson every movement of the enemy. He quickly earned a reputation for toughness and bravery, and by the wars end in 1848 he held the rank of brevet major. He took a seat at a table and wrote nearly half a page of foolscap; he rose and stood before the fireplace pondering it some minutes; then he tore it in pieces and wrote again, but much less, and again destroyed what he had written, and paced the room several times. On July 21, 1861, Union and Confederate armies clashed near Manassas Junction, Virginia. Rather, they were expected to obey his orders without question. Many in Jackson's command were opposed to the expedition, and as it resulted in nothing of much military importance, but was attended with great suffering on the part of his troops, nothing but the confidence he had won by his previous services saved him from personal ruin. 1:860,000. I know you will join with me in mourning the loss of our friend, one of the noblest men and soldiers in the Confederate army." Tanner has gone to great length to document every detail of the classic campaign fought in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862. "Stonewall" Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign was bold in strategy and tactics. "Stonewall in the Valley" is a very well-written and complete account of the 1862 Shenandoah Valley campaign waged by Stonewall Jackson against various Union generals. The Stonewall Jackson House is a nationally significant historic site dedicated to the preservation of Jackson's former home and its collections and to educate the public by interpreting the life, character and . Results of the 1862 Valley Campaign - by James I. Robertson, Jr. Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign (Noyalas). The book covers the background of the 1862 campaign, its strategic and tactical aspects and contains engaging descriptions of each of the battles fought during the campaign. Jackson was buried in Lexington, Virginia. Were happy to answer any of your questions and provide more information about the beautiful Shenandoah Valley! Jackson pursued Banks north, almost to Harpers Ferry. ", He checked my apology with "That is all right. Widely recognized as one of the wars most brilliant commanders, Hancock served at the Battles of Williamsburg, Antietam and Chancellorsville read more, Born in poverty, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) had become a wealthy Tennessee lawyer and rising young politician by 1812, when war broke out between the United States and Britain. It was from General Joseph E. Johnston, to whom I supposed the Secretary had referred General Jackson's message. The situation in the Shenandoah looked even bleaker, with Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's poorly equipped 17,000 men facing three Union armies totaling more than 52,000. The pursuit was not vigorous nor persistent. General Edward Johnson, with one of Jackson's Valley brigades, was already at Buffalo Gap. Show your pride in battlefield preservation by shopping in our store. Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born on January 21, 1824, in Clarksburg, Virginia (now West Virginia). . Taking him and his staff to my house as guests, General Whiting left soon after breakfast with a guide to call on Jackson at Swift Run Gap, near Port Republic, where he was resting his troops. This withdrawal from the valley was so skillfully managed that his absence from the scene of his late triumphs was unsuspected at Washington. Jackson was commissioned a major general in October 1861. But I take back all I said about his being a fool.". Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign by Jonathan A. Noyalas. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia . One of the most intriguing and storied episodes of the Civil War, the 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign has heretofore been related only from the Confederate. May 8, 1862 The morning after the battle of McDowell I called very early on Jackson at the residence of Colonel George W. Hull of that village, where he had his headquarters, to ask if I could be of any service to him, as I had to go to Staunton, forty miles distant, to look after some companies that were to join my command. "Stonewall" Jackson has long fascinated those interested in the American Civil War as well as general students of military history, all of whom still question exactly what Jackson did in the Shenandoah in 1862 and how he did it. $36.00. Loring objected to this, but Jackson was inexorable, Loring and his principal officers united in a petition to Mr. Benjamin, Secretary of War, to order them to Winchester, or at least away from Romney. Stonewall Jackson. After these twin battles and defeats, Union forces withdrew from the Valley. Shenandoah's music programs provide you with professional-level training for your career in the performing arts. I haven't the slightest idea what they will be. Students mocked him for his hypochondria and his habit of keeping one arm elevated to hide a perceived discrepancy in the length of his limbs. Only weeks after his tactical successes in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, Jackson wrote, Please continue to pray for me and for the success of the troops entrusted to me. Lieutenant General (CSA) January 21, 1824 May 10, 1863. . She died in childbirth 14 months later; in 1857, Jackson married Mary Anna Morrison (1831-1915), the daughter of a former president of Davidson College. Jacksons brutal attack ended at sunset, and he took some men into the forest to scout ahead. Jackson's military operations were always unexpected and mysterious. Scale ca. A little after the middle of March, Jackson concentrated what troops he could, and on the 23rd he occupied a ridge at the hamlet of Kernstown, four miles south of Winchester. Home - Adelphi Rehab I made some reply which drew forth a hearty laugh, and he said, "Get your mules to the mountain as soon as you can, and be ready to move.". Marching over 600 miles in 48 days, he, along with his army, won five major battles. Visitors of all ages can learn about portraiture through a variety of weekly public programs to create art, tell stories, and explore the museum. Thomas J. He had earned his nickname Stonewall at the first Battle of Manassas, where his troops held the field at a pivotal point in the battle. Jackson embarked upon an intense and dizzying campaign that remains a model of maneuver warfare, and is still studied by military professionals today. He believed in the holiness of his cause, as evidenced in his letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis McFarland in July 1862. A blog from the National Portrait Gallery, Stonewall Jackson and the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862. Stay up-to-date on the Trust's battlefield preservation efforts, travel tips, upcoming events, history content and more. He suddenly stopped, seated himself, and dashed off two or three lines, folded the paper, and said, "Send that off as soon as you reach Staunton." Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Relying on faulty intelligence that reported the Union garrison at Winchester numbered only about 3,000, "Stonewall" Jackson marched aggressively north with his 3,400-man division. In March he marched his small army of about 3,500 men northward from Mount Jackson, determined to strike the Federals. Stonewall Jackson - HISTORY I want you in person to take your mountain howitzers to the field, in some safe position in rear of the line, keeping everything packed on the mules, ready at any moment to take to the mountain-side. Three miles below Lewis's there is a defile on the Luray road. Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862 - Encyclopedia Virginia The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. Ashby's men were still in his front toward McDowell, with an unknown force; so Fremont did not attempt that route, but sent his cavalry to feel the way toward Brock's Gap, on the direct road to Harrisonburg. The pursuit was vigorous. He was transferred to a field hospital at a nearby plantation to recover. Banks was understood to have fortified himself strongly at Strasburg and Cedar Creek, and he had fallen back there. Upon observing Jackson, one of his fellow generals reportedly said, Look, men, there is Jackson standing like a stone wall!a comment that spawned Jacksons nickname. Not less than 65,000 of these enemies were in some part of the Valley under their various commanders in May and June. At Wawa, a key part of our commitment to Fulfulling Lives, Every Day is providing a sense of place in the communities we serve. In 1954, Stonewall Jackson's home in Lexington, Virginiathe only home he ever ownedwas turned into a museum and historic site. The other rule is, never fight against heavy odds, if by any possible maneuvering you can hurl your own force on only a part, and that the weakest part, of your enemy and crush it. Jackson spent 10 years as a professor of artillery tactics and natural philosophy (similar to modern-day physics) at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. The First American President: Setting the Precedent, African Americans During the Revolutionary War, An Unparalleled Preservation Opportunity at Gettysburg Battlefield, For Sale: Three Battlefield Tracts Spanning Three Wars, Preserve 128 Sacred Acres at Antietam and Shepherdstown. Despair was fast settling upon the minds of the people of the Valley. Jackson's 1862 Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley - NPS On May 2, Jackson stealthily and quickly took 28,000 troops on an approximately 15-mile forced march to Hookers exposed flank while Lee engaged in diversionary attacks on his front. Nathaniel Banks' Yankees are no match for Jackson's 'foot cavalry' at 1st Winchester. I rode back with Jackson, and at sunset we were on the battlefield at the Lewis mansion. Fremont, hearing the noise of the battle, had hurried out from near Harrisonburg to help Tyler; but Jackson had burnt the bridge at Port Republic, after Ewell had held Fremont in check some time on the west side of the river and escaped, so that when Fremont came in sight of Tyler's battlefield, the latter's troops had been routed and the river could not be crossed. Galloping up, he was received with a cheer; and, calling out at the top of his voice, "The 'Stonewall' brigade never retreats; follow me!" In March Johnston withdrew from Manassas, and General McClellan collected his army of more than one hundred thousand men on the Peninsula. Jacksons attack on the Union rear inflicted massive casualties on the superior force, and Hooker was forced to withdraw only days later. I carried that slip of paper till it was literally worn to tatters. Jackson had prevented the Northerners from taking the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, and had done so in the face of unfavorable odds. Jackson's Valley campaign, also known as the Shenandoah Valley campaign of 1862, was Confederate Maj. Gen. Thomas J. At the beginning of May the situation was broadly about as follows: Milroy, with about 4087 men, was on the Staunton and Parkersburg road at McDowell, less than forty miles from Staunton, with Schenck's brigade of about 2500 near Franklin. Stay up-to-date on the Trust's expanding collection of FREE educational resources & professional development opportunities, all designed to support your work teaching American history in the classroom and online. Shenandoah Valley 1862: Stonewall Jackson outmaneuvers the Union It shows how close had been Jackson's calculation of chances, to state that as his rear-guard marched up Fisher's Hill, two miles from Strasburg, Fremont's advance came in sight on the mountain-side on the road from Moorefield, and a sharp skirmish took place. He marched from Staunton to McDowell, 40 miles, from McDowell to Front Royal, about 110, from Front Royal to Winchester, 20 miles, Winchester to Port Republic, 75 miles, a total of 245 miles, fighting in the meantime 4 desperate battles, and winning them all. The distance from Staunton was about twenty miles, but Whiting returned after midnight. From the date of Jackson's arrival at Staunton till the battle of Port Republic was thirty-five days. The next morning, by a circuitous mountain-path, he tried to send a brigade of infantry to the rear of Milroy's two regiments on Shenandoah Mountain, but they were improperly guided and failed to reach the position in time, so that when attacked in front both regiments escaped. By 10 o'clock we shall get them on the run, and I'll now tell you what I want with you. We pursued them eight miles. by Chris Howland 3/21/2017. The works Banks had constructed had not been made for defense in that direction, so he abandoned them and set out with all haste for Winchester; but, en route, near Newtown (May 24th), Jackson struck his flank, inflicting heavy loss, and making large captures of property, consisting of wagons, teams, camp-equipage, provisions, ammunition, and over nine thousand stand of arms, all new and in perfect order, besides a large number of prisoners. Historian John S. Salmon describes Jacksons dramatic impact on the southern war effort: During a period of about five weeks, Jackson and his 17,000-man foot cavalry defeated three Federal armies totaling 52,000 troops. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed. Explore the museum's diverse and wide-ranging exhibitions. With sad and gloomy hearts they boarded the trains at Mechum's River Station. The low-burnt tallow candle on the table shed a dim light, yet enough by which to recognize him. I read the message he had given me. On the 25th of May, as soon as Fremont learned of Banks's defeat and retreat to the Potomac, he put his army of about 14,000 in motion from Franklin to cut off Jackson's retreat up the valley. General 'Dick' Taylor will move through the woods on the side of the mountain with his Louisiana brigade, and rush upon their left flank by the time the action becomes general. As I bade him "good-bye," he remarked: "I may have other telegrams today or tomorrow, and will send them to you for transmission. Learning that another Union army was approaching from the north, he then quickly moved in that direction and, with reinforcements, defeated Federal forces under Gen. Nathaniel Banks at Front Royal (May 23) and Winchester (May 25). Inset: General map [of Virginia and Maryland] 11 x 12 cm. With speed, resilience, and knowledge of the Shenandoah Valley terrain, Jackson further proved himself to be one of the Souths most capable and courageous generals. Moving seamlessly between tactical details and analysis of strategic significance, Peter Cozzens presents a balanced, comprehensive account of a campaign that has long been . Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. book by Robert G. Tanner In many ways, it is a typical Osprey title with expert analysis, excellent photos and color artwork in an accessible package. 9386 S. Congress St. New Market, VA 22844 | Phone: 540-740-4545 | Fax: 540-534-1358 |, The First Battle of Kernstown (March 23, 1862), The First Battle of Winchester (May 25, 1862), The Battle of Port Republic (June 9, 1862), The First Battle of Kernstown - by Gary Ecelbarger, The Battle of McDowell - by William J. Miller, The Battles of Front Royal and Winchester - by Jonathan A. Noyalas, Two Victories in Two Days: Cross Keys and Port Republic - by Robert K. Krick. Prior to the Civil War, he had taught the science of war at the Virginia Military Institute. It was dated "McDowell," and read about thus: "Providence blessed our arms with victory at McDowell yesterday." . After his home state of Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, Jackson joined the Confederate army and quickly forged his reputation for fearlessness and tenacity during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign later that same year. At Kernstown, Front Royal, Winchester, and Port Republic, Stonewall Jacksons efforts breathed new life into the Confederacy, which had suffered recently in the West at Fort Donelson, Fort Henry, and Shiloh. Our mission is to provide the highest level of professional care to our residents. I endeavored to withdraw without waking him. The first was to make sure the region, a vital agricultural hub between the Blue Ridge and . Stonewall Jacksons 1862 Valley Campaignby Jonathan A. Noyalas. I therefore waited for him to speak first. Send the big new rifle-gun you have [a 12-pounder Parrott] to Poague [commander of the Rockbridge artillery] and let your mounted men report to the cavalry. This guide was created to help visitors explore that history. Send Students on School Field Trips to Battlefields Your Gift Tripled! eBook . No stand was made in the defile. To withdraw only days later every detail of the Valley force, and I 'll now tell what... 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